15:50:50 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:50:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/04/26-json-ld-irc 15:50:51 rrsagent, set log public 15:50:51 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:50:51 Chair: azaroth 15:50:51 Date: 2019-04-26 15:50:51 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Apr/0038.html 15:50:51 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-04-26: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Apr/0038.html 15:51:15 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 15:51:23 present+ 15:51:38 azaroth has joined #json-ld 15:53:40 present+ 15:53:44 present+ 15:54:03 pchampin has joined #json-ld 15:54:53 rubensworks has joined #json-ld 15:59:42 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:00:24 present+ 16:00:27 present+ 16:00:40 present+ 16:00:44 present+ 16:00:54 present+ 16:01:01 zakim, pick a victim 16:01:01 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose simonstey 16:01:45 present+ 16:02:19 TOPIC: Approve minutes of previous call 16:02:25 scribenick: bigbluehat 16:02:30 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of previous call https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-04-19-json-ld 16:02:33 +1 16:02:34 +1 16:02:36 +1 16:02:37 +1 16:02:37 +1 16:02:40 +1 16:02:40 +0 16:02:45 +1 16:02:51 scribe: simonstey 16:02:52 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of previous call https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-04-19-json-ld 16:02:57 scribenick: simonstey 16:03:02 TOPIC: Announcements / Reminders 16:03:15 workergnome has joined #json-ld 16:03:18 q+ 16:03:21 q+ 16:03:22 azaroth: any announcements/reminders? 16:03:23 ack bigbluehat 16:03:41 bigbluehat: fyi, Ivan and I will be at the publishing WG f2f in a couple of days 16:03:55 ... json-ld is talking a rather important role there 16:04:19 present+ 16:04:21 ack ivan 16:04:26 ... would be helpful to have some review/comments on their work 16:05:00 ivan: from now on, the minutes I'll create will have schema.org mark up in it too 16:05:03 present+ 16:05:10 q? 16:05:54 TOPIC: Scoping of 1.1 issues 16:06:20 ivan: we will have to mark up the issues properly 16:06:55 ... at the end of the day we have to report what we plan to do 16:07:21 azaroth: now that we are at the point of deciding what issues to tackle and what not 16:07:36 ... I'm fine with changing the label 16:08:05 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/38 16:08:10 azaroth: we have 3 issues in syntax, 1 in api and 2 in framing currently labelled as deferred 16:08:17 Subtopic: several frames in the same document 16:09:01 azaroth: are we still agreeing that we don't do this particular issue in the scope of the current wg? 16:09:25 q? 16:09:39 gkellogg: SPARQL 1.2 CG discusses framing in the context of construct queries 16:09:50 ... I'm fine with deferring 16:10:04 PROPOSAL: Defer framing #38 until future WG 16:10:10 +1 16:10:11 +1 16:10:11 +1 16:10:13 +1 16:10:13 +1 16:10:15 +1 16:10:16 +1 16:10:16 +1 16:10:17 +1 16:10:18 +1 16:10:22 RESOLVED: Defer framing #38 until future WG 16:10:42 Subtopic: class-scoped framing 16:11:08 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/29 16:11:34 azaroth: idea is that framing starts with a tree, but if you don't know where a class starts in a tree then things get complicated 16:11:46 ... likely would require multiple frames within a frame document 16:11:49 +1 16:11:52 +1 16:11:53 PROPOSAL: Defer framing #29 until future WG 16:11:55 +1 16:11:55 +1 16:11:55 +1 16:11:55 +1 16:11:56 +1 16:11:56 +1 16:11:57 +1 16:11:58 +1 16:11:59 +1 16:12:00 +1 16:12:04 RESOLVED: Defer framing #29 until future WG 16:12:20 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/108 16:12:26 Subtopic: context by reference with metadata 16:12:43 azaroth: metadata specified in a document without context 16:13:11 ... this has been asked for and discussed (as it has some privacy/security implications) 16:13:14 q+ 16:13:21 ack ivan 16:13:41 ... we need to have a good answer for not doing it, if we do so 16:13:54 ivan: the example given in the issue is now outdated 16:14:11 ... is there any other example that would require this? (other than the SRI one) 16:14:37 azaroth: I don't.. other than comment, description, etc. 16:14:52 q+ 16:15:06 gkellogg: by providing metadata one might not to have to download a context 16:15:30 ack workergnome 16:15:56 ... just verify that the remote context hasn't changed 16:16:01 q+ 16:16:29 workergnome: the other thing we talked about was finding documentation about contexts 16:16:35 ack ivan 16:17:04 q+ 16:17:04 ivan: back to the various URI schemes, if we use that argument then some people