06:32:59 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 06:32:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/10/25-json-ld-irc 06:33:05 Zakim has joined #json-ld 06:33:10 zakim, this is json-ld 06:33:10 got it, azaroth 06:33:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 06:33:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/10/25-json-ld-minutes.html azaroth 06:33:28 rrsagent, set log public 06:33:42 Meeting: JSON-LD 06:33:51 Date: 2018-10-25 06:34:03 Chair: Rob_Sanderson, Benjamin_Young 06:34:15 Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTLztv7nqbYuUsZbwhPhOyG5tHTJrTt9tGKWnD5Xa5A/edit# 06:34:23 azaroth has changed the topic to: F2F Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTLztv7nqbYuUsZbwhPhOyG5tHTJrTt9tGKWnD5Xa5A/edit# 06:37:27 pchampin has joined #json-ld 06:37:31 ivan has joined #json-ld 06:37:40 paul has joined #json-ld 06:37:44 laudrain has joined #json-ld 06:37:57 present+ 06:38:05 present+ Rob_Sanderson 06:38:19 leonardr has joined #json-ld 06:38:26 present+ Leonard 06:40:44 present+ Luc 06:44:18 scribenick: gkellogg 06:44:25 present+ Benjamin_Young 06:44:34 arln has joined #json-ld 06:44:44 present+ 06:44:46 present+ gkellogg 06:44:52 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 06:45:00 jyrossi has joined #json-ld 06:45:06 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 06:45:11 present+ 06:45:16 present+ J-Y _Rossi 06:45:35 ivan: Ivan Herman, I’m th W3C Staff Contact. I used to be Semantic Web activity lead, but not now. 06:46:09 azaroth: Rob Sanderson from the J Paul Getty Trust. Co-char with Benjamin. Formerly with annotations. 06:46:24 present+ Pierre-Antoine Champin 06:46:31 bigbluehat: benjamin Young with Wiely and sons, co-chari. 06:46:57 scribenick: azaroth 06:47:23 scribejs, set pchampin Pierre-Antoine Champin 06:47:23 gkellogg: I'm Gregg Kellogg, have been on a number of groups, first was RDFA. Working on JSON-LD 1.0 in RDF 1.1, worked with Ivan on those and for CSV on the Web 06:47:59 ... an underutilized format for representing information in CSV. Co-chair on the JSON-LD CG where we pushed in some new features that we've inherited. Acting as only editor, hopefully can get someone else to come and help 06:48:03 pchampin: Piere-Antoine Champin: formerly RDF WG, considering joining the group 06:48:04 scribenick: gkellogg 06:48:16 scribejs, set jyrossi Jean-Yves Rossi 06:49:31 scribejs, set laudrain Luc Audrain 06:49:35 jyrossi: I’ve discovered the W3C 4 years ago. One of our R/D topics was rules and regulations and looked into RDF to navigate those rules. Different state members; we’ve been investing for the last 2 years arond this topic. 06:50:09 arin: Antoin Roulin, working in the European legislation mapping. 06:50:38 laudrain: chair in the machine activites in the W3C. Hear as an observer, for now. 06:50:48 scribejs, set arin Antoine Roulin 06:51:18 leonardr: Leonard Rosenthal at Adobe. I also serve as chair on ?? using JSON-LD. Also, Adobe using JSON-LD. 06:51:34 s/chair in the machine activities/co-chair of the publishing business group 06:51:36 s/??/XMP 06:52:03 paul: Paul from XML5 forum in Korea, I’ve been in social web working group. I’m interested in introducing JSON-LD to Korean developers. This is my first time to join a F2F. 06:52:24 present+ ajs6f 06:52:33 s/chair in the machine activites/co-chair of the publishing business group/ 06:52:40 ajs6f: Adam Soroka from Apache, member of the WG. 06:52:55 present + paul 06:53:17 simonstey: Simon Steyskal, research scientist at Siemens Austria and also with Vienna University of Economics and Business together with Axel Polleres; prior to this WG I was part of the SHACL WG, ODRL WG and now also part of the Data Privacy Vocabulary CG 06:54:01 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 06:54:05 agenda link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTLztv7nqbYuUsZbwhPhOyG5tHTJrTt9tGKWnD5Xa5A/edit# 06:54:11 present+ 06:54:36 azaroth: We’ve tried to keep the sessions to 90 minutes and then have breaks along with everyone else. 06:54:56 … We have 2 joint sessions, one from 11:30 with WoT who have slides. 06:55:43 … The second is from tomorrow from 11:00-12:30 around profiles and content negotiation. There’s a best practice as using the context as a profile in the media type. They have a work item to standardize these things. 06:56:14 … We’ve tried to front-load the complicated stuff until today, while we’re somewhat fresh. 06:56:36 … Starting with the RDF issues that will set the stage for the other issues. 