15:41:29 RRSAgent has joined #pwg 15:41:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/09/17-pwg-irc 15:41:39 Zakim has joined #pwg 15:41:51 meeting: PWG Weekly Telco 15:41:55 Chair: Tzviya 15:41:59 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2018Sep/0012.html 15:42:26 Date: 2018-09-17 15:50:06 cmaden2 has joined #pwg 15:52:47 romain has joined #pwg 15:56:47 regrets+ Ivan_Herman, Dave_Cramer, Luc_Audrain, Laurent_LeMeur, 15:57:06 jbuehler has joined #pwg 15:57:57 Avneesh has joined #pwg 15:59:51 franco has joined #pwg 16:00:43 wendyreid has joined #pwg 16:00:58 present+ Benjamin_Young 16:01:06 NickRuffilo has joined #pwg 16:01:08 present+ 16:01:08 regrets+ Garth_Conboy 16:01:26 George has joined #pwg 16:01:36 Jun_Gamo has joined #pwg 16:01:54 dkaplan3 has joined #pwg 16:02:00 present+ George 16:02:01 present+ 16:02:02 zakim, pick a victim 16:02:02 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose George 16:02:21 Teenya has joined #pwg 16:02:22 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 16:02:32 present+ 16:02:33 present+ 16:02:51 scribenick: bigbluehat 16:02:52 JeanKap has joined #pwg 16:03:03 present+ 16:03:13 Avneesh has joined #pwg 16:03:15 Hadrien has joined #pwg 16:03:20 present+ Chris_Maden 16:03:24 present+ 16:03:29 bigbluehat has changed the topic to: Meeting 2018-09-17 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2018Sep/0012.html 16:03:37 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-10-pwg 16:03:39 tzviya: wecome everyone 16:03:42 present+ 16:03:48 TOPIC: reviewing the agenda 16:03:55 tzviya: any objections? no. great. minutes approved 16:04:02 rkwright has joined #pwg 16:04:06 present+ 16:04:08 present+ 16:04:12 ...someone pointed out that last week there was some confusion about the incubation topic 16:04:15 present+ 16:04:23 ...and that there was desire to continue that discussion 16:04:32 ...can someone clarify the discussion around incubation from last week? 16:04:44 BenSchroeter has joined #pwg 16:04:47 present+ 16:04:48 present+ 16:05:21 bigbluehat: it was a very brief end of meeting discussion, so not much said yet. 16:05:29 tzviya: k. let me give an overview then 16:05:31 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pwg 16:05:39 present+ 16:05:40 https://discourse.wicg.io/ 16:05:47 ...the Web Incubation Community Group was setup as a formal place to incubate ideas 16:05:57 lsullam has joined #pwg 16:05:57 JuanCorona has joined #pwg 16:06:02 ...toss around ideas, discuss them, and point to exploration projects, etc. 16:06:03 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 16:06:03 clapierre has joined #pwg 16:06:07 present+ 16:06:09 ...other WG's have done this differently 16:06:14 present+ 16:06:24 ...for instance the Web Annotation WG started out as the Open Annotation Community Group 16:06:42 ...some of them are more scattered like the Web Payments WG and their related CGs 16:06:49 ...so there are a few different models for this 16:06:56 ...we have a lot of great ideas that have been discuss here 16:07:07 ...but as yet there's not an incubation location to explore them further 16:07:23 ...we've talked about some of those explorations here, but they've not really been given a place to continue 16:07:31 ...and that's what we're exploring here 16:07:44 ...perhaps that's not another CG, but we do want some area where we more formally incubate them 16:07:59 ...and when they reach greater maturity, and then present them to the WG 16:08:22 ...I recognize some people are reluctant to using the WICG as it's wide open to the public and not always focused on a single topic 16:08:24 ...any thoughts? 16:08:28 q? 16:08:50 tzviya: the goal of this is to have folks interested in exploring implementations and related ideas, this gives them a home 16:09:07 ...if we say WICG is the home, are there objections? 16:09:14 josh has joined #pwg 16:09:15 George: are the threads segmented there? 16:09:29 ...or do you get sucked into a massive amount of other things being incubated 16:09:33 david_stroup has joined #pwg 16:09:38 present+ 16:09:41 ...how easy is it to track work there? 16:09:46 tzviya: there is a tag and a dpub label 16:09:58 https://discourse.wicg.io/search?q=dpub 16:09:58 MustLazMS has joined #pwg 16:10:04 yes. It's a threaded forum conversation 16:10:16 ...if I remember correctly, you can follow specific labels 16:10:30 ...I'd suggest we start with the WICG 16:10:34 marisa has joined #pwg 16:10:34 It's a dicourse forum. you can turn email on and off. 16:10:35 ...it does generate a lot of email 16:10:41 present+ 16:10:44 ...but you can subscribe to a specific topic 16:10:56 ...JeanKap I think the question is can you track a single label 16:10:58 you can do one label too, I believe. 