16:37:13 RRSAgent has joined #pwg 16:37:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/12/17-pwg-irc 16:37:14 rrsagent, set log public 16:37:14 Meeting: Publishing Working Group Telco 16:37:14 Chair: Tzviya 16:37:14 Date: 2018-12-17 16:37:14 Regrets+ luc, yanni 16:37:14 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2018Dec/0082.html 16:37:14 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-12-17: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2018Dec/0082.html 16:40:26 regrets+ JuanCorona 16:41:41 regrets+ vlad 16:52:21 wolfgang has joined #pwg 16:55:10 dkaplan3 has joined #pwg 16:57:34 CHayes has joined #pwg 16:58:11 simoncollinson has joined #pwg 16:58:47 NickRuffilo has joined #pwg 16:58:55 present+ 16:59:05 EvanOwens has joined #pwg 16:59:08 present+ 16:59:12 present+ 16:59:28 present+ 16:59:49 present+ 17:00:24 josh has joined #pwg 17:00:31 present+ 17:00:35 present+ 17:01:15 present+ 17:01:16 present+ wolfgang 17:01:28 Avneesh has joined #pwg 17:01:36 JunGamo has joined #pwg 17:01:50 franco has joined #pwg 17:01:59 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 17:02:00 laurent_ has joined #pwg 17:02:05 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-12-10-pwg.html 17:02:07 marisa has joined #pwg 17:02:08 romain has joined #pwg 17:02:11 present+ 17:02:15 George has joined #pwg 17:02:18 present+ 17:02:23 present+ 17:02:26 present+ 17:02:28 rkwright has joined #pwg 17:02:32 present+ George 17:02:36 lsullam has joined #pwg 17:02:39 timCole has joined #pwg 17:02:51 BenSchroeter has joined #pwg 17:02:52 present+ 17:03:08 CharlesL has joined #pwg 17:03:11 present+ 17:03:37 zakim, pick a victim 17:03:37 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose CHayes 17:03:54 garth has joined #pwg 17:04:00 present+ 17:04:02 present+ Garth 17:04:04 zakim, pick a victim 17:04:04 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose dauwhe 17:04:05 present+ 17:04:22 haven't attended enough meetings to scribe yet! 17:05:05 present+ 17:05:06 present+ Tim_Cole 17:05:11 scribenick: George 17:05:17 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-12-10-pwg.html 17:05:18 duga has joined #pwg 17:05:27 present+ 17:05:29 resolved: last week's minutes approved 17:05:38 Approved last week minutes 17:05:42 present+ 17:06:09 derekjackson has joined #pwg 17:06:10 Should the WG publish a draft of WP spec? 17:06:32 q+ 17:06:59 Two ideas to have a resolution in the meeting, or to send an email out for approval. 17:07:10 ack dauwhe 17:07:38 Dave, we should destinguish between editors drafts, which can be done any time. 17:07:52 However, for a WG draft we should have a resolution. 17:07:53 s/destinguish/distinguish/ 17:08:01 s/Dave,/Dave:/ 17:08:05 In this case it should be a retroactive draft. 17:08:20 present+ 17:08:25 mateus has joined #pwg 17:08:30 present+ 17:08:36 present+ 17:08:48 Resolution: Approve the publishing of the recent draft of December 2018 17:08:56 +1 17:08:56 +1 17:08:59 +1 17:08:59 +1 17:09:00 +1 17:09:00 +1 17:09:00 +1 17:09:01 +1 17:09:02 +1 17:09:10 +1 17:09:11 +1 17:09:16 If any objects, let us know. It is approved. 17:09:18 Resolved: Approve the publishing of the recent draft of December 2018 17:09:37 present+ 17:09:42 In the future we will mention in the meeting before for the WG resolution. 17:10:30 Tzviya is here. 17:10:58 Topic: Entry page and the vanilla browser 17:11:13 The entry page and what that means in a vinally browser. 17:11:30 The entry page needs to open in any user agent. 17:11:35 s/vinally/vanilla/ 17:11:48 More advanced features would need other supported affordances. 17:12:19 We want to make sure we are all of one mind. We are talking about a user agent with no additions. 17:12:35 s/The entry page/Tzviya: The entry page/ 17:12:52 q+ 17:12:59 ack dkaplan3 17:13:03 +1 entry page should open in browser 17:13:05 ack dkaplan 17:13:10 q+ 17:13:23 q- 17:13:35 Deborah: To make it clear, it needs to function in a standard agent that is not WP aware. 17:13:36 q+ 17:13:41 ack dauwhe 17:13:56 Dave: Are we envisioning additional requirement here? 17:14:26 We say that the address must resolve to a document that has an embedded document. 17:14:35 language proposal: 'Standards-compliant user agent that is not WP-aware (henceforth "minimal browser")' 17:14:39 q+ 17:14:47 s/We/… We/ 17:14:49 q+ 17:14:50 ack ivan 17:14:57 q? 17:14:58 q+ 17:15:03 Are we saying the document must be able to access other documents in the publication. 17:15:29 Ivan: No, the only thing we can say is that the author has the possibility can do it. 17:15:32 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pwg 17:15:38 present+ 17:15:52 s/can do/to do/ 17:15:59 However, we cannot say that the other pages may not be meaning ful to the browser. 17:16:23 s/meaning ful/meaningful/ 17:16:26 q+ 17:16:30 ack mgarrish 17:16:32 It is the author's responsibility to avoid things that will make for a poor reading experience. 17:17:28 ack dkaplan 17:17:33 Matt: Ivan covered, I would not turn this into a content specification. If we say that people must o this or that. It is better not to go into the content requirements. 17:17:45 q+ 17:17:50 User2 has joined #pwg 17:18:05 s/ o / do / 17:18:07 Deborah: This not a content spec, but it is important to provide to authors and browsers that there can be best practices. 17:18:37 test has joined #pwg 17:18:42 q+ 17:18:48 We have agreed that in a unaward browser, you can get to the content. We want the least polyfills. 17:19:04 ack laurent_ 17:19:29 s/unaward/non-WP-aware/ 17:19:49 Laurent: a browser that will not be able to process the manifest, then the TOC will be the only wany to access the publications. 17:20:01 s/the least polyfills/to be able to reach the navigation with as few polyfills as is technologically possible/ 17:20:23 If there is no link to theTOC, then there is no way to access the documents in the publications. 17:20:51 s/theTOC/the TOC/ 17:20:53 q+ 17:21:09 Laurent: at least something that resembles the reading order must be in the the entry page. 17:21:42 There must be a way to get to the TOC. 17:21:42 ack bigbluehat 17:22:12 q+ 17:22:12 Benjamin: +1 to the trend. There is already fallback information. 17:22:32 jbuehler has joined #pwg 17:22:39 If a entry page allows to browse a publication. 17:23:08 We should take advantage to make sure the pulication is available. 17:23:11 ack ivan 17:23:50 Ivan: We must be careful. Deborah said polyfill, which is an issue. 17:24:25 What happens when we put in a web publication which has only the decorative. 17:24:48 What happens when I put in a polyfill which does the min viable behavior. 17:25:00 We should not confuse these two items. 17:25:48 q+ 17:25:59 If we go down the line of adding content requirements, and we shouldthis is a problem. 17:26:00 q+ 17:26:25 s/an issue/the magic word/ 17:27:12 +1 Ivan 17:27:33 q? 17:27:47 ack Avneesh 17:27:49 q+ 17:28:01 tzviya: we're talking about only the PEP, not the entire publication 17:28:37 q+ 17:28:49 Avneesh: you can make the entry page useful for getting into the publication. It's a fallback mechanism. 17:29:00 ... we are not encouraging browsers to render the manifest 17:29:07 scribenick: dauwhe 17:29:08 ack mgarrish 17:29:14 ... I would be OK with TOC being mandatory 17:29:24 mgarrish: we've defined the entry page, it's html with a manifest 17:29:29 ... I think we leave it at that 17:29:35 ... everything will change over time 17:29:39 ... the polyfills were change 17:29:46 ... developers will figure out how this works 17:29:56 ... people will take this into account. 17:30:04 ... we should have best practices and tutorials 17:30:11 ... have some fallbacks 17:30:19 ... but don't start mandating content 17:30:22 ack dkaplan 17:30:23 +10000 to Matt 17:30:33 + π 17:30:40 dkaplan3: tzviya, could you say the sentence we're talking about? 