23:59:16 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 23:59:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/02/19-pbg-irc 00:00:39 Daihei has joined #pbg 00:01:24 present+ 00:01:39 present+ Karen 00:02:01 liisamk has joined #pbg 00:03:15 Zakim has joined #pbg 00:04:08 Rrsagent, make logs public 00:04:10 Has anyone started Go-to-Meeting? 00:04:21 I cannot seem to launch it 00:04:28 yes, we are on GTM 00:05:01 hmm 00:06:08 liisamk scribenick 00:06:23 Daihei-san is introducing himself as a co-chair. 00:06:36 Leslie has joined #PBG 00:07:04 Dahei: introductions and agenda 00:07:23 The previous meeting is basically for Europe and US. 00:07:33 The minutes are available. 00:08:02 Today's agenda is the same as in the previous meeting. 00:08:18 But for Asian people. 00:09:14 q+ 00:09:29 scribenick: Karen 00:09:46 Murata: are decisions taken on each of the two calls? 00:10:12 Daihei: yes, essentially decisions can be taken twice 00:10:16 ack Liisamk 00:10:28 +1 00:10:31 Liisamk: I would like to add that we should come up with a process to make decisions via email 00:10:36 +1 00:10:37 ...and we can discuss things at these meetings 00:10:39 +1 00:10:46 Daihei: let's go that way 00:10:59 Topic: Meeting times going forward 00:11:15 Every decision will be done by e-mail rather than in meetings. In meetings, we discuss but will not make decisions. 00:11:24 ...at the 12 Feb meeting it was discussed to have European and US friendly meeting and one Asian friendly meeting 00:11:38 ...for European and for Japan/Asia, only once in the month is not frequent enough 00:11:46 ...so there was talk that there should be four meetings in a month 00:11:57 ...then the co-chairs discussed and we reproposed how it goes 00:12:16 ...once for US/Europe friendly time zone, and the other one in two weeks for US and Japan/Asia friendly time zone 00:12:21 ...so twice in a month 00:12:28 ...and see how it goes and then come back and review it 00:12:34 Good to me. 00:12:36 ...we would like to confirm if that is ok with everybody 00:12:46 ...any queues or questions? 00:12:47 +1 00:12:47 Let' see what happens. 00:12:50 ...seems like everyone is ok 00:12:57 ...then I will move on to the next topic 00:13:03 Topic: ISO Work 00:13:13 Daihei: this is something Murata-san talked about it 00:13:19 ...he was clearly saying 00:13:24 ...talked about EPUB3.1 00:13:26 ...new work item 00:13:30 ...LCP for EPUB 00:13:36 ...@ meeting of ISO 00:13:38 ...end of March 00:13:43 ...and end of May in @ 00:13:49 ...and we can talk about ISO work in September 00:14:00 ...pre-TPAC there will be an ISO conference in Fukuoka 00:14:02 March meeting in Milano 00:14:07 ...we can use these opportunities to reflect the situation 00:14:14 ...Liisa would you like to fill me in? 00:14:19 Liisamk: I think you covered it 00:14:24 s/@/Milano 00:14:32 Daihei: any questions? 00:14:33 ...ok 00:14:42 Topic: Event calendar for publishing events 00:14:51 Daihei: Liisa may touch upon this 00:14:56 ...there was a meeting held in NYC 00:15:08 ...with members of PubWG, PubG and the Advisory Board (AB) 00:15:22 ...there was some positive feedback and suggested we could have more regional meetings 00:15:30 ...Proposal made to have an event calendar of publishing events 00:15:37 ...people will include who will attend 00:15:50 ...and by seeing that calendar, people can communicate and help to organize a regional meeting 00:15:57 ...thanks to Liisa, she will create this calendar 00:15:59 Liisa: yes 00:16:13 ...we will keep all the events, conferences that people brought up; anything that touches on the work we do 00:16:16 ...to coordinate more 00:16:22 ...and to look at budgeting for next year 00:16:34 Daihei: does anyone have any questions in this regard? 00:16:37 ...Move along 00:16:45 Topic: EPUB3.2 Next Steps 00:16:54 Daihei: getting support and buy-in 00:17:12 ...EPUB3.2 to rec track was considered 00:17:22 ...schedule in March to make EPUB3 in public 00:17:26 ...based on final CG report 00:17:29 ...around the same time 00:17:39 ...so the global industry can immediately can adopt EPUB3.2 00:17:43 ...that was the discussion 00:17:49 ...Liisa, anything you want to offer? 