20:51:30 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 20:51:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-irc 20:51:44 rrsagent, make logs public 20:52:00 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 20:52:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 20:53:18 meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 21 November 2018 20:56:35 regrets Alasdair Gray, Erik Mannens, Thomas D'Haenens, Lars Svensson, Makx 20:56:43 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 20:56:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 20:57:22 regrets+ Alasdair Gray, Erik Mannens, Thomas D'Haenens, Lars Svensson, Makx 20:57:31 present+ 20:57:36 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 20:57:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 20:59:16 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.11.21 20:59:26 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 20:59:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:02:19 SimonCox has joined #dxwgdcat 21:02:20 RiccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwgdcat 21:02:28 alejandra has joined #dxwgdcat 21:04:12 present+ 21:05:29 scribenick: SimonCox 21:05:35 rrsagent, make logs public 21:05:38 scribe: SimonCox 21:06:17 Meeting: DCAT 2018-11-22 21:06:32 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.11.21 21:06:51 chair: DaveBrowning 21:06:51 +q 21:07:41 alejandra: comment from @smrgeoinfo on 2PWD 21:07:51 ack alejandra 21:07:56 ... discussion on identifiers 21:08:29 ... also funder 21:08:48 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/529 21:10:44 agenda agreed with addition of funders, identifiers 21:11:05 minutes of last meeting https://www.w3.org/2018/11/07-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:11:26 +1 21:11:29 +1 21:11:32 propose: accept minutes of last meeting 21:11:38 0 (not present) 21:11:39 +1 21:11:40 +1 21:11:51 resolved: accept minutes of last meeting 21:12:08 topic: open actions 21:12:15 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 21:13:17 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 21:14:12 SimonCox: Qualified relations action 125 - wiki page now in use 21:14:51 ... page has examples, perhaps now is thetime to close the action 21:15:52 link is here : https://csiro.webex.com/csiro/j.php?MTID=m7f5ece41d26d5e36c16af8c20faadc15 21:17:43 present+ AndreaPerego 21:18:02 present+ 21:21:01 AndreaPerego: access rights and license need decisionn from WG 21:22:17 ... clarify that access rights are for access permissions not use permission 21:23:10 +q 21:23:32 ack RiccardoAlbertoni 21:23:55 About accessRights, relevant issues are https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/160 & https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/59 21:24:42 q? 21:24:43 RiccardoAlbertoni: need to maintain consensus 21:24:57 can you summarize the disagreement AndreaPerego ? 21:25:27 q+ 21:25:55 ack AndreaPerego 21:25:57 ack AndreaPerego 21:26:34 AndreaPerego: 3 properties in DC - rights, accessRights, licenseoriginal proposal was based on ass 21:26:52 s/original proposal was based on ass// 21:27:06 original proposal was based on assumption that these could be cleanly separated 21:27:18 q+ 21:27:29 q- 21:27:30 s/original/... original/ 21:27:55 ... discovery use-cases complicate this 21:28:24 ... particularly if use- and access- are combined in one description 21:28:43 ... then there is ODRL capability 21:29:00 q+ 21:29:03 q+ 21:29:09 ack SimonCox 21:30:23 Topic: rights 21:31:21 Access policies in ODRL: http://w3c.github.io/poe/bp/#example-2-representation-of-access-policies-to-digital-resources 21:31:32 the concern is whether all rights are bundled in one property (possibly structured in and ODRL form), or split across multiple DC properties 21:31:47 s/and/an/ 21:32:16 AndreaPerego: iff bundled makes it difficult to select/fileter in discovery scenarios 21:32:23 s/iff/if/ 21:32:32 s/fileter/filter/ 21:32:58 q+ 21:33:25 ack DaveBrowning 21:33:33 AndreaPerego: came across this problem when dealing with lawyers 21:33:56 DaveBrowning: has been looking at Google dataset search 21:34:23 ... is quite rudimentary. Appears that they are only looking at content of 'license' tag 21:34:40 ... often includes access and 'fair use' provisions 21:35:05 they only recommend schema:license - https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/dataset 21:35:19 ... the legacy will be difficult, in DCAT we can make a _recommendation_ but not necessarily widespread adoption 21:35:25 q+ 21:35:32 ack SimonCox 21:36:40 SimonCox: Getting adoption may be hard, but some will pay attention particularly where its important and understood 21:38:16 ... need to be careful of creating too much nuance 21:38:38 ack AndreaPerego 21:39:14 AndreaPerego: proposal was primarily a recommendation for people mmoving forward 21:39:27 OpenAIRE access levels: https://guidelines.openaire.eu/en/latest/literature/field_accesslevel.html 21:39:36 MDR access rights: http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/resource/authority/access-right/html/access-right-eng.html 21:39:52 ... the distinction bbetween access and use rights really is made by some users now 21:40:33 q? 21:40:43 q+ 21:41:01 ack SimonCox 21:41:21 ... people who want to do the right thing do deserve some guidance 21:41:36 Is there a suitable text available? 21:42:06 q+ 21:42:11 AndreaPerego: will make a proposal in the issue 21:42:17 ack RiccardoAlbertoni 21:42:44 s/MDR access rights/DCAT-AP access rights/ 21:42:47 RiccardoAlbertoni: will this create a normative provision? 21:43:11 I think it can be kept informative. 21:44:03 q+ 21:45:26 RiccardoAlbertoni: informative parts of document are important. Don't need to be 100% sure about guidelines. 21:45:28 ack AndreaPerego 21:46:15 AndreaPerego: original DCAT did not provide enough examples and guidelines 21:46:24 ... this led to too much diversity! 21:46:43 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 21:46:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:47:15 ... in this case we are just clarifying different roles of license and accessRights and why it might be useful for metadata providers to separate the information 21:48:02 DaveBrowning: definitely need more guidance within the DCAT doc 21:49:01 Yep! Thank you 21:49:10 action: AndreaPerego to draft proposal and add togithub issue 21:49:10 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 21:49:59 +q 21:50:03 topic: Next PWD? 21:50:22 ack ale 21:50:25 ack alejandra 21:50:32 DaveBrowning: need to commit now if we are to achieve this in Nov/Dec 21:50:58 alejandra: do we have enough change? 21:51:23 q+ 21:51:26 ... very few major issues have been concluded 21:51:50 ... target (i) rights/license (ii) identifiers (3 related issues) 21:51:56 ack AndreaPerego 21:52:19 AndreaPerego: look at milestone? 21:52:27 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/14 21:52:41 +q 21:53:23 ack alejandra 21:54:27 alejandra: will split issues between 3pwd milestone and a final milestone 21:54:46 +1 to Xmas release 21:54:52 DaveBrowning: urgesss 3pwd before xmas 21:54:58 s/sss/s/ 21:56:08 action: alejandra to split milestone 21:56:08 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 21:56:29 q+ 21:57:38 ack AndreaPerego 21:57:46 ... infofmed decision will be possible in January, when real deadlines will be better known 21:57:56 s/infofed/informed/ 21:59:59 AndreaPerego: following threads accross the GitHub issues is challenging - lets foccus on the issues in the milestones 22:00:20 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 22:00:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 22:00:23 All agree to focus on milestone issues 22:00:28 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 22:00:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 22:00:29 +q 22:00:36 ack ric 22:00:38 ack RiccardoAlbertoni 22:01:28 RiccardoAlbertoni: lets try to create agenda with 2 days notice and identify which issues will be actually discussed. 22:01:43 ... e.g. next call: do identifiers 22:02:33 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 22:02:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 22:02:33 RRSAgent: draft minutes v2 22:02:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox 22:03:45 s/infofmed/informed/ 22:03:50 RRSAgent: draft minutes v2 22:03:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/21-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox