16:10:28 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 16:10:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/11/06-pbg-irc 16:10:29 rrsagent, set log public 16:10:29 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 16:10:29 Chair: Luc 16:10:29 Date: 2018-11-06 16:10:29 Regrets+ makoto, jkamata, brian 16:10:29 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Nov/0014.html 16:10:30 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-11-06: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Nov/0014.html 16:16:25 ivan_ has joined #pbg 16:26:24 bobbytung has joined #pbg 16:54:54 Avneesh has joined #pbg 16:54:57 wolfgang has joined #pbg 16:55:50 Ralph has joined #pbg 16:55:52 jeff has joined #pbg 16:57:18 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 16:57:56 present+ 16:58:02 laudrain has joined #pbg 16:58:12 present+ 16:58:13 present+ Ralph_Swick 16:58:20 present+ 16:58:53 present+ Karen 16:59:08 present+ george 16:59:46 present+ 17:00:26 George has joined #pbg 17:00:54 present+ jeff 17:01:22 Avneesh has joined #pbg 17:01:25 liisamk has joined #pbg 17:01:30 present+ 17:01:43 present+ George 17:01:59 regrets+ RickJ 17:02:24 present+ 17:02:27 present+ makoto 17:02:31 rkwright has joined #pbg 17:03:38 Julian_Calderazi has joined #pbg 17:03:44 +Present 17:03:48 scribenick: Karen 17:04:05 present+ Julian_Calderazi 17:04:11 present+ 17:04:13 MURATA has joined #pbg 17:04:18 present+ wolfgang 17:04:23 present+ 17:04:26 Luc: We are 21 now on irc 17:04:28 ...and 13 on the phone 17:04:31 ...let's start 17:04:41 ...We had TPAC the week before last 17:04:41 present+ 17:04:48 ...We had an interesting report from Wendy Reid 17:04:51 -Present 17:04:53 https://www.w3.org/blog/2018/11/publishing-at-tpac-2018/ 17:04:53 ...meant to put link in the agenda 17:04:59 ...here it is in irc 17:05:11 ...you will find interesting points about what happened during the f2f of the PubWG 17:05:17 ...and links to minutes of day one and day two 17:05:32 ...interesting to come back to if you want to know what happened, especially for the Publishing Working Group 17:05:47 ...don't know if we have comments on general discussions or issues, but I would like to step on the main subject for today 17:05:59 ...which is the discussion that started in the TPAC f2f session of PubWG 17:06:00 -> Joint BG/WG meeting's minutes: https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-10-23-pwg.html#section1 17:06:08 ...the question of the priorities and changes with PubBG 17:06:25 ...we discussed this after TPAC 17:06:37 ...and have written a report for people at Hachette 17:06:45 ...concerns for EPUB3.2 being finished by CG 17:06:52 ...CG has approved the new spec of EPUB3.2 17:07:04 ...but now we have issues about its promotion and deployment 17:07:10 ...EPUB3.2 is in front of EPUB4 17:07:14 ...in front of WG 17:07:18 ...for 2020 17:07:27 ...during this time we have EPUBCheck that is revised 17:07:33 ...and will be ready for EPUB3.2 by 2019 17:07:40 ...this was raised during the f2f session 17:07:45 ...and it was a bit of a concern 17:07:50 present+ 17:07:56 ...The big concern about EPUB3.2 is not being completely interoperable 17:08:01 ...we know it has issues and bugs 17:08:09 ...we know reading systems have bugs about EPUB3 17:08:20 ...We had discussions about improving interop of EPUB3 among reading systems 17:08:35 ...would be very important for CG to continue its work gathering all the bugs we know around the world 17:08:42 ...so we have better pressure against reading systems 17:08:52 ...but also the next steps for EPUB3.2 would be testing the features 17:09:04 ...all the features of EPUB3.2, features that are "must" and "should" 17:09:14 ...this was also raised during the f2f 17:09:19 ...we had discussions about priorities 17:09:26 ...An issue about audio books 17:09:29 ...not yet possible in EPUB3 17:09:42 ...but it's a business issue that it is not easy to distribute audio books 17:09:54 ...we would expect the work on audio books from Web Publication WG would be useful 17:10:12 ...had discussions on this subject where we saw a business use case for packaged audio books 17:10:21 ...not in EPUB3 but in using work on Web Publishing 17:10:23 ...Fourth item 17:10:27 ...in Japan and Korea 17:10:41 ...they prefer ISO and not W3C standards, so there is a need for EPUB3 as an ISO standard 