00:17:54 Liisa: two steps 00:18:05 ...first, we have the new spec out and we have the validation out and those happen together 00:18:13 ...then the BG would do more work to get more public buy-in 00:18:19 ...to support how to announce it, publicize it 00:18:26 ...how we make sure that everyone is moving toward adoption 00:18:31 ...and that would follow some time in April 00:18:36 Daihei: any questions? 00:18:39 ...or thoughts? 00:18:43 +q 00:18:51 ack Murata 00:18:59 Murata: W3C solicits testimonials from W3C members 00:19:20 ...I know that 3.2 is not a Recommendation, but is it possible to accept testimonials to encourage adoption of 3.2 00:19:28 Daihei: I don't think we have discussed this 00:19:29 q+ 00:19:37 ack Karen 00:20:46 Action: Karen to discuss possibility of testimonial page for EPUB3.2 adoption 00:20:56 Daihei: any other comments? 00:21:20 Topic: Category of Reports and Discussions; update on AB meeting, update on local meet-ups 00:21:29 Daihei: Liisa, can you please fill us in 00:21:39 Liisa: The AB meeting we [Publishing BG/WG] had in New York 00:21:51 ...was an interesting meet-up of the AB that was here [NY] for their F2F meeting 00:22:06 ...they met with a small group of publishers and the chairs of several of our publishing committees 00:22:10 ...CG, BG, WG 00:22:20 ...we had presentations on history, state of EPUB; how some of us got into this work 00:22:24 ...progress of groups 00:22:31 ...AB gave presentations on Packaging and file formats 00:22:35 ...and there was open dialogue 00:22:41 ...a really great moment of people to ask questions 00:22:57 ...AB asked a lot of questions of the publishers; they asked us about DRM and why it's touchy 00:23:05 ...a really good open discussion, good energy 00:23:13 ...what the broader community can do, how we can work together 00:23:26 ...There was a presentation from AB about the process of making standards 00:23:40 ...understanding that standards take a long time to build 00:23:52 ...and publishing community tends to build standards after we identify a problem 00:23:57 ...there was good energy in a small group 00:24:16 ...A lot of us walked away with perspective that a lot could be done and discussed in these small group formats 00:24:31 ...and we thought we could talk with Audio publishers and retailers who are not otherwise involved 00:24:43 ...in this work and to understand it is happening and have information about it 00:24:54 ...and Daihei, discussion around TPAC for Japanese publishers 00:25:18 Daihei: I explained that APL and W3C Keio is going to organize a publishing summit kind of meeting around the TPAC in Fukuoka in September 00:25:23 ...We still need to figure out dates 00:25:26 ...this was discussed at APL 00:25:32 ...and with W3C Keio 00:25:39 ...they have already agreed to take a lead on this 00:25:43 ...the question about the timing is 00:25:54 ...one thing is during the TPAC people are claiming there are other meetings they need to attend 00:26:07 ...at the San Francisco summit, some people could not attend the other WG meetings 00:26:19 ...so one idea is not to have the Summit kind, perhaps before or after Fukuoka 00:26:31 ...before TPAC there is an ISO meeting also in Fukuoka also the week before TPAC 00:26:48 +q 00:26:48 ...if people are amenable, perhaps we organize a one-day event on Sunday prior to the TPAC in Fukuoka 00:26:52 ...that is one thing discussed 00:27:03 ...and maybe holding it during TPAC in Fukuoka 00:27:06 ack Murata 00:27:15 Murata: The ISO meeting is expected to end on the 13th 00:27:25 ...on the 14-15th 00:27:32 ...of September, W3C people would have nothing to do 00:27:41 ...it might be good idea to have meeting on 14-15 00:27:56 ...dates are 9th to 15th 00:28:05 ...basically EPUB related meetings would be on 12th and 13th 00:28:20 ...so that is why the 14th and 15th would be a great opportunity for the AB type meeting 00:28:27 Daihei: one idea is to do it on the 15th 00:28:40 ...so 14th 15th we could bring back to other people 00:28:56 ...mainly APL and W3C Keio to discuss further and then come back to the Publishing BG for further discussion 00:29:10 Murata: It might be impossible to use other commercial meetings rooms 00:29:19 Daihei: Is ISO meeting going to be held at @ 00:29:25 Murata: at @ university 00:29:53 Daihei: any other questions about TPAC in Fukuoka and possibility to hold a Publishing meeting 00:30:15 s/@/Kyushu 00:30:16 ...my understanding is prior to this TPAC Fukuoka opportunity there is going to be a digital publishing conference in June in Paris 00:30:25 ...that is where people could get together to have another regional meeting 00:30:31 ...that is another opportunity I can suggest as well 00:30:37 ...getting back to calendar 00:30:42 Any URL for the EDRLab event? 00:30:50 ...purpose is to share these kinds of meeting opportunities face to face 00:30:56 ...and publishing industry related 00:31:18 ...please positively take participate in adding information to the calendar and to coordinate meetings wherever possible 00:31:30 https://www.edrlab.org/events/dpub-summit-2019/ 00:31:33 @: Do we have a URL for the EDRLab event? 00:31:38 Liisa: just put it in 00:31:52 Daihei: I think some people from APL are planning to attend this 00:32:03 ...Yoshii-san; and possibly Florian; I will, too 00:32:15 ...other questions or information 00:32:32 Liisa: are there other topics to be discussed in smaller groups 00:32:44 ...things that are particular to types of publishing or parts of the world 00:33:01 q+ 00:33:07 ack Daihei 00:33:36 Daihei: next topic on Popped up content 00:33:41 Topic: Popped Up Content 00:33:47 ...this is good item to discuss 00:34:02 ...Liisa, could you fill in about Popped Up Content issue? 00:34:13 Liisamk: Popped Up Content, and the business requirements around it 00:34:28 ...is something we can address without addressing the underlying technology from a reading systems perspective 00:34:43 ...what kind of content needs to be enlarged, what kind of control do you as a publisher want to tell the reading systems 00:34:51 ...Sometimes footnotes are popped up 00:35:00 ...that is not done in a way that publishers have control 00:35:05 ...you may put in an EPUB type 00:35:14 ...but reading systems may put a UI around it 00:35:28 ...we would like publishers to have more control; to know where it starts and stops 00:35:35 ...have it gracefully appear and be degraded 00:35:47 ...not all reading systems support imaging and formatting inside of popups 00:36:01 ...a lot of books like children's picture books use pop-ups 00:36:10 ...from bus perspective, you want control of sizing of text, that box 00:36:16 ...put a background in it so it is readable 00:36:24 ...even when laid over some art 00:36:34 ...then extrapolate over the visual narratives 00:36:44 ...for visual novels, manga, or other places to enlarge something 00:36:51 ...if we could talk about what kinds of control we want 00:36:58 ...then we could one, inform the reading systems 00:37:08 ...and two, see if we can apply technology 00:37:18 ...so that the stuff pops up when you want it to 00:37:30 ...sometimes there are circular links....creates a bad reading experience 00:37:31 +q 00:37:36 Daihei: thank you Liisa 00:37:39 ack Murata 00:37:45 Murata: this is a very interesting opportunity 00:37:54 ...first, is this going to be an activity in PubBG or WG? 00:38:06 q+ 00:38:06 ...do we do requirements first, or do we investigate solutions at the same time? 00:38:11 Daihei: anybody? 00:38:15 ack Liisamk 00:38:38 Liisamk: I think in the BG, what we want to is to talk about the requirements and expectations and then document them 00:38:58 ...and with WG we talk about experiences in the marketplace and see if there is tech we have access to or we can build and go from there 00:39:08 Daihei: so first stage is requirements in the PubBG 00:39:15 Liisamk: yes, the business needs around this 00:39:40 Daihei: the PubBG we would want to confirm and quantify the business needs and then relate to the other working group to have this discussion on the technology side of it 00:40:06 ...anybody wants to express their thoughts, take advantage of me being in the Japanese friendly time 00:40:15 ...Anybody wants to say something in Japanese? 00:40:23 ...I will try to then translate into English? 00:40:38 ...Feel free to that here now 00:40:48 ...Ok, next item is Popped Up Content 00:41:00 q+ 00:41:02 ...Everybody thinks it's a good idea to explore in the PubBG 00:41:05 ack Liisamk 00:41:12 Liisamk: I think the next step to think about 00:41:39 ...think about whether the things you want to have pop up are not working well; whether you have control and if it's satisfying your needs and your authors' 00:41:51 ...order, speed, explore where the commonalities are 00:42:06 ...enough resolution, things popping beyond the border of the pages; those kinds of issues 00:42:10 Daihei: any thoughts? 