15:03:35 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:03:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/08/24-json-ld-irc 15:03:36 rrsagent, set log public 15:03:36 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:03:36 Chair: azaroth42 15:03:36 Date: 2018-08-24 15:03:36 Regrets+ dlongley 15:03:36 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Aug/0014.html 15:03:37 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-08-24: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Aug/0014.html 15:17:41 azaroth has joined #json-ld 15:50:36 simonstey has joined #json-ld 15:57:38 workergnome has joined #json-ld 15:58:30 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 15:58:34 present+ 15:59:19 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 15:59:19 present+ 15:59:34 present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:59:42 chair: azaroth 16:00:33 present+ 16:02:15 regrets+ dlongley 16:03:11 hsolbrig has joined #json-ld 16:03:26 present+ hsolbrig 16:03:54 present+ Benjamin_Young 16:04:04 scribenick: workergnome 16:04:23 TOPIC: Minutes approval 16:04:40 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes of previous call https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-08-17-json-ld 16:04:42 +1 16:04:42 +1 16:04:43 +1 16:04:45 +1 16:04:45 +0 16:04:54 +1 16:05:02 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of previous call https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-08-17-json-ld 16:05:11 present+ 16:05:21 TOPIC: Announcements 16:05:34 azaroth: Announcements: regular TPAC announcements 16:05:40 ...any others? 16:06:00 q+ 16:06:17 ack bigbluehat 16:06:21 ajs6f: If you're from an institution with a travel program, the rates from your institution may be better. Not a critique of the committee, but a good thing to see 16:06:39 q+ 16:06:42 ack hsolbrig 16:06:45 bigbluehat: the rooms in the block are already gone, anyway 16:07:19 hsolbrig: John Hopkins is in the process of buying a membership, so he's trying to join again. 16:07:29 q? 16:07:37 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:07:39 s/John Hopkins/Johns Hopkins/ 16:07:40 azaroth: If it takes a while, we can invite you as an expert 16:07:59 TOPIC: Issues 16:08:01 ...no need for introductions 16:08:12 SUBTOPIC: Warn or error on non-keyword string with @? 16:08:19 ...first issue, should we warn or error on non-keywords that start with @? 16:08:19 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/16 16:08:28 ...greg? 16:08:55 gkellogg: this raises a compatibility issue with 1.0, warning against the use but treating it like any other aliased term 16:09:44 ...but there's a problem with schema.org example, that hasn't been fixed, though benjamin has put a pull request there for it, where it was using @url where they meant @id, and since they're using @vocab,it did not do what was expected 16:09:54 ...and there's no way to know that in a standards-compliant way 16:09:57 q+ 16:10:05 q+ 16:10:23 ...should we come down on this and be firm about not using @words? We can't generate warnings now, but...we could encourage implementations to do so 16:10:39 q+ 16:10:40 ...pushback on complicating the project for a development concern 16:10:44 +q 16:10:46 q+ 16:10:48 ...consensus may be won't-fix 16:10:53 ack ivan 16:11:31 ivan: there was a bug in the data or the vocabulary...we can't handle all the bugs. The nature is that if you do what they did, the rubbish you produce is a URL and we can't stop that. 16:11:34 ...that's life. 16:11:39 q+ to discuss issues of forward compatibility with future keywords 16:11:46 ...why would we have to add a feature to solve this? 16:11:48 q? 16:11:54 ack bigbluehat 16:11:55 q+ 16:12:19 q+ to ask about WebIDL warnings more generally 16:12:40 bigbluehat: it looks like just a typo, and get confused that Urls are IDs...from a syntax standpoint, if we're not reserving, then we're limiting our forward compatibility. 