<CharlesL> chair: clapierre
<CharlesL> regrests+ John
<scribe> scribe: becka11y
Charles: We sent out the vocabulary list to web platforms on January 18. We haven’t heard anything back yet.
Janina: Probably time to ping them and ask for a timeline for feedback and direction. Should we include personalization work as part of diagram center strategic upcoming planning meeting?
charles: good idea - I can probably include Janina - will look into that.
<scribe> ACTION: charles to draft a message to web platforms
<trackbot> Created ACTION-6 - Draft a message to web platforms [on Charles LaPierre - due 2019-02-11].
<CharlesL> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/personalization/track/
charles: 3 actions: create a note
for symbol; add to abstract that it is derived from other
documents; gentle reminder to Web platforms group for feedback
on vocabulary
... we will continue to use internal actions system
<CharlesL> • Oct 2018 (WD Module 1 & Explainer) - note can make a second WD Module 1 & Explainer if needed 2 month later (dec 2018 - so if we have not worked out implementations we have more time
<CharlesL> • Oct 2018 (FPWD Module 2&3) - note These need to be published with the explainer next draft (These are still early drafts so we do not think we need to worry too much.
<CharlesL> • Feb 2019 (CR Module 1 & Explainer)
<CharlesL> • June 2019 (PR Module 1 & Explainer)
<CharlesL> • Nov 2019 (CR Module 2)
<CharlesL> • April 2020 (PR Module 2)
<CharlesL> • Nov 2020 (CR Module 3)
<CharlesL> • April 2021 (PR Module 3)
charles: we did release documents
in October 2018 so we were on track; but have now fallen
... we are not on track for Feb 2019 for CR module 1 and
explainer; we will need to push everything because we haven’t
deciced upon an implementation - we need input from Web
platforms for that
Janina: feels that group has a good explaination for delays; just need to keep the work moving and continue to make progress
<CharlesL> Possible Time line: * April 2019 Module 1 & Explainer wide review wd
<CharlesL> * May 2019 second wd module two
<CharlesL> * june 2019 (CR Module 1 & Explainer)
<CharlesL> * dec 2019 (PR Module 1 & Explainer)
charles: above is what Lisa and Charles were thinking - feedback?
becka11y: April seems a bit aggressive since we need feedback from web platforms
Charles: does this seem too aggressive? We do need feedback and Web4All hackathon is happening in May - we want to make the best use of time there so it would be beneficial to have an implementation direction
Janina: good to remind web platforms about Web 4 all when we ask for feedback
Charles: Michael submitted the
personalization paper (contributed to by Charles and Lisa) to
the Web4All conf.
... will be at the conf; Michael is hoping to be there
Becka11y: can’t attend web4all as it conflict’s with Knowbility’s accessU conf
Michael: when working Web4all
paper found some editorial issues - we need a heavy editorial
pass on our documents; properties used in examples that are not
defined within the spec; there seem to be some redundance and
repeated properties;
... not sure if lack of decision on implementation will hold us
back from publishing for at least first review
Charles: I have an action to remind Web platform group that we need and are relying on their guidance;
Michael: FYI - they are
... there hasn’t been much activity on their mailing list;
helpful to at least get a timeline for the vocabulary review
from them
... we want them to take up some properties into HTML and we
need them to define a process for requesting attribute addition
Janina: good to be working in cooperation with them
Michael: any official changes to HTML will need to go through WHAT WG - hopefully we can help with that
charles: sent original request
for vocabulary review ot public mailing list and directly to
... due to low attendance will adjourn now since need more
input for remaining adgenda items
rrsagend, make minutes
<CharlesL> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) FAILED: s/confilct’s/conflicts/ WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: Becka11y MichaelC CharlesL stevelee Roy Janina Sharon JF LisaSeemanKestenbaum New list: janina CharlesL stevelee MichaelC Default Present: janina, CharlesL, stevelee, MichaelC Present: CharlesL MichaelC janina stevelee Regrets: Thaddeous John Lisa Found Scribe: becka11y Inferring ScribeNick: Becka11y Found Date: 04 Feb 2019 People with action items: charles WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]