<CharlesL> Scribe: Thaddeus
Mats presenting on symbols
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/index.html#symbol-explanation
ignore the aui prefix
this old version maps to bliss symbols
think of symbols as nodes
Mats will explain the concept and the mapping of symbols so that we can vote of usage
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> <img data-symbol="http://blisssymbolics.org/refnumber/001" href="mysymb.bmp" >
mats involvement has been in bliss symbols but has left that work in 2017
Mats is currently not representing bliss symbols but is working with another group involving symbols
in this group they are trying to establish concepts based on wordnet
and working on things that are not covered in Wordnet - extending beyond Wordnet
there is a concepts of a symbol server that links to bliss and another service
the implementation is available as a plugin
available in English and Swedish
there has not been much recent development on the project
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> <img data-symbol="http://blisssymbolics.org/refnumber/001" href="mysymb.bmp" >
It would be helpful it mats could understand how these are used as nodes and in conjuntion with the plugin
and explain the concept of reference numbers
mats suggests the approach where there is a foundation which is agnostic
by setting up a lexion of conepts that can be linked to symbol representations and symbol sets
currently approx. 6,000 Bliss words and a number of concept - between 5,000 - 6,000
a semantic found is used by integrating wordnet
Bliss symbolics is not widely used
but a there is work on a coding framework that tries to achies more
synbols can be used in 2 ways - inserting into document
the other is a lexion or taxonomy that points to a symbol or multiple symbols
JF has concerns about referensing a symbol set directly
Lisa notes that the main features is that the symbols are machine understandable, thus can be tailored to a user
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> http://www.symbolnet.org/bliss/BCI-AV_2018-04-16_(en+sv+no+fi+hu+de+nl+af+ru+lv+po+fr+es+pt+it+dk)+derivations+tag-sorted.zip
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> excel of mapping
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> and see http://www.symbolnet.org/bliss/BCI-AV_2018-04-16_(en+sv+no+fi+hu+de+nl+af+ru+lv+po+fr+es+pt+it+dk)+derivations+tag-sorted.zip
JF notest the mechanical transformation of native language into symbols
<JF> <h2 data-symbol="bank">My Bank Account</h2>
Mats will be sharing a screen - not everyone will be able to see
there is a symbol server which takes text input and outputs two wet of symbols in 2 languages - english and swedish
in the presentation Mats is typing in a word document and when text is entered a symbol representation is shown in the symobol server
the symbol can then be inserted into the document
If the server picks an inappropriate text a user could change the image manually
the problem is that if people are familiar with a specific symbol set it could be confusing and our goal it to mitigate this
Janina points out that our goal is a normative implementation
the priopriatary set like Bliss would not work
the implementation needs to be vendor neutral
janina points our that the range of symbols, 6000, is what a typical language range would be
we need to be able to properly explain the concept of symbols set to communiate out clearly to other groups that are not familiar with the concept
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> we have the use cases
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Use-cases#severe-language-impairment
One of the strongest point is explaing is a web demo but we also need a clear verbal overview
and we would like mats to give input on this
Mats is demoing how this work with a Wikepedia page
Mats deems this as a good demo as a way to introduce the concept
the plug in tool is doing a 1:1 mapping of words on the Wikedpedia page
There is some inaccuracy in the translation but there is not an exceptable number set at this time
Ambiguity can be detrimental to users with cognitive disability
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> <img data-symbol="http://blisssymbolics.org/refnumber/001" href="mysymb.bmp" >
Early on in the Bliss was proposing a different URI and a reference for each concept
janina notes that we need a clear elevator pitch to explain to outside groups
<JF> I am strongly opposed to "picking a winner" and choosing to support "Bliss"
<JF> +1 to Mats - choose an "in-between" and let symnbol sets map to that
Lisa asks Mats iff there a list of tokens for each - for example a reference number?
Mats answers that yes there is a data base of this
I did not catch the url if someone to paste it in
There is a data set of concepts used from CCF server
<Becka11y> http://www.conceptcoding.org/
Bliss is constantly adding to the set
The licencing needs to be looked at
We will be seeing a working demo for next week
The most compeling demo would be one that takes a random pages and translate text into symbols
<CharlesL> rssagent, draft minuites
<CharlesL> S/rrsagent, draft minuites//
<CharlesL> trackbot, end meeting
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