15:19:32 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:19:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/03/26-pbg-irc 15:19:33 rrsagent, set log public 15:19:33 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 15:19:33 Chair: luc 15:19:33 Date: 2019-03-26 15:19:33 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2019Mar/0029.html 15:19:33 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-03-26: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2019Mar/0029.html 15:19:34 Regrets+ laurent 15:55:50 jeff_ has joined #pbg 15:58:43 laudrain has joined #pbg 15:59:00 Karen has joined #pbg 15:59:08 Rachel has joined #pbg 15:59:47 present+ 15:59:55 present+ 15:59:56 present+ 16:00:05 present+ 16:01:30 present+ 16:01:43 present+ Karen 16:02:11 present+ 16:02:29 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:02:39 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:02:47 present+ 16:02:52 Jonathan_Greenberg has joined #pbg 16:03:27 present+ julie_blair 16:03:38 rkwright has joined #pbg 16:03:57 julieblair has joined #pbg 16:03:58 present+ jonathan 16:04:05 present+ rkwright 16:04:11 present+ 16:04:12 liisamk has joined #pbg 16:04:17 present+ liisamk 16:04:47 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 16:04:51 present+ 16:05:09 Luc: Any new members? 16:05:32 Avneesh has joined #pbg 16:05:52 Luc listed six new members; any present? 16:06:10 present+ 16:06:16 Sure, I can say something 16:06:21 scribenick: Bill_Kasdorf 16:07:19 Jonathan_Greenberg: NYU libraries happy to join and hopes to voice the concerns of academic publishing 16:07:48 Topic: updates 16:08:15 Luc: Please send events info to the list for addition to the Events Calendar 16:08:48 . . . DPUB Summit in Paris in June--large community from Europe and Asia 16:08:56 https://www.edrlab.org/events/dpub-summit-2019/ 16:09:31 ... program is in development and looking good 16:09:37 ... looking for sponsors! 16:09:47 ... Paris is lovely in June; book hotels soon 16:09:48 q? 16:10:36 ... PBG meeting at TPAC on Thurs Sept 19 16:10:43 q? 16:10:44 ... programmed by Keio and others 16:10:55 ... will be short; this is the only time that key people are available 16:11:31 Daihei: It will be a PBG members meeting, but can involve others. 16:11:31 q+ 16:11:46 ack ivan 16:11:48 ... Schedule is based on availability of Prof. ??? 16:11:58 s/???/Jun Murai 16:12:07 Ivan: Thursday morning right before lunch 16:12:47 Luc: Send ideas for subject for discussion to the list 16:13:08 ... Good opportunity for Japanese issues to be discussed and for others to be aware of them 16:13:14 q+ to ask about the scope of the meeting. 16:13:20 ... The chairs will be planning a specific agenda 16:13:25 ack jeff 16:13:25 jeff_, you wanted to ask about the scope of the meeting. 16:13:47 Jeff: wondering about the scope of the meeting 16:13:55 George has joined #pbg 16:14:18 ... Will a larger role for the PBG in advocacy and enlarging the group part of the scope? 16:14:35 Luc: Yes, this will be a good opportunity for that high-level discussion. 16:14:38 present+ George 16:15:32 ... we really need to be talking about the vision for the PBG 16:15:36 q+ 16:15:38 q? 16:15:39 zakim, who is here? 16:15:39 Present: wendyreid, ivan, tzviya, laudrain, Rachel, Karen, dauwhe, Bill_Kasdorf, jeff_, julie_blair, jonathan, rkwright, julieblair, liisamk, Dan_Sanicola, Avneesh, George 16:15:43 On IRC I see George, Avneesh, Dan_Sanicola, liisamk, julieblair, rkwright, Jonathan_Greenberg, Bill_Kasdorf, Rachel, Karen, laudrain, jeff_, RRSAgent, Zakim, Daihei, ivan, tzviya, 16:15:43 ... dauwhe, wendyreid, dmitry, bigbluehat 16:16:49 Topic: epubcheck 16:17:06 Topic: EPUBCheck 4.2.0 moving ahead and is on time 16:17:15 ... Available now and tests EPUB 3.2 16:17:41 ... We really need testing on a broad range of files. 16:17:59 ... Kobo and others are testing; we're looking for feedback asap. 16:18:09 ... We hope to release the final version in mid-April. 16:18:50 ... Please check with your vendors and partners to test EPUBCheck 4.2. We need the whole community involved to make sure it's working well. 16:19:16 scribenick: Karen 16:19:16 q? 16:19:31 Bill_Kasdorf: The request went out to all members of the external coordination task force 16:19:33 thanks Karen 16:19:36 ...I have heard back from Daihei 16:19:41 ...who is doing excellent work in Japan 16:19:46 ...and I as a member of TF 16:19:52 ...have other organizations I reached out to 16:20:00 ...Idealliance is going to send word out 16:20:07 ...David Steinhard got back to me 16:20:13 ...NISO going to put in their newsletter 16:20:28 ...those are some communities adjacent to our core users, but people who are interested in EPUB 16:20:37 scribenick: Bill_Kasdorf 16:21:27 q- 16:21:40 Luc: We are postponing the final release of 3.2 until this testing is complete 16:21:45 q+ 16:22:07 ... So far we are hearing good news about the initial testing. 