15:12:05 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:12:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/03/15-json-ld-irc 15:12:06 rrsagent, set log public 15:12:06 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:12:06 Chair: azaroth 15:12:06 Date: 2019-03-15 15:12:06 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0028.html 15:12:06 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-03-15: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0028.html 15:12:07 Regrets+ workergnome, tole 15:12:07 Guests+ Kazuyuki_Ashimura, Victor_Charpenay 15:42:39 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 15:43:35 rubensworks has joined #json-ld 15:54:48 kaz-win has joined #json-ld 15:56:16 azaroth has joined #json-ld 15:59:04 pchampin has joined #json-ld 15:59:55 present+ 16:00:47 present+ 16:00:51 present+ Rob_Sanderson 16:00:54 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 16:01:00 present+ 16:01:01 present+ 16:02:05 present+ 16:02:17 scribenick: ajs6f 16:02:25 present+ 16:02:26 present+ 16:02:32 victor has joined #json-ld 16:03:22 topic: announcements 16:03:33 azaroth: DST is upon us, and the call is based on time in Boston, US 16:03:50 topic: The Berlin graph data workshop 16:03:58 present+ 16:04:13 gkellogg: three tracks, diffrent attendance at all 16:04:18 ... general sense of JSON-LD's importance 16:04:51 scribenick, set kaz-win Kazuyuki Ashimura 16:04:59 ... general acclamation for Olag Hartvig's RDF* (and SPARQL*) 16:05:02 rdf* paper: http://olafhartig.de/files/Hartig_AMW2017_RDFStar.pdf 16:05:11 scribejs, set kaz-win Kazuyuki Ashimura 16:05:31 ... Blazegraph, Neo4j, others implement this 16:05:34 hsolbrig has joined #json-ld 16:06:02 ... a syntax for reification in JSON-LD might work better 16:06:07 s/Hartvig/Hartig/ 16:06:08 ... perhaps work for the CG 16:06:27 ... moves to create a W3C Business Group for this effort 16:06:40 s/Neo4j/Stardog/ 16:06:41 ... which can hopefully draw in some vendors of property graph systems 16:07:18 ivan: we could have ended with a dog fight between us and property graph people 16:07:28 ... remember the fightds with Topic Maps folks? 16:07:42 ... but that didn't happen. Much good will instead and desire for cooperation 16:07:58 ... JSON-LD clearly considered to be an important player 16:08:09 ... how that could converge with PG? we shall see. 16:08:35 pchampin: agreed with gkellogg and ivan 16:08:53 present+ 16:08:59 present+ bigbluehat 16:09:13 azaroth: other announcements? 16:09:26 topic: TPAC in Japan 16:09:41 azaroth: we intend to be in CR before TPAC 16:09:54 ... so do folks think a F2F @ TPAC would be valuable? 16:10:17 ... Japan is a long way for many participants, so expensive, but we would need a reaonable number of attendees 16:10:41 ... but then, people need longer lead time for farther travel 16:10:42 +1 16:10:45 +1 16:10:49 -1 16:10:56 +0 16:10:56 +1, but some form of funding would help! 16:10:59 +0 16:11:08 +0 (hard to say, given all the things that could happen to the Federal gov't between now and then) 16:11:09 +1 (certainly if other groups I'm in are meeting) 16:11:18 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 16:11:24 present+ 16:11:30 -0.5 (more likely not) 16:11:42 -0.5 16:11:48 -1 16:11:56 zakim, who is here? 16:11:56 Present: bigbluehat, ajs6f, Rob_Sanderson, rubensworks, pchampin, dlongley, dlehn, gkellogg, ivan, hsolbrig, jeff_mixter 16:11:59 On IRC I see jeff_mixter, hsolbrig, victor, gkellogg, pchampin, azaroth, kaz-win, rubensworks, ajs6f, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, cwebber2, hober, dlongley, dlehn, ChristopherA, 16:11:59 ... bigbluehat 16:12:30 azaroth: probably below zero total 16:12:35 guests+ kaz-win 16:12:37 ... would it be valuable to meet in Japan at all? 16:12:42 ... since we intend to be in CR. 16:12:44 q+ 16:12:51 -0.5 16:12:52 kaz has joined #json-ld 16:12:52 ack bigbluehat 16:12:57 q+ 16:13:07 +0 16:13:16 +1 16:13:31 present+ Kaz 16:13:38 bigbluehat: besides our own plans, we have groups from which we need horizontal review 16:13:42 ... e.g. WoT 16:13:48 scribejs, set victor Victor Charpenay 16:13:53 ... so some people have multiple groups to attend 16:13:53 guests+ victor 16:14:07 ... then there's the question of whether we can effectively rep JSON-LD to other groups 16:14:18 azaroth: yes, that's a separate question 16:14:23 q? 16:14:24 ack gkellogg 16:14:31 ... we certainly do need representation there, but do we need a full-on meeting? 16:14:38 +0 wrt to CR...since we can't do much without our WG's membership 16:15:14 gkellogg: 1) CR doesn't mean we're done. 16:15:27 ... and we have other docs for which we are responsible 16:15:41 +1 to gkellogg 16:15:50 ... and for the purposes of reserving space, we could indicate that we intend to meet, at least at this early stage 16:16:23 azaroth: how about we put in a "YES", assuming that all the +0s will attend 16:16:35 ... then we have the space if we need it 16:16:36 +1 16:16:39 +1 16:16:41 +1 16:16:43 +1 16:16:44 +1 16:16:44 +1 16:16:49 +1 16:17:37 topic: issues 16:17:42 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/65 16:18:13 gkellogg: might we briefly discuss framing issue 41 "embed first"? 16:18:33 azaroth: okay, five minutes for that 16:18:36 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/43 <-- i think it's this one? 16:18:41 Subtopic: `@embed` `@first` issue 16:19:29 gkellogg: implemented as well as accompanied by tests 16:19:35 ... seems straightforward 16:20:02 or "@once" (which is a historical name) 16:20:19 ... another alternative would be to remove first and last and go back to all or none 16:20:30 q+ 16:20:35 ack dlongley 16:20:52 dlongley: there is an important use case for having at least one of @first or @last 16:21:06 ... frame docs where you don't care where something appears but it must appear 16:21:17 ... or certain properties must appear in certain places 16:21:27 ... histroically the name for this was @once 16:21:46 ... the change was mostly for testing purposes 16:21:49 q+ 16:21:53 ack ivan 16:22:20 ivan: I feel uneasy that we are talking about order in an environment that doesn't inherently have order 16:22:29 gkellogg: that's why the alogirthms do ordering 16:22:41 ivan: from the user POV they have to know about the algorithms 16:23:01 ... which is not ideal, but i'm not objecting, just sharing uneasiness 16:23:23 ivan: can we push this to next week? It's more than five minutes of talk. 16:23:53 gkellogg: ivan's comment is not about this specific PR, but about the general point 16:24:12 +1 16:24:18 Subtopic: RDF Deserialization and `@index` 16:24:22 ... the existence of @last implies an @first, but the real question is should we be implying ordering at all 16:24:28 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/65 16:24:36 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/65 16:25:06 victor: not much to add to the ticket 16:25:27 victor: we are working on a Thing Description which is intended to be JSON-LD 16:25:43 ... espeically with respect to transformation into RDF 16:25:55 ... in the TD document, we make heavy us of @index 16:26:16 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#note-jsonld10-processing WoT Thing Description - Transformation to JSON-LD&RDF 16:26:39 ... we want to be able to use SPARQL against the data, or roundtrip it 16:26:55 ... the intention of the issue is to keep the indexed values in some way 16:27:08 ... the activity on this issue is appreciated 16:27:15 azaroth: to summarize the proposals: 16:27:25 ... indexing by id is one potential solution 16:27:43 ... but it's possible for a term to be used in different ways within the same document 16:28:05 victor: and that's not a theoretical problem. we had that real problem as we implemented 16:28:17 ... oracle ran into this problem in building an API 16:28:42 azaroth: another proposal; use a property within the graph like "indexkey" to maintain the info 16:28:52 ... which would afford some degree for roundtripping 16:29:11 ... and then a lot of discussion about hwich way to go 16:29:46 gkellogg: i originally thought we might allow an arbitrary IRI to be used in @container, which would have allowed arbitrary indexing 16:30:30 ... but pchamplain suggested we reuse @index 16:30:43 s/pchamplain/pchampin/ 16:30:57 q+ 16:31:08 q+ 16:31:10 ack pchampin 16:31:12 +1 for "light touch" solutions 16:31:41 pchampin: my concern is that compaction would be more complex, but I know realize that gkellogg could speak to this 16:32:16 ... would it make a big change if we just looked for a specific property for indexing, and not an arbitrary one 16:33:07 gkellogg: I think it's similar enogh to what we're already doing with types to not be, but we'd have to try to be sure. E.g. what if it's a node obejct vs. a value object? 16:33:24 victor: isn't that dealt with in the compaction algo? 16:33:54 gkellogg: literals become value objects, everything with an id becomes a node object 16:34:21 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#dfn-node-object vs. https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#dfn-value-object 16:34:33 q? 16:34:37 ack ivan 16:34:37 error if there is no "simple value" 16:34:40 ... so you could lose other aspects (language, etc.) 16:34:52 ivan: I come to this as a user 16:34:54 q+ to ask about `properties` and `@nest` 16:35:14 ... I am in favor of pchampin's proposal because the other one would make this automatic 16:35:20 ... whether or not I want it 16:35:40 ... but pchampin's idea makes the creator make this thing explicit 16:35:50 ... in this case, that's better and cleaner 16:36:12 ... provided that the extra work is oaky by WoT 16:36:21 +1 to pchampin's approach as well (more natural, no extra artifacts) 16:36:31 ack azaroth 16:36:31 azaroth, you wanted to ask about `properties` and `@nest` 16:36:38 victor: yes, to use pchampin's approach we just create a new predicate 16:36:44 and doesn't break RDF canonicalization/signature/hashing issues. 16:37:11 azaroth: do properties of this kind have semantics? 16:37:20 ... or can we encode them using @nest? 16:37:35 ... which gives us JSON structure but adds no RDF/graph structure 16:37:52 victor: a constant effort in the WG has been to make everything linkable 16:38:19 ... so the property shoul be representatble in something (RDF?) 16:39:43 victor: a Thing Description should be serializable in RDF 16:39:46 +1 to Rob's concern about what the semantics of the properties in relation to the Thing 16:39:54 ... everything should be kept, nothing should be "pure JSON" 16:39:55 q? 16:39:57 q+ 16:40:00 q+ 16:40:07 ivan: so @nest is not usable? 16:40:10 victor: correct 16:40:24 azaroth: in the ontology, what is the range of "properties" 16:40:38 victor: a singular "propertaffordance" 16:41:03 ... ths is _NOT_ a representation of the properties of th thing descrivbed 16:41:28 q+ 16:41:36 azaorth: so a Thing Desc could have separate properties/predicates/values, each of which has the same key, and each could have diff meanings? 16:41:40 victor: structurally that's not possible 16:41:48 https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#property-serialization-json 16:41:49 ... because each key should point to an object 16:42:00 ... but in RDF, yes, that would be possible 16:42:02 q? 16:42:11 ... and we want to keep the relationship with RDF 16:42:16 ack pchampin 16:42:33 q- 16:42:56 pchampin: following on azaroth's idea, would it make sense to say that temperature and on/off resolves to _predicates_ that are subclasses of "property"? 16:43:13 ... so that some kind of inference would provide the affordance? 16:43:14 q? 16:43:16 ack jeff_mixter 16:43:21 ... becaues my gut tells me that @nest is a good candidate here 16:43:22 q- 16:43:27 q? 16:44:02 bigbluehat: the WoT is based in part on JSON Schema, so if we solve for this, we solve for the growing list of JSON Schema-based specs 16:44:16 ... including OpenAPI, which brings a flock of JSON APIs specified in that way 16:44:22 ... lots of collateral value 16:44:37 victor: in fact we intend to publish a vocab for describing JSON Schemas in RDF 16:45:08 azaorth: are there properties of the blank node that is the propertiy's property's that would confliuct with property's of the thing itelsef 16:45:53 victor: you are suggesting to take the intermediate object as an individual 16:46:13 azaroth: yes. I'm trying to explore if there's a reason that "properties" itself needs to be in there 16:46:30 victor: there is more tio the Thing Desc. there are actions, there are events 16:46:34 ... they cannot be merged 16:46:39 ... into the root object 16:46:40 q? 16:46:48 ... conflicting keys would result 16:47:03 azaroth: e.g. an on/off action could be distringuished 16:47:09 victor: yes 16:47:22 which is also a good reason not to use it as an @id map :) 16:47:35 azaroth: so we can't use @nest? should we run with pchampin's suggestion? 