16:12:52 q- 16:13:05 ...if we just let it exist, it becomes a broken link, but it will limit our options in the future 16:13:06 For example, we’re using @none in maps in 1.1 16:13:11 q? 16:13:17 ack hsolbrig 16:13:23 q- Was going to say the same thing 16:13:47 hsolbrig: We were talking about a comment tag before...that opens us up to non-standard processing. 16:14:05 q? 16:14:06 ...if we don't say anything about them, we're going to allow them to add special processing instructions as they feel 16:14:07 ack simonstey 16:14:08 q+ 16:14:15 https://schema.org/ItemList#ItemList-gen-306 16:14:24 q- workergnome 16:14:28 simonstey: I was going to say that in this example, there's less about wanting to say @id, but just a copy-paste error 16:14:43 ...they have a url, but without the @, and they copy/pasted it wrongly 16:14:52 q? 16:14:54 ack ajs6f 16:15:58 ajs6f: I agree with benjain and harold's point...the ticket was described as dev vs. production...I'm not very happyy about that characterization. It's also my data vs. data from the world. 16:16:38 ...that is not to claim I've seen a lot of that, but I don't think that it's dev/prod, but it's also provenance. How accepting do you have to be of other's messes? Postal's law is important here, and we want to be accepting 16:16:55 ...throwing an error could make that hard, but an warning would be very helpful. 16:17:27 +1 to ajs6f 16:17:29 q? 16:17:29 +1 16:17:30 ...it may be hard, but there may be a middle road where we add non-normative language and you could admit warnings as being useful... 16:17:33 ack azaroth 16:17:33 azaroth, you wanted to ask about WebIDL warnings more generally 16:17:33 +1 to ajs6f 16:18:02 azaroth: I wanted to ask about webIDL and warnings...surely this must have come up in other WGs? 16:18:09 ...is there a precedents? 16:18:15 ...warnings have never come up? 16:19:07 gkellogg: there are two avenues: promises work or they don't. IN my use, I add warnings to a logger. 16:19:16 q? 16:19:17 ack gkellogg 16:19:34 q+ 16:19:58 ...I think that it would be good to add a note that implementations should inform seeing something that might be a problem, but we can't standardize things like that, and it would be optional. 16:20:11 ...something like that might induce developers to provide extra info in the APIs 16:20:28 ...Second things: We treat things that look like keywords differently in the body then we do in the context. 16:20:53 ...we had this problem in 1.0, and we weren't checking for extra terms, or in containers, and we've updated that now, and we could do more 16:21:05 q? 16:21:16 ...so adding @comment in a context would context would error, but in a doc would cause it to be ignored unless there's a default vocab 16:21:20 ack hsolbrig 16:21:27 ...but the rules do vary between the body and doc 16:22:02 q+ 16:22:03 hsolbrig: with respect to Adam's comment, to say something in the doc non-normative telling users that some processors may not agree with the use of other tokens for warnings 16:22:09 ack timCole 16:22:15 ...so the absence of statement is an excuse to go wild 16:23:02 timCole: I think we want to keep it simple, and the useful language is that if you do this, add @keys, then the results are unpredicatable. 16:23:15 ...implementers can do what they want, so don't do it 16:23:18 q+ 16:23:22 ...non-normative 16:23:58 workergnome: forward compatibility is a good reason not to do this 16:24:00 PROPOSAL: Add a non-normative note to -api to recommend exposing warnings when @ symbols are used for tokens other than keywords 16:24:16 +1 16:24:17 +1 16:24:20 +1 16:24:20 +1 16:24:21 +1 16:24:22 +1 16:24:33 +1 16:24:34 +1 16:24:40 q+ 16:24:45 -q 16:24:47 +1 16:25:24 gkellogg: I don't agree with this--it's predictable, and if you have a keyword that's mapped one way or the other, it's predictable, and we should check or add tests for that 16:25:25 +1 16:25:40 ...but the behaviour of a processor should be predictable 16:25:58 azaroth: if you're in a single processor mode, it must be predictable. I think the unpredictable might be between versions 16:26:04 ack hsolbrig 16:26:09 ack ajs6f 16:26:10 ...and you wouldn't know if you didn't keep up 16:26:47 present+ David_Lehn 16:27:03 ajs6f: sidebar, part of what that's tricky is that we're on the verge of metadata about processing...right ow we don't have a way to admit it. Not a good time to think hard about it, but if things like this pile up, we might need to come back to this 16:27:12 RESOLVED: Add a non-normative note to -api to recommend exposing warnings when @ symbols are used for tokens other than keywords 16:27:32 azaroth: leave this one open, flag it as editorial? 16:27:40 gkellogg: leave it open, change the tags 16:27:59 azaroth: onto the next one 16:28:01 SUBTOPIC: Revisit empty string as term 16:28:10 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/12 16:28:40 gkellogg: 1.0 had a restriction on the use of the empty string as a key, since PHP didn't handle it well 16:29:13 ...however, since JSON-LD tries to process JSON, and JSON does not restrict empty string keys, not doing this is a hole 16:29:32 ...but the sentiments that have been expressed are around the lack of use case for it 16:29:40 q? 16:29:44 ...not worth the change without a usecase 16:30:02 azaroth: this came up about languages, which we changed with @none, but this would have been an alternate solution 16:30:12 ...could have been a usecase 16:30:54 q? 16:30:54 ...id as empty string, or even worse a type...it seems dangerous, unless there's a good use case, since it could be very, very confusing 16:31:30 ...anyone? 16:31:55 PROPOSAL: close #12 won't fix, no use case and introduces confusion rather than value 16:31:56 +1 16:31:58 +1 16:31:58 +1 16:31:59 +1 16:31:59 +1 16:32:06 +1 16:32:12 +1 16:32:13 +! 16:32:30 +1 16:32:32 RESOLVED: close #12 won't fix, no use case and introduces confusion rather than value 16:32:47 +1 but it makes me sad to limit the ability to write obfuscated json-ld! 16:32:52 azaroth: initial context 16:32:52 SUBTOPIC: Initial context 16:32:58 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/44 16:33:54 azaroth: #44. Should we have an initial context, like RDFa, where the common terms are defined 16:34:22 RDFA initial context: https://www.w3.org/2011/rdfa-context/rdfa-1.1 16:34:25 ...like xsd or rdf. Precedent in ARFa 16:34:34 s/ARFa/RDFa 16:34:40 q+ 16:34:41 ...here are a bunch of prefixes that are baked in 16:34:54 q+ 16:35:11 q+ 16:35:16 ...some discussion very early on in JSON-LD, when it was rejected without prejudice due to lack of usecase 16:35:16 ack ivan 16:35:46 ivan: two things: I did put in the RDFa, but I don't think we should take everything that's there. Very RDF oriented, and JSON-world may not need all of that 16:35:57 ...the original reason was around documentation 16:36:10 ...why do we need yet another thing, when we can use existing terms from RDF or DC 16:36:33 ...that's a valid thing, but then you have to go to the hassle to add something to the context 16:36:47 q+ to ask about id and type aliases for @id and @type 16:36:52 ...for the very wildly used one, it would make the life of many people easier 16:36:52 ack ajs6f 16:36:55 +q 16:37:52 q+ 16:37:52 ajs6f: I see the value in the human sense, not an incentive to best practice--but it's a best-practice, not something that...I'd have to think about it harder, but I'd be concerned about mapping things into there 16:38:05 ...would be so generic that people who need to override them would be annoyed. 16:38:12 q+ 16:38:12 ...the value may be diluted 16:38:14 q? 16:38:26 q+ 16:38:28 ack bigbluehat 16:38:29 ...I think we can get a lot of the benefit through non-normative best practices 16:38:39 bigbluehat: I'm concerned about the risk of this one 16:38:46 ...best practices may be the best way to do it 16:39:03 ...the RDFa one leans on the fact that they're just defining prefixes 16:39:12 See https://prefix.cc/about/json-ld 16:39:34 +1 to bigbluehat and ajs6f 16:39:36 ...but in JSON-LD world, that makes it wierd since you don't have to use namespaced predicates, schema:name as the default, since nobody is going to type that. 16:39:49 ...afraid for strange JSON, and fighting the default 16:39:57 ...why is this @thing here anyway... 