15:30:57 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:30:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/09/11-pbg-irc 15:30:58 rrsagent, set log public 15:30:58 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 15:30:58 Chair: liisamk 15:30:58 Date: 2018-09-11 15:30:58 Regrets+ laudrain, tzviya 15:30:58 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Sep/0000.html 15:30:59 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-09-11: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Sep/0000.html 15:35:29 ivan_ has joined #pbg 15:39:17 Karen has joined #pbg 15:57:12 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 15:59:31 liisamk has joined #pbg 15:59:45 present+ liisamk 16:00:28 Daihei has joined #pbg 16:00:51 rkwright has joined #pbg 16:00:57 present+ 16:01:12 present+ 16:01:15 present+ 16:01:20 present+ 16:01:26 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:01:26 present+ Karen 16:01:36 present+ 16:01:48 present+ 16:01:57 Has the GTM started? I'm in a hotel in the UK and need to use the computer audio 16:02:02 Avneesh has joined #pbg 16:03:04 present+ Teenya 16:03:07 scribe: Karen 16:03:08 Teenya has joined #pbg 16:03:14 scribenick: karen 16:03:35 JulieBlair has joined #pbg 16:03:59 Topic: EPUB3 review 16:04:11 Topic: EPUB Community Review 16:04:22 Dave: We have been getting updates; 23 commits to repository 16:04:26 ...we are making progress 16:04:32 Liisa: How long is this review period? 16:04:34 present+ 16:04:38 Dave: I think more or less... 16:04:48 Rachel: It formally ended, but we are waiting for people to come back to us 16:04:57 garth has joined #pbg 16:05:00 BillK: can you define the review period? 16:05:03 present+ Garth 16:05:07 present+ 16:05:09 Dave: things should settle by end of the month 16:05:15 present+ daihei 16:05:22 present+ leslie 16:05:23 ...and get feedback; not massive deadline, but we are pretty far ahead 16:05:30 s/can you define/it was an assigned- 16:05:39 present+ 16:05:43 Liisa: Tzviya is out due to holiday 16:05:57 ...do we have an update on EPUB Checker and its development? 16:06:02 ...Rachel, George? 16:06:04 Topic: epubcheck 16:06:16 Liisa: We have contracted with Daisy to do the work and we are in process of getting the fundraising site going 16:06:26 ...we have worked out also with Daisy also to manage the funds and intake 16:06:38 ...we are working on agreement between us to make sure it's done safely, correctly 16:06:45 ...we're about a week or so out from having that live 16:07:05 ...We would start development as soon as there are enough funds available committed to cover the first page 16:07:10 ...either funds received or invoiced 16:07:20 George: As soon as we have confidence that funds are on their way in 16:07:28 ...it takes a while for some companies to actually deliver the money 16:07:36 ...as long as we have confidence we can start the work 16:07:41 ...I tested the site this morning 16:07:54 Julian_Calderazi has joined #pbg 16:08:01 Liisa: you tested this morning and things worked well? 16:08:06 George: yes, it was working this morning 16:08:06 I'm hear Heathrow. I better mute. :) 16:08:10 The not-yet-fully-final landing page is at: https://www.w3.org/publishing/epubcheck_fundraising 16:08:11 present+ 16:08:22 ...the early commitment people we will likely get started 16:08:35 ...Important to point out that distribution of funds will be approved by the SC sub-committee 16:08:40 ...and make sure the deliverable are there 16:08:40 s/hear/near 16:08:50 ...we will have the checks and balances in place to manage the contract 16:09:11 Liisa: Luc has volunteered to lead this. In his absence Tzviya is leading. Today we happen to be without both of them 16:09:19 ...Any questions on EPUB Check and the fundraising 16:09:20 q+ 16:09:23 ack Ivan 16:09:29 Ivan: Maybe worth noting 16:09:38 ...the plan is Tzviya who will make a blog post 16:09:47 ...and there will be more push once the page is live and operational 16:09:55 Liisa: that's a good note to make 16:10:06 present+ JulieBlair 16:10:09 ...Folks here in the group should think about their networks and how we can help to promote this 16:10:13 ...any other questions? 