17:10:50 ...EPUB3.2 as it is today; there will soon be a CG not 17:10:53 s/not/note 17:11:06 ...it is not recognized as an ISO standard 17:11:10 ..So we have this plan 17:11:21 ...Idea is to make EPUB3.2 to move to a W3C Recommendation path 17:11:29 ...EPUB3.2 should be promoted inside the Working Group 17:11:33 ...promoted as a Recommendation 17:11:38 ...and it has several meanings 17:11:48 ...The PubWG would take the work of EPUB3.2 as a recommendation 17:11:56 ...and beside the continuing work on Web Publication 17:12:13 ...Web Publication work would continue in the WG and add the application of audio book as soon as possible 17:12:26 ...we are speaking of a modular development or modular standard of web publication for audio books 17:12:35 ...Because of difficulty thinking about EPUB3 17:12:43 ...we would then post-pone or speak less about EPUB4 17:12:59 ...that would be a consequence of adoption of Web Publication and Audio publication 17:13:08 ...To start this work there is an obvious need to change the charter 17:13:19 ...the current Web Publications WG charter does not reflect this 17:13:34 ...it would have to reflect this and reflect difference between web publication and audio pub 17:13:47 ...and we had an expression 'in the fridge' , later for EPUB4 17:13:50 ...We know this rec track 17:14:10 ...being possible through a new charter, would need testing of different features among reading systems 17:14:13 ...testing comes urgently 17:14:28 ...to have results of each feature to be tested against at least two working implementations 17:14:33 ...this is a W3C requirement 17:14:43 ...We imagine that during the time we work on rewriting a new charter 17:14:49 ...to rewrite this change 17:14:57 ...the CG would fulfill need of testing 17:15:05 ...CG could work on what needs to be tested 17:15:13 ...identify the 'should' and 'must' 17:15:24 ...For EPUB community, would be good for testing to be thoroughly done 17:15:30 ..maybe in a new EPUB test.org 17:15:37 ...besides the bugs 17:15:53 ...CG could start quickly on this and hopefully it would be available if we decide a rec track 17:16:13 ...it is absolutely necessary for this testing to be done to go onto rec track 17:16:21 ...So that is the proposed plan 17:16:27 ...and PubBG needs to consider this plan 17:16:35 ...I would like to present positive way to think about this 17:16:46 ...There would be a lot of improvement on ineterop, testing and bug fixing 17:16:57 ...it would have more pressure as a W3C rec track on reading systems 17:17:04 s/ineterop/interop/ 17:17:07 ...and it would answer need for internationalization for ISO standards 17:17:13 ...path for ISO to adopt W3C recs 17:17:19 ...and not to rewrite a new EPUB standard 17:17:25 ...it would be interesting to have this availble 17:17:31 ...that's where my report stops 17:17:36 ...but there are also issues 17:17:40 ...and a negative way to present things 17:17:47 ...Before presenting the negative side of things 17:18:03 ...First of all, I would like to say that the PubBG does not have to decide today or tonight about rec track or not 17:18:23 ...During TPAC we had Ivan say we need to know quickly what the PubBG thinks because it's a lot of work 17:18:29 ...and we need to have the position of the PubBG 17:18:38 ...Liisa and I know we cannot decide on just one call 17:18:46 ...there will be more calls and a formal vote 17:18:54 ...We have until end of November to decide 17:19:06 ...Purpose of these calls is to build toward decision 17:19:20 ...Liisa and I have started shared doc with pros and cons of moving EPUB3.2 to rec track 17:19:27 +1 to spending the right amount of time to come up with a Business Group recommendation. 17:19:36 ...The other side of the @...issues on this process 17:19:41 ...is about things we expressed during TPAC 17:19:47 ...and discussions in May 17:19:54 ...We don't have infinite resources 17:19:59 ...working on two, we need more resources 17:20:07 ...or less work will get done at the same time 17:20:14 ...working on charter will take energy from WG 17:20:33 ...so less energy and less time to work on Web Publications and the audio portion that we have identified as urgent for the market 17:20:39 ...There is an issue on resources 17:20:40 I'm wondering if we can establish another WG dedicated for 3.2 17:20:45 ...and an issue on the maintenance of EPUB3 17:20:55 ...with maintenance of EPUB3, writing this EPUB3.2 specification 17:20:56 [perhaps the Business Group could take the lead on drafting a WG charter?] 17:21:08 ...it was in the CG, where publishing industry can contribute at no cost 17:21:17 ...When we move to a WG, it will be necessary for publishers 17:21:31 ...through PubBG or full member fees 17:21:36 ...that is an issue for publishers 17:21:41 ...We know that end of TPI 17:22:07 ...we are doing their best effort to convince TPI members to become regular/full members of W3C, or at least participants in the PubBG 17:22:16 ...but will not be able to convince everyone 17:22:19 ...Same side of resources 17:22:26 ...if we have less people, we will have less energy 17:22:32 ...That is a second issue 17:22:41 ...I saw a mail from Laurent Lemeur today 17:22:50 ...may be difficulties about EPUB3.2 being a web standards 17:23:02 garth has joined #pbg 17:23:02 ...as the TAG would say [W3C Technical Architecture Group] 17:23:10 ...we cannot foresee an easy success 17:23:19 present+ Garth 17:23:24 ...We cannot foresee an easy success for the charter to become a WG with these changes 17:23:34 ...Also, I think about ISO for Japan and Asian people 17:23:36 [the Business Group can help by describing its vision of how EPUB helps advance the Web] 17:23:38 q+ to comment on TAG review of EPUB 17:23:43 ...there should be more Japanese people on the Working Group 17:23:52 q+ to comment on resources and involving TAG 17:23:53 q+ to comment on "explainer" 17:24:05 ...If there is a goal to bring EPUB3.2 to the rec track to prepare an ISO standard, this part of group should include more Japanese people 17:24:07 q+ to ask if we can see and contribute to the pro con list? 17:24:14 ...I think there should be a chair or co-chair from Japan 17:24:18 ...those are some issues to consider 17:24:25 +q 17:24:25 ...We have to discuss among us during this call 17:24:29 ...and through the mailing list 17:24:35 ...using this document of pros and cons 17:24:42 ...and use the next days and weeks to build our decision 17:24:58 ...the PubBG has to build decision about EPUB3.2 going to rec track 17:25:13 ...do we think as an industry we need to go to rec track 17:25:17 ...we have to build our decision 17:25:22 ...and we have to all contribute 17:25:31 draft pros, cons, questions doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17CyIqihtjjzT7Abbcq9sSqLNqLGKs2cuXdg4DcFulGY/edit?usp=sharing 17:25:31 q+ 17:25:32 ...only 21 on irc now, but over 80 people in PubBG 17:25:44 ...we will have a specific call for Asian people next week 17:25:53 ...another BG call for all Asian people time slot 17:26:00 ...and re-explain these issues 17:26:19 ...there will be real participation of all the Business Group people; we have to build an informed decision 17:26:24 ...That is the goal we have 17:26:26 Q? 17:26:40 Ack Dave 17:26:42 ack Dauwhe 17:26:43 dauwhe, you wanted to comment on TAG review of EPUB 17:26:46 ack dauwhe 17:26:49 q- 17:26:51 Dave: Thank you, Luc for that very good summary of all the issues 17:27:03 ...I don't think we can make the decision for rec track for EPUB in isolation 17:27:16 see Dave's email https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Nov/0022.html 17:27:17 q+ 17:27:21 ...We need a clear picture of how we want EPUB to evolve in the near future and how that relates to web publications 17:27:28 ...some see these as two separate things 17:27:42 ...I would want a clear picture of how we see these things evolving 17:27:53 ...Also comment on people who know more about W3C process 17:28:06 ...Could TAG really block something where architectural decisions have already been made? 17:28:07 q+ to answer whether the TAG could block publication 17:28:10 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Nov/0022.html 17:28:15 ...I have written some up in greater detail at this link 17:28:26 Luc: I would like to answer quickly on idea of isolation 17:28:40 ...because my concern is that we are putting a lot of energy on EPUB3 being adopted 17:28:49 ...and putting money on EPUBCheck 17:28:52 Three cheers! 