23:36:54 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 23:36:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/03/05-pbg-irc 23:46:35 tzviya has joined #pbg 23:50:01 present+ Karen 23:50:18 Zakim has joined #pbg 23:50:29 present+ 23:50:47 Meeting: PBG Weekly Call - Asia time 23:50:51 Chair: Liisa 23:51:10 Date: 2019-03-05 23:51:35 present+ 23:58:59 This is Publishing Business Group Asia Call 23:59:14 Chairs: Daihei and Liisa 00:00:00 Scribenick: Karen 00:00:43 Jkamata has joined #pbg 00:01:35 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 00:01:56 present+ JKamata 00:02:24 present+ WendyReid 00:02:45 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 00:02:48 Daihei_Shiohama has joined #pbg 00:02:58 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 00:03:16 present+ Daihei_Shiohama 00:03:33 Tzviya: Some people are permanently on irc and he may not be on the call 00:03:47 Daihei: Let's start 00:03:55 ...this the Japan/Asia friendly time call 00:03:59 ...I am under the weather today 00:04:10 ...so I will only chair the first part of this and then Liisa will join later 00:04:14 ...and I will leave it to her 00:04:24 ...I trust you have received the agenda 00:04:29 ...Meeting times going forward 00:04:45 ...in US it will change to daylight savings time on 10 March 00:04:51 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2019Mar/0001.html 00:04:56 present+ Liisa 00:05:07 liisamk has joined #pbg 00:05:23 Daihei: I just mentioned the meeting times; can you please continue? 00:05:26 Liisa: sure 00:05:26 garth has joined #pbg 00:05:31 Chair: Liisa 00:05:51 Liisa: for meeting times we will continue the alternate weeks of North America/Europe and Asia/Japan 00:06:11 ...we are proposing that after daylight savings we change to 8:00pm EST, 5:00pm Pacific and 9:00am Japan 00:06:12 present+ 00:06:16 ...is that acceptable for everyone? 00:06:37 JKamata: This time, 9:00am is perfect for me 00:06:43 Liisa: we will send out an email 00:07:02 ...I believe Garth has updated the invitation for the meeting for the new schedule we will keep for the next couple of months to see how this works 00:07:12 Garth: I have not done the updates, but I can certainly do so 00:07:16 present_ Garth 00:07:28 Liisa: We will send out by email and one of chairs will send you request for the calendar 00:07:40 Garth: and we are not changing the NA/Europe call, correct? 00:07:42 Liisa: correct 00:08:00 ...any other questions or comments on that before moving on 00:08:36 Topic: Event Calendar 00:08:46 https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=NWhvMW05aTdsNHVzOXEzbWEyMGVlMmh2a2NAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ 00:08:52 Liisa: We have started to publish a calendar and chairs of BG have started to put events in 00:09:09 ...There was a question last week on the North American and Europe call if we should include regional events 00:09:13 ...like country-specific events 00:09:31 ...Chairs discussed and we believe we should include any events that you feel will be helpful. We'll leave that open-ended 00:09:42 ...Luc wanted us to mention the EPUB Summit in June is coming up 00:09:51 ...that should be a good event for members of that community 00:10:03 ...Daihei, do you want to mention anything on the Japanese event before TPAC? 00:10:35 Daihei: based on last discussion, I am asking if Sept 14-15 before TPAC in Fukuoka 00:10:47 ...I think it depends upon professors' schedules 00:10:53 ...I will let you know if I hear any progress 00:10:58 Liisa: Great 00:11:22 ...any questions about event calendar 00:11:32 Liisa: ebookcraft is on the calendar; it will be a good event 00:11:55 Topic: EPUB3.2 00:12:13 Liisa: There has been discussion if we can get Publishing@W3C members to give us adoption testimonials 00:12:19 ...and collect those as people adopt them 00:12:24 ...think about whether you want to participate in that 00:12:26 q+ 00:12:36 ack Karen 00:14:04 Karen: there is support for EPUB3.2 testimonials from W3C communications perspective 00:14:30 Liisa: EPUB3.2 beta is available and we recommend that you test it out and give feedback 00:14:37 q+ 00:14:37 ...there has been some discussion on GitHub 00:14:42 ...please do continue to raise any concerns 00:14:46 ack Bill_Kasdorf 00:15:00 Bill_Kasdorf: Can you remind us what the additional testing is in this release 00:15:17 ...the EPUB4.2 Check I believe matches the EPUB3.2 spec 00:15:24 Garth: It is not exact, but quite close 00:15:27 full release notes: https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/releases 00:15:44 Liisa: my technical people said things that have been depricated; warnings and errors are good things to check out 00:15:52 Tzviya: I just put a link to the release notes in irc 00:15:57 Liisa: Thank you, Tzviya 00:16:10 ...and reminder that we are continuing the fund raising for EPUB Check 00:16:13 q+ 00:16:22 ...we will continue the development but we need to continue to bring in funds 00:16:25 ack JKamata 00:16:33 epubcheck contribution form: https://inclusivepublishing.org/epubcheckdonate/ 00:16:39 JKamata: About EPUB3 we found some message from EPUB Check 00:16:53 ...some duplicated elements as warning 00:17:05 ...elements, he or she shows message as @ 00:17:09 ...it is not suitable for us 00:17:14 ...we offer EPUBCheck members 00:17:20 ...to reconsider about the message 00:17:29 ...want you to know about that 00:17:31 q+ 00:17:42 Liisa: The depricated elements you saw were around the image order? 00:17:51 JKamata: the @ focus 00:17:55 Garth: displacement 00:18:01 ack Tzviya 00:18:03 q+ 00:18:13 Tzvyia: Please log issues in GitHub 00:18:18 https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/issues 00:18:20 ...if you have other concerns, please bring those up 00:18:34 ...if you are uncomfortable logging issues, you can contact me or Romain Deltour 00:18:40 JKamata: Thank you, Tzviya 00:18:47 Liisa: can you clarify the warnings for us 00:19:00 ...you have people in your market consider the book has failed because of this warning? 00:19:01 https://github.com/w3c/publ-epub-revision/issues/1242 00:19:10 JKamata: yes, that is right; huge impact for Japanese market 00:19:14 ack Garth 00:19:28 Garth: I pasted in that issue on display sequence 00:19:40 ...Matt has proposed not depricating that property value going forward 00:19:49 ...seems to be general agreement; needs to be taken up by CG 00:20:06 Liisa: Thanks, Garth for clarifying. We should note this is an issue for the Japanese market 00:20:12 ...and a good example of why we should be testing 00:20:16 JKamata: Thank you 00:20:28 Liisa: any further EPUB Check discussions? 00:20:44 ...moving on 00:20:52 Topic: Reader Expectations for Pop-up Content 00:21:12 Liisa: while we have you, Junko, can you tell us how the Japanese market indicates pop-ups? 00:21:19 q+ 00:21:23 ...are you doing @ for the books you are publishing? 00:21:26 ack JKamata 00:21:34 s/@/popped-up content 00:21:37 JKamata: Actually I am not the person to see what happens 00:21:43 ...with the pop-up message 00:21:50 ...I believe Daihei knows more about that 00:22:00 Daihei: Popped-up content did not happen yet 00:22:14 ...for the children's books, there were some but limited 00:22:22 ...children and picture oriented books the market is limited 00:22:40 ...children publishers are not so interested in going into digital publishing market 00:22:46 ...might be something in educational publishing 00:22:54 ...but not so much popped-up content in trade publishing 00:23:07 ...My personal opinion is that popped-up content could really help compared to print 00:23:41 Liisa: I have been working on use cases for a handful of places where we use popped-up for things like notes, footnotes, children's picture books for images and text to make them easier to see 00:23:44 ...for NA market 00:23:53 ...some widely used, some less used use cases to write up 00:24:06 ...answer keys on quizzes, flat kind of book pop-ups 00:24:21 ...we discovered all the PubBG chairs have been sick, so I have not yet finished that write-up 00:24:26 ...maybe end of this week 00:24:42 q+ 00:24:43 ...anyone else want to contribute to the Popped-up discussion? 00:24:52 Bill_Kasdorf: those sound like good use cases 00:24:57 ack Daihei_Shiohama 00:25:08 Daihei: On the next Asia/Japan friendly time call 00:25:27 ...I will reach out to the Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese and Chinese members to see if there are more use cases to report 00:25:35 Liisa: That's great, thank you 00:25:54 ...we have also started to collect some ideas for future discussion topics 00:26:02 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kq5zOMzOxvHkM8yAgoqao0M0-z5FBzqtWWoO9qLS8PM/edit#gid=0 00:26:12 Topic: Topics for future PubBG calls 00:26:18 ...please feel free to add or comment to things there 00:26:30 ...and let us know about things that are of interest to you to discuss 00:26:42 ...possibly next discussion will be relevant to EPUB Check discussion 00:26:59 ...if still need to be validate; or if need to let go 00:27:14 ...any questions or discussion on that? 00:27:39 ...anything else anyone would like to talk about tonight/this morning? 00:27:55 rrsagent, make logs public 00:28:08 Liisa: have a lovely rest of your evening or day 00:28:19 ...we will convene again at one hour later in two weeks 00:28:24 Daihei: thank you, Liisa 00:28:26 rrsagent, make minutes 00:28:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/05-pbg-minutes.html tzviya 00:28:29 Liisa: Feel better, Daihei 00:28:33 [adjourned] 00:28:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:28:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/05-pbg-minutes.html Karen 00:28:55 rrsagent, make minutes 00:28:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/05-pbg-minutes.html tzviya 00:30:43 zakim, bye 00:30:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, wendyreid, JKamata, Bill_Kasdorf, Daihei_Shiohama, Liisa, liisamk 00:30:43 Zakim has left #pbg 00:30:49 RRSAgent, bye 00:30:49 I see no action items