17:30:48 +1 mgarrish & Avneesh 17:31:08 tzviya: it is possible to oopen the entry page in a non-wp-aware browser 17:31:09 q? 17:31:18 dkaplan3: there are later conversations about polyfills 17:31:19 s/oopen/open/ 17:31:27 ... and we can talk about minimal whatever 17:31:32 'It is possible to open the entry page in any standards-compliant user agent that is not WP-aware (henceforth "minimal browser")' 17:32:02 ... the opening question is that there were questions about what a vanilla browser is 17:32:22 ... the simple Q of it is possible to open the entry page in the browser we agree on 17:32:39 +1 to dkaplan3 17:32:44 ... we are hanging all our discussions about polyfills and navigation and mandatory content on this simple question 17:32:45 ack bigbluehat 17:32:49 https://www.w3.org/TR/html/infrastructure.html#conforming-document 17:32:59 bigbluehat: can we have better terminology than vanilla browser 17:33:08 ... we can use something from html conformance classes 17:33:14 ... the polyfill discussion is distorting 17:33:17 ... you can do anything 17:33:22 ... with polyfills 17:33:33 ... but one of the conforming classes is something that can't do scripting 17:33:40 ... and we should have user expectations on this document 17:33:49 ... and we're talking about dictating the content 17:34:04 q? 17:34:06 ack garth 17:34:07 ... if this is the publication address, it should send back enough to make sense of it without a polyfill 17:34:08 +1 bigbluehat 17:34:15 garth: plus one to matt ivan dkaplan3 17:34:28 q+ 17:34:30 q? 17:34:42 ... the content creator decides what happens when that html doc opens 17:34:54 ... but we shouldn't dictate anything 17:34:56 ack George 17:35:16 George: when I open this page I can bookmark it in my conforming browser, and get back to it 17:35:36 ... I don't have to have any affordances, I can go back to that entry page and continue to explore the publication 17:35:52 ack timCole 17:35:53 ... Garth says we're not going to dictate being able to get to all the publication pages from the entry page 17:36:06 timCole: I agree with dkaplan3's formulation and bigbluehat's comment 17:36:42 ... I'm a bit concerned by a dead end publication 17:36:46 q? 17:36:52 q+ 17:37:04 ... we need some way to make clear the content of a publication from the entry page 17:37:09 ... even if it's one by one 17:37:23 ... if I'm a user and come to things that come to web publications that are dead ends, that's bad 17:37:43 ... there should be some way in the spec to be able to continue into the publication 17:37:46 q+ 17:38:00 ack bigbluehat 17:38:07 tzviya: that's why some of us want an html toc in the entry page 17:38:10 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/wiki/Minimal-WPUB#wiki-body 17:38:18 bigbluehat: I want to share a link from our wiki 17:38:29 ... it's a minimal wpub, if you open in a browser it's a blank page 17:38:38 q+ 17:38:40 q+ 17:38:40 ... so what tzviya said would solve for that 17:38:49 zakim, close the queue 17:38:49 ok, tzviya, the speaker queue is closed 17:38:52 ack dauwhe 17:40:02 ack garth 17:40:25 dauwhe: I was concerned about authors who would put WPUBs on the web knowing that all browsers don't support them 17:40:41 garth: nothing smart will happen with WPUBs without polyfills 17:40:58 ack ivan 17:41:19 ivan: according to the HTML spec, I can create an html page with a header and an empty body 17:41:25 q? 17:41:39 ... why do we want to be more restrictive? 17:41:48 ... it's possible to make something that's useless. don't do that. 17:41:54 +1 Ivan 17:42:10 q+ 17:42:10 ... mandating content is not how html works 17:42:34 timCole: to ivan's content, if all we're doing is writing another html spec, he's write 17:42:38 +1 timCole 17:42:44 s/write/right/ 17:42:45 "render the TOC" vs. "access the TOC"--the latter can be done via the header 17:42:46 ... we're writing for a new entity that's distinct from html 17:42:54 ... what makes a web publication different from hTML? 17:43:07 ... one of the characteristics is that something happens when you go to the entry page 17:43:11 ivan: that's a question of where 17:43:19 ... if I have a browser with no info about WPUB 17:43:25 ... I don't think that's a problem 17:43:46 ... I can make a document that even in a vanilla browser can do somehting sensible, but I will need scriptong 17:43:52 timCole: I understand your point 17:44:06 tzviya: I feel this conversation has opened up a lot of other conversations 17:44:15 ... my goal was making the entry page useful to users 17:44:17 s/somehting/something/ 17:44:21 ... and then make it useful for machines 17:44:28 ... and I'm not sure we've agreed on this point 17:44:41 q+ to say we've agreed on the narrow point 17:45:12 +q 17:45:35 Hallelujah, Dave! 17:45:43 Topic: WPUB explainer 17:45:46 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/blob/master/explainers/wpub-explainer.md 17:46:06 dauwhe: the original resolution is a tautology--since the entry page is html, it can be opened in a browser 17:46:22 tzviya: the TAG recommends explainers. Dave wrote the explainer with some help from Ivan and tzviya 17:46:26 zakim, open the queue 17:46:26 ok, tzviya, the speaker queue is open 17:46:32 q+ 17:46:35 ack dauwhe 17:46:48 ivan: interruption. Can someone else scribe? 17:46:49 scribenick: bigbluehat 17:46:51 q+ 17:47:08 q? 17:47:21 dauwhe: I filed an issue which expresses that the most important thing we could do right now 17:47:25 ...is get feedback from the TAG 17:47:40 ...I started the explainer because that's a necessary step to get that feedback from the TAG 17:47:49 ...we are discussing changes about how the Web works 17:47:58 ...and we should get the TAGs feedback on those changes 17:48:07 ...to make sure we're not altering those fundamentals incorrectly 17:48:15 ...we've been spending a lot of time in our own little publication world 17:48:20 ack dkaplan 17:48:27 ...but since we're writing for the Web, we really need and could use their help 17:48:43 dkaplan3: when I read that doc, my reaction was "yeah, thank you dauwhe!" 17:48:54 ...it does, however, assume the readers have some basic assumed principles 17:49:06 ...things from the EPUB community may make people go "huh?" 17:49:10 ...one big one is reading order 17:49:19 ...we understand that there's some default reading order 17:49:27 ... that doesn't mean you can't read the publication other ways, etc. 17:49:31 ...but others may not 17:49:53 ...so a document that talks this much about reading order, should probably put in a glossary or something explaining those assumptions/understandings 17:49:58 dauwhe: thank you so much dkaplan3! 17:50:04 q+ 17:50:04 tzviya: any other feedback? 17:50:08 ack ivan 17:50:12 q+ 17:50:15 ivan: I have a practical issue 17:50:18 q+ 17:50:26 ...I'm perfectly agreeing that showing it to the TAG early next year 17:50:38 ...there was a TAG review...well, an individual from the TAG reviewing the document 17:50:45 ...it was a long time ago and on a very early draft 17:51:00 q+ 17:51:02 q+ 17:51:04 ...so I would think that comments going back to that issue is not necessarily moot, but almost 17:51:12 ...because many things are gone...or almost gone 17:51:25 ack EvanOwens 17:51:26 ...I'd prefer to streamline a way that it is completely fresh 17:51:32 ...and not referring back to the original review 17:51:45 EvanOwens: what is the long term strategic goal of this project? 17:51:49 q+ 17:51:54 ...are all Web browsers going to read these documents? 17:52:02 ...is the entry page just an interim solution? 