20:52:43 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:52:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-irc 20:52:58 rrsagent, make logs public 20:53:14 chair: PWinstanley 20:53:41 regrets+ Ixchel Faniel, Alejandra 20:53:44 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 20:54:04 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:54:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:59:26 annette_g has joined #dxwg 21:00:39 present+ 21:01:01 present+ 21:01:13 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 21:01:50 antoine has joined #dxwg 21:02:19 Makx has joined #dxwg 21:02:35 present+ 21:02:51 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 21:03:23 present+ 21:03:32 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 21:04:21 present+ 21:04:24 present+ Makx 21:04:35 scribenick - jpullmann 21:04:46 present+ 21:04:51 scribenick: jpullmann 21:06:00 topic: admin, agenda is o.k.? 21:06:06 https://www.w3.org/2018/12/04-dxwg-minutes 21:06:09 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2018.12.11 21:06:19 meeting: DXWG Plenary 21:06:39 oops, that was https://www.w3.org/2018/12/04-dxwg-minutes 21:06:51 q+ 21:06:52 proposal: accept minutes of last meeting 21:06:53 0 not present 21:06:55 +1 21:07:04 +1 21:07:05 +1 21:07:10 +1 21:07:19 +1 21:07:21 ack kcoyle 21:07:39 kcoyle: the tracker was not working for some time 21:07:56 resolved: minutes approved 21:08:04 0 not present las week 21:08:11 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 21:08:12 topic: open actions 21:08:27 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 21:08:43 PWinstanley: not that many for this meeting other then those related to UCR doc 21:08:50 q+ 21:09:08 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 21:09:31 present+ 21:09:37 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:09:41 roba has joined #dxwg 21:09:43 present+ AndreaPerego 21:10:07 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I am working on the validation of the UCR, there are some issues with differences between the document sources, I'll fix by end of the week 21:10:07 Jaroslav_Pullmann: action 266 not yet completed; will try to do by end of week 21:10:44 PWinstanley: Andreas task 242 21:11:12 ... yet to be done 21:11:36 q+ 21:12:16 kcoyle: 2 actions: with a draft published the URL of the approved version should be noted in the minutes 21:12:21 ack AndreaPerego 21:13:07 AndreaPerego: actions 85 and 86 could be closed, about clarifying properties of usage rights in DC 21:13:20 PWinstanley: move to DCAT meeting tomorrow 21:13:57 PWinstanley: update on profile ontologies .. report by Dave Ragett 21:14:23 dsr: submitted the request to formally publish both darfts 21:14:33 s/Ragett/Raggett 21:14:45 agenda: DXWG plenary 21:14:54 meeting: DXWG plenary 21:15:08 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2018.12.11 21:15:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:15:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:15:18 dsr: put attention on checking the links (done in profile documents) 21:15:47 dsr: editor drafts should be marked accordingly as ED 21:15:55 Same problem with PROF - in GH is said to be a FPWD 21:18:28 scribenick: Jaroslav_Pullmann 21:18:57 s/scribenick - jpullmann/scribenick: Jaroslav_Pullmann/ 21:19:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:19:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:20:26 dsr: in the profile negotiation doc there was longer list of non-normative resources which may break, but that's o.k., we must consider only stable links for recommendations 21:20:58 topic: gathering feedback on profile documents 21:21:16 q+ 21:21:21 ack kcoyle 21:21:33 kcoyle: we need 2 texts, one per document 21:21:44 PWinstanley: yes, request for specific feedback 21:22:15 kcoyle: unfortunately, no of the editors is present now 21:23:02 PWinstanley: will ask Rob and Nick to create the text 21:23:49 spreadsheet: 21:23:51 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_f5CAZv7rgUjJH5YXkmD6w5xS6GX5X2AmEp_LMptAfQ/edit#gid=0 21:24:02 action PWinstanley: Approach Rob and Nick and ask for comment request 21:24:02 Created ACTION-269 - Approach rob and nick and ask for comment request [on Peter Winstanley - due 2018-12-18]. 21:24:31 topic: short report on UCR WD 21:24:36 q+ 21:24:42 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 21:25:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:25:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:25:38 Jaroslav_Pullmann: there was an action to remove references in the google doc. Antoine is to be added to the list of editors 21:25:42 and then the pub rules are being worked on - I hope to complete later this week 21:27:49 dsr: the UCR doc needs a statement describing how it is changed from the earlier one 21:28:27 PWinstanley: create resolution to publish UCR as ED given minor issues are resolved? 21:28:59 proposal: publish UCR as ED following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues 21:29:04 +1 21:29:08 +1 21:29:10 +1 21:29:15 +1 21:29:16 +1 21:29:19 +1 21:29:23 s/proposal:/proposed: 21:29:28 +1 21:29:30 +1 21:29:41 +1 21:29:59 present+ antoine 21:30:02 resolved: publish UCR as ED following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues 21:30:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:30:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:30:42 PWinstanley: any remarks on profile guidance? 21:30:58 dsr: needs to be changed to editors draft 21:31:26 antoine: I will do.. 21:31:45 DaveBrowning: report on DCAT progress 21:32:02 q+ to ask about UCR spec status - sorry for being late 21:32:13 DaveBrowning: some side conversations on delta since last WD (October) 21:33:04 DaveBrowning: it seems there was not that much involvement / changes since then 21:33:35 DaveBrowning: next WD publications expected in January 21:33:50 q+ 21:34:08 q- 21:34:09 ack AndreaPerego 21:34:18 ack kcoyle 21:34:47 kcoyle: repeating myself, would appreciate to see the intended updates in next draft 21:35:04 q+ 21:35:15 DaveBrowning: the subgroup will elaborate this next days 21:35:22 see https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/14 21:35:58 ack SimonCox 21:36:01 DaveBrowning: will discuss on precedence and doability 21:36:26 SimonCox: we are using milestone, please have a look at them to see the planing 21:36:28 q+ to ask about UCR spec status - sorry for being late 21:36:53 ack AndreaPerego 21:36:53 AndreaPerego, you wanted to ask about UCR spec status - sorry for being late 21:36:55 PWinstanley: there were emails about next F2F 21:37:30 AndreaPerego: UCR will be published as ED (now on github) or WD (published last time) 21:37:36 q+ 21:38:05 q+ 21:38:23 ack SimonCox 21:38:33 AndreaPerego: this should be a WD, once published 21:39:03 SimonCox: the stus will change as part of the publishing process - this is done by W3C officials 21:39:14 ack antoine 21:40:08 s/resolved: publish UCR as ED following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues/resolved: publish UCR as WD following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues/ 21:40:46 s/the stus will/the stastus will/ 21:40:50 proposed: publish UCR as WD following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues 21:40:54 +1 21:40:56 +1 21:40:56 +1 21:40:57 +1 21:41:00 +1 21:41:06 +1 21:41:07 +1 21:41:08 +1 21:41:15 resolved: publish UCR as WD following minor editing and resolution of pubrules issues 21:41:18 +1 21:41:21 +1 21:41:45 q+ 21:41:51 ack antoine 21:42:26 antoine: there was a request by Dave to move back to ED, done now 21:42:29 PWinstanley: any notes on another F2F? 21:42:58 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:42:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 21:43:34 PWinstanley: closing, 18th will be our last meeting and then 8th 21:43:39 thanks bye 21:43:40 Thanks, bye bye! 21:43:42 bye! 21:43:49 present- 21:43:53 by 21:43:53 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:43:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:43:57 bye