16:22:26 Bill_Kasdorf: The comments above were about fundraising 16:22:46 ack bill 16:22:50 Luc: Please reach out to candidates to contribute to the fundraising! 16:22:52 q+ 16:22:54 q+ 16:23:00 ack Avneesh 16:23:27 Avneesh: EPUB 3.2 release will require some preparation from the PBG before the mid-April release 16:23:27 ack dauwhe 16:23:42 +1 to testing the release candidate 16:23:57 q+ 16:23:59 dauwhe: I want to stress the importance of testing the release candidate. I found EPUB 3.2s in our backlist with lots of problems. 16:24:23 s/EPUB 3.2/EPUB 2 16:24:27 ... Please test your company's files so you don't run into problems. 16:25:26 Luc: We want people to move to EPUB 3 so it's good news that the problems are mainly with EPUB 2s! 16:26:01 ... Content in 3.2 is much better aligned with the Web in general. 16:26:33 q? 16:26:45 Topic: Synchronizing communication about EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2. 16:27:09 ack wendyreid 16:27:13 q+ 16:27:26 https://github.com/wareid/EPUB3-tests/tree/master/EPUBCheck%20Testing%20Tools 16:27:40 wendyreid: I created a tool for EPUBCheck testing. It's a simple script that will test a whole folder full of files. Here's the link. 16:27:59 ... Handy if you want to test a lot of files at one time. 16:28:07 Daihei: Can we share the link? 16:28:11 +1 wendy - thank you 16:28:12 wendyreid: Sure! 16:28:30 q? 16:28:39 Luc: What about testimonials? 16:28:41 ack dauwhe 16:28:58 dauwhe: Two parts. Testimonials are mainly a communication and marketing thing. 16:29:20 ... My first concern is to get commitments from distributors and retailers to accept EPUB 3.2 and use EPUBCheck 4.2. 16:29:29 ... We need to make sure we're actually able to use these. 16:29:49 ... That's not the same thing as marketing language for a testimonial; it's an actual commitment. 16:30:08 q? 16:30:11 q+ 16:30:25 ack ivan 16:30:55 ivan: Agreed that this is very important. Do we have contacts with all the main distributors to get them to speak up? 16:31:17 ... This is a much smaller number than the number of publishers. 16:31:28 ... I don't have the contacts but PBG members probably do. 16:31:51 Luc: Of course there are some retailers as members of the PBG. 16:32:19 ivan: Even if we can't get a commitment, which may be hard to get, positive comments are still valuable from them. 16:32:47 q? 16:32:50 Luc: Remember 3.0.1 is still relevant. 16:32:51 q+ 16:33:11 ack George 16:33:26 George: What would we ideally want a distributor to do? Incorporate the checker into their ingestion and send back nonconforming titles? 16:33:29 q+ 16:33:36 ack dauwhe 16:33:36 ... What level of warning would be appropriate? 16:33:55 dauwhe: We're not really asking them to change anything other than employing EPUBCheck 4.2. 16:34:08 q+ 16:34:12 ... Most publishers will reject EPUBs that throw errors. Some are more tolerant than others. 16:34:24 ... We're not asking them to change their policies, just to be up to date. 16:34:47 q+ 16:34:50 ... One of the motivations with 3.2 was the problems around deprecations 16:35:44 Luc: The fact that 4.2 is stable, doesn't crash, doesn't report problematic results, is important. We need to be sure it works well! 16:36:22 ... We had real professionals doing the development; but it's a big complex piece of software, so it has to be tested. 16:37:08 ... That's why it has to be tested against a large number of files. We need to smoke out problems that only occur on some files. 16:37:12 ack laudrain 16:37:49 George: It should be run everywhere there's a handoff in the supply chain 16:38:01 Luc: It's not production software. 16:38:16 ack rkwright 16:38:31 rkwright: I understand that Apple is using a very old version. Is there any initiative to approach them specifically to update? 16:38:58 Luc: I recall this being discussed in the recent Steering Committee meeting 16:39:40 Luc: Tzviya, we don't hear you, please put comments in the IRC 16:39:53 Liisa: It was me; it was anecdotal; I have no real information; 16:40:45 q+ 16:40:48 Luc: Tzviya points out that a11y metadata is not being rejected by Apple 16:40:59 ack Karen 16:41:01 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Member/Testimonial/ 16:41:20 Karen: Back to testimonials. We're suggesting that we create a page similar to the one I just put in a link for. 16:41:39 ... Then create a way to rotate the testimonials on the publishing landing page. 16:41:43 https://www.w3.org/publishing/ 16:41:58 ... Right now there are old testimonials there. 