IRC log of dxwgdcat on 2019-05-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

19:53:43 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat
19:53:43 [RRSAgent]
logging to
19:53:45 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
19:53:45 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat
19:53:47 [trackbot]
Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference
19:53:47 [trackbot]
Date: 01 May 2019
19:54:07 [DaveBrowning]
meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 01 May 2019 20:00 UTC
19:54:45 [DaveBrowning]
regrets: Alasdair Gray, Erik Mannens, Thomas D'Haenens, Lars Svensson, PWinstanley, RiccardoAlbertoni
19:54:53 [DaveBrowning]
regrets+ Makx
19:55:03 [DaveBrowning]
regrets+ Alejandra
19:55:22 [DaveBrowning]
19:55:30 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, drfat minutes v2
19:55:30 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'drfat minutes v2', DaveBrowning. Try /msg RRSAgent help
19:55:36 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
19:55:36 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:02:44 [SimonCox]
SimonCox has joined #dxwgdcat
20:08:59 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat
20:11:31 [AndreaPerego]
20:11:54 [DaveBrowning]
20:11:57 [SimonCox]
regrets, pwin, riccardo, alejandra
20:12:02 [SimonCox]
20:13:11 [AndreaPerego]
scribenick: AndreaPerego
20:13:39 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: So, it's just 3 of us. What we want to talk about?
20:13:59 [AndreaPerego]
SimonCox: [explaining the PRs created in the last days]
20:14:36 [AndreaPerego]
... some of them are pretty trivial / editorial.
20:15:13 [AndreaPerego]
... The substantial one is
20:15:23 [AndreaPerego]
... about spatial / temporal encoding.
20:16:11 [AndreaPerego]
... I think addressing it is useful, also because the geo community didn't address it.
20:17:13 [AndreaPerego]
... For the temporal, AndreaPerego added a DCAT-based solution. I added here an option based on existing vocabularies, in particular OWL-Time.
20:17:48 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Those different approaches, do we need them? Which is the requirement behind it?
20:19:13 [AndreaPerego]
SimonCox: So, e.g., for another temporal-related issue - temporal resolution - we eventually opted for a DCAT-specific solution, simpler than using existing vocabularies as RDF DataCube.
20:20:21 [AndreaPerego]
... AndreaPerego took a similar approach to spatial / temporal coverage, using DCMI. The issue is that neither DCMI nor DCAT 2014 explained how to do that in practice.
20:21:45 [AndreaPerego]
... AndreaPerego, are we using the spatial-related properties only for datasets?
20:22:12 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: I think yes, but in theory they can be used on any dcat:Resource with a spatial coverage.
20:23:31 [AndreaPerego]
SimonCox: About the temporal coverage, the addition of OWL-Time is actually an alternative way of doing what can be done with dct:PeriodOfTime.
20:25:41 [SimonCox]
... and can support non-Gregorian calendar requirements
20:26:50 [AndreaPerego]
... So, the issue about alternatives is to clarify how they fit different requirements.
20:27:56 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: Yes, I think this can simply done with a short explanation saying what you can do with each option (e.g., only WGS84 vs any CRS).
20:28:01 [AndreaPerego]
20:28:12 [DaveBrowning]
ack AndreaPerego
20:28:19 [DaveBrowning]
20:29:57 [SimonCox]
ANd for Spatial, the WKT options allow fir different CRS, while the w3cgeo soluion is fixed to WGS84
20:29:58 [DaveBrowning]
ack DaveBrowning
20:30:06 [SimonCox]
20:30:38 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: Just to mention that the proposed solutions for spatial / temporal coverage are those adopted in DCAT-AP, and addressing gaps identified in that context.
20:31:09 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:31:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:33:02 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: I would be in favour of having this included, as spatial / temporal is not something domain-specific.
20:34:04 [AndreaPerego]
20:35:42 [AndreaPerego]
SimonCox: AndreaPerego, I'm a bit nervous with using LOCN, because of its adoption limited to Europe.
20:36:39 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: Actually, in the originally issue, I was proposing some alternatives, one of them being the definition of a property dcat:geometry, equivalent to locn:geometry.
20:36:50 [AndreaPerego]
SimonCox: This can indeed be another option.
20:37:29 [DaveBrowning]
20:37:48 [SimonCox]
need an example with a CRS
20:38:04 [DaveBrowning]
ack AndreaPerego
20:42:41 [AndreaPerego]
All: [some discussion of geometry encoding, CRS, et similia]
20:43:50 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Coming to the status of DCAT, I think we are very close to the final version. So, the question is what we want to bring up in the next meeting as critical.
20:44:17 [AndreaPerego]
20:44:47 [DaveBrowning]
ack AndreaPerego
20:47:32 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: One of them is whether we want to keep or move out the alignment with LDP.
20:47:47 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: We need to finish that conversation.
20:52:41 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:52:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:52:43 [DaveBrowning]
proposed: Move LDP into a separate document to preserve, but remove from ED
20:53:37 [AndreaPerego]
20:54:13 [SimonCox]
20:54:15 [DaveBrowning]
20:54:33 [DaveBrowning]
resolved: Move LDP into a separate document to preserve, but remove from ED
20:54:50 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:54:50 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:55:28 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: About what is yet to be done, we need to check the links. But are there other editorial issues to be addressed?
20:56:17 [AndreaPerego]
... I'll put an early agenda for next week, to check if we have finished or not.
20:56:48 [AndreaPerego]
... So, if the answer is yes we can go the plenary for approval.
20:57:14 [AndreaPerego]
+1 from me
20:57:36 [SimonCox]
20:58:02 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
20:58:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:58:40 [DaveBrowning]
NOTE: Minutes of last meeting not discussed/approved
20:58:43 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
20:58:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:59:11 [AndreaPerego]
chair: DaveBrowning
20:59:11 [AndreaPerego]
[meeting adjourned]
20:59:15 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:59:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
21:00:27 [AndreaPerego]
s/NOTE:/DaveBrowning: NOTE -/
21:00:28 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
21:00:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
21:00:59 [AndreaPerego]
s/regrets, pwin, riccardo, alejandra//
21:01:00 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
21:01:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego