20:50:11 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:50:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-irc 20:50:12 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 20:50:47 rrsagent, make logs public 20:51:49 chair: PWinstanley 20:51:54 present+ 20:53:11 regrets+ annetteg 20:58:16 roba has joined #dxwg 20:59:43 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 21:01:16 ncar has joined #dxwg 21:01:20 antoine has joined #dxwg 21:01:25 present+ antoine 21:01:59 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 21:02:27 Makx has joined #dxwg 21:02:30 present+ 21:02:37 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:02:40 present+ 21:02:44 present+ AndreaPerego 21:02:44 present+ Makx 21:03:25 present+ 21:03:27 present+ 21:03:37 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 21:03:37 alejandra has joined #dxwg 21:03:59 present+ 21:04:00 * on holiday - with no screens or keyboard :-( 21:04:35 scribenick: AndreaPerego 21:04:58 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:04:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 21:05:03 present+ 21:05:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:05:05 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.01.22 21:05:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:05:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:05:19 topic: Agenda 21:05:23 present+ 21:05:28 PWinstanley: Any comments? 21:05:38 [silence] 21:05:58 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 21:06:02 regrets+ Annette 21:06:10 [agenda approved] 21:06:17 topic: approving last meeting minutes 21:06:19 https://www.w3.org/2019/01/15-dxwg-minutes 21:06:22 +1 21:06:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:06:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:06:30 +1 21:06:33 +1 21:06:34 +1 21:06:36 +1 21:06:38 +1 21:06:42 +1 21:06:48 +! 21:06:48 0 (I was not present) 21:06:50 +1 21:06:51 0 (joined late) 21:07:00 resolution: last meeting minutes approved 21:07:05 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:07:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:07:20 topic: list of actions 21:07:31 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 21:07:49 present+ 21:07:56 PWinstanley: We slide on this... 21:08:06 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:08:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:08:29 topic: assessment of the current position about f2f 21:08:45 s/about f2f// 21:09:40 PWinstanley: Let's have a open chat on where we are with out deliverables 21:10:09 ... About DCAT we have to decide when is enough 21:10:41 ... and maybe leave to a Community Group to follow on - possibly preparing a primer, etc. 21:11:01 q+ 21:11:13 ack ncar 21:11:49 ncar: About the profile work: the ontology document is going on, we got some feedback, also through the ESWC paper 21:12:08 ... we have a few issues to address which are in GH 21:12:43 ... Overall the ontology is pretty good, considering we didn't mean to have a big one 21:13:19 ... Concerning profile guidance we keep on discussing on it, and work is going on 21:13:39 ... About profile conneg, in a couple of weeks could be ready 21:13:58 q+ on DCAT status 21:14:10 ... So, the report which requires more work is still the guidance on profiles 21:14:24 ack Makx 21:14:24 Makx, you wanted to comment on DCAT status 21:14:26 +1 21:14:31 For DCAT, I think there is no more time 21:14:40 what we have is what we get 21:14:53 February deadline for Last PWD 21:15:02 No more time? It's only January ... 21:15:12 Otherwise not enough time for Rec track 21:15:24 PWinstanley: Are we talking about the beginning of Jan or Feb? 21:15:33 OK - we need to gather evidence of implementation 21:15:36 ... Rec requires longer time, right? 21:15:47 I'd say mid-Feb publication of final PWD 21:16:08 meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Plenary 21:16:13 q+ to ask about subsequent process 21:16:16 then hopefully April Proposed Rec 21:16:20 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.01.22 21:16:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:16:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:16:32 Hmm. That is very consrvative 21:16:40 ack DaveBrowning 21:16:40 DaveBrowning, you wanted to ask about subsequent process 21:16:42 PWinstanley: That's all, Makx? 21:16:46 yes 21:16:48 s/consrvative/conservative/ 21:17:10 DaveBrowning: Makx might have answered my question on timing 21:17:17 q+ 21:17:40 ... [asking for confirmation] 21:17:42 ack SimonCox 21:18:22 SimonCox: I understand there's a cost in the wrap-up phase. What we have not under control is implementation evidence, which is required for REC 21:18:34 q+ 21:18:57 ... I think anyway I am more optimistic than Makx about timing. I would push it at the end of March. 21:19:21 ... In SDW WG I got a 2-month extension without seeming it was a big problem. 21:19:57 Are there comitted implementers for all the changes proposed? 21:20:01 ... I agree that we should try to move it as quick as possible, but I think we have still some time. 21:21:00 PWinstanley: About extensions, we want to be clear that if we ask for that, we need to be backed up by people commitment 21:21:23 ack ncar 21:22:00 Tabulation of implementations: not yet! 21:22:22 ncar: The DCAT group may have a table of implementations 21:22:42 I imagine we need to show implementation of the new elements - right? 21:22:47 PWinstanley: What about the existing DCAT profiles? Can they be used as implementation evidence? 21:23:13 +1 to Alejandra 21:23:22 ... There's also the European Data Portal which can be used for that. 21:23:27 q+ 21:23:34 ack AndreaPerego 21:23:52 https://w3c.github.io/spec-releases/milestones/ 21:24:35 q+ about existing DCAT profiles 21:25:43 AndreaPerego: to comment about PWinstanley comment - existing specifications such as DCAT-AP might contain other classes - but we need to be careful. the European Open Data Portal might not have everything (e.g. GeoDCAT-AP), so we need to ask Yuri Glikman to gethdetail 21:25:58 q? 21:26:12 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/680 21:26:16 q+ 21:26:18 All current DCAT profiles are DCAT-2014 profiles. I think they don't count for DCAT-2019 21:26:31 q? 21:26:31 ack roba 21:26:42 q+ 21:26:53 > I think they don't count for DCAT-2019 21:27:17 they do for all the elements that are carried over 21:27:41 Yes of course, Simon 21:27:59 ... it is the new elements that we need to worry about (DataDistributionService, servesDataset, 21:28:10 roba: About DCAT profiles, the question is whether we can consider profiles when they add new things 21:28:38 ... [missed] 21:28:46 ack AndreaPerego 21:29:40 qualifiedRelation, ) 21:29:54 DCAT 2014 profiles should be valid DCAT 2019 profiles if DCAT 2019 is backward compatible with DCAT 2014.. but how/why/where should we declare this? 21:30:08 AndreaPerego: ref comments by Makx that DCAT-AP is based on DCAT2014, for me the DCAT2019 is based on DCAT2014, we have added new things and relaxed some constraints, but it is probably backwardl compatible. 21:30:28 ... all we need to justify is implementation evidence for the new aspects/components 21:30:37 +1 21:30:41 +1 21:30:42 new Ps & Cs: that's the table I want to check implementation off against. I have implemented some of the new ones already! 21:30:48 ... we are updating and extending DCAT, not rewriting it. 21:31:08 +q 21:31:09 q? 21:31:10 q+ 21:31:13 ack alejandra 21:31:19 PWinstanley: Yes, this makes sense 21:31:34 +1 to AndreaPerego ( about demontrating adoption for new properties and classes, in any case the legacy part should not be difficult to demonstrate) 21:32:08 alejandra: About dates and process, and what does it mean having implementations, it seems we don't have a clear idea about the deadlines. Whare can we find the answers? 21:32:16 ack kcoyle 21:32:23 PWinstanley: kcoyle was looking into it 21:32:49 kcoyle: I don't have information for the implementation bit. I'll ask W3C staff about that. 21:34:14 ... Anyway, if we go for Candidate REC in Feb, this may become REC in Apr. The latest we go should to meet the current deadline would be March. 21:34:26 q+ to ask what else is needed for that timeline 21:34:39 s/should to meet/to meet/ 21:34:40 ack DaveBrowning 21:34:40 DaveBrowning, you wanted to ask what else is needed for that timeline 21:35:00 DaveBrowning: But what we need to have for that? 21:35:01 how long are we going to give for providing the implementation ? 21:35:14 kcoyle: I think everything - implementations included 21:35:46 +q 21:35:49 ... I will ask Dave & Philippe which steps they are anticipating 21:36:20 ... And this is just DCAT we are talking about. There are also the other 2 deliverables. 21:36:39 PWinstanley: PROF is making progress 21:36:47 q+ 21:37:03 ack riccardoAlbertoni 21:37:19 kcoyle: Yes, but what about implementations of the other 2? What we need to have 2 independent implementatino for each? 21:37:28 roba - plan one implementation independent of Nicks of profile ontology and conneg 21:37:47 ack ncar 21:37:51 q+ to offer a view of where we are with DCAT rec. 21:37:56 riccardoAlbertoni: I guess that many implementations will come from WG members, but it would be good to have external contributions 21:38:34 ncar: I am not very much concerned about profile conneg - we have already being working on an implementation of it 21:38:42 ack DaveBrowning 21:38:42 DaveBrowning, you wanted to offer a view of where we are with DCAT rec. 21:38:57 ... I see it difficult to find implementations created outside the WG 21:39:18 DaveBrowning: alejandra and I were trying to understand where we are with DCAT 21:39:30 yes, for me 21:39:33 ... I can give a summary of it. 21:39:49 [all curious] 21:40:09 DaveBrowning: We have a summary of the issues we plan to address 21:40:20 31 open requirements issues 21:40:36 57 other issues , 7 editoraial 21:41:51 s/editoraial/editorial/ 21:42:10 s/implementatino/implementation/ 21:42:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:42:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:42:31 regrets- annetteg 21:42:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:42:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:43:32 DaveBrowning: About distributions, we keep on getting questions, so this needs to be thoroughly addressed before going for Candidate REC 21:43:40 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/14 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/15 21:45:03 DaveBrowning: These 2 milestones reflect what I think needs to be addressed, and it needs review and input about anything that may be missing etc. 21:45:38 PWinstanley: So there are a few bits of work requiring WG work 21:46:01 ... Plenaries and f2f should be the place where to do that. 21:46:23 ... What people think? Suggestion for location and time for real f2f? 21:46:52 sounds to me like some sprints are going to be needed in any case 21:46:53 First week of June is too late for Makx's timetable :-) 21:46:57 +1 for sprints 21:47:04 +1 for both, F2F in March 21:47:04 indeed, June too late 21:47:16 +1 for sprints, since I can't do March 21:47:17 first week too late for the standard w3c one, also 21:47:26 +1 for sprints 21:47:30 +1 to March - although I don't know I can join 21:47:39 first week of march for me is very difficult.. but it is probably need 21:47:39 But I predict Australians would not be able to make a March f2f ... 21:47:50 +1 to sprints as well 21:47:51 +1 to sprints 21:47:58 s\need\needed 21:48:16 q+ 21:48:24 ack kcoyle 21:48:25 +q 21:48:29 PWinstanley: Should we then give it a try for a first sprint of 3-4 hour? 21:49:00 kcoyle: I think we need also to decide about which deliverable we are talking about - the answer could be different 21:49:01 ack alejandra 21:49:09 PWinstanley: So, let's start with DCAT 21:49:35 alejandra: I am in favour of sprints, but I cannot be sure I can join. So, how we do that? 21:49:40 I suggest the separate teams need to plan the sprints 21:49:57 half - full day is very hard to sustain 21:49:59 3 hours probably better if online 21:50:19 esp. if across geographies 21:50:37 +1 21:50:39 +1 for shorter sprints, may be 2 of them? 21:50:41 +1 21:50:41 3 hours sprint could work 21:51:04 PWinstanley: So, let's make a 3-hour one, taking into account time zones 21:51:44 PWinstanley: Dave, about DCAT, do you have a proposal about what to put into a 3-hour sprint? 21:52:12 DaveBrowning: There are the clusters about distribution and versioning 21:52:35 ... So, we can focus on them. alejandra, SimonCox are there other topics? 21:53:16 SimonCox: I think the individual teams need to do the planning 21:53:37 suggest milestones for profgui 21:53:49 PWinstanley: We question is also whether the sprint should also include other people 21:54:00 * oops sorry was mid edit... 21:54:10 ... We can have both subgroup and plenary sprints, they are not mutually exclusive. 21:54:44 q+ 21:54:49 ack SimonCox 21:55:16 SimonCox: My expectations is that the subgroups to the planning, but the whole WG needs to be invited 21:55:20 +1 21:55:25 +1 21:55:33 +1 21:55:38 milestone suggestions for profgui: currently = "A definition of what is meant by an application profile and an explanation of one or more methods for publishing and sharing them." 21:56:18 PWinstanley: So, I would suggest we have actions on subgroups to identify topics and feature list to be addressed in sprints 21:56:31 instead M1 Capture requirements from UCR and point to conneg and profiles ont options for addressing. M2 provide guidance for other requirements 21:56:32 ... Do you agree? 21:56:34 +1 21:56:44 +1 21:56:45 +1 21:56:51 +1 21:56:54 +1 21:56:55 +1 21:56:56 +1 21:57:58 kcoyle: So, we need also to create quickly the doodle pools, considering time zones, given the precedence to people actively participating in terms of time slots 21:57:58 q+ 21:58:06 ack DaveBrowning 21:58:33 Sorry - I have to leave now 21:59:58 ok 22:00:02 ok 22:00:03 yes 22:00:04 ok 22:00:08 PWinstanley: So, probably it is better if subgroups create the doodle poll looking at specific people, but please inform everyone. 22:00:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:00:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:00:46 ... So, let's try to do this within the next 2-3 weeks 22:00:50 ... AOB? 22:01:01 * bye 22:01:06 [silence] 22:01:11 bye 22:01:11 bye! 22:01:12 :-) 22:01:15 thanks! 22:01:15 PWinstanley: Thanks everyone then! 22:01:26 [meeting adjourned] 22:01:29 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:01:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:01:33 present-