16:40:14 ...now we've polluted the raw JSON namespace, making everything annotation like 16:40:16 q? 16:40:18 ack azaroth 16:40:18 azaroth, you wanted to ask about id and type aliases for @id and @type 16:40:58 azaroth: I also wanted to talk about ID and TYPE, one is that unless you're constrained, @id to id, @type to type...and then we're stepping into the data level. Also nervous. 16:41:27 ...as a difference with RDFa, because you can pull in multiple contexts, it's trivial to come up with a good default context, perhaps us 16:42:00 ...a best-practice context, and that could get most of the benefit, and save people a lot of time without making it a requiremetns 16:42:02 q? 16:42:05 ack workergnome 16:42:11 scribenick: azaroth 16:42:23 +1 to making a default context available without reequiring it 16:42:31 workergnome: from my perspective the default context feels like magic. When trying to explain it's easy to say that they're the ones defined in the context 16:42:43 ... it's harder to say the terms are in the context, other than the ones defined over there 16:42:50 ... context like things should be contexts :) 16:42:51 q? 16:42:53 ack hsolbrig 16:42:58 scribenick: workergnome 16:43:28 +1 16:43:29 Again, see https://prefix.cc/context 16:43:31 q? 16:43:33 ack ivan 16:43:34 hsolbrig: I was going to ask what prevented people from coming up with fragments, and we could consider publishing a context in a well-known location. No need to go beyond that 16:43:50 q+ to foreshadow api/#14 16:44:03 ivan: I didn't even consider an initial context for terms. My initial idea was only for prefixes 16:44:32 ...so people could just use DC terms, I realize namespaces can be seen as heresy, but it makes it easier for people. Having a default would be a good idea 16:44:46 q+ 16:44:48 ...I don't know who did it, but there's a JSON-LD context that mimics the RDFa context 16:45:34 ack gkellogg 16:46:05 workergnome__ has joined #json-ld 16:46:35 gkellogg: we saw a lot of prefixes in the RDFa world that seemed like the prefix was a scheme 16:46:35 q? 16:47:08 ...in JSON-LD the namespace is rarely used--only used in automatic prefixes when converting from another RDF. 16:47:09 q+ 16:47:41 ...the general use is terms without namespaces. It's more common in contexts for common prefixes like RDFS or XSDS 16:47:50 scribenick: workergnome__ 16:47:56 ack azaroth 16:47:56 azaroth, you wanted to foreshadow api/#14 16:48:08 ...jsonLD has a bunch of affordances for this already 16:48:22 azaroth: one thing we'll get to is importing contexts in a circular context 16:48:37 q+ 16:48:42 ...if we have a normative context, and if that imports any other contexts, that could cause issues 16:48:49 q? 16:48:50 ...a normative context could help prevent that 16:48:51 ack bigbluehat 16:49:00 ...not today's issue, but it could help. 16:49:32 bigbluehat: maybe a best-practices to indicate what the common prefixes? This could be useful, and others others than Gregg could do 16:49:36 q+ 16:49:46 ack timCole 16:50:29 q- 16:50:30 timCole: One advantage of the context built-in to avoid the weakness of prefixes, where people who use the common one, but not the right common one. It doesn't look like they're talking together. 16:50:47 ...having a nice context invents many, many URLs for RDF. 16:50:57 ack gkellogg 16:50:59 ...best practices help, but people don't always do ti. 16:51:10 If context is in the remote contexts array, a recursive context inclusion error has been detected and processing is aborted; otherwise, add context to remote contexts. 