16:07:01 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 16:07:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/03/01-json-ld-irc 16:07:02 rrsagent, set log public 16:07:02 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 16:07:02 Chair: azaroth, bigbluehat 16:07:02 Date: 2019-03-01 16:07:02 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Feb/0032.html 16:07:02 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-03-01: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Feb/0032.html 16:08:20 simonstey has joined #json-ld 16:17:48 azaroth has joined #json-ld 16:54:57 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 16:58:40 present+ 16:58:53 workergnome has joined #json-ld 16:59:26 present+ 16:59:48 present+ 16:59:50 present+ 17:00:05 present+ 17:01:36 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 17:01:59 present+ 17:02:49 Zakim, pick a victim 17:02:49 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose jeff_mixter 17:03:10 pchampin has joined #json-ld 17:03:15 scribenick: jeff_mixter 17:03:28 TOPIC: minutes of last week 17:03:45 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of last call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-02-22-json-ld 17:03:47 +1 17:03:48 +1 17:03:50 +1 17:03:50 +1 17:03:53 +1 17:03:57 +0 17:04:09 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of last call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-02-22-json-ld 17:04:18 TOPIC: Announcements 17:04:33 /me still omw almost there 17:04:49 +present 17:05:12 azaroth: feature freeze is coming up - you should play around with framing if you have not just to test assumptions and use cases 17:05:19 timCole has joined #json-ld 17:05:19 present+ 17:05:20 hsolbrig has joined #json-ld 17:05:26 present+ 17:05:41 q+ 17:05:46 present Tim Cole 17:05:47 azaroth: questions about the feature freeze? 17:05:47 ack ivan 17:05:54 present+ Tim Cole 17:06:01 present+ 17:06:51 q? 17:06:52 ivan: Web of Things have raised some issues and will be reaching out to us 17:07:08 q+ 17:07:11 ack bigbluehat 17:07:47 bigbluehat: for the best practices document - should we provide a dedicated repo for it so we can add dedicated tasks to it 17:07:58 q+ 17:08:06 q- 17:08:33 ivan: so I will create a new repo 17:08:36 https://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld-api-best-practices/ 17:08:53 present+ 17:08:54 action: ivan to set up a new repo for the best practices 17:09:00 gkellogg: we need to make sure things are hooked together correctly 17:09:06 how about? https://json-ld.org/primer/latest/ 17:09:08 ivan: any preference for the name of the repo 17:09:11 q+ 17:09:15 ack bigbluehat 17:09:34 bigbluehat: what about the primer document - which is more important to work on 17:09:52 ivan: the best practices is more important right now 17:10:19 q? 17:10:24 hober has joined #json-ld 17:11:21 gkellogg: could we chat about the require all topic? 17:11:41 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/40 17:12:16 ... we added require all flag that does not work the way people expect. People expected it to literally mean 'require all' not a combination of if/or 17:12:27 Topic: requireAll does not require @type and should 17:12:58 guest+ hober 17:13:06 present+ 17:13:45 ivan: can we close the issue 17:14:18 gkellogg: not close but we agree to move to approve it 17:15:09 PROPOSAL: IF requireAll is present, then all keys in the frame are used to determine a match, including @type and @id 17:15:13 gkellogg: seems logical to be if require all is present then all keys in the frame are used to determine that 17:15:13 +1 17:15:14 +1 17:15:16 +1 17:15:17 +1 17:15:17 +1 17:15:17 +1 17:15:17 +1 17:15:23 +1 17:15:31 +1 17:15:33 +1 17:15:33 +1 17:15:44 RESOLVED: If requireAll is present, then all keys in the frame are used to determine a match, including `@type` and `@id` 17:16:27 Topic: TAG discussion 17:18:11 .me my audio cut out for a minute 17:18:22 s/.me my audio cut out for a minute// 17:18:33 https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/312 17:19:11 q+ to explain the WG's status wrt to 17:20:19 hober: the issues are account for in the 2 git issues. we do not want to encourage people to do clever things without using an HTML parser 17:20:39 ack bigbluehat 17:20:39 bigbluehat, you wanted to explain the WG's status wrt to 17:21:34 bigbluehat: the 2 issues are that the tag being processed by none-html parsers is a pain and problematic 17:22:07 q+ to ask about Not just HTML parser, but state of DOM when expanded 17:22:32 https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/312#issuecomment-434689623 17:23:07 q- 17:23:10 ... if you are parsing JSON-ld in the context of HTML you would have to resolve it against the base. What we ran into last week was that this interaction with the DOM is that the state can change. Could break with if you are working with a single page web app 17:23:42 ... people parsing JSON-ld out of HTML you need to be thinking about the potential for stuff changing 17:25:44 hober: the base tag effects a lot of html issues but it is a place where we want consistancy 17:25:52 q+ 17:26:03 q+ 17:26:41 ... it is rare for people to rely on this part of the html platform - I have not seen base used in a recent html created - based on not hearing complaints about it. 17:27:01 ... most people will be using regular expressions to find stuff in HTML 17:27:15 ack ivan 17:27:18 ... just noting the potential pitfalls is really the best you can do 17:27:36 ivan: do you know spec wise how css deals with his? 17:28:09 ack bigbluehat 17:28:11 hober: I will dig up and share the link 17:28:43 bigbluehat: do you have an info on the web components stuff - like json modules or html modules? 