17:52:05 ...what's the goal? 17:52:14 tzviya: if I could jump the queue, I'd say that all browsers are the goal 17:52:26 ...but that's not likely to happen exactly 17:52:39 ...chrome or chromium or whoever aren't likely to implement the whole thing 17:52:41 q- 17:52:47 ...they're more likely to add parts of it 17:52:52 ...once we see adoption of a polyfill 17:53:10 ack CharlesL 17:53:14 ...in an ideal world, yes, but in the meantime we'll need polyfills, etc in order to encourage the browsers to implement 17:53:16 q+ 17:53:29 CharlesL: just wanted to point out that when we were doing the a11y task force 17:53:35 ...in the digital publishing IG at the time 17:53:39 ...we did a gap analysis 17:53:46 ...and I'd really like us to see us do that again 17:53:58 ...across a Web page, multiple web pages, a publication, etc. 17:54:07 ack dauwhe 17:54:09 ...not just relying on the back button for example 17:54:15 ...I'd like to see us spell that out more clearly 17:54:30 dauwhe: I'd like to respond to ivan's thoughts on the TAG feedback 17:54:35 q- 17:54:44 ...it seems their original feedback still applies directly 17:55:03 ...back then Andrew Betts mentioned the Readium Web Publication Manifest 17:55:15 ...and raised concerns about a similar approach 17:55:21 ...which we're still using with our JSON manifest 17:55:40 ...we need to explain what are expectations are for the Open Web Platform for implementing these things 17:55:50 ...and acknowledging this feedback seems important 17:55:53 +1 dauwhe 17:55:57 ...because in some since this isn't a fresh start 17:55:58 ack ivan 17:56:09 ivan: first of all, I accept dauwhe's comments 17:56:21 ...but the reason I was in the queue was going a bit beyond what tzviya said 17:56:29 ...first, agreeing to everything she said 17:56:36 ...maybe it's worth putting into the explainer 17:56:52 ...that we understand that browsers will not solve everything under the sun 17:57:08 ...that we're considering a structure where we're building on top of things built on top of the browsers 17:57:18 ...that seems to be the way browser engines want to go 17:57:32 ...and that what we're building can exist on top of those things 17:57:45 ...so that we do understand that some of these features may make it into the core 17:58:12 ...but that we don't expect that anytime soon 17:58:17 q? 17:58:28 ...and perhaps we can point that out in the explainer 17:58:31 q+ 17:58:33 dauwhe: that sounds good to me ivan 17:58:38 ack Avneesh 17:58:38 ivan: so what's the plan? 17:58:41 Avneesh: just one thing 17:58:53 ...maybe to revise the document a little...it talks so much about EPUB 17:59:01 q+ 17:59:04 ...they have a negative reaction to that 17:59:10 ...and it looks like we're building a new version of EPUB 17:59:17 ack dauwhe 17:59:20 ...maybe we should not be saying that, and neutralize it a bit 17:59:33 ...we have a cognitive bias in this group 17:59:44 ...all the implementers are EPUB RS implementers in this group 17:59:55 ...and these folks aren't, so we should attempt to avoid bias against reading systems 17:59:59 dauwhe: I sort of see your point 18:00:10 ...but EPUB has had a strong influence on the activity of this group 18:00:22 ...because some of these choices were made because these are the kind of things that worked in EPUB 18:00:36 ...so trying to explain these things without referring to EPUB would be very challenging 18:00:49 ...we're also chartered to spec EPUB4 18:00:59 ...and the TAG has existing perspective on EPUB in general 18:01:13 q? 18:01:14 tzviya: I agree with dauwhe that acknowledging that bias seems important 18:01:24 dauwhe: I can try and do that in a more neutral way 18:01:31 tzviya: sorry to cut you off, but we're out of time 18:01:38 ...there are no more 2018 meetings 18:01:46 ...next meeting is January 7th 18:01:50 ...enjoy your time off! 18:02:01 dkaplan3 has left #pwg 18:02:34 EvanOwens: thank you for the summary 18:02:39 CharlesL has left #pwg 18:02:46 [lots of people]: happy holidays! 18:02:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:02:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/17-pwg-minutes.html ivan 18:02:56 JunGamo has left #pwg 18:03:44 rrsagent, bye 18:03:44 I see no action items