16:10:22 present+ rkwright 16:10:30 ...ok 16:10:37 ...Last time when we met, we were in the Asian time slot 16:10:47 ...we talked about the fact that people should review the EPUB Check requirements 16:10:52 ...Do people know they can and should do that? 16:10:57 ...any help needed there? 16:11:02 ...What is the feeling about all this? 16:11:05 I am willing to review the issues 16:11:17 me too Liisa 16:11:21 I'll take a look this week 16:11:23 Liisa: Thank you, Ric for saying you will review 16:11:26 ...and thank you, Julie 16:11:43 ...Anyone who feels there needs to be some non-technical translation of those issues, or is everyone ok reviewing as is? 16:11:45 (ok for me) 16:11:56 I'm OK with it "natural" 16:12:04 ...OK 16:12:17 ...If you have other thoughts you don't want to share in public forum, please do so 16:12:21 Topic: TPAC 16:12:24 +1 16:12:24 +1 TPAC 16:12:26 +1 16:12:26 +1 16:12:29 0 - I am not 16:12:29 Lissa: Who is going? Please note in irc 16:12:29 +1 16:12:30 +1 16:12:33 George +1 16:12:34 Geroge +1 16:12:36 -1 16:12:38 +1 16:12:40 s/Lissa/Liisa/ 16:12:55 Liisa: Sounds like a good group of us are going 16:12:56 0 16:13:01 ...We will send something out to encourage others 16:13:10 ...We have been put on the agenda for an hour for the Working Group meeting 16:13:14 ...what do we want to talk about? 16:13:15 q+ 16:13:16 ...Ideas? 16:13:19 q+ 16:13:19 q+ 16:13:20 ack Dave 16:13:26 q? 16:13:33 q- 16:13:35 Dave: I think this would be a good time to start talking about the business implications of Web Publications 16:13:38 q? 16:13:43 ...and how publishers might want to use Web Publications 16:13:48 ack Garth 16:13:54 q+ 16:13:55 Garth: Yes, queue is acting weird....yes 16:14:01 ...certainly second Dave's comment 16:14:04 Zakim has joined #pbg 16:14:09 ...I think also Business Group folks 16:14:13 ...who are not participating in the WG 16:14:24 q+ 16:14:25 ...would be good to come to a cursory understanding of the progress made there; the WP draft 16:14:28 ...some discussion of EPUB4 16:14:38 ...come with opinions regarding the utility of what has been done so far 16:14:43 ...to various business cases 16:14:52 ...and suggestions for prioritizing our going forward efforts 16:15:03 ...i am interested in...we have been taking a WP first 16:15:09 ...setting bounds of a Web Publication 16:15:09 q- 16:15:14 ...is that the right direction first 16:15:21 q+ 16:15:23 ...or should we look at EPUB4 and how we would package it 16:15:32 ...WP v EPUB4 is discussion I would be interested in 16:15:35 Liisa: Ok 16:15:39 ack BillK 16:16:07 BillK: One thing I think might be useful for BG members 16:16:17 ...is a bullet list version of what is different between WP and EPUB 16:16:21 ...for some it will be hard 16:16:23 ...to say 16:16:37 ...they won't read the spec and have a hard time speculating whether that will be useful to me 16:16:42 +1 to Bill_Kasdorf 16:16:43 ...maybe some kind of cheat sheet would be useful 16:16:46 +1 16:16:51 Liisa: That's a good point, Bill 16:16:53 ack Dave 16:16:58 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:17:10 Dave: as we talk about EPUB4 and WP relationship, also EPUB3 relationship 16:17:18 ...what makes sense in near- and future term 16:17:27 ...relationship between all those things is fairly unclear 16:17:30 Liisa: yes, I agree 16:17:41 ...To Bill's point, it's hard to focus; make it simple and easy to digest 16:17:49 BillK: I was referring to EPUB3 differences 16:18:00 ...EPUB4 will be more like EPUB3 16:18:15 Liisa: We have to understand the upgrade and compatibility areas 16:18:19 Garth: that is a good topic 16:18:32 s/EPUB 4 will be more like EPUB3/EPUB 4 may be more like WP than EPUB 3 16:18:35 Liisa: Anyone else have topics to talk about while we are in france 16:18:36 q+ 16:18:41 ack dauwhe 16:18:42 ack Dave 16:18:48 Dave: all done 16:18:51 ack Ivan 16:19:11 George: can I speak? 