16:11:35 duga has joined #pwg 16:11:41 present+ 16:12:06 present+ 16:12:33 present+ 16:12:41 q 16:12:51 q+ JeanKap 16:13:41 bigbluehat: I'd prefer a CG mapped to a WG--similar to JSON-LD CG & WG or the Open Annotation CG & WG 16:13:43 q+ 16:13:56 q? 16:14:05 ack JeanKap 16:14:13 derekjackson has joined #pwg 16:14:13 q+ 16:14:14 tzviya: there are political reasons we might want to start with the WICG and then possibly consider a CG 16:14:19 ...we could then consider other options 16:14:36 JeanKap: I'd echo that. Starting with the WICG means its already up and running 16:14:42 q- 16:14:51 ack dkaplan 16:14:55 ...if there are limitations to it or people have trouble participating there, then we could consider something else 16:15:00 ...but all of this is public 16:15:05 ...so that shouldn't be a decider 16:15:28 dkaplan3: I'm in favor of the WICG option. However, we've already got a massive list of places we have to look 16:15:47 ...and we're already in a state where very few WG memebers are actually involved in these places 16:15:48 timCole has joined #pwg 16:15:59 ...I'm not sure yet-another-place is going to improve that situation 16:16:30 ...while I see the need, I think we need to also look at solving how to get the folks less active/interested into the activity 16:16:34 ...more noise doesn't seem to be the solution 16:16:52 tzviya: I'm hearing that folks aren't keen on the WICG 16:17:00 ...what do you think about a GitHub repo under w3c? 16:17:07 q+ 16:17:08 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:17:13 ack bigbluehat 16:17:14 ack bigbluehat 16:18:13 My point is less "don't do WICG" and more 'once we open any extra communication channel, we need to be doing a better job of encouraging the quiet folks to participate in the channels we have.' 16:18:27 bigbluehat: CG's do get repos automatically, fwiw. 16:18:34 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 16:18:34 and I am happy with a new repo 16:18:36 ...plus it could attrack new implementer interest, etc. 16:18:46 ...would another WG related GitHub repo work? 16:19:00 ...we're not going to make a CG right now, but perhaps just another repo is sufficient 16:19:09 ...thank you for that discussion. let's get back to the planned agenda 16:19:20 TOPIC: Issue Review 16:19:25 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/pull/331 16:19:35 tzviya: for some of this I used Rachel's format--which is very helpful 16:19:38 ...but for some of them I did not 16:19:42 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/325 16:20:00 ...please take a look at these issues and make sure you're OK with them 16:20:09 ...sometimes I get the sense that no one looks at these. 16:20:24 ...PR 331 is "title element is a MUST for embedded manifests" 16:20:30 for me ok 16:20:31 -1 16:20:35 ...anyone have objections on this one? or even know what this is about? 16:20:38 q? 16:20:47 tzviya: Hadrien what's your -1 about? 16:21:06 Hadrien: if it's the issue I'm thinking about, then I've already explained why I'm against it 16:21:13 tzviya: then how should we move forward? 16:21:24 Hadrien: I don't think we should close it because there isn't resolution 16:21:39 tzviya: so... ivan's comment about getting title via a fallback...is that not sufficient? 16:21:55 Hadrien: if you look a few comments above that, I've already written why I think that's not ideal 16:22:15 ...forcing the fallback pretty much defeats the purpose of having the title being not required in the infoset 16:22:31 ...a lot of the time we'll be getting information that's not meant to be the title of the publication 16:22:39 ...I believe we're conflating the entry page with the publication itself 16:22:54 ...we've had similar discussion before. 16:23:10 ...we're using info that not clearly about the publication as if it were meant for the publication 16:23:17 tzviya: could you write up your alternative? 16:23:23 Hadrien: I believe I already have. 16:23:33 tzviya: could you write it as a resolution to the discussion? 