17:29:06 ... there was a idea that json-ld could be more integrated with web components 17:30:53 hober: the idea of html modules is a definition for how to parse data and how to determine dependencies 17:31:16 ... we tried this in the past but it did not go far. But it is a huge problem 17:31:39 ... for HTML modules we can rely on the work of JSON modules work 17:31:53 s/JSON/JavaScript 17:31:59 guest+ travisleithead 17:33:04 ... all of the scripts in the module are evaluated as modules. all of these module will be evaluated with relation to the base url 17:34:17 azaroth: last week on a call we discussed this topic and noted that we should be consistant with the current specs and usage. and at this point we would be inconsistant. 17:34:43 q+ travisleithead 17:35:24 ... if the base tag changes then processing the json-ld would produce inconsistent URIs. Whenever the json-ld is processed make sure that you are aware of this 17:35:44 travisleithead: that seems about right and how other things work 17:35:55 q+ to ask more about processing json-ld modules 17:36:06 ack travisleithead 17:37:11 ... in cases where a thing is being imported we are leaning toward the master importer's state taking precedence - this is a security issue 17:37:42 ... doc type is an example of there is can happen 17:37:46 ack bigbluehat 17:37:46 bigbluehat, you wanted to ask more about processing json-ld modules 17:37:59 https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/312#issuecomment-434689623 17:38:37 bigbluehat: around processsing json-ld - is the json being parsed on import based on the response of the server? 17:38:50 Notably from Hadley: Now that we have JavaScript modules... it would be useful to define the static export of a JSON-LD processor, for use as a module. @travisleithead has been working on an HTML modules proposal. 17:39:26 travisleithead: we are still early in the work - but at this point we are parsing and processing the data that is imported and we are scanning for additional modules 17:39:38 and: "We should make it possible to identify the module typing of all of our resource types: imaging, types, scripts, CSS, etc. -- and it would be ideal to include JSON-LD in that list, and treat it like we treat all of our other resources. We should bring this in from the cold; it's too important not to use with the rest of the Web." 17:39:58 q+ hober 17:40:02 ... there is certainly the opportunity to do that for json-ld 17:40:36 ack hober 17:40:44 ... not sure what would be returned when you process a json-ld doc 17:40:59 hober: there will be a new media type for html modules 17:41:39 q+ to ask about timing 17:41:48 ack azaorht 17:41:52 ack azaroth 17:41:52 azaroth, you wanted to ask about timing 17:42:01 q+ 17:42:06 ... you will need to know the difference and how to process them accordingly 17:43:08 re: how does CSS define its interaction with , see ยง4.4.1 Relative URLs of CSS Values Level 4: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#relative-urls 17:43:13 azaroth: we are looking to be feature frozen by the end of the month. The charter end in May or June of 2020. Are HTML module a thing that will be ready by then? If so we could take them into consideration but if not we could make some sort of note/reference 17:43:14 "Style sheets embedded within a document have the base URL associated with their container." 17:43:40 q+ 17:44:02 I think it would make sense for CSS to also have a non-normative "there be dragons here" note and will file an issue on CSS Values to reflect that. 17:44:23 travisleithead: the idea for html modules has been kicking around for a few years but it is still very early. We want to get some sort of code out to test this year. Closing issues etc. would then be 6 moths to a year after that 17:44:57 ... I would suggest not taking the risk of drawing too heavily from the work right now 17:44:59 ack gkellogg 17:45:15 ... but you could see how it could be used in the future 17:45:39 gkellogg: the use case for json-ld is that is can be used like json so it seems ot make sense to follow/process json-ld the same way 17:46:13 q? 17:46:18 ... RDF could be another way to look at it 17:46:20 ack ivan 17:47:24 q? 17:47:24 q+ to ask about CSS selectors in JSON-LD 17:47:41 https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/blob/gh-pages/proposals/html-modules-explainer.md 17:47:47 ack gkellogg 17:47:47 gkellogg, you wanted to ask about CSS selectors in JSON-LD 17:48:19 gkellogg: what is the interaction between CSS selectors and JSON-ld? 17:48:34 Most recently: https://twitter.com/jdevalk/status/1100783974002147328 17:48:42 q+ to point out https://schema.org/cssSelector 17:48:56 ack bigbluehat 17:48:56 bigbluehat, you wanted to point out https://schema.org/cssSelector 17:49:07 travisleithead : I do no think that is something we have talk about 17:49:37 bigbluehat: schema.org has added a cssSelector property 17:50:44 q? 17:51:14 +q 17:51:19 ack workergnome 17:51:54 workergnome: do we assume that if we have an in-memory json-ld doc and we amend the base does the in-memory doc get reprocessed? 17:52:21 q+ 17:52:23 travisleithead: it would require some special type of hook. In general no it would not get reprocessed 17:52:25 ack bigbluehat 17:52:25 i'd say no, you'd have to do it explicitly (agree with Travis) 17:53:14 bigbluehat: you get what you get when you process it and then it become business logic to figure out what to do in the future 17:53:29 workergnome: is this the same behavior as other objects that are updated with base? 17:53:40 workergnome: does css get restyled if the base changes? 17:54:01 azaroth: some things do but some do not - images do not but events bound to the dom do I think 17:55:00 hober: style recalc happens for a variety of reasons - we do not specify when a recalc should occur - the timing is left to implementations 17:55:50 ack bigbluehat 17:56:00 q+ 17:56:05 ack ivan 17:56:34 ivan: so this means we do have an action to note about the dragons being around 17:56:45 hober: also need a non-normative note about this being a mess 17:58:08 hober: I will share the css note so we are consistent across the board 17:58:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:58:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/01-json-ld-minutes.html ivan