15:25:30 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:25:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/09/14-json-ld-irc 15:25:36 zakim, this is json-ld 15:25:37 got it, azaroth 15:25:44 chair: azaroth 15:25:50 regrets+ ivan 15:25:57 present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:26:39 azaroth has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Sep/0013.html 15:26:54 rrsagent make minutes public 15:32:54 rrsagent, set log public 15:33:03 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:33:13 Date: 2018-09-14 15:33:26 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Sep/0013.html 15:43:59 present+ Benjamin_Young 15:51:16 workergnome has joined #json-ld 15:52:07 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 15:53:41 present+ 15:56:06 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 16:00:40 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:00:42 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 16:00:46 present+ 16:02:40 simonstey has joined #json-ld 16:03:26 present+ Tim_Cole 16:03:33 TOPIC: Scribe Selection 16:04:09 scribenick: timCole 16:04:27 TOPIC: Approve minutes 16:04:28 present+ 16:04:30 https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-07-json-ld 16:04:41 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of last call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-07-json-ld 16:04:44 +1 16:04:45 +1 16:04:47 bigbluehat: Any objections to minutes from last call? 16:04:48 +1 16:04:53 +1 16:04:59 =1 16:05:01 +1 16:05:02 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of last call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-09-07-json-ld 16:05:06 +1 16:05:15 TOPIC: Announcements / Reminders 16:05:30 bigbluehat: now at fpwd stage! 16:05:42 ... we now have 3 URLs 16:05:56 ... also had a blog post go up 16:05:56 present+ 16:06:03 https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/7270 16:06:18 ... 1.1 specs are available for people to review and provide feedback 16:06:42 ... by doing this, we are seeing some people taking a fresh look at json-ld and that is beneficial 16:06:44 present+ David_Lehn 16:06:46 q? 16:07:00 e.g. https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/13 and https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/14 16:07:08 gkellogg: next thing to discuss is policy and mechanism for regular working drafts 16:07:17 bigbluehat: so, what cadence 16:07:42 gkellogg: yes, and we should have a relatively low bar when we update 16:08:01 ... does anyone have experience keeping link checker happy? 16:08:23 bigbluehat: do we want an issue about these matters? 16:08:32 gkellogg: will do. 16:08:35 q? 16:08:41 ACTION: gkellogg to add issues related to continuous publication of working drafts 16:08:52 TOPIC: TPAC 16:09:09 bigbluehat: getting close. Scheduled for Thurs and Fri of TPAC 16:09:21 ... may also have an informal WG dinner earlier in week 16:09:33 ... we have also put a doc up for discussing our agenda. 16:09:36 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTLztv7nqbYuUsZbwhPhOyG5tHTJrTt9tGKWnD5Xa5A/edit# 16:09:47 q+ 16:10:03 ack azaroth 16:10:10 ... includes rsvp for TPAC WG meeting and for those wanting to call in 16:10:12 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/4 16:10:24 azaroth: in the project we have a column for discuss face-to-face 16:10:49 ... so people should add / move to make sure this column has all the items we want to cover in f2f 16:11:08 ... as time allows we will then work our way through other issues 16:11:12 q+ 16:11:36 ack simonstey 16:11:50 simonstey: will there be remote access? 16:12:14 bigbluehat: we are planning on it - you can rsvp for that in planning doc 16:12:16 +1 to remote access 16:12:37 q? 16:12:38 q+ 16:12:41 ack azaroth 16:13:12 azaroth: minor note - in the doc there is a list to TPAC reg list, includes people requesting observer status 16:13:45 ... as of last week azaroth told observers who had registered were welcome 16:13:53 ... looks like a good group of observers 16:14:12 bigbluehat: encourage others as appropriate 16:14:24 ... any other announcements or agenda items for today? 