16:23:34 Hadrien: ok 16:23:42 tzviya: I'm realizing I skipped the first item on the agenda 16:23:46 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/projects/4 16:23:52 ...we've started using a project structure 16:24:13 ...thanks to Rob Sanders from the JSON-LD WG for pioneering this 16:24:27 ...we've started curating our issues lists in this project 16:24:40 ...it should help give a sense about when things will be explored, etc. 16:24:50 ...we may also introduce "propose-closing" as a label or a column 16:25:02 ...and the plan is to use this project to further structure our calls going forward 16:25:31 TOPIC: primary entry page must be added to reading order when reading order not specified https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/334 16:25:57 tzviya: so this is closely related to the PR 331 which Hadrien was objecting to earlier 16:26:14 ...I believe Matt's comment was just that was clarification needed, but otherwise this was ready 16:26:21 ...are there any other objections to this? 16:26:36 ...no? k. I'll put the editorial label on this, and leave it for Matt to complete 16:26:56 TOPIC: WP rendering in non-WP Aware browsers https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/271 16:27:01 https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/271 16:27:17 tzviya: I did summarize this issue https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/271#issuecomment-422052891 16:27:27 ...please take a moment to digest this, and we'll discuss it 16:28:03 dkaplan3: just to clarify, what is the exact topic of discussion that you want to have happen in the call? 16:28:20 q+ 16:28:54 tzviya: basically, we have things in the current spec that require things beyond today's browsers 16:29:07 ...but what happens when you open this in a non-WP aware browser? 16:29:25 ack Avneesh 16:29:25 ...what is the minimum to provide a useable and accessible publication that works in a browser today (which is non-WP aware) 16:29:39 ...basically, how can we focus on building this progressively? 16:30:00 Avneesh: basically, what we're proposing is a WP that could work in any kind of browser without any additional scripts 16:30:05 ...that may be some years away 16:30:12 q+ 16:30:21 ...but what we'd like in the meantime is that a non-WP aware browser should still be able to read them 16:31:01 ...the proposal is to ensure that nothing in the specification development prevents the expression of a usable and accessible publication for use today 16:31:03 ack Hadrien 16:31:15 Hadrien: I feel it's difficult to address these things at the spec level 16:31:26 ...some of this might fit better in a best practice document 16:31:30 ...rather than the spec itself 16:31:47 ...although we want to provide accessible publication 16:31:59 ...this may still be something better put in best practices rather than in the spec 16:32:13 tzviya: this gets to the heart of one of the things we continue to discuss, but haven't decided 16:32:28 q+ 16:32:31 ...what must a user agent do and what type of user agent must be used to read them 16:32:31 q+ 16:32:43 ack Avneesh 16:32:45 Hadrien: this is the sort of push back we get whenever we try and restrain HTML 16:32:58 ...and I expect the same sort of push back if we suggest some sort of template 16:33:37 q+ 16:33:41 Avneesh: the idea was to make non-WP aware friendly Web Publication which is accessible 16:33:51 ack dkaplan 16:33:57 ...it's meant to be a precaution to avoid WP's that only work in a future WP-aware browser 16:34:16 dkaplan3: it doesn't due the conversation a service to think about real edge cases 16:34:31 ...HTML has always allowed people to do things like require certain fonts for rendering 16:34:56 ...there's no rule in HTML that says that what's produced in it will be usable by everyone 16:35:05 ...I think Avneesh's concerns are bigger than accessibility 16:35:08 rrsagent, make logs public 16:35:31 ...it's never been possible to meaningfully force actually accessible documents...you just can't 16:35:40 ...like meangingful alt text...for example. 16:35:44 q+ 16:35:55 ...something we can enforce is making sure that a WP can still be viewable in a non-WP aware browser 16:36:04 ...like making sure you can at least get to the Table of Contents 16:36:10 ...you can absolutely enforce that via the spec 16:36:24 ...folks will certain break that, and do all kinds of random things, or make it only work in a single reading system 16:36:25 ack josh 16:36:27 ...none of that is new 16:36:35 ...but I don't think we would try to police that 16:36:42 josh: I tend to agree with dkaplan3 and Hadrien and all 16:37:06 ...that we may not be able to demand that a WP would always be a progressive enhancement from a Web Page 16:37:24 ...but I think it is a practical consideration for how this will work now, today 16:37:28 q+ 16:37:33 ...like a WP should work in today's browser 16:37:47 ...or to state that in some sort of non-normative--you're a fool if you don't make this work 16:37:53 q+ 16:37:57 ...I'm not sure