15:11:40 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:11:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/05/03-json-ld-irc 15:11:41 rrsagent, set log public 15:11:41 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:11:41 Chair: azeroth 15:11:41 Date: 2019-05-03 15:11:41 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019May/0000.html 15:11:41 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-05-03: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019May/0000.html 15:41:23 rubensworks has joined #json-ld 15:50:04 azaroth has joined #json-ld 15:58:29 present+ 15:58:50 present+ 15:58:52 present+ 15:59:43 chair- azeroth 15:59:52 chair+ azaroth 16:00:28 chair- azaroth 16:00:33 chair+ bigbluehat 16:00:41 present+ 16:00:59 present+ 16:02:08 present+ dlongley 16:02:17 present+ dlehn 16:02:35 pchampin has joined #json-ld 16:02:48 scribenick: pchampin 16:02:52 present+ 16:02:59 Topic: Approve minutes of previous cal: 16:02:59 https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-04-26-json-ld 16:03:03 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 16:03:08 present+ 16:03:30 +1 16:03:32 +1 16:03:35 s/cal/call/ 16:03:39 +1 16:03:41 +1 16:03:41 +1 16:03:43 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:03:45 resolved: last week's minutes accepted 16:03:46 RESOLVED: minutes approved 16:03:55 Topic: Announcements / Reminders 16:04:07 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 16:04:12 present+ 16:04:21 present+ Tim_Cole 16:04:50 bigbluehat: Ivan and I will be at the Publishin WG next week 16:05:56 Topic: Issues 16:05:56 ... The call on the 17th is during The Web Conference. Should we cancel? 16:06:04 Subtopic: Indexing without a predicate: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/19 16:06:35 Related https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/issues/52 16:06:38 bigbluehat: this is issue is also known as `@included` 16:06:44 ... proposed by azaroth 16:07:15 ... there is a relatad proposal by gkellogg 16:07:24 s/relatad/related/ 16:07:44 gkellogg: there are several ways of doing something alla id-ref 16:08:14 ... one of them would be to combine `@nest` and `@container:@id` 16:08:44 ... Rob's proposal would better be handled in expansion (this is where syntactic sugar is removed). 16:09:53 ... Properties declared as e.g. `@container:@include` would look into a special `@include` container. 16:10:28 ... Problem with compaction, which can not easily reverse this kind of extension. 16:10:43 ... More appropriate in Framing. 16:10:56 ... Seems quite complex and convoluted, with a lot of corner cases. 16:11:08 q? 16:11:22 ivan: azaroth asks to defer that topic until he can join 16:11:27 Subtopic: More compact @prefix: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/76 16:12:44 bitbluehat: proposal from rubenworks, to make it simpler to declare `@prefix` terms 16:12:56 s/bitbluehat/bigbluehat 16:13:14 q+ 16:13:18 ack dlongley 16:13:22 q+ 16:13:31 rubenworks: a similar thing is already possible with `@reverse`, so it should not be too hard to add in implementations 16:13:58 dlongley: is this an error? 16:14:01 ack gkellogg 16:14:08 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/pull/77 16:14:10 dlongley: what do we do when `@id` and `@prefix` are both strings and they disagree? is that an error? 16:14:31 gkellogg: it is with `@reverse`, so it should be an error, yes 16:15:32 gkellogg: there is a point in the issue about terms which are not appropriate as prefixes 16:16:00 q+ 16:16:22 q+ rubensworks 16:16:58 my understanding is that the proposal is that `"@prefix": ` is just syntactic magic for `"@id": , "@prefix": true` 16:17:15 not a replacement 16:17:50 ... there are two aspects in the PR: 1/ use `@prefix` where the value is an IRI, while the current practice is to use `@id` with an IRI, and `@prefix` is a boolean. Should we obsolete the current practice? 16:18:06 ack ivan 16:18:06 q- 16:18:10 2/ what if the value of `@prefix` is a pname? 16:18:16 ack rubensworks 16:20:47 q+ 16:20:49 q+ 16:20:52 ack rubensworks 16:21:00 rubenworks: [answers to gkellogg] 16:21:14 gkellogg: we must keep in mind the JSON 1.0 behaviour 16:21:36 ack ivan 16:21:37 rubenworks: I see this as an alternate representation 16:22:02 ivan: does the combination of `@id` and `@prefix:false` come up in practice? 