14:58:40 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:58:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/10/05-pbgsc-irc 14:58:41 rrsagent, set log public 14:58:41 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee Telco 14:58:41 Chair: laudrain 14:58:41 Date: 2018-10-05 14:58:41 Regrets+ 14:59:46 present+ 14:59:46 present+ George 14:59:50 present+ 15:01:34 jeff has joined #pbgsc 15:02:22 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:02:31 present+ liisamk 15:02:52 RickJ has joined #pbgsc 15:03:02 regrets+ Dave_Cramer 15:03:03 present+ 15:03:10 present+ 15:03:12 present+ jeff 15:03:30 Ralph has joined #pbgsc 15:03:45 present+ RalphSwick 15:04:07 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:04:18 scribenick: Karen 15:04:22 present+ 15:04:23 Topic: epubcheck MOU and SOW 15:04:56 Luc: Revised schedule for EPUBCheck 15:05:03 ...we have received documents, MOU 15:05:06 ...and statement of work 15:05:16 ...that we have been working on, Tzviya and I, that I sent you 15:05:19 ...a week ago 15:05:32 ...we had some technical questions from @ about reference to HTML checker 15:05:38 ...formation is found that is ok 15:05:43 ...for phases 3 and 4 15:05:45 present+ karen 15:05:55 ...work for phases 1 and 2 is to make it validate EPUB3.2 15:06:06 ...My hope is that we validate all together in PubSC 15:06:10 ...the MOU and the statement of work 15:06:20 ...are there any comments, issues, problems, issues with this document? 15:06:25 George: The statement of work start date 15:06:34 ...if that could be changed to October 7 rather than October 1 15:06:36 Luc: that's easy 15:06:49 ...if you all agree; or if you don't agree tell it now 15:06:52 ...any objections? 15:07:00 ...resolution adopted, thank you 15:07:03 ...more comments? 15:07:47 ...Version 5 has some light modifications advised by my legal dept.; just some precisions on who should sign, change requests, how parties acknowledge validity of signatures 15:07:49 ...that has been written 15:08:05 ...in the end there was an issue about which is the final document that would prevail in case of conflict 15:08:13 ...I understand that the last document is the one that prevails 15:08:22 ...each document has gotten more precise 15:08:27 ...so that last document should prevail 15:08:32 ...the last phase of paragraph five 15:08:42 ...was modified to say that the statement of work would prevail 15:08:57 ...reference to the new HTML checker has been modified with recommendation from Ivan and DAISY developers 15:09:03 +1 to moving forward with MOU in last draft with start date change 15:09:08 ...I will renew my question; have you any issues with this document? 15:09:21 ...There was also I would like you to discuss 15:09:27 ...the fact that who is in charge 15:09:34 ...which organization is in charge of these documents 15:09:49 ...We were working until now that it was the Pub Bus Group Steering Committee 15:09:49 q+ 15:09:52 ...Ivan, you had a question 15:09:58 Ivan: It's a legal question 15:10:09 ...if there is a contract, the SC does not have the right to sign something like that 15:10:18 ...I am asking this question rather than stating 15:10:32 ...also, from organizations POV, the SC is an ad hoc thing 15:10:38 ...on W3C org level we have the BG 15:10:41 ...even if MOU 15:10:52 ...more appropriate to have it signed with the BG rather than the SC 15:10:59 Luc: I see Tzviya 15:11:01 ack Tzviya 15:11:16 Tzviya: Wanted to add, in discussions I had with Wendy Seltzer, we cannot have W3C 15:11:22 ...sign for monetary reasons 15:11:29 ...I agree it's awkward for the PG sign it 15:11:39 ...maybe it makes more sense for one of the companies to be the signer 15:11:44 Luc: we have to solve this question 15:11:53 ...it could be to ask the PBG 15:12:10 ...next Tuesday we can present the documents and say we would like to sign on behalf of the BG 15:12:12 q+ 15:12:15 ...give them some time to review 15:12:18 q+ 15:12:24 ...if BG is not in position to sign it, it will take some time 15:12:28 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:12:34 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:12:38 Bill_Kasdorf: Even the BG is a W3C activity 15:12:46 ...is that distant enough legally from W3C's concern? 