16:51:18 gkellogg: regarding the danger of circular contexts, there's language around that 16:51:27 ...and raises an error 16:51:36 ...we can catch it, but there may be other uses 16:51:39 Just for the minutes: https://www.w3.org/2013/json-ld-context/rdfa11 is the list of RDFa prefixes... 16:51:43 ...you're not in the chain of context processing 16:51:52 ...I don't think we can get run-awats here 16:52:43 ...One thing that there was an attack vector where you were given a context that is auto-generated, that is automatically generated to create another...and then you can get a run-away, but by exploiting a malefactor giving you a context that causes a stack-overflow 16:53:10 ...there are suggestions, the JS and python can deal with it, as does the ruby, but we should add language that deals with stacks of contexts 16:53:11 PROPOSAL: Close syntax/#14 won't fix, and open a new issue for a suggested best practice context 16:53:16 q+ 16:53:36 +0.99999 16:53:38 +1 16:53:39 +1 16:53:39 +1 16:53:40 +1 16:53:41 +1 16:53:41 +1 16:53:52 q+ about artifacts for best practice 16:54:31 ajs6f: we've had two ideas, the proposal, and also the idea to have a non-normative but provide a suggested default context 16:54:33 +0.5 16:54:54 ...do we have machinery to emit that as a product out of the working group--put it up at an address? Yes, we can 16:55:01 azaroth: we can do that 16:55:22 +1 16:55:24 +1 16:55:27 RESOLVED: Close syntax/#14 won't fix, and open a new issue for a suggested best practice context 16:55:49 azaroth: we're at the end of the agenda. Any other business? 16:56:09 simonstey: a usecse for empty terms. A theory to see if you could do compression on JSON-LD 16:56:28 ...you could compress and decompress, and it would save a character. 16:56:29 ...silly 16:56:35 ...but a use case. 16:57:23 azaroth: I personally think, while clever, compression over the document might be a better idea 16:57:36 s/simonstey: a usecse/dlehn: a usecase/ 16:57:36 ...my question: is the process working? 3 issues a call 16:57:58 q+ 16:58:00 ...people are participating, work continues, but is everyone else feeling OK with it? 16:58:02 q+ 16:58:03 ack ajs6f 16:58:12 q+ 16:58:12 ack gkellogg 16:58:47 gkellogg: I think that the rate that issues are added looks like a bell-shaped curve, and I don't know where we are, and we may still be rising, and I'm responsible for raising thorny things... 16:59:35 ...but I think that if we're getting behind, is getting more effective use of the issue list leading to shorten some of the discussion might be a way to deal with it if we feel pressue 16:59:40 ack bigbluehat 17:00:02 bigbluehat: I've been working on signposting between this and the community list, and I'd love help with that 17:00:20 ...more people should be in this room, or watching, we're a small group, but more interest would be good 17:00:29 ...help would be good. Ping me. 17:00:54 ack ivan 17:00:55 gkellogg: if you search for JSON-LD 1.1, and you're taken to the site, not w3c. We should point those 17:01:45 ivan: there have b been issues in the past few weeks where the impression tat there was a consensus on Github. Perhaps an email proposal, with 4-5 days of response? We're fine, but more will come and the pace may be too sloa 17:01:54 +1 to ivan 17:01:56 ...slow. 3 a day may not be a good pace 17:02:06 +1 to "obvious consensus" issues being closed without call time or with a "any objections to closing the following N issues"? 17:02:09 q? 17:02:12 ...if we an get rid of trivial issues we already agree with, and focus on thorny ones on the call 17:02:38 azaroth: thanks, everyone, and see you next week 17:02:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/24-json-ld-minutes.html ivan 17:03:00 zakim, bye 17:03:00 rrsagent, bye 17:03:00 I see no action items 17:03:00 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been workergnome, Gregg_Kellogg, simonstey, Rob_Sanderson, ajs6f, hsolbrig, Benjamin_Young, ivan, David_Lehn, ! 17:03:00 Zakim has left #json-ld