16:22:22 gkellogg: there are reasons to use it. I don't know if it is used in the wild? 16:22:40 ivan: that would be a reason to keep the current practice, and consider the new version as a shorthand 16:23:28 q? 16:23:35 ... and I wouldn't be shocked if the new notation `@prefix:IRI` was roundtriped to `@id+@prefix:true` 16:23:44 gkellogg: we don't roundtrip contexts anyway 16:24:12 bigbluehat: there seems to be a consensus on considering the proposal as a shorthand for the current syntax 16:24:16 q+ 16:24:22 ack gkellogg 16:24:59 gkellogg: there are some implications; must be some working on the implications of combinations of `@id` and `@prefix` 16:25:07 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#compact-iris (for current text) 16:25:31 ... you probably would not use the prefix term as a property 16:25:37 q+ 16:25:41 ack bigbluehat 16:25:45 perhaps if `@prefix` is an error, then also including `@id` is an error ... and then process `@prefix` as a string first and do the transformation to `@id: , @prefix: true` 16:26:03 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#example-32-using-explicit-prefix-declaration-to-create-compact-iris 16:26:09 s/`@prefix` is an error/`@prefix` is a string/ 16:26:17 bigbluehat: `@id+@prefix:true` feels a lot like using `@vocab` 16:26:38 gkellogg: it works a little differently in the compactIRI algo 16:27:16 ... we are going contrary the trend of moving compact IRIs away 16:27:24 q= 16:27:26 q+ 16:27:30 ack gkellogg 16:28:03 ... the reason it is there is that, in 1.0, many terms were used to build compact IRIs, but were not intended to do that 16:28:16 lots of unwanted CURIEs being greedily generated 16:28:38 in 1.0 16:28:39 ... eg: Sport := schema:Sport, then using Sport:Event 16:29:07 ... `@prefix` was a way of capturing the intention of the creator of the term 16:29:19 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/155 16:30:33 q+ 16:30:34 bigbluehat: strange compact IRIs can be used maliciously, to misdirect users to an unexpected endpoint URL 16:30:37 ack dlongley 16:31:00 dlongley: I like the syntax, makes it more obvious that the term is intended to be used as a prefix 16:31:23 present+ Rob_Sanderson 16:31:27 ... even though I don't like CURIEs in general 16:31:30 curie spec of yor https://www.w3.org/TR/curie/ 16:31:31 ... in JSON-LD 16:31:46 ... It was a mistake in 1.0 to allow any term to be used as a prefix 16:32:08 bigbluehat: I agree with that 16:32:09 q+ 16:32:15 ack pchampin 16:32:20 scribenick: rubensworks 16:33:01 q+ 16:33:14 pchampin: Proposal is not to make @prefix:true the default? 16:33:21 dlongley: No 16:33:27 scribenick: pchampin 16:33:33 q+ 16:33:34 ack gkellogg 16:33:40 s/@prefix:true/@prefix:false/ 16:33:40 s/@prefix:true/`@prefix:false`/ 16:34:09 gkellogg: we *did* change 1.0 behaviour by limiting the terms that can be used as prefixes 16:34:11 s/@prefix:false/`@prefix:false`/ 16:34:15 ack ivan 16:34:48 ... only IRIs ending with slash or hash can be used as prefixes 16:36:00 instead of just "property" 16:36:06 ivan: what does `@prefix:false` means? 16:37:05 gendelim https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2 16:37:10 q? 16:37:16 for the records: https://tinyurl.com/yxw7qv98 (example) 16:37:24 gkellogg: it means that we do not want this term to be used by compaction to generate a compact IRI 16:37:54 q+ 16:37:56 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#example-32-using-explicit-prefix-declaration-to-create-compact-iris 16:38:15 s/with slash or hash/gen-delims/ 16:38:39 q+ 16:38:45 q+ to explain the difference 16:38:46 ... for expansion, it does not matter whether `@prefix` is true or false 16:39:07 q- 16:39:21 ack dlongley 16:39:21 dlongley, you wanted to explain the difference 16:39:43 dlongley: if you click on compact in the link above 16:40:02 q+ 16:40:08 ack bigbluehat 16:40:30 ... by copying the context to the right and changing the value of `@prefix` 16:40:38 ... you can see the difference 16:41:08 ... but you can't make a term *only* a prefix, this is a 1.0 problem, we can't go back 16:41:22 gkellogg: but we could define `@prefix:IRI` to mean exactly that 16:41:49 ... but we still mean `@prefix:false` 16:42:17 dlongley: yes, but that would differ from what we said earlier. This is not syntactic sugar anymore 16:42:18 q+ 16:42:26 ack pchampin 16:43:35 pchampin: another way