16:14:32 ... hearing none, we will proceed 16:14:39 TOPIC: Issues 16:14:57 SUBTOPIC: IRI vs URL - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/25 16:15:08 azaroth: discussions a little quiet this week, but IRI vs. URL has gotten some discussion 16:15:28 ... issue - should we adopt URL or should we stick with IRI 16:16:33 q+ 16:16:48 ... for example, HTML has a note about why that spec uses URL, but Web annotation has a note from member from Sony about differences between URL and IRI 16:16:51 q? 16:16:54 ack gkellogg 16:17:06 ... on the table is idea to defer until it becomes more clear 16:17:25 q+ to note the editors of microdata 16:17:46 gkellogg: microdata spec uses URL and includes some RDF, possibly providing a model for using URL in context of RDF 16:17:53 current Working Draft of the Microdata spec https://www.w3.org/TR/microdata/ 16:18:09 ... issues lurking about impact on SPARQL, etc. 16:18:15 q? 16:18:18 ack azaroth 16:18:18 azaroth, you wanted to note the editors of microdata 16:18:25 ... probably this means we need a wider scope than just json-ld 16:19:05 azaroth: one of the editors of microdata is Dan Bri who is in this WG, another is Charles 16:19:08 +1 16:19:09 q? 16:19:16 s/+1// 16:19:22 ... so lets grab them at TPAC and get a better sense of their feelings 16:19:33 PROPOSAL: Defer any change until the extent to which technical differences between URL and IRI can be determined, especially any difference between web browser and other stacks. 16:19:42 +1 16:19:45 +1 16:19:46 +1 16:19:46 +1 16:19:46 +1 16:19:48 +1 16:19:52 +1 16:19:54 +1 16:20:17 +1 16:20:59 gkellogg: another factor is whether json-ld use of IRI makes some people see json-ld as not web browser friendly 16:21:24 RESOLVED: Defer any change until the extent to which technical differences between URL and IRI can be determined, especially any difference between web browser and other stacks. 16:21:26 SUBTOPIC: Inverse of @container:@set 16:21:37 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/17 16:21:42 azaroth: next is issue #17 16:21:56 ... this came from a discussion with Dan that is broader than just schema.org 16:22:43 q+ 16:22:47 ... so with @container @set, we can say if this resource is present then its always an array, even if a single item 16:23:19 ... the issue in terms of expressing json-ld we don't have the opposite 16:23:35 ... we can't say I would like it compacted to a single value rather than an array 16:24:29 ... e.g., for reciepe use case was to show value for single step reciepe as a string rather than array 16:24:32 q+ 16:24:35 ack gkellogg 16:24:45 ... so this would mean some changes to compacting 16:25:05 gkellogg: this impacts first, compaction 16:25:26 +1 to gkellogg 16:25:48 ... but second how does a processor when expanding interpret a string value when defined that it could be array 16:26:13 ... this latter seems to impact schema.org users and instruction to them especially 16:26:29 ... I explained this in my last comment on the issue thread 16:27:16 ... I personally don't think the compaction issue is on its own a big deal, given that trend is encouragement to always use arrays when allowed as value for key 16:27:18 q? 16:27:18 +1 16:27:20 ack bigbluehat 16:28:04 bigbluehat: the actual listing issue on allreciepes is microdata related because microdata can't do lists 16:28:21 q+ 16:28:39 ... so if run that use case through current microdata processor you get RDF that looks a little different 16:28:44 ack gkellogg 16:29:39 gkellogg: to beat a deadhorse - decision was made to not overcomplicate things, but when microdata is dumb, we shouldn't want to dumb json-ld down to match 16:29:50 q? 16:29:57 +1 to gkellogg yet again 16:30:07 azaroth: any other thoughts? 