16:47:38 ... thoughts? 16:47:39 q+ 16:47:42 ack bigbluehat 16:47:46 q+ 16:47:54 bigbluehat: the return trip from RDF is inhibited 16:47:59 +1 to bigbluehat 16:48:05 ... @nest would mean that you've lost that properties space 16:48:13 ack gkellogg 16:48:13 ... you'd have to sort that out outside the compaction algo 16:48:36 gkellogg: @nest, becaus it has no semantics, can't be used here 16:48:49 ... so we're back to indexing arbitrary properties, and pchampin's idea is the cleanest 16:48:53 q+ 16:48:55 ack ivan 16:49:07 ivan: all in favor of pchampin's idea 16:49:15 ... but let me throw in some bikeshedding 16:49:29 ... should we use the syntax as proposed or not?/ 16:49:45 q? 16:49:45 ... we may have to look at whether we need a fresh keyword 16:49:46 I really don't see how it is misleading... but we can discuss this later, definitely :) 16:50:02 I don’t think it’s misleading, either. 16:50:08 azaroth: pchampin, will you make a proposal? 16:51:34 pchampin: I propose adding a new keyword in the term dfns to be used with @container : @index to be used to specifiy an arbitrary property on which to index 16:51:38 PROPOSAL: Add a new keyword to be used with `@container:@index` to indicate the property to use instead of `@index` to solve WoT request 16:51:44 +1 16:51:45 +1 16:51:47 +1 16:51:48 +1 16:51:48 +1 16:51:49 +1 16:51:50 +1 16:51:50 +1 16:51:53 +1 16:51:59 + 16:52:01 +1 16:52:15 +1 16:52:18 RESOLVED: Add a new keyword to be used with `@container:@index` to indicate the property to use instead of `@index` to solve WoT request 16:52:35 q+ 16:52:39 ack ivan 16:52:45 q+ 16:52:58 ivan: q to kaz and victor: is this the only prob you ahve for us? 16:52:59 ack victor 16:53:05 kaz: great question! 16:53:22 ... I was thining abot this several hours ago on the call 16:53:37 ... if we clarify this point, there should be no big problems 16:53:51 ... this discussion was really, REALLY, ___REALLY___ appreciated 16:54:07 ivan: I aked because we are planning to feature-freeze in two weeks 16:54:15 ... so if there are other issues, we need them now! 16:54:30 ack victor-for-real-this-time 16:55:03 victor: sebastian made some slides to summarize, one is scoped contexts 16:55:15 ivan: that's an integral part of our work 16:55:37 victor: the other one was this feature we just discussed (indexing) 16:56:01 ... we can do something ad hoc until something apears in draft 16:56:03 q+ 16:56:08 ack ivan 16:56:10 ... it's not blocking us from releasing specs 16:56:27 ivan: what's the timing? 16:56:30 kaz: right 16:56:54 ivan: what seems to work with the director is that if we as a WG make it clear that these features are stable 16:57:03 ... so they won't change out from udner you 16:57:13 ... we can do that, but we need to know when you need that 16:57:28 kaz: WG charter goes to the end of June 16:57:58 ... we wanted a CR by the ehdnf of March, but that's not possible, so maybe April? 16:58:04 q+ 16:58:07 ... that's our timeline 16:58:09 ack ivan 16:58:31 ivan: so from our (JSON-LDs) POV, the scoped context is in the draft, has been there for a long time 16:58:43 ... it would be good if this new feature gets into the draft soon 16:58:55 ... pchampin, how much work does this need? 16:59:01 ... to get it to DR? 16:59:31 kaz: if you can update your draft based on this dicussion, that would be great 16:59:56 pchampin: I could have a shot at the syntax doc by the end of next week 16:59:59 kaz: sounds fine! 17:00:18 pchampin: I'm not as comfortable with the API doc yet, so that might take a bit longer 17:00:34 kaz: I appreciate JSON-LD WG's help! 17:00:49 ... thank you! 17:01:03 azaorth: you are welcome and thanks to kaz an victor for coming! 17:01:05 Sure, no problem azaroth! 17:01:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/15-json-ld-minutes.html ivan