06:57:15 guiding principles: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/WorkMode/guiding_principles 06:58:18 … The guiding principles are “stay on target”, prod/consumption of JSON-LD. Make it easy as possible for a wide-vaviety of developers to understand JSON-LD without having to understand RDF. 06:58:44 … Require real use cases with actual data. 06:59:08 … Require two supporters of each use case. 06:59:19 present+ danbri 06:59:20 s/one from 11:30 with WoT who have slides/one from 15:30 with WoT who have slides/ 06:59:48 danbri: Dan Brickely, work for Google run schema.org project. Complain alot about JSON-LD but love it. 07:00:27 azaroth: A single WG may bring an issue that thas multiple supporters within that WG. 07:00:37 … Consistency is good. 07:01:06 … Usability determined by end-users not developers. The serialized JSON should be as directly usable by users. 07:01:46 danbri: there are Google engineers who write parsers, I don’t minde making them work. Publishers need to have it easy, becuase they use cookbooks. 07:02:06 azaroth: there don’t need to be 100 parsers, but 100s of users that make use of it. 07:02:15 … It should also be easy to produce the JSON. 07:02:32 … Provide on-ramps. Barrior to entry should be low. 07:02:47 danbri has joined #json-ld 07:03:00 … Define success, not failure. Leave things open. 07:03:09 … Follow exising standards and best practices. 07:03:45 … New features should be compatible with the RDF data model. Althought 1.0 has a model which is a super-set, new features should be round-trippable through RDF. 07:03:58 ajs6f: I don’t think people disagree with that. 07:04:19 q? 07:04:26 azaroth: If we end up in a stalemate, we come back to the principles to try to resolve. 07:04:56 danbri: I don’t see privacy, can you articulate that. 07:05:12 ajs6f: It comes from other groups as well, such as WoT. 07:05:18 ACTION: azaroth to add privacy and horizontal review to guiding principles 07:05:25 q? 07:05:28 danbri: I’m concerned about the remote context. 07:06:48 the direction issue: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/11 07:06:51 ivan: It would be worth discussing language/direction issues as discussed in the Publishing WG. There, we will adtopt something more general. It doesn’t affect JSON-LD, although we’ll need to specify something someplace. 07:07:24 q? 07:07:41 TOPIC: JSON Syntax 07:07:58 SUB-TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37 07:08:05 azaroth: the first block of issues is around JSON syntax vs JSON-LD. 07:08:25 … obsoleting the use of blank nodes for properties. 07:08:31 Subtopic: Consider obsoleting use of blank nodes for properties and "generalized RDF" #37 07:08:41 scribenick: ajs6f 07:08:48 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37 07:09:28 azaroth: we've discussed this and resolved it as accepted 07:09:50 ... after which Manu objected, on the grounds that our charter does not permit us to deprecate extant features 07:09:57 q+ to ask if this provides a way to qualify graph edges (in property graph style) 07:10:03 ivan: I'd prefer to actually discuss this with Manu himself 07:10:33 azaroth: Manu has delgated all the JSON-LD stuff to Dave Longley (who is not present at this time) 07:10:46 ivan: we can close it again, but Manu will just reopen it again 07:10:47 q+ 07:11:09 ... I believe that his justification was basically wrong 07:11:23 ack danbri 07:11:23 danbri, you wanted to ask if this provides a way to qualify graph edges (in property graph style) 07:11:59 danbri: Can this be used for property graph -style usage 07:12:00 ... 07:12:04 q+ 07:12:13 ... in which properties can have properties 07:12:18 ... ? 07:12:39 ack gkellogg 07:12:42 ivan: JSON-LD doesn't have that structure by itself, so you would have to rely on the RDF side, and it wouldn't be valid there. 07:13:02 q+ 07:13:21 gkellogg: If RDF supports that in the future (and work is ongoing there) and it was understood to be the correct way to do it, you could do it 07:13:53 danbri: Wouldn't be good to take something out when in a year it might be very handy? 07:13:59 q? 07:14:04 q+ 07:14:50 ack bigbluehat 07:15:14 leonardr: How do you define deprecation? In ISO, we say "Don't write it, but you can read it" 07:15:31 ivan: There is a formal defn for deprecation at W3C, but we don't have it at our fingertips. 07:15:38 ... we'll check into that 07:16:10 gkellogg: One of the issues with deprecation is wrt to semantic versioning. 1.0 vs. 1.1 vs. 2.0. We're at 1.1, not 2.0. 07:17:18 q+ to ask plans for