15:12:55 ...seems like a pretty amorphous group, the right group 15:13:06 ...but hard to imagine there is a legal entity there 15:13:31 ...maybe we should check with Brian [O'Learly] to see if BISG wants to get involved 15:13:41 ...signing a legal document takes on some responsibilties 15:13:46 s/L 15:13:49 q£ 15:13:51 q+ 15:13:58 ...having hard time imagining whether Wiley or Hachette wants to sign 15:14:01 ack Liisamk 15:14:08 s/O'Learly/O'Leary/ 15:14:11 Liisamk: same concerns Bill has 15:14:21 ...opening up to BG extends schedule by a couple weeks 15:14:33 ...we are in an awkward spot if W3C does not want to take legal responsibility 15:14:46 ...I'm not sure how we convince anyone's company to take responsibility if W3C does not 15:14:54 ...then puts it to an outside organization 15:14:56 ack Luc 15:15:07 Luc: As awkward as it is, the Pub BG has. SC today 15:15:16 ...maybe strange in W3C context 15:15:26 q+ 15:15:31 ...but is there anything preventing the SC to sign that document? 15:15:36 ack George 15:15:39 ack laudrain 15:15:45 George: Who is the chair of the Publishing BG? 15:15:51 Luc: Three, Liisa, Rick and I 15:16:03 q- 15:16:07 George: I would think that one of those three should sign on behalf of the SC and the Pub BG 15:16:13 ...I think there is enough authority there 15:16:35 ...DAISY is intimately involved in tracking the funding so we can see if there is insufficient funding for the next phase of work 15:16:49 ...Right now there are enough funds committed that would allow us to get through the first phase 15:16:52 ...we are happy to move forward 15:17:04 ...I don't who else would challenge the contract, but DAISY won't 15:17:19 Luc: Today, it's how the documents have been prepared for the Pub SC would approve 15:17:22 ...for the moment it's me 15:17:49 ...i am not sure if you say exactly signed by the Pub SC or Pub SC and the Pub BG 15:17:57 ...Another option could be signed by the three chairs 15:17:59 q+ 15:18:00 ...of the Pub BG 15:18:05 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:18:16 Bill_Kasdorf: picking up on Ivan's comment with a disclaimer 15:18:23 ...I wonder if W3C wants this at arm's length 15:18:27 q+ 15:18:31 ...maybe it's better that the Pub BG signs 15:18:36 ...removes it one step further 15:18:40 ...maybe that works? 15:18:46 ...it's the same three and it's done immediately 15:19:04 ack Jeff 15:19:07 q+ 15:19:17 Jeff: Not so much my recollection that W3C wants it at arm's length 15:19:28 ...the issue was more about the MIT overhead for collection of funds 15:19:42 ...not sure W3C has to have it at arm's length regarding the money 15:19:47 Tzviya: That is correct, Jeff 15:19:59 ...if MIT's name is on it, then there is a 27% overhead 15:20:08 ...others don't want to keep it at arms' length 15:20:17 s/is a 27/is something like a 27 15:20:19 ...Luc, did your lawyers have a problem with you signing it? 15:20:40 Luc: they took for granted, not questioning that the Pub SC could sign 15:20:49 ...we had not raised this question until Ivan put the subject on the table 15:21:00 ...I did not ask the question to my lawyers; they don't know 15:21:03 q- 15:21:05 ...I don't know terms on that subject 15:21:21 ...my feeling is that the SC is something strange and some arm's length from W3C 15:21:34 ...we decided to SC would be the oversight committee and take actions on this matter 15:21:40 Ivan: as I was stirring up the mud 15:21:47 ...I have no problem with the SC signing the MOU 15:21:51 ...as far as I understand 15:22:03 ...we have a juridical value because there is not a legal entity 15:22:09 ...if DAISY is fine, let's go ahead and do it 15:22:21 ...I don't expect problems 15:22:27 ...lawyers are paranoid 15:22:32 George: We are ok with it 15:22:41 Luc: We should decide if we are all ok with it 15:22:47 I am o.k. with the SC signing it 15:22:48 +1 to "ok with that" 15:22:49 [Ralph abstains] 15:22:51 +1 15:22:52 +1 15:22:52 +1 to the SC signing 15:22:53 +1 15:22:54 ...are you ok to express that the Publishing Steering Committee would sign these documents? 