16:19:13 q+ 16:19:15 ...One of things I am interested in 16:19:19 ...I think of this in education 16:19:31 ...where EPUBs are being used widely and LMSes are being used as well 16:19:39 ...many times EPUBs are being ingested into LMS systems 16:19:51 ...or things that kind of look like Web Publications are being digested in LMS 16:20:06 ...I don't have a clear idea of how different publications integrate with different LMS systems and different market models 16:20:15 ...Seems like this is on the cusp of EPUB and Web Publications 16:20:20 ...Not sure if it's something we can discuss 16:20:32 ...Also we have been doing a lot of Accessibility testing on EPUB and various reading apps 16:20:42 ...Feel like we should be doing same thing within their counterpart, the LMS 16:20:58 Liisa: George, I think those are really good points 16:21:10 ...from a publisher's perspective it's hard to test 16:21:16 ...what will happen with those systems 16:21:17 ack Ivan 16:21:23 Ivan: With all my respect to EPUB 16:21:38 ...which should also be discussing and hearing about those areas of publishing that did not pick up EPUB for various reasons 16:21:56 ...The hope we have from technical side is that there will be unifying elements 16:22:06 ...Scholarly, journal have not picked up so much on EPUB 16:22:14 ...we don't want to concentrate only on EPUB v Web Publications 16:22:18 ...another area that has come to the fore 16:22:30 ...is the realization that Audio Books fit the Web Publications work perfectly 16:22:41 ...there is a task force now looking at the few small things to make it better 16:22:54 ...we have to be careful not to lose sight of publications that are not based on EPUB today 16:22:57 +1 to Ivan 16:23:02 ...but we as WG need feedback to those areas; very much so 16:23:20 Liisa: Any other ideas? 16:23:22 q+ 16:23:38 Us it going to be arpesentation or a discussion? 16:23:58 A practical thing: Is 1 hour enough for all these business discussion in TPAC? 16:24:00 ack Karen 16:24:14 Karen: I would like to hear a report on the Tokyo Publishing Workshop at TPAC 16:24:18 Dave: Who is going? 16:24:22 Ivan: me, you, Luc, Laurent 16:24:22 I will, Daihei 16:24:43 Ivan: Makoto of course 16:24:47 ...who is on both groups 16:24:50 ...I think that is it 16:24:57 ...quite a few people from the Pub BG 16:25:20 ...In two weeks from now there will be a call and a first impression can be given 16:25:29 Liisa: Yes, we will definitely have it on the agenda in two weeks 16:25:43 ...people should continue to think about what we can accomplish when we are together 16:25:51 ...what to work on, what we can accomplish, how to prepare 16:25:54 q+ 16:25:56 Ivan: Can I add one more thing 16:26:03 ...one of the problems I have had 16:26:04 ack Ivan 16:26:08 Ivan: The Business Group 16:26:14 ...has not really looked over our shoulders 16:26:27 ...maybe a discussion on how to have more regular contact between the two groups 16:26:34 ...it should not be once a year at TPAC kind of thing 16:26:39 ...Many people on WGs are techies 16:26:45 ...which is good and bad at same time 16:27:08 ...It's good to have feedbacks regularly from the Business Group and we have not had that. We should discuss how we can have that after TPAC 16:27:12 Liisa: That's a great point, Ivan 16:27:23 Dave: you can look over the shoulders of the community group 16:27:31 Liisa: Lots of shoulder looking! 16:27:35 ...Need to be tall :) 16:27:50 Liisa: any more comments before we move on? 16:28:01 ...ok 16:28:05 Topic: Conferences 16:28:13 ...a handful of us got into a conversation on conferences 16:28:24 ...and whether there would be interest in the BG picking up conferences 16:28:34 ...there was a feeling that there were already a lot of conferences out there 16:28:45 ...Would it be helpful to just start by collating a list of the various EPUB conferences 16:28:49 Ivan: EPUB or Publishing? 