might raise some eyebrows 16:17:29 ... as most of those schemes are more or less experimental 16:17:54 ... it would require fundamentally new syntax to be able to handle those 16:17:56 ack dlongley 16:18:28 dlongley: I think we can refer to other work that's going on in that space 16:18:34 +1 that this would be a bigger change than a .1 ; and to refer abstractly to other work 16:18:51 ... not necessarily say one has to use them 16:19:00 present+ 16:19:44 PROPOSAL: Defer syntax #108 to future WG, too large a syntactic change for 1.1, refer in HR to other ongoing work 16:19:47 +1 16:19:48 +1 16:19:49 +1 16:19:54 +1 16:19:56 +1 16:19:57 +1 16:19:57 +1 16:20:00 +1 16:20:06 subtopic: Can SRI be used in JSON-LD and for which use cases? 16:20:13 RESOLVED: Defer syntax #108 to future WG, too large a syntactic change for 1.1, refer in HR to other ongoing work 16:20:27 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/86 16:20:28 +1 16:20:32 azaroth: answer is no 16:21:08 +1 16:21:11 ivan: I propose this issue can simply be closed by referring to the previous issue 16:21:26 PROPOSAL: Close syntax #86, as being dependent on deferred #108, and duplicates only use case for it 16:21:28 +1 16:21:29 +1 16:21:30 +1 16:21:31 +1 16:21:31 +1 16:21:32 +1 16:21:32 +1 16:21:32 +1 16:21:38 +1 16:21:44 RESOLVED: Close syntax #86, as being dependent on deferred #108, and duplicates only use case for it 16:21:44 +1 16:21:44 +1 16:21:56 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/128 16:22:01 Subtopic: riG graphs in JSON-LD 16:22:06 subtopic: TriG graphs in JSON-LD 16:23:32 [ivan contemplating about issue 128] 16:24:20 ivan: there was some activity on this issue in february 16:24:59 ... there is a comment on it from pchampin providing a solution and asking whether that's valid 16:25:07 q+ 16:25:08 ... idk though 16:25:12 ack gkellogg 16:25:28 gkellogg: I think I had an action on looking into interaction with nest/container stuff 16:25:50 ivan: then let's leave it open for now 16:25:55 PROPOSAL: Leave #128 open until we can determine the effects of @container / @nest 16:26:05 +1 16:26:06 +1 16:26:08 ... we def. need a dedicated section on graphs/trig etc. in the bpr document 16:26:08 +1 16:26:09 +1 16:26:10 +1 16:26:10 +1 16:26:11 +1 16:26:15 +0 16:26:43 +1 16:26:45 RESOLVED: Leave #128 open until we can determine the effects of @container / @nest 16:26:46 +1 16:26:49 Subtopic: Streaming Profiles for JSON-LD to/from RDF 16:26:50 +1 16:27:00 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/5 16:27:18 azaroth: this came from the community group 16:27:25 q+ 16:27:28 ack ivan 16:27:35 q+ 16:27:37 ivan: what does profile means? 16:27:41 ack gkellogg 16:27:47 s/means/mean 16:28:13 q+ 16:28:45 gkellogg: I reckon in the sense of serializing json-ld in a way that it's easier for stream processors to deal with it 16:29:09 ... or how would you create json-ld from a stream 16:29:37 ack rubensworks 16:29:37 ... the best thing we can do is to provide requirements that should be followed 16:30:12 ivan: so not like profiles in the http context 16:30:28 rubensworks: basically like gkellogg described 16:31:02 ... I'm more than happy to summarize this in the best pract. document 16:31:09 q+ 16:31:12 ack gkellogg 16:31:45 +q 16:32:11 ack simonstey 16:32:20 +1 to doing this is best practices 16:32:27 s/is/in/ 16:32:34 q? 16:32:44 q+ 16:33:14 simonstey: I don't think it should be normative. You can do what you want. But it's perfectly fine for a best practices document and should be in there, giving guidelines on this. 16:33:17 q+ 16:33:21 ack gkellogg 16:33:32 ack ivan 16:33:48 q? 16:34:12 gkellogg: the one thing I'm not sure whether we can move to a bp document is something that allows one to require stream data (?) 16:34:32 q+ 16:34:51 q+ 16:34:52 q? 16:34:57 ack ivan 16:35:11 ivan: I would propose to leave it to best pract. 16:35:19 ack timCole 16:36:21 q+ 16:36:28 ack ajs6f 16:36:30 timCole: I'm a little concerned that by not following gkellogg's suggestions people will create json-ld that cannot be used properly by a streaming processor 16:36:53 ajs6f: we frequently get questions about streaming json-ld 16:37:25 q+ 16:37:35 ... I second the concern timCole raised 16:37:44 q+ 16:38:15 ack bigbluehat 16:38:24 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-bp/issues/3 16:38:46 bigbluehat: a lot of the stuff I'm reading there is about key ordering 16:39:18 ... one potential option could be not to require ordering 16:39:29 ... but processors outputting a preferred ordering 16:39:52 q+ 16:40:08 ack ivan 16:40:58 q? 16:41:02 ack gkellogg 16:41:18 ivan: I hear bigbluehat's argument which is perfectly valid, and maybe a feature version of json-ld will have key ordering 16:41:39 s/feature/future/ 16:42:38 +1 - unordered keys are ordered by necessity of a serialization 16:42:56 gkellogg: serialization vs. data model wrt. ordering 16:43:07 q? 16:43:08 q+ 16:43:10 ack ivan 16:43:37 + to @ivan since it will provide experience to inform normalization 16:43:40 q? 16:43:42 ivan: I repeat what I just said, getting into a normative thing in that area is probably premature 16:43:53 ... or too much work 16:44:09 q+ 16:44:12 ack bigbluehat 16:44:20 azaroth: what's the happy middle ground? key ordering for streaming? 