15:36:49 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:36:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/09/28-json-ld-irc 15:36:50 rrsagent, set log public 15:36:50 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:36:50 Chair: azaroth42 15:36:50 Date: 2018-09-28 15:36:50 Regrets+ tcole, bigbluehat 15:36:50 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Sep/0019.html 15:36:51 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-09-28: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Sep/0019.html 15:50:28 Yup, doing it now 15:50:36 s/Yup, doing it now// 15:51:49 present+ 15:52:14 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 15:54:46 present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:56:54 simonstey has joined #json-ld 15:59:19 present+ 16:00:04 present+ 16:00:25 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 16:00:29 present+ 16:01:01 workergnome has joined #json-ld 16:01:10 present+ 16:01:35 TOPIC: Scribe Selection 16:02:19 scribenick: workergnome 16:02:36 TOPIC: Approve minutes of previous call 16:03:37 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of previous call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-21-json-ld 16:03:39 +1 16:03:40 +1 16:03:41 +1 16:03:41 +1 16:03:43 +1 16:03:44 0 16:04:02 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of previous call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-21-json-ld 16:04:06 azaroth: approve the minutes of the call--minutes approved. 16:04:14 TOPIC: Announcements / Reminders 16:04:30 ...announcements. TPAC, the standard update, though perhaps we should talk about logistics. 16:04:33 q+ 16:04:49 present+ David_Lehn 16:04:51 ...Rob has filled out the AV requirements, and each room comes with a screen, etc. So we're OK. 16:05:02 ack ivan 16:05:07 ... in the next block, we will have agenda, and we will need to have WEBEX setup. 16:05:30 ivan: If we ask, Ivan will set up the webbex. Are there people who would want to dial in? 16:05:34 that would be helpful for me - won't be able to attend in person 16:05:40 azaroth: There are at least two people who might want to dial in. 16:05:53 ivan: then there will we webex. 16:05:54 ACTION: Ivan to set up webex for TPAC 16:06:08 ... The registration will go up on Monday. Do it now. 16:06:16 q+ 16:06:25 ack simonstey 16:06:49 simonstey: Asking about the link--we were supposed to write our name somewhere, but I've misplaced it? Do we need to do so? 16:07:14 ivan: In a way, it's not really needed. But we should know if there are people who want to call in, and we know that. 16:07:20 q? 16:07:29 azaroth: other announcements? 16:07:44 TOPIC: Logistics 16:07:52 SUBTOPIC: TPAC Agenda 16:07:58 ... onto logistics. We need to come up with an agenda. 16:08:12 link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTLztv7nqbYuUsZbwhPhOyG5tHTJrTt9tGKWnD5Xa5A/edit 16:08:16 ... Looking at the participants, 16:08:29 plus up to 20 other people who have not been on a call 16:08:54 ... one assumes that some of the observers will drop out, but here is the project link 16:08:57 Project: https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/4 16:09:27 ... in the gihub project there is a column that is face-to-face where we've put some of the more involved or controversial discussions, plus ones where we'll need external contributors. 16:09:36 ...to get those people here, we need an agenda built. 16:10:10 ...if we can go over those seven topics, we can do some dragging of little cards around 16:10:18 q? 16:11:05 gkellogg: two uses cases for content-addressable. Schema.org wants to announce that the context is not downloaded, but pre-compiled in and that would be announcable 16:11:46 ...the second would be web of things or similar where there's background signaling and off-line support, which is the gist of the content-addressable thing 16:11:59 ...so you can determine that a side-loaded file is a valid one to use 16:12:05 q+ 16:12:11 azaroth: so we should talk to web of things, and dan 16:12:24 ack dlehn 16:12:32 gkellogg: Dan's likely there, and I'm sure we can get him to participate 16:12:52 dlehn: Another use case is caching--avoiding having lots of requests if you've got a local contact 16:13:00 gkellogg: we have HTTP caching 16:13:05 ivan: don't have to solve it now 16:13:18 gkellogg: We should know what we're talking about so we can raise with other people 16:14:16 ivan: #8 might not be that complicated 16:14:34 azaroth: it's there so that the we can allign with another working group 16:15:01 azaroth: Thre's a question about #18--absence of being 16:15:19 gkellogg: this is about null and empty list 16:15:34 ...but that's a non-RDF list 16:15:47 ...it's not really even an OWL thing 16:16:11 ...you can talk about carnality, but not null--the pattern language thing is where that gets expressed. 