16:30:51 ... to clarify expansion part of issue, what happens now if you have a single string value for a key that is defined to be an array 16:31:00 gkellogg: it gets turned into array 16:31:19 azaroth: so close, won't fix, no compelling use cases 16:31:29 q? 16:31:32 gkellogg: we could include note in primer 16:31:51 PROPOSAL: Close #17 won't fix, as no use cases for compaction, and expansion already works as expected 16:31:53 +1 16:31:53 +1 16:31:54 +1 16:31:55 +1 16:31:56 +1 16:31:57 +1 16:32:10 RESOLVED: Close #17 won't fix, as no use cases for compaction, and expansion already works as expected 16:32:12 +1 16:32:21 +1 16:32:26 +1 16:32:47 SUBTOPIC: Recursion and @reverse - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/5 16:33:12 q? 16:33:42 gkellogg: issue #5 is about how framing for reverse properties, but not adequate support 16:34:21 ... if you have a reverse property expressed in a frame, that property may have its own reverse properties, currently framing does not handle this 16:34:40 ... so seems a good idea to improve, but devil is in the details 16:35:02 q? 16:35:10 q+ 16:35:14 ... this could be turned into an editors action, assuming we can get some support from other implementers 16:35:14 ack workergnome 16:35:41 workergnome: support this approach, we anticipate running into this issue at the Getty 16:35:49 azaroth: agree 16:35:59 ... principle of least surprise 16:36:08 q? 16:36:36 ... so how does the WG feel about how we should continue to track and make sure it gets addressed? 16:37:11 ... not ready to go into detailed solution on this call, but do need other implementers to work with gkellog 16:37:53 gkellogg: that sounds right - its partly a bandwidth issue of having a single editor 16:38:00 PROPOSAL: Accept framing#5 but seek additional support in terms of implementation experience 16:38:03 +1 16:38:04 +1 16:38:04 +1 16:38:06 +1 16:38:13 +1 16:38:25 +1 16:38:27 +1 16:38:31 +1 16:38:33 +1 16:38:38 RESOLVED: Accept framing#5 but seek additional support in terms of implementation experience 16:38:44 SUBTOPIC: Indexing with a predicate 16:39:00 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/19 16:39:17 azaroth: issue #19 came up at Getty and IIIF over the past year 16:39:38 ... it's hard at API level to determine where you would find a repeated description of a resource 16:40:01 ... e.g., there's a bunch of items in a list with various properties 16:40:42 ... if you building an application consuming descriptions as json (rather than RDF), it would be nice to be able to find these descriptions 16:41:24 ... looking for a json surface level construct that makes it easier to find relevant descriptions further down 16:41:31 q+ 16:41:59 ... there has been promising development, but relies on a new keyword 16:42:11 q+ 16:42:13 ack gkellogg 16:42:17 ... so, do people support the feature? and then if yes, we can talk about solutions. 16:42:25 q+ 16:42:50 q+ 16:42:56 gkellogg: we can certainly come up with solutions, but is this semantic overhead we want to add to json-ld just because it's available in other approaches 16:43:15 ... framing may help with this, but would result in repetition of statements 16:43:47 ... consistent with RDF which is happy with repetition of statements, although that is not a natural json approach 16:44:18 ... question is whether framing/repetition approach is sufficient 16:44:31 q? 16:44:34 ack jeff_mixter 16:44:42 q+ to discuss service in IIIF 16:44:54 jeff_mixter: agree with usefulness of this, would be super-convenient 16:45:07 ... but I do have concerns about adding a keyword to do this 16:45:34 ... and I do think like @gkellog that there may be ways to do this without a new keyword 16:45:39 q? 16:45:41 ack bigbluehat 16:46:18 bigbluehat: my concerns echo Jeff's. We should look at how close we can get to this without existing json-ld mecahnisms 16:46:35 q? 16:46:36 ack workergnome 16:46:49 ... and not move forward with introducing something new until we've exhausted existing options 16:47:08 workergnome: when we started on this we tried 3 ways 16:47:28 ... the size of the document you have to send over the wire gets large, really verbose 16:47:43 q? 16:47:53 gkellogg: of course it is compressed when sent over the wire 16:48:33 workergnome: 3rd way we've done this is with reverse properties 16:48:50 ... saying this concept is inside this container, etc. 16:48:52 q? 16:48:58 ack azaroth 16:48:58 azaroth, you wanted to discuss service in IIIF 16:49:09 http://iiif.io/api/auth/1.0/#example-description-resource-with-authentication-services 16:49:21 azaroth: to give a sense of repeated data (see link above) 16:49:58 ... in IIIF we have idea of authentication service, which needs to be repeated for each resource 16:50:12 http://aat-web-services-staging.getty.edu/aat/300390918.json 16:50:17 ... so service block in example linked above is actually about the shortest 16:50:32 q+ 16:50:33 is the example of where we're doing it, with the `seeAlso` predicate 16:50:43 ... and if you repeat it 500 times in the same document, the memory usage gets rediculous 16:51:04 q+ 16:51:12 q? 16:51:21 ack gkellogg 16:51:25 ... may not be significant for modern browsers, but does become problem in mobile environment 16:51:43 gkellogg: wondering how much this comes down to a data modelling issue? 