how to do this from a pure specification writing perspective 16:38:01 ack timCole 16:38:08 ...but I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want them to work in non-WP aware browsers 16:38:24 timCole: I believe I agree generally, but I'm a little concerned about the tenor of the discussion 16:38:38 ...there should be something that makes it clear that these aren't just a collection of normal web pages 16:38:49 ...when you open it, you should see something, and it should be usable 16:39:02 ...but we should also say what's different between a web publication and the rest of the web pages on the web 16:39:10 q+ 16:39:14 ...and there will be sometime in the future where people will want these additional things 16:39:29 ...and developers will start to take advantage of these things in their publications 16:39:38 ...we should be careful, then, what things are WP-specific 16:39:45 tzviya: I think makes an excellent point 16:39:50 q+ 16:39:54 ack duga 16:40:05 ...what steps are required, then, to make a non-WP aware browser become a WP-aware one 16:40:21 duga: I agree with timCole. I believe this goes beyond what the browser/readers will do 16:40:33 ...you will want these to be usable in a non-WP aware user agent 16:40:46 ...I might put next/prev and up to ToC links in all the pages 16:41:04 ...when I now view them in a WP-aware browser, I'd really not want to see those on ever page 16:41:11 q? 16:41:13 ...because presumably the WP-aware reader would provide those features 16:41:29 ack George 16:41:32 ...what things then do we provide authors to make them work in a non-WP aware UA, but will still look good in a WP-aware one 16:41:43 George: it seems to me that there is one item that is essential here 16:41:48 ...and that's the Table of Contents 16:42:05 ...in an unaware browser, once you leave the ToC, you can't necessarily get back to it 16:42:19 ...say you have a collection of materials, and they're reused all over the place 16:42:42 ...so you can't link back to that ToC from those because those materials are used in several publications for example 16:42:53 Karen has joined #pwg 16:42:55 +1 to George: that's a fundamental thing that distinguishes a publication from a web page 16:42:56 ...I don't know what we can do beyond saying "bookmark this ToC" so you can return to the publication 16:42:57 ack Avneesh 16:43:02 +1 George 16:43:12 Avneesh: I think we're all roughly discussing the same thing 16:43:36 ...the ToC, as George mentioned, is the center piece, and then the ability to move next and previous through the items of the publication and then back to the ToC 16:43:51 ack dkaplan 16:43:52 ...there are already many discussions around requirements for non-WP aware browsers 16:43:58 dkaplan3: what people are saying is alright 16:44:07 ...but I don't think we're the first people to discuss this 16:44:16 ...these are the basic principles of progressive enhancement 16:44:30 ...here are some examples--I know I'm not the only person who does these things 16:44:46 ...if I use elinks, I may also use wget, curl, Opera 12, and Sumatra PDF 16:44:54 ...these all have varying funcationality 16:45:03 ...sometimes if you want something newer, you have to use a newer tool 16:45:12 ...progressive enhancement says, do we make content if this JS doesn't work 16:45:32 ...and people who make tools who don't allow the JS to work, deal with that reality 16:45:46 ...the process is content and tool creators decided if they want to write for less, full-featured tools 16:45:57 ...and users deciding if they want to use more full featured tools or not 16:46:13 the difference is that we're talking about progressive enhancement for a complete (currently "non standard") rendering mode, not a single feature/API 16:46:16 ...like Avneesh was saying, we need to define what will happen in a non-WP UA 16:46:26 ...it may be that you can't get to parts of the publications 16:46:43 ...or maybe you'll do it the other way and write script to hide non-WP content from WP UAs 16:47:08 tzviya: I see Hadrien disagrees with this fundamentally 16:47:30 ...I think this gets to the core, underlying reason that we disagree about how we approach this spec 16:47:44 ...some of us believe that we can take the same approach as progressive web apps 16:47:58 ...while others believe we're building a new rendering/reading mode 16:48:15 ...something from what timCole said, is if you open a WP in a non-WP aware browser, the following will happen 16:48:30 ...however, if you do the same thing in a WP-aware UA, then the following will happen 16:48:33 what Tzviya just said plus a gazillion. 