16:42:26 ... I will check with Coralie to set up an easy workflow. Who in the PBG? 16:42:37 q+ 16:42:38 Luc: Let's discuss offline 16:42:44 ack ivan 16:43:01 ivan: The testimonial opportunity is open to all W3C members, not just PBG members 16:43:32 Topic: Pop-Ups 16:43:45 Liisa: I haven't had a chance to make much progress. Will do for next call. 16:44:07 Topic: Future discussion topics 16:44:18 Luc: We have started a spreadsheet to collect topic suggestions 16:44:33 ... This is high level, business oriented, not technical. 16:45:08 -> link to the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kq5zOMzOxvHkM8yAgoqao0M0-z5FBzqtWWoO9qLS8PM/edit#gid=0 16:45:09 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kq5zOMzOxvHkM8yAgoqao0M0-z5FBzqtWWoO9qLS8PM/edit#gid=0 16:45:25 ... Please go to the spreadsheet and let us know if these are of interest, and any other ideas you'd like to add. 16:46:15 ... Getting from EPUB 2 to EPUB 3 is still a huge challenge. 16:46:32 q+ 16:46:40 ... How would a reader be aware of the existence of an updated file? This is another big issue. 16:47:01 ... We hope backlist will be upgraded, not just frontlist going to 3.2. 16:47:31 ... No need for new ISBN, it's not a new edition, it's just a technical update of the product. 16:47:35 q? 16:47:39 ... How do we let readers know that a new version is available? 16:47:47 ack jeff_ 16:48:05 q+ 16:48:10 jeff: What's the process for adding to the spreadsheet? Can anybody edit it or do suggestions have to be vetted? 16:48:12 ack liisamk 16:48:28 Liisa: More is better. Everybody should put ideas there. Then we'll sort out priorities. 16:48:42 ... Also put your name and +1 on existing suggestions you agree with. 16:48:50 dauwhe: Or -1 16:49:19 Luc: Some of these may be relevant for the PBG meeting at TPAC. 16:49:22 q? 16:50:37 Daihei: Comment on Asian call about epubtype from Makoto. He intended to join this call to discuss it. 16:51:11 ... Any comments on this, please let us know. 16:51:28 Luc: We should encourage Makoto to add that to the spreadsheet. 16:51:32 q+ 16:51:37 ... We can discuss that on the next call. 16:51:41 q+ 16:51:49 Daihei: I will coordinate with Makoto. 16:52:09 q? 16:52:20 Luc: Do we need to do a survey? 16:52:26 q? 16:52:33 ack dauwhe 16:52:56 dauwhe: There is an open issue on epubtype in the CG repo. We are adding explanatory language to the spec: what it's for and what it's not for. 16:53:13 Luc: It's not just a technical issue. 16:53:19 https://github.com/w3c/publ-epub-revision/issues/1241 16:53:29 ... Thanks for the link to that issue. 16:53:32 also an epubcheck issue https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/issues/1022 16:53:44 q? 16:53:54 ack ivan 16:54:32 q+ 16:54:38 https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/issues/986 16:55:03 Daihei: I will encourage Makoto to put his comments in the issue--everybody should do that 16:55:37 ack laudrain 16:55:50 Luc: AOB? 16:56:15 q+ 16:56:21 q+ 16:56:23 ack Daihei 16:57:33 Daihei: Last Asian meeting was a good discussion. But the only US participant was Karen. We would really appreciate more US people to join in the next PBG call. 16:57:34 ack jeff_ 16:58:03 jeff: I'm at IETF this week, there will be a packaging proposal discussion. [Did I get that right?] 16:58:30 q+ 16:58:34 ... Feedback welcome. The meeting is 3:00 CET / 10:00 am EDT. 16:58:38 ack George 16:58:50 s/\[Did I get that right?\]// 16:59:00 q+ 16:59:44 George: We've started an EPUB in Higher Ed WG in the disability space in the US--35 people participating. Webinar series starting up with 11 webinars about EPUB, readers, ACE, reading systems, etc. focusing on AT. Starting April 16, targeting DSO offices (3,000+). 17:00:38 Luc: EU copyright issues are a big deal, happening now. Also accessibility issues. 17:00:50 ... ISO work in a11y happening in Milan. 17:01:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/26-pbg-minutes.html ivan 17:01:30 zakim, bye 17:01:30 rrsagent, bye 17:01:30 I see no action items 17:01:30 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been wendyreid, ivan, tzviya, laudrain, Rachel, Karen, dauwhe, Bill_Kasdorf, jeff_, julie_blair, jonathan, rkwright, julieblair, 17:01:30 Zakim has left #pbg