15:23:02 +1 15:23:04 +1 for George 15:23:04 George: +1 15:23:14 Luc: So I see no objection for the moment 15:23:18 ...Garth is not here 15:23:22 regrets+ garth 15:23:31 ...and Ralph abstains 15:23:43 ...So we would say that the Steering Committee is ok to sign these documents 15:23:51 resolved: the SC is o.k. to sign the document 15:23:53 ...and are you ok if I sign these documents in the name of the SC? 15:23:55 +1 15:23:56 +1 15:23:58 +1 15:23:58 +1 15:23:59 +1 15:24:00 +1 15:24:02 +1 15:24:05 Luc: I am ok, too 15:24:11 resolved: Luc is approved to be the signatory 15:24:28 Luc: statement of work we change to 7 October; MOU we had 15:24:45 ...there is necessity to say with last paragraph to say [@@] 15:24:56 hooray! 15:24:57 ...I will put today's date, sign and send to Richard at DAISY 15:25:05 yay:-) 15:25:10 thank you Luc! 15:25:10 ...the MOU I will send first and the statement of work immediately after 15:25:22 ...I think this settles our decision as the Publishing Business Group Steering Committee 15:25:24 ...thank you very much 15:25:54 Luc: Did anyone send a formal response to EPUBCheck RFP? 15:26:00 q+ 15:26:02 ...I do not know 15:26:04 ack Liisamk 15:26:16 Liisamk: If Tzviya did not do it, I don't think anyone else has 15:26:25 Luc: Would you mind to do it, Tzviya? 15:26:26 q+ 15:26:38 Tzviya: I suppose I can; does anyone one to help me with the language 15:26:43 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:26:56 Bill_Kasdorf: I was going to suggest it be one of the chairs 15:27:04 Liisamk: we'll make him pay later [laughs] 15:27:09 Tzviya: I don't mind doing it 15:27:20 Luc: I suggest that you do it, thank you very much 15:27:22 you will regret making me scribe. . . . 15:27:32 Tzviya: I'll be in touch with you about your decisions on the vendors 15:27:39 I have proven incompetent at scribing on many occasions. 15:27:39 scribenick: Bill_Kasdorf 15:28:01 topic: Epubcheck fundraising 15:28:17 We have 7 pledges 15:28:50 FYI to the group, I expect to have the VitalSource pledge soon, and am working with the Core Source team to solicit contributions from all of their users 15:28:59 We have $39,020 pledged, although only over $1,000 or so received 15:29:16 q+ 15:29:28 @Tzviya: We are hoping to raise $150,000; this isn't even close 15:29:44 . . . if we don't raise the money, what happens? 15:29:59 Liisa: This is just going to take continuing effort 15:30:18 George has joined #pbgsc 15:30:22 . . . This has been a long conversation for me within PRH 15:30:26 given the timing, many companies are in the decision point of deciding is this a 'this years budget' expense with unused funds, or a 'get it into next years budget' reality 15:30:39 present+ George 15:30:44 q+ 15:30:49 . . . The email from Graham Bell this morning pointed out that people think epubcheck is "part of the landscape" and expect it to be free. 15:30:51 ack liisamk 15:30:57 . . We need to address that perception. 15:31:23 Luc: External Coordination TF has in fact sent the appeal to the organizations we've identified 15:31:51 . . . At Hachette, I haven't received the invoice yet. 15:32:18 . . . It's important to get the invoices out promptly. 15:32:28 Tzviya: we received our invoice the day after we pledged. 15:32:48 George: I'll get Richard to send/resend the Hachette invoice 15:32:53 q+ 15:33:09 ack laudrain 15:33:40 Luc: there's no question in anybody's mind that we need a high quality epubcheck 15:34:02 Liisa: great to see a wide variety of contributors, including an individual kicking in $20. That's great! 15:34:22 Luc: We need to keep the momentum going. We will have more information in the future when EPUB 3.2 is published. 15:35:06 . . . My motto today in France is to say EPUB 3 is what to do. 15:35:29 Topic: EPUB Accessibility to ISO 15:35:43 topic EPUB Accessibility submission to ISO 15:35:55 q? 15:35:59 ack liisamk 15:36:10 Tzviya: One of the members of the AB expressed concerned about the Accessibility submission to ISO which makes it sounds like W3C is not supportive. 15:36:34 . . . It seems as if the process is separate from the normal W3C process. 15:37:02 . . . We know we've been working closely with WAI and WCAG, but some of the wording was a red flag from that AB member. 15:37:13 . . . The perception was that the ISO spec would be a 15:37:35 . . . "a separate accessibility spec" as a standalone, which would be a red flag. 15:38:30 q+ 15:38:49 Tzviya: the unfortunate consequence of some of the misleading language is that it implies that the W3C is not working on EPUB accessibility. 15:39:08 George: I don't think anybody reviewed the document. We may need to ask for an amendment to clarify. 15:39:24 Luc: Every country member of ISO has to say yes or no and may comment. 15:39:49 q+ to comment about "comments and enhancements to the document" 15:40:45 George: Apart from some language differences (e.g., musts and shoulds) I would like to see the language from both the W3C and ISO be identical. 15:40:49 ack liisamk 15:40:57 Liisa: Will Makoto be at TPAC? 15:41:05 Ivan: I don't think so. 15:41:16 Liisa: I suggest a two-pronged approach. 15:41:31 . . . (1) Add this to the agenda for our discussions at TPAC 15:41:49 . . . (2) Somebody should reach out to Makoto to address this language issue. 15:41:56 q+ 15:42:04 ack Ralph 15:42:05 Ralph, you wanted to ask if the text of the Japan submission to ISO/IEC JTC1 is available to us 15:42:19 Ralph: +1 to what Liisa just said. Is the exact text of the submission available to us? 15:42:51 . . . Supposedly a quote from that text says "there are no plans to create W3C recommendations for accessibility." 15:43:15 IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) started EPUB Accessibility. IDPF is now merged with W3C. But there are no plans to create W3C recommendations for EPUB Accessibility. 15:43:27 . . . This gives the impression it's nowhere on our roadmap. We have to correct that. What is correct is that there isn't current work underway. 15:43:41 q? 15:43:53 ack jeff 15:43:53 jeff, you wanted to comment about "comments and enhancements to the document" 15:44:02 q+ 15:44:12 Jeff: It was useful for Luc to remind us of how the ISO process works. 15:44:30 . . . An important difference between how W3C sends things to ISO and how most other parties do. 15:44:34 Ralph: the sentence "But there are no plans ..." is clearly subject to incorrect interpretations 15:44:53 . . . W3C submits Rec to "PAS" at ISO which means they've qualified our process and approved it. 15:45:10 . . . As a result, the deal we have with them is that when we submit something, it's an up/down vote. 15:45:33 . . . There can be comments, but they are not addressed in ISO. They are kicked back to W3C. 15:45:59 . . . If you don't use this process, then it's an ISO process and an ISO document; ISO is empowered to make changes without the involvement of the original working group. 15:46:08 . . . This is an important difference. 15:46:37 q? 15:46:40 . . . The AB member that raised the issue may have had this distinction in mind when raising the red flag about the submission. 15:47:00 Luc: There is an ISO TF in the PBG. 15:47:16 +1 to the ISO TF call 15:47:32 . . . Just before or after TPAC I will set a call with that TF and Makoto and others to discuss this and see if there are any amendments or comments that should be done. 15:48:40 . . . I am in discussion with the French representative to ISO. I will encourage them to make some comments and to address this within France. 15:49:05 ack George 15:49:12 ack laudrain 15:49:35 George: The relationship of W3C and ISO is for Recs. The Accessibility document is not a rec. That's part of the problem. 15:49:55 . . . We want to continue to develop the accessibility spec hand in glove with WAI. 15:50:34 . . . I wonder if Makoto put this troublesome sentence in as a stopgap measure to get this into ISO rather than discouraging that because they think further work is happening in W3C. 15:51:00 . . . I will coordinate with Makoto to vote yet but remove that sentence and have the understanding that future development will be done in the W3C. 15:51:11 . . . We should start with the existing PBG TF. 15:51:21 ack Ralph 15:52:25 Ralph: W3C's access to ISO in the PAS submission only applies to Recs. I'm very interested in having the broader discussion with the PBG not just about Accessibility but also using the W3C process for EPUB 3 as well. 15:52:34 q+ 15:52:48 . . . It may be appropriate to let the current process from Japan to proceed with that one alteration but to also pursue this larger conversation. 15:52:58 ack Ivan 15:53:26 s/one alteration/one language clarification/ 15:53:44 Ivan: There is always the issue of what we are allowed to refer to and what we are not. The current doc can go to ISO because there is a current ISO standard for EPUB. 15:54:14 . . . If we want to update the Accessibility spec to 1.1, we get into the issue of referring to 3.2, but we need an ISO number for 3.2. That's a long discussion. 15:54:27 q+ 15:54:36 . . . If we need that, an ISO for 3.2, how do we get there? This could come back to haunt us. 15:55:09 Luc: We will continue this discussion in the TF and on another call. 15:55:26 Topic: TPAC planning 15:55:37 q+ 15:55:58 Liisa: What do we want to do with our BG call next week to prepare? What does the WG want to do to help guide the BG? 15:56:17 Luc: It will be difficult for me to attend Tuesday's call. 15:56:17 Liisa can manage the call next week 15:56:18 here is the F2F agenda https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mt9PTcOdmrCwIsgfxbGMGjwHlUsySU01I0D4oBkSbcA/edit?usp=sharing 15:56:21 q+ 15:56:26 . . . We should definitely have this discussion in the BG. 15:56:27 ack laudrain 15:56:29 ack laudrain 15:56:59 I'm on PTO Tuesday, and may not have connectivity.... Lisa are you available? 15:57:00 Tzviya: We tried to organize the F2F agenda to make the whole day of interest to the BG. 15:57:13 . . . One of the features of the Tuesday discussion is a lot of focus on EPUB 4. 15:57:24 . . . There is an open slot on Tuesday morning for the BG. 15:58:08 . . . Possible topics: EPUB 3.2 implementation. How to deal with EPUB 3.2 and EPUB 4 potentially existing simultaneously. We really need input from the BG on that. 15:58:17 q? 15:58:17 ack tzviya 15:58:23 q+ 15:58:41 q+ 15:59:04 Liisa: That sounds good. We can also get into the implications with epubcheck, and the question of why it's good to keep your files updated. 15:59:04 ack jeff 15:59:15 Jeff: Great topic, Tzviya, thanks. 15:59:35 . . . We're good on EPUB 3 implementation in Japan, but we don't have much representation on the BG. 15:59:42 q+ 16:00:09 Tzviya: we should ask Makoto and Daihei for input. Hopefully one of them will be on the call. 16:00:32 ack luc 16:00:57 +1 16:01:08 Luc: We should have a call the week after Frankfurt between the chairs to prepare. Oct. 16-18. I will send a proposal. 16:01:09 ack laudrain 16:01:21 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:02:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:02:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/10/05-pbgsc-minutes.html ivan