16:52:11 ... can you model it by indirect reference approach? 16:52:24 ... this is more like what the framing would support 16:52:36 +1 to the reference to a separate node for the iiif service issue 16:52:45 ... you end up with references rather than having to include 16:53:13 q? 16:53:16 ack workergnome 16:53:24 ... we're looking for another way to avoid repeating all properties up at node level 16:53:59 workergnome: in most consuming applications we've been using, the practice they recommend is shallow references as opposed to deeply nested structures 16:54:07 q+ 16:54:11 ... so we end up building a flatter structure 16:54:21 ack jeff_mixter 16:54:26 q? 16:54:31 ... having a pattern that allows expressing in flatter structure would be good 16:54:43 jeff_mixter: i agree with David's comments 16:55:35 q+ 16:55:35 ... want to differentiate between graph-based use cases and IIIF use cases that want to cache and focus on json, not the RDF 16:55:35 q? 16:55:38 ack gkellogg 16:56:05 gkellogg: I'm wondering, should we explore a new framing mechanism as a way to address this? 16:56:20 q+ 16:56:26 ... something indirection mechanism in the framing 16:56:43 ... might not end up with round tripping solution 16:56:45 ack ajs6f 16:56:59 q+ 16:57:02 ... or do we need to keep in the existing expansion / compression options 16:57:26 ajs6f: you're talking about a way to add to document when framed 16:57:50 ack workergnome 16:57:51 q+ 16:58:03 gkellogg: yes, for example if framing could allow you to pull info from references into the object being framed 16:58:20 ... don't have full solution yet, but trying to explore solution space 16:58:45 workergnome: I think this goes beyond framing, more about how we structure the data 16:59:01 ... the rdf should be the same however we do it 16:59:08 ack ajs6f 16:59:18 ... could end up with data section and included section 16:59:50 ajs6f: some of the same concerns come up when we talk about using context to add new data 16:59:51 q+ 17:00:23 ack azaroth 17:00:26 ... always a little worried about solutions that draw beyond the source, you end up with multiple sources 17:00:33 We might reconsider @default, then 17:00:57 azaroth: noting it is top of the hour, first agree with Adam, also agree this is a framing (rather than compaction) issue 17:01:14 gkellogg: yes, and I admit that I don't have clear thinking about that 17:01:23 ... let's have a bit homework on this one. 17:01:41 ... please find examples and add to the issue, and look at framing rather than compaction 17:01:47 ... and add use cases 17:01:55 q? 17:02:22 ... not ready to resolve, but this discussion was promising. Revisit next week. 17:02:29 ... Adjourn 17:02:37 bye y'all 17:03:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/14-json-ld-minutes.html azaroth 17:03:39 rrsagent, set log public 17:04:14 Date: 14 Sep 2018 17:04:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:04:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/14-json-ld-minutes.html azaroth 17:04:19 Date: 14 Sep 2018 17:04:22 rrsagent, set log public 17:06:35 zakim, bye 17:06:35 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Rob_Sanderson, Benjamin_Young, workergnome, Gregg_Kellogg, jeff_mixter, Tim_Cole, simonstey, ajs6f, David_Lehn 17:06:35 Zakim has left #json-ld 17:06:41 rrsagent, bye 17:06:41 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2018/09/14-json-ld-actions.rdf : 17:06:41 ACTION: gkellogg to add issues related to continuous publication of working drafts [1] 17:06:41 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2018/09/14-json-ld-irc#T16-08-41