17:28:55 ...and many people from DAISY Consortium 17:29:02 ...we have said this winter is EPUB3 winter 17:29:10 ...when publishing industry as a whole comes to EPUB3 17:29:15 ...and EPUB3.2 is our best card 17:29:22 ...for the publishing industry there is a danger 17:29:25 ...my personal view 17:29:34 ...there is a danger if we post-pone EPUB3.2 17:29:40 ...forgot to say the rec track of EPUB3.2 17:29:47 ...would be on the CG note 17:29:51 ...it is not a new spec 17:30:01 ...should be what the CG has written to bring it as a rec specification 17:30:19 ...should not be rewritten because we will lose the publishing industry and lose the battle of EPUB3 if we bring something new 17:30:23 ...and we lose time 17:30:24 q? 17:30:25 +1 Luc 17:30:30 scribenick: George 17:30:40 ack tzviya 17:30:40 tzviya, you wanted to comment on resources and involving TAG 17:31:35 +1 Tzviya 17:32:01 TS: We have epubcheck and implementers working on testing. We would get the best of both worlds with the testing moving forward... 17:32:18 We want EPUB 3.2 to be successul no matter what we do. 17:32:30 ack ivan 17:32:30 ivan, you wanted to comment on "explainer" 17:32:34 We have a resource issue. 17:32:42 s/successul/successful/ 17:32:45 q- 17:33:34 IH: The charter itself is simple to write. What we have to publish ..We need a document like what Dave has started. This document will be the important. 17:34:01 The direction we are taking and what is written is sound and that there is a real business case for what we are doing. 17:34:37 It is not the working group that will develop the charter the load is on a smaller group of people. 17:35:09 q? 17:35:09 The business group that will have a larger role. The real core is like the one that Dave has started. 17:35:15 ack MURATA 17:35:45 Makoto: I don't believe the Japanese need an ISO standard for 3.2. 17:36:13 Hiroshi Kawamura is asking for the accessibility ISO standard. 17:36:45 I don't believe the Japanese publishers will participate in W3C. 17:37:13 There is a strong interest form accessibility, but not from publishers. 17:37:30 s/form/from/ 17:37:37 We need underlying EPUB standards to have accessibility standards. 17:37:53 q? 17:37:59 ack Avneesh 17:38:06 Makoto is not optomistic that Japanese will participate. 17:38:21 s/optomistic/optimistic/ 17:39:10 Avneesh: If we want to put EPUB 3.2 to ISO, it may not be necessary through rec track. 17:39:38 We want EPUB in ISO so the standard is before the countries. 17:40:06 q? 17:40:07 The accessibility spec is not dependent of 3.2. The accessibility can apply to any version of EPUB. 17:40:46 Any version of EPUB*3*? 17:40:48 Ralph: Makoto and Avneesh remind us that this community must come to concensis. I look forward to the intense discussion. 17:40:51 -> https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ Technical Architecture Group [TAG] home page 17:41:02 Regarding the TAG and here is a pointer. 17:41:39 Three bullet items: the third bullet is to coordinate crosscheck archectual design. 17:42:02 and would like an explainer document.The TAG is asking questions 17:42:04 https://w3ctag.github.io/explainers 17:42:10 s/archectual/architectural/ 17:42:36 The expresession of concensis could be described in this technical explainer document. 17:42:49 This can fram the questions we ask of the TAG. 17:42:49 s/concensis/consensus/ 17:43:01 The TAG will focus on technical questions. 17:43:08 +q 17:43:20 How does this proposed technology work with the existing web technology. 17:43:37 s/fram /frame / 17:43:44 In the course of answering questions, they can point out concerns and suggest paths forward. 17:44:01 ack Ralph 17:44:01 Ralph, you wanted to comment on the TAG's authority 17:44:02 Butt, if the TAG has a clear concern, 17:44:16 s/Butt/But/ 17:44:17 s/Butt/But/ 17:44:29 That is likley to influence the rest of the web community and would influence the director. 17:44:39 -q 17:44:47 q- 17:44:48 s/likley/likely/ 17:44:50 q+ 17:44:51 s/likley/likely/ 17:44:56 The TAG's archectual perspective does have significant influence across the web. 17:45:17 We have a responsibility to explain EPUB and how it would work moving forward. 17:45:21 q? 17:45:27 ack Jeff 17:46:13 q+ for 2 practical points 17:46:13 Jeff: Regarding what Makoto said, the assessment is that it is unlickley that the Japanese would not participate, I hope he would be wrong. 17:46:14 ralph: The BG could help by describing its vision of How EPUB helps advance the Web and this would be a good thing to include in the "explainer" 17:46:47 Not for 3.2 REC. But for Publishing@W3C in general. 