16:28:52 Liisa: Publishing 16:28:59 ...I was thinking EPUB, thinking about standards 16:29:10 ...we can broaden it to publishing more broadly and what segments and parts 16:29:17 ...Good example is DBW 16:29:26 ...a number of people used to attend the EPUB tracks 16:29:35 ...but this season it has shifted and has become more marketing oriented 16:29:41 George: marketing is good 16:29:44 Liisa: totally 16:29:53 +1 collate and annotate list 16:30:02 I'll collaborate with a list in LatAm 16:30:04 Liisa: Are people interested in conferences to learn things and share things 16:30:20 ...I was thinking that this Fall marks 20 years for eBooks at PRH 16:30:32 ...it's not all solved, but it's no longer the Wild West Frontier to figure out 16:30:46 ...Karen, you agree 16:30:58 ...Julian, you have offered to do a list for LatAm 16:31:03 George: Library space 16:31:15 ...and we regularly present at Accessibility conferences 16:31:26 ...and best practices and standards for Accessibility in those places 16:31:33 ...It is great when we see others carrying the general message 16:31:38 ...not just their own corporate message 16:31:44 ...but saying good things about the standard and W3C 16:31:51 ...working collaboratively to build the marketplace 16:32:08 q+ 16:32:23 Liisa: if nothing else, collaborating on the conferences helps us keep clear on what are the events and also be clear on who could represent us and carry our messages to various segments 16:32:25 ack BillK 16:32:36 Bill: I go to a lot of non-book conferences [names] 16:32:42 ...I do an update at STM every year 16:32:48 ...but not the same as a W3C person 16:32:53 ...IPTC is the news industry people 16:33:02 ...getting to IVan's point thinking beyond eBooks 16:33:11 ...folks like AP, TR, Bloomberg, etc. 16:33:18 ...who was your colleague who spoke, Ivan? 16:33:41 BillK: those kinds of organizations 16:33:47 ...something more formal for W3C would be good 16:33:54 ...SSP meeting is end of May or June 16:33:56 q+ 16:34:02 ...program is locked in by January I think 16:34:04 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:34:19 ...always possibility of trying to get onto the program 16:34:31 ...STM is more of a seminar/workshop and I always speak at that 16:34:38 ...not like the word isn't getting out 16:34:44 ...but not being done in a W3C branded way 16:34:49 ack Karen 16:35:55 +1 to Karen 16:36:03 scribenick: Karen 16:36:32 Karen: would be good to use W3C Publishing landing page as place for the various publishing segments and their conference calendars 16:36:33 q+ 16:36:34 q+ 16:36:40 Liisa: Would be good to figure out where to anchor this conversation 16:36:42 ack Ivan 16:36:55 Ivan: Isn't there a public calendar we can put in on our page? 16:37:03 ...or federate several of those? 16:37:12 Liisa: I honestly don't know of anyone. Billk? 16:37:16 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:37:24 BillK: these sectors are siloed 16:37:31 ...scholarly doesn't know about @ 16:37:38 Ivan: Is it possible to integrate more those silos 16:37:45 ...SSP does a good job of that in scholarly 16:37:54 ...there are organizations Rachel could speak to in education that probably do that 16:38:18 Ivan: If there are seeds of any kinds that come from different segments, the rest is just putting up code on our page 16:38:28 BillK: those organizations would welcome that 16:38:45 Ivan: We should try to get those sector-specific feeds 16:38:50 Liisa: See if they exist 16:38:54 s/seeds/feeds 16:39:00 BillK: I can work with Karen on some of them 16:39:01 +1 16:39:15 action: BillK, Karen and Liisa, pluse Julian to work on these lists 16:39:31 Liisa: George, would be good to figure out Accessibility events 16:39:36 George: I don't know of any feeds 16:39:49 ...at DAISY we keep a calendar about year out of the important Accessibility conferences 16:39:53 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:39:54 https://www.w3.org/participate/eventscal.html 16:40:01 q+ 16:40:05 BillK: Lots of library conferences that also all over Web technologies 16:40:09 Liisa: a great point 16:40:11 ack Ivan 16:40:17 Ivan: related to Libraries 16:40:28 ...we have begun speaking to the archival organizations 16:40:39 ...there is some early interest in setting up a workshop some time next year 16:40:47 ...they have their own problems 16:41:01 ...like Library of Congress, European libraries 16:41:05 ...that's a different community 16:41:10 Liisa: We can continue with this by email 16:41:12 ...let's continue 16:41:18 Topic: ? 