would be add 3 values for @prefix 16:43:37 +1 to PA 16:43:39 default: @default would say you can use this prefix as a term 16:43:45 q+ 16:43:45 ...false as you can not use this as prefix 16:43:50 ack dlongley 16:43:51 ... true, the proposed new meaning that gregg proposed about @prefix IRI 16:43:57 ... this way we can keep backwards compat with 1.0 16:44:19 s/default:/pchampin:/ 16:45:18 PROPOSAL: dlongley and pchampion to craft alternate proposal to #76 with `@prefix` having 3 values 16:45:24 +1 16:45:26 +1 16:45:29 +1 16:45:32 +1 16:45:33 +1 16:45:35 +1 sure 16:45:37 +1 16:45:38 dlongley: the third value would be an IRI, and we're back to what gkellogg just proposed 16:45:41 +1 16:45:57 RESOLVED: dlongley and pchampion to craft alternate proposal to #76 with `@prefix` having 3 values 16:46:10 Topic: spec release cadence 16:46:11 gkellogg: we are processing issues slowly 16:46:26 ... we have not released a draft in a while 16:46:43 q? 16:47:30 s/pchampion/pchampin/g 16:47:42 gkellogg: some issues in the management console are editorial work 16:48:21 discussing this column: https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/4#column-3279307 16:48:27 ... [enumerates which issues should be addressed after or before the next working draft] 16:48:42 ... I would like to segment the issues for discussion, 16:48:56 ... between those who are standing in the way of releasing a WD, 16:49:04 ... and those that can be discussed afterwards 16:51:06 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#inheriting-base-iri-from-html-s-base-element 16:52:48 +1 to consolidating all the HTML stuff under document loader 16:52:49 ivan: we can close the issue about HTML base; there is a text in the document 16:53:16 gkellogg: another editorial issue is pushing forward the documentLoader, 16:53:37 ... so that we can move all the HTML processing into the documentLoader 16:53:58 ... problem: this changes the interface of the documentLoader, 16:54:09 ... so might be consider as a backward compatibility issue 16:54:10 +1 as well 16:54:20 q+ 16:54:26 ack azaroth 16:54:37 q+ 16:54:54 azaroth: working drafts are just... working draft 16:55:13 ... we can release one now, as long as the editors are not embarassed by what's in there 16:55:23 ... it is still to be considered as work in progress anyway 16:55:34 +1 to azaroth 16:55:41 ... we don't neet to finish anything before releasing it 16:56:09 gkellogg: given how long it's been since the last WD, the next one is going to be quite consequential 16:56:56 ... if we decide to defer the discussion on documentLoader, I can release a WD this afternoon 16:57:05 ack dlongley 16:57:06 q+ 16:57:42 ... We still should address bigbluehat's discussion about contexts being IRIs (identifiers) or URLs (dereferenceable) 16:58:02 dlongley: I'm surprised that the spec says that documentLoader returns a string; 16:58:19 ... any other text in the spec is written as if it returned a document 16:58:38 ... so the returning a string is a spec error 16:58:40 q+ 16:58:58 gkellogg: I agree. This could be fixed easily. 16:59:03 ack bigbluehat 16:59:04 q- 16:59:14 q+ 16:59:21 ... The error may have been introduced after 1.0, with the migration to the next ReSpec version. 16:59:38 bigbluehat: regarding my remarks on contexts IRI vs. URL, 16:59:55 ... the abstracting behind documentLoader would solve that problem. 17:00:29 ack dlongley 17:00:49 ... Putting this change in a WD, very early after we have discussed it, 17:01:14 ... would be new for this WG. We have to be awer of that. 17:01:43 dlongley: I checked: the problem with the definition of documentLoader was not in 1.0; it has been introduced by 1.1. 17:01:44 PROPOSAL: gkellog should publish a new WD containing the proposed documentLoader changes https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/85 which will be discussed at a future time. 17:01:50 ... so we can safely fix it back. 17:01:54 +1 17:01:55 +1 17:01:56 +1 17:01:56 +1 17:01:57 +1 17:01:57 +1 17:01:59 +1 17:02:00 + 17:02:01 +1 17:02:05 +1 17:02:08 RESOLVED: gkellog should publish a new WD containing the proposed documentLoader changes https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/85 which will be discussed at a future time. 17:02:25 s/gkellog/gkellogg 17:03:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/03-json-ld-minutes.html ivan