16:48:43 ...so we're talking about both worlds 16:48:43 if we're truly creating "progressive enhancements" then we're writing our spec the wrong way, we should divide it into individual features 16:49:07 ...both the present as it is today, and what we want from UAs in the future 16:49:42 ...these sorts of publications exist today 16:49:56 ...plus things provided in an additional reading layer 16:50:03 q+ 16:50:07 ack josh 16:50:11 ...we need to define what "WP-aware" means 16:50:38 josh: I just wanted to second, third, and forth what you just said about not having done a very good job explaining what we get from WP 16:50:52 ...as you know tzviya I've just started trying to convince my employer on what this is 16:50:55 tzviya: because we don't know 16:51:06 josh: it's like...some meta data on a web page 16:51:17 ...I'd appreciate some help trying to explain and sell what this thing is 16:51:30 ...having said that, I'm also very interest in hearing an answer to what we're building here 16:51:51 tzviya: since no one else is on the queue, I'll try and sum it up 16:52:02 ...remember timCole's annotations work from earlier in this group 16:52:12 ...I'd like addressibility 16:52:15 q+ 16:52:21 ack dkaplan 16:52:30 dkaplan3: if we're talking about what a WP-aware browser means 16:52:45 q+ 16:52:49 ...I'd like to say that everything that all of this can be done without polyfills 16:52:58 tzviya: so what would those polyfills be accomplishing? 16:53:11 ack Avneesh 16:53:28 dkaplan3: whatever that list of things that we say are WP-aware UA features must be done by the UA for it to be considered a WP-aware browser 16:54:02 Avneesh: offlining, accessibility, annotation, bookmarking, highlighting. these all go beyond today's browsers 16:54:16 tzviya: I do think many of these features are documented in the use case document 16:54:29 josh: I'm not doing well with it at the moment as my focus has been on an implementation 16:54:51 ...because part of the sales job is to show what this is and what value you get 16:55:15 ...what Avneesh just said about packaging, this is what I get back from my management is EPUB4 16:55:20 ...that's all they want is EPUB4 16:55:27 tzviya: this is a good segway to the agenda at TPAC 16:55:31 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mt9PTcOdmrCwIsgfxbGMGjwHlUsySU01I0D4oBkSbcA/edit?usp=sharing 16:55:40 TOPIC: TPAC agenda 16:55:44 q+ 16:56:02 tzviya: on Monday we have half a day on EPUB4 16:56:16 ack Avneesh 16:56:24 ...please let us know if there is anything we're missing on the agenda 16:56:49 Avneesh: I think marisa had mentioned wanting to discuss synchronized media 16:56:59 ...as well as other talks with other groups 16:57:26 tzviya: as far as the synchronized media group goes, the last updates were from TPAC from last year 16:57:34 clapierre has left #pwg 16:57:41 marisa: we're just about to ping the group again after having done some research, and we're going to wake them up this week 16:57:49 tzviya: I have a note that with the APA meeting, at 2:30 16:57:57 ...and that they're including synchronized media also 16:58:00 ...is that the same discussion? 16:58:07 marisa: they might have a broader take on it 16:58:13 ...I've talked to them a bit 16:58:19 tzviya: how much time would you like for this? 16:58:30 marisa: it doesn't need to take too long. maybe 30 minutes? 16:58:42 tzviya: hopefully. we haven't gotten any requests for incubation and demos 16:58:58 ...jbuehler sent around his table of contents 16:59:07 ...but I'll put you marisa in there--which is tuesday morning 16:59:22 ...Avneesh as far as APA we'll try and leave that up to others to decide 16:59:38 tzviya: one other thing. we've launched the fund raiser for epubcheck 16:59:43 ...here's the link 16:59:48 https://www.w3.org/publishing/epubcheck_fundraising 16:59:57 ...thank you to everyone at Daisy for helping make this happen 17:00:01 cmaden2 has left #pwg 17:00:10 ...I'm out the next two weeks, but you'll be in good hands 17:00:26 dkaplan3 has left #pwg 17:00:28 rrsagent, make minutes 17:00:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/17-pwg-minutes.html tzviya 17:02:21 evan has joined #pwg 18:05:30 evan has joined #pwg 18:37:43 evan has joined #pwg 19:29:38 Zakim has left #pwg 19:33:49 rrsagent, byw 19:33:49 I'm logging. I don't understand 'byw', tzviya. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:33:56 rrsagent, byw 19:33:56 I'm logging. I don't understand 'byw', tzviya. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:34:01 rrsagent, bye 19:34:01 I see no action items