00:42:29 ...shall we bring what Liisa explained to the next PubBG meeting to confirm 00:42:34 +q 00:42:51 ...from POV from US, Europe and other attendance to explore what is working for pop up content and what is missing 00:42:53 ...shall we? 00:42:55 ack Murata 00:43:16 Murata: I thought we would make a decision by email. So you might want to make an email proposal for the next meeting 00:43:21 ...and then we take a decision by email 00:43:24 Liisamk: yes 00:43:39 Daihei: shall we come up with a proposal in email to be shared among the other PubBG members? 00:43:44 Murata: that would be great 00:43:49 Liisamk: that would be good 00:43:53 Daihei: Great! 00:44:01 ...any other thoughts on this issue or discussion? 00:44:07 ...or overall questions and comment time? 00:44:22 Murata: My brain works much better now than at midnight 00:44:25 +1 00:44:30 Liisamk: that's great 00:44:44 Daihei: so this Asia friendly time works 00:44:58 ...On top of Japan we should extend invitation to Korea, China and elsewhere to participate 00:45:06 ...For India, this is not a friendly time 00:45:14 ...they said they will attend the European friendly time 00:45:19 ...That is @ 00:45:46 ...Yesterday I extended my invitation to the Japanese publishing people, including organizations such as APL, EDPJA, others 00:46:00 ...and with Yoshii-san's help, I reached out to the publishing companies individually 00:46:05 ...and those who have become W3C members 00:46:11 ...all the other Japanese related people 00:46:15 ...having some seat for PubBG 00:46:20 ...know about this meeting happening 00:46:26 ...and the Asia/Japan friendly time 00:46:42 ...I will make sure to extend this kind of solicitation to people in Japan, and next time for the other Asian countries 00:46:45 Murata: Taiwan 00:47:02 Daihei: any other comments or questions? 00:47:15 ...ok, Liisa, how are we doing as first-time chair? 00:47:17 +1 00:47:20 +1 00:47:21 Liisamk: Doing great 00:47:33 Daihei: I would like to talk about last item 00:47:39 ...next steps and action items 00:47:44 Topic: Next Steps and Action Items 00:47:52 ...my understanding is that for important items discussed 00:47:56 ...for each PubBG meeting 00:48:04 ...regardless of European or Japan/Asia friendly time 00:48:07 ...we will share 00:48:16 ...the item and information to be decided in PubBG by email 00:48:25 ...that is the case with the Pop Up discussion 00:48:28 ...Number two 00:48:32 ...Murata-san's comment 00:48:36 ...EPUB3.2 00:48:38 ...announcement 00:48:45 ...W3C's testimonials for EPUB3.2 00:48:52 ...that is something Karen will discuss and come back to us 00:49:04 ....as for regional events 00:49:13 ...TPAC Fukuoka, Makoto-san presented 00:49:36 ...potential publishing meeting to be held Saturday/Sunday 14-15 Sept connected to the ISO meeting in the prior week and before TPAC 00:49:57 Action: Daihei to bring Japan Publishing event meeting to APL for further discussion 00:50:13 ...lastly, the Pop Up content, we will come up with a separate email to propose the Pop Up content issue 00:50:26 Great! 00:50:28 ...anything I missed 00:50:32 q+ 00:50:33 Great! 00:50:39 ack Karen 00:51:05 Action: PubBG Co-Chairs to draft email on Pop Up Content 00:51:13 Daihei: no other queues 00:51:17 ...we still have ten minutes 00:51:33 ...anybody wants to say anything, please do 00:51:43 @: do we know name of anonymous callers? 00:51:56 Daihei: when we issue minutes, they will be listed 00:52:22 Murata: be good if they would state their names now 00:52:26 ...or email us 00:52:43 Daihei: also, you could email us as well 00:52:51 ...on the Publishing BG email list 00:52:56 ...I think we are good to go 00:53:01 ...Thank you everybody for this opportunity 00:53:07 ...We are looking forward to the next call 00:53:15 [adjourned] 00:53:18 ...thank you 00:53:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:53:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/19-pbg-minutes.html Karen 03:52:00 Karen has joined #pbg