16:16:30 azaroth: I don't think it's a TPAC issue 16:17:07 gkellogg: it's not so much emptiness, but RDF-like processing that happens outside of the RDF algorithms, and we're a bit scattered about it anyway 16:17:26 azaroth: Those seven are good candidates, and there's nothing obvious, and we can work our way backwards if we finish those 16:17:30 ...oh, six 16:17:41 q+ 16:17:44 q+ 16:18:02 ...I will take on a draft agenda, and reach out to web of things, data exchange, and see if they can be present at any specific time to schedule those ones. 16:18:04 ack ivan 16:18:05 ...other things? 16:18:15 ACTION: Rob to draft agenda from issues plus other WG interactions 16:18:20 ivan: Looking at this, I would expect that it would not completely fill out the two days. 16:18:21 q- 16:18:41 ...I think we should discuss how we will attack the issue of testing implemenation 16:19:02 ...the working group doesn't have a long charter, so we should be prepared. 16:19:34 ...Lots from previous working group, and I don't remember when the CR is to be published, but this might be the last face-to-face before that, and we should have an agreements about this beforehand. 16:19:38 q+ 16:19:41 ... we can at least start that conversation in person. 16:19:50 q? 16:19:52 ack gkellogg 16:20:30 gkellogg: We've also talked about other publications, non-normative ones, say, and splitting them, and we could talk about YAML, HTML, Named Graphs, and are pretty-large in our documents 16:20:55 ivan: And I think that we've chatted about reorganizing the documents... 16:21:02 gkellogg: we've accomplished that already 16:21:44 azaroth: Manu will be there, and we can talk about the blank node issues 16:22:07 gkellogg: if we can target, we can coordinate a time to talk about that, since he'll be there. 16:22:36 ...maybe find a time to do a joint session between us and Verifiable Claims? 16:22:44 ...or just crash their meetings 16:23:03 ...and I think we're going to need to be increasingly needing to raise the "more implementations" issue 16:23:24 azaroth: that's a good set of things, and I'll circulate on the mailing list 16:23:43 azaroth: anything else TPAC? 16:23:55 SUBTOPIC: Echidna publishing 16:23:58 ...OK. Moving ont o publishing 16:24:16 ...This is the tool that lets up publish to W3C site with less hassle. 16:24:35 ...particularly without more systematic process for the first working draft. 16:24:49 ivan: You've seen what this means for the first working draft 16:25:38 ...there are some details that we have to work out, but the goal is that we will have a separate branch in each repo and if we commit, there is a CI process that will create a new version of the specs 16:26:23 ...there are groups that do that frequently (every draft) and what usually happens is that each equilibrium point, t here is a draft. This is a good example--it would be acceptable to do a publication right now, since it's better than what's out there now. 16:26:29 ...formally, we need a resolution for that. 16:26:47 ...to do an automatic publishing through the tool so he can get the API keys and the like. 16:27:12 azaroth: do we have enough bnackgound on this? 16:27:14 PROPOSAL: We will use echidna publishing WDs for all three rec track documents 16:27:16 +1 16:27:17 +1 16:27:19 +1 16:27:21 +1 16:27:23 +1 16:27:24 +1+1 16:27:26 +1 16:27:30 +1 16:27:33 RESOLVED: We will use echidna publishing WDs for all three rec track documents 16:27:58 ivan: I'll get that set up next week. 16:28:11 azaroth: moving on to issues 16:28:29 TOPIC: New Issues 16:28:37 SUBTOPIC: Fragment identifiers with ":" 16:28:44 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/66 16:28:56 ... This was discoved as a bug over the past day 16:29:25 ... We've been discussing it, and it's valid to have : in fragment ids, some we need to fix this in the spec 16:30:02 gkellogg: I think that issue is that JSON-LD does not have a syntax for compact IRIs vs. URLs like RDFa so you can recognize prefixes vs. what is a URI scheme 16:30:07 ...in this case, this is a bug 16:30:27 ...since the pound sign is not a scheme, and it's not a defined term 16:30:41 ...if it were, there wouldn't be a concern. 