16:44:38 bigbluehat: I would like to get as much as possible into the best pract. document 16:44:49 q+ 16:44:52 ack rubensworks 16:45:07 rubensworks: scoped contexts shouldnt be an issue 16:45:11 q? 16:45:15 ... as long as they are the first object 16:45:40 PROPOSAL: Describe preferred key ordering for serialization over the wire to enable streaming parsers as a best practice 16:45:43 +1 16:45:45 +1 16:45:46 +1 16:45:46 +1 16:45:48 +1 16:45:48 +1 16:45:49 +1 16:45:50 +1 16:45:53 +1 16:45:58 Scoped contexts might require that `@type` come after `@id` 16:45:59 +1 16:46:03 +1 as long as leave defer for future 16:46:17 RESOLVED: Describe preferred key ordering for serialization over the wire to enable streaming parsers as a best practice 16:46:20 +1 16:46:46 azaroth: move the issue to the bp repo 16:47:14 gkellogg: if you have a pointer on how to move an issue, I would be interested 16:47:43 q? 16:48:06 ivan: top right corner, but maybe only visible to owners 16:48:22 TOPIC Issue: context response as HTML 16:48:24 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/66 16:48:51 azaroth: what happens if you deref. a context and you ge back HTML 16:49:05 ... currently it's an error 16:49:20 q+ 16:49:35 ... however we opened the door of dealing with HTML within json-ld 16:49:45 ack gkellogg 16:49:50 ... is it justified though? 16:50:13 gkellogg: we did look to this as part of our solution on how to document json-ld 16:50:35 q+ to agree re documentation, and that content negotiation is a thing that processors already do 16:50:43 ... I created an example as part of one of the pull requests 16:51:00 ... what does this mean in terms of processing 16:51:23 ... you get HTML turn that into JSON and pass that to the processor 16:51:41 ... where that didnt work was with contexts 16:51:45 q+ 16:52:30 ack azaroth 16:52:30 azaroth, you wanted to agree re documentation, and that content negotiation is a thing that processors already do 16:52:42 ... related to webidle section of the api spec that discusses framing (?) 16:52:54 workergnome_ has joined #json-ld 16:53:26 q+ 16:53:29 azaroth: having a context that selfdocuments with HTML seems like a potential benefit 16:53:44 q- 16:53:47 q? 16:53:49 ack bigbluehat 16:54:08 ... if you don't want to have HTML then just use content negotiation to request json only 16:54:10 q+ 16:55:27 bigbluehat: web of things/credentials/etc. more than likely won't ship with dom parsers 16:55:46 ack ivan 16:55:55 ... if there's a way of making html parsing more modular 16:55:56 q+ 16:56:17 ... or at least not making it a requirement, would be preferred 16:56:20 q+ 16:56:35 +1 to everything bigbluehat just said 16:57:21 ivan: if I don't care about the implementation, and that I can use json-ld with HTML 16:57:42 q? 16:57:55 ack gkellogg 16:58:20 q+ 16:58:20 q- 16:58:20 ... user's might be confused when they can actually use json-ld+html 16:58:49 ack bigbluehat 17:00:28 bigbluehat: if there's any req. that a context stays the same (e.g. for hashing or what not) than you would properly not want to have it in HTML 17:01:24 ... verifiable claims would properly freak out if they have to include a dom parser too 17:01:50 q+ 17:01:50 ... if there's a way to achieve this in the api spec, then +1! 17:01:54 ack gkellogg 17:02:02 perhaps we can have a conformance class around document loaders and push everything that way -- and say that you have to use a document loader that understands JSON-LD in HTML if you want to support that 17:02:29 and then we don't need two specs, just more conformance classes around document loaders 17:02:32 (maybe) 17:02:36 gkellogg: wondering whether we can actually pull the HTML part out into an own spec, or define a profile for it 17:03:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/04/26-json-ld-minutes.html ivan 17:03:44 zakim, bye 17:03:44 rrsagent, bye 17:03:44 I see no action items 17:03:44 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been simonstey, azaroth, ivan, bigbluehat, rubensworks, pchampin, dlongley, timCole, gkellogg, dlehn, workergnome, ajs6f 17:03:44 Zakim has left #json-ld