17:46:48 Jeff mentioned several companies who have joined and that he is meeting with several publishers and asking them to participate. 17:47:01 s/and would influence the director/and would influence the W3C Members as they advise the Director on a proposed Working Group charter 17:47:14 Overall I am trying to keep score, Luc's explanation reflected what I saw. 17:47:45 But, as I look at the email thread, I was able to document seven different demensions of concern. 17:47:59 We need to be thoughtful on how to bring this forward. 17:48:03 s/demensions/dimensions/ 17:48:17 For example features that lack sufficient implementations. 17:48:32 Dave said we need to map this to the overall direction. 17:48:56 Lauren is concerned aobut the relation to the many groups. 17:49:06 q+ 17:49:08 s/unlickley/unlikely 17:49:14 s/aobut/about/ 17:49:24 The seventh is how exactly EPUB 3.2, audio books and web publications all fit together. 17:49:40 s/unlickley/unlikely/ 17:49:46 With this many demensions, perhaps a small group can boil down the positives. 17:50:04 s/demensions/dimensions/ 17:50:14 They could come back with a proposal that touches on all the eemensions of the issues. 17:50:30 s/eemensions/dimensions/ 17:50:40 Perhaps this small group could bring a mind meld of concensis to the group. 17:50:56 Luc, Please list the issues. 17:50:57 s/consensis/consensus/ 17:51:07 Jeff's dimensions of concerns: 7 dimensions of concern * features that may lack sufficient implementation - makoto * map into the overall roadmap - Dave * who has responsibility for what - Laurent * relationship with the TAG * resources * business case * how will 3.2 and audiobooks and 4.0 going to fit together for time 17:51:27 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17CyIqihtjjzT7Abbcq9sSqLNqLGKs2cuXdg4DcFulGY/edit?usp=sharing 17:51:32 Luc Liisa has prepared a shared document for pros and cons. Here is the link. 17:51:59 rrsagent, make minutes 17:51:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/06-pbg-minutes.html jeff 17:52:01 We should put the concerns on both sides in this document. 17:52:01 q+ 17:52:10 ack laudrain 17:52:10 laudrain, you wanted to discuss 2 practical points 17:52:22 We need to schedule a call for next Tuesday November 13. 17:52:50 The normal time slot 17:53:34 What is the Asian friendly time? 17:54:31 we have an extra call on the 13th for the asian time slot :) 17:54:38 We need an invitation to go out for November 13 that uses the same time ad the December 18 call. There will be two calls one on November 13 and one on December 18. 17:55:03 The agenda for the 13 will be the same 17:55:55 In UTC it isIt might be 24 UTC. 17:56:02 q? 17:56:03 00 UTC is good for east asia but may not be for central Asia 17:56:48 TS: Regarding What Jeff raised, we have a large decision to make. It is not reflecting on EPUB 3.2 17:56:55 q? 17:57:00 q- 17:57:02 ack tzviya 17:57:23 q? 17:57:24 Liisa: Pros cons and open questions are on the public document, all on one page. 17:57:29 ack liisamk 17:57:33 Invite for next Tuesday [Asia time] sent (twice) 17:57:42 Any more thoughts? 17:58:07 q+ 17:58:28 ack jeff 17:58:29 We need time to build this decision. We need to have everybody on board. We are a small group and we need to spread the word. 17:58:57 Jeff: It is not clear if we want to have a small group to develop a unified approach. 17:59:18 liisa will help with unification 17:59:21 Who is willing to step and develop a specific proposal? 17:59:27 i will help 17:59:33 ok to help 17:59:42 Me three. 17:59:49 Thank you Luc! 17:59:50 Liisa: I think a small group is coming together. 18:00:15 Ivan, who will lead, we don't want to decide now, ubt it is a major question. 18:00:26 Liisa — woo hoo! 18:00:32 Liss has volunteered to lead the small group. 18:00:40 Goodbye! 18:00:42 thank you all. bye! 18:00:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:00:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/06-pbg-minutes.html ivan 18:00:52 zakim, bye 18:00:52 rrsagent, bye 18:00:52 I see no action items 18:00:52 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been dauwhe, laudrain, Ralph_Swick, ivan_, Karen, george, tzviya, jeff, liisamk, bobbytung, makoto, Present, Julian_Calderazi, 18:00:52 Zakim has left #pbg 18:00:55 ... rkwright, wolfgang, Avneesh, Rachel, Dan_Sanicola, Garth