16:31:12 ...the case we're running across is that #test and #test:2 the first is a relative URI, since it's interpreted as a ID 16:31:41 ...so it's a IRI or a document-relative IRI. The second case, it could be a compact IRI or an absolute IRI 16:32:04 ...by tightening up the language, it must either match a term or the scheme production and a hash test would not match that production 16:32:09 ...but there are other corner cases 16:32:26 ...where there are other places where the hash sign may occur 16:32:36 ...we need to come up with more breaking cases and tests 16:32:59 ...what about a:b where the base includes a hash? 16:33:24 ...a does match the production of the scheme, and could be an absolute IRI 16:33:52 azaroth: so long as it's deterministic, but it's these cases where it's legal, but not permitted according to the algorithm where there's the issue 16:34:01 ...for fixing it, have we tried it? 16:34:17 gkellogg: I haven't fixed it, but I think it's straightforward if we tighten up what a URI scheme is 16:34:57 azaroth: We can fix this in 1.1, but we should also errata 1.0 16:35:07 gkellogg: I think we should not change the requirements, but highlight the issue 16:35:18 ivan: has it yet been submitted in the errata list? 16:35:23 gkellogg: no 16:35:30 ivan: We should document it 16:35:57 ...editorally, when we have the list of changes, we should make a reference to the eratta so we can change 1.0 because it's a bug 16:36:03 PROPOSAL: Accept the bug, submit errata 1.0 and fix in 1.1 by tightening the definition of a URI scheme 16:36:04 ...this is explicit in our charter 16:36:09 +1 16:36:09 +1 16:36:10 +1 16:36:10 +1 16:36:11 +1 16:36:11 +1 16:36:25 +1 16:36:47 +1 16:36:48 RESOLVED: Accept the bug, submit errata 1.0 and fix in 1.1 by tightening the definition of a URI scheme 16:36:57 q+ 16:37:01 ack ajs6f 16:37:21 ajs6f: Process: When we submit an errata, are we supposed to do something, or is it an action? 16:37:25 ivan: just describing it 16:37:34 SUBTOPIC: @vocab property expansion 16:37:42 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/56 16:38:25 azaroth: This one is about the expansion of @vocab properties and the issue claims that it is counter-intuitive 16:38:50 ...from my perspective, it goes back to #7 (won't-fix) that the processing model for @type shouldn't be able to customized 16:38:57 ...more than allowing @container: @set 16:39:13 ...to avoid monkeying around and overcomplicating 16:39:28 ...the response is that that fixes #7, but you can't fix this issue with scoped contexts 16:39:41 ...but Gregg has an example that fixes it... 16:39:43 q? 16:39:44 gkellogg: well..... 16:40:14 ...his feeling is that he's willing to do things in a context to hide this, but @base is restricted from being in a remote context, and that doesn't satisfy him 16:40:46 ...this is about discrepancies between vocabularies space and document space, where you can use @vocab: "" 16:41:21 ...and that might get to a point where you're not surprised, but there's overlap with Manu's blank-nodes as properties, where @vocab is a solution, but not a wide enough oe 16:41:42 ...maybe we need to make that a bit wider, make it any relative IRI relevant to the document base 16:42:30 ...in 1.0, you can generate an error with this, and we could make it document relevant, which widens what we can put in vocal, which handles both this and Manu's request 16:42:54 azaroth: can you talk through why the first Barney expands this wy? 16:43:29 gkellogg: if we look at Barney, it's value is a node definition. In any context, ex2:barney evalutates to the URl 16:43:51 ...But fred has the value, with the value parnet 16:44:25 ...string values are intended to be treated as an IRI within the vocab space, so if barney is the string value of fred, we evaluate barney as vocab-relevant 16:44:53 ...there is no @vocab defined, but barney is a term, so we ill now interpret them as iris, so it's got a value of ex2:barney 16:45:17 ...so when we evaluate things in the vocabulary space, it will look to terms and compact IRIs 16:45:23 ...so it satisfies the term use case 16:45:50 ...when we look at it as ID, which makes it @id, which is in doc space, and we do not interpret things in that space relative to the vocabularies 16:46:03 ... in document space, it cannot be a bare term, so we don't evaluate it 16:46:19 ...it could have been barney:, which would work. 16:46:38 ...he asked why ID can't be treated in the vocab space, and that goes back to our decision 16:46:51 ...why didn't we want terms to be values? 16:46:52 q+ 16:46:56 ...since we allow compact terms? 