16:41:21 Topic: Discussions on new requirements 16:41:39 Liisa: Desire to ensure this image and this text will always be on the same page 16:41:45 ...we have often tried to solve that 16:41:51 ...but almost nobody supports it 16:41:55 Subtopic: anchor image and text 16:41:57 sorry Liisa 16:41:58 q+ 16:42:01 you tried to fix that with what? 16:42:02 ...is this just my problem, or do other people have this issue, too? 16:42:03 +1 very common issue 16:42:04 ack Dave 16:42:11 ack dauwhe 16:42:13 +1 16:42:21 Dave: This is a complicated thing in web space 16:42:28 ...don't know how much space you will have 16:42:36 ...image is this big, not sure how much will fit on screen 16:42:46 ...to make it a reality you have to figure out how to scale it 16:42:53 ...captions staying with an image using flexbox 16:42:57 Liisa: which is also not supported 16:43:03 Dave: widely supported on the web anyway 16:43:13 ...most of web solutions become problematic in EPUB reading system 16:43:31 ...because of the pagination and user personalization challenges; they are re-writing both the mark-up and the CSS 16:43:34 ...makes it tricky 16:43:54 q+ 16:43:56 ...it's an interesting question: I don't have a solution but would like to talk to people about it 16:44:02 Liisa: next week in Japan? 16:44:04 Dave: yes 16:44:05 ack Ivan 16:44:09 Ivan: Question to Dave 16:44:14 ...we know the pagination story 16:44:18 ...and there are promises to do it 16:44:25 ...with all these new CSS, Houdini approaches 16:44:39 ...would that make combination of pagination and CSS solutions with black boxes work? 16:44:54 Dave: At this point, I don't know enough about how things like Flexbox and Grid interact with fragmentation 16:45:00 Ivan: If you don't know, nobody does 16:45:08 q+ 16:45:09 Dave: probably Fantasai knows, and we can ask her 16:45:15 ack rkwright 16:45:26 Ric: Dave, are there some samples that you have that use grids that don't work? 16:45:33 ...I use grids a lot on web but not on EPUB 16:45:41 Dave: I have EPUB flexbox examples that work 16:45:46 ...for example in Readium which is lovely 16:45:52 ...yes, I have not tried much with grid 16:45:59 Ric: I'll have a look on it on my own 16:46:22 Dave: there is also this more general question of taking other elements like side notes 16:46:26 ...we can sort of do with floats 16:46:30 ...it does get tricky 16:46:47 Liisa: I am just thinking about how we as content creators 16:46:54 q+ 16:47:01 ...help the reading system to understand when things have to stay together and when things can move around 16:47:10 ...so pagination can be optimized for both the content and the reader 16:47:23 Dave: I would love to have some examples that show people; this is what happens in our books that is terrible 16:47:27 +1 to Dave 16:47:27 ...this is how it should be 16:47:39 ...that goes a long way in showing people and getting advice in how it should be 16:47:46 ...a few screen shots would be very helpful 16:47:58 Liisa: yes, I think that's the kind of things this group could pull together 16:48:07 Dave: I would be happy to get those and show to CSS 16:48:08 ack Ivan 16:48:21 Ivan: I am interested in how these flow back to core techs; the HTML and CSS 16:48:24 ...the core reading systems 16:48:29 ...eventually will use the core web engines 16:48:32 ...that should be our goal 16:48:53 ...eventually some of these things may lead to delegate someone to also go to CSS WG besides Dave 16:49:01 ...certainly this group should be the mover for something like that 16:49:05 Dave: Absolutely 16:49:05 q+ 16:49:11 ack Liisa 16:49:19 Liisa: I think the thing we all have to mindful of 16:49:33 ...is that some of these requirements come from conversations people are having about doing these things sooner v later 16:49:47 ...may be reading system-specific clooges 16:49:53 ...how do we deal with cart before the horse? 16:49:58 Ivan: yes, I hear that 16:50:10 Garth: Dave commented on constraining the image side 16:50:15 ...that will help on some reading systems 16:50:19 ...have image and captions 16:50:31 ...and if reading system or pagination system gets in the way 16:50:40 ...that is a bug to be filed with reading system vendor 16:50:45 ...If you have page break inside a void 16:50:46 s/side/size 16:50:57 ...any paginator cannot constrain image side on its own 16:51:03 Liisa: thinking about not times of a caption 16:51:10 ...see this in kids' chapter books 16:51:25 ...important for them to associate a paragraph with text to a certain image 16:51:33 ...make sure each page is text/image/image/text 16:51:43 ...we will manage order of things by always putting image first 16:51:48 ...we force a lot of white space 16:51:55 Garth: white space is cheap in eBooks 16:52:03 Liisa: true; just don't want to much of it 16:52:06 ...Ok, moving on 16:52:09 ...to related issue of this 16:52:23 ...how do we get broader support for a mixture of fixed and reflow pages? 16:52:30 Garth: Mixed in same flow of content? 16:52:32 Liisa: yes 16:52:36 Supported in Readium already 16:52:39 Subtopic: broader support for mixed and fixed/refloat pages 16:52:42 ...I want next systems to reflow 16:52:46 Dave: some do that 16:52:51 Liisa: I want all of them to do it 16:53:00 Garth: Do your fixed items as in-spine SVG 16:53:11 Dave: but we have reading systems that don't do well with SVG 16:53:19 Garth: speaking for systems that don't like the mixture 16:53:34 Dave: this is a problem; 10-20 years in we have not solved the problem 16:53:48 ...to get reading systems to support everything we think they should support 16:53:53 Ivan: Why don't they support SVG? 16:54:04 ...web engines today do a reasonable job of rendering SVG? 16:54:14 q+ 16:54:15 Garth: some reading systems don't support in-spine SVG; we are not one of those 16:54:30 Dave: Still some marketshare for non-web rendering engine reading based systems 16:54:34 Ivan: Ok, that's the answer 16:54:43 George: In our Accessibility testing we test for SVG 16:54:52 ...testing for size without degradation of image quality 16:55:00 ...is important to Accessibility people 16:55:13 Ivan: That will be an interesting question for next week's workshop 16:55:18 ack rkwright 16:55:23 Ric: Kudos to Garth 16:55:36 ...SVG is in spec; Readium supports, but it does not work that well 16:55:41 ...I have never seen SVG in the spine 16:55:51 Garth: not uncommon coming from Japanese content 16:55:59 Ric: I would be interested to see some examples 16:56:05 Ivan: Likely we'll see some next week 16:56:08 Ric: Great 16:56:15 ...underlying browsers support SVG pretty well 16:56:26 ...but biggest problem is if they do local references to the URIs to gradients 16:56:31 ...in some browser that does not work 16:56:39 ...they lose the basis of how to link to it so the rendering is poor 16:56:57 ...whoever wrote the SVG support in Adobe Illustrator; it often breaks in the browser engines 16:57:04 ...sorry to get technical but wanted to throw it out 16:57:14 Liisa: we have three minutes left 16:57:16 Topic: AOB 16:57:19 ...anything else to talk about today? 16:57:47 Liisa: For those going to Japan next week, we hope you have a great workshop 16:58:00 ...for those not going, please think about what we want to accomplish for when we are all together in France 16:58:03 you too all 16:58:04 ...have a great day! 16:58:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:58:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/11-pbg-minutes.html ivan_ 16:58:05 zakim, bye 16:58:05 rrsagent, bye 16:58:05 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2018/09/11-pbg-actions.rdf : 16:58:05 ACTION: BillK, Karen and Liisa, pluse Julian to work on these lists [1] 16:58:05 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2018/09/11-pbg-irc#T16-39-15 16:58:05 Zakim has left #pbg 16:58:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:58:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/09/11-pbg-minutes.html Karen