16:46:59 q- 16:47:11 q+ to bring up https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/33 16:47:26 ...typically, where you see this conflation, you are closer to being in the use case where you're defining a vocabulary 16:47:33 q? 16:47:35 ...where it does make sense 16:47:35 ack azaroth 16:47:35 azaroth, you wanted to bring up https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/33 16:47:43 q+ 16:47:47 azaroth: was that clear? 16:47:47 ack ivan 16:47:55 ivan: so I'm not ashamed to say, no. 16:48:37 ...It is because it is not complicated, bu what this means for us and readers, is that expansions, and the bifurcations, we should have that in a note and understand it 16:48:49 ...frankly, I don't have a clear idea how things work 16:48:54 q+ 16:49:14 ...the other comment is that we should have a rule that when an issue is put in, and when it has an example, the example should be reduced. 16:49:33 ...from the point of this issue, there are additional things that make things more complicated 16:49:35 +1 16:49:49 And +1 to ajs6f's link 16:49:50 ...we should really ask them to make it more simple and to be careful, since much here is not relevant 16:49:59 q? 16:50:01 ack ajs6f 16:50:52 q+ 16:50:55 ajs6f: whatever comes out of this, we might really need a note lays out the spaces around expansion, since the suspicion is that this arises because it's really hard to understand this 16:51:02 ack gkellogg 16:51:19 q+ 16:51:30 gkellogg: I think that the API document is fairly consistent is clear about this, and the people who are the most likely to be confused are unlikely to read this 16:52:12 ...so we're stuck with the JSON vocab, in turtle there are pnames or iris. In JSON, we can't do that, so we need to descern the intent around meaning 16:52:17 q+ 16:52:18 q+ 16:52:19 ...thus the bifurcation between the spaves 16:52:35 ...it's laid out, and it's easy to get lost, and adding another note in syntax documents. 16:52:45 ...how much detail to be need to get into? 16:52:47 q- 16:52:51 ...we need a primer 16:53:03 ack ivan 16:53:09 ...and we need a champion for that primer 16:53:25 ivan: I get the problem, and it's not 1.0, it's just...terrible. 16:53:43 ...and I don't think it needs to be in the specification, and a primer would be the ideal place for it. 16:53:58 ...authors will never read the API, and I don't want to. I just want to put data in JSON-LD 16:54:04 ...that's why the primer is required. 16:54:10 ...otherwise people will be lost 16:54:10 ack jeff_mixter 16:54:14 q+ 16:54:55 jeff_mixter: the explanation is helpful, and it would be helpful to have the example to be recreated to be realistic, and it's really confusing with freds and barneys 16:55:05 ...it might be better to have real-world examples 16:55:15 q? 16:55:18 ack azaroth 16:55:41 azaroth: a complication with #33 16:55:42 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/33 16:56:13 ...It would be nice to have the Uris compact to not just ID, but also to @id. Doesn't this mean changing the space? 16:56:35 gkellogg: the way I take this option is to not compact to allow properties, but not values 16:57:00 ...that things would remain in their expanded state. 16:57:08 ...doing this wouldn't add additional space 16:57:24 ...it's how you interpret string values. If you've got an object, it's unambiguious 16:58:05 azaroth: If the context wanted ID: barney to be compacted to id: barney, and another term compacted to a string, then those two otherwise identical lines would have different value spacves 16:59:00 gkellogg: if you were able to specify the value space of a term, as in the first comment of #33...I think the issues comes down to wanting to specifiy for a property when compacting, you want to compact the term, but not the value. 16:59:37 ...if you do this, it continues to be unambiguous, ...something about strings... 16:59:38 q? 16:59:53 azaroth: is there a proposal? 17:00:31 gkellogg: do we need a issue to change the rules about @vocab to use relative IRIs in document space 17:00:45 q+ 17:00:46 ...I can create that issue 17:00:47 ack ivan 17:00:58 ivan: I would like to move this to face-to-face 17:01:00 q+ 17:01:01 gkellogg: sure 17:01:03 ack ajs6f 17:01:04 azaroth: sure 17:01:16 ajs6f: could we leave a note for the primer? 17:01:27 ...maybe a label? 17:01:42 ...about the spaces? 17:01:51 gkellogg: we should create an issue for the primer about that 17:02:18 azaroth: gregg, create the issue about vocabs, adam, about the primer, and we'll defer this to face-t-face 17:02:38 +1 to that! 17:03:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/28-json-ld-minutes.html ivan