IRC log of dpvcg on 2018-08-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:51:06 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg
13:51:06 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:51:08 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:51:08 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dpvcg
13:51:10 [trackbot]
Meeting: Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Teleconference
13:51:10 [trackbot]
Date: 21 August 2018
13:52:23 [agendabot]
agendabot has joined #dpvcg
13:52:38 [Bert]
13:52:39 [agendabot]
clear agenda
13:52:39 [agendabot]
agenda+ Roll call, select scribe, agenda
13:52:39 [agendabot]
agenda+ Minutes of last telcon
13:52:39 [agendabot]
agenda+ Action items
13:52:39 [agendabot]
agenda+ MyData 2018: who will be there?
13:52:41 [agendabot]
agenda+ Use cases template on the wiki and Eva's suggestions
13:52:44 [agendabot]
agenda+ Requirements
13:52:46 [agendabot]
agenda+ ODRL and mixing vocabularies
13:52:49 [agendabot]
agenda+ AOB
13:53:56 [Bert]
previous meeting:
13:53:57 [Ramisa]
Ramisa has joined #dpvcg
13:54:10 [Bert]
RRSAgent, make minutes v2
13:54:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Bert
13:56:32 [AxelPollleres]
AxelPollleres has joined #dpvcg
13:56:34 [Bert]
chair: Bert
13:56:41 [Bert]
regrets+ Eva
13:58:11 [harsh]
harsh has joined #dpvcg
14:01:15 [Bert]
14:02:44 [simonstey]
14:04:14 [harsh]
14:04:52 [Bert]
14:05:13 [Javier]
Javier has joined #dpvcg
14:05:26 [simonstey]
scribe: simonstey
14:05:57 [simonstey]
Bert: any topics missing?
14:06:16 [simonstey]
topic: Minutes of last call
14:06:27 [simonstey]
Bert: hearing no objections
14:06:43 [Harld_ULD]
Harld_ULD has joined #DPVCG
14:06:51 [simonstey]
topic: Action items
14:06:55 [Bert]
-> actions
14:07:10 [simonstey]
scribe: AxelPollleres
14:07:33 [simonstey]
14:07:33 [trackbot]
action-3 -- Bert Bos to Clarify which github space we can use W3C's github space or if we need something else -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
14:07:33 [trackbot]
14:07:49 [Bert]
trackbot, close action 3
14:07:49 [trackbot]
Sorry, Bert, I don't understand 'trackbot, close action 3'. Please refer to <> for help.
14:07:51 [AxelPollleres]
bert: Bert will create a git repo soon.
14:08:12 [AxelPollleres]
trackbot, close action3
14:08:12 [trackbot]
Sorry, AxelPollleres, I don't understand 'trackbot, close action3'. Please refer to <> for help.
14:08:20 [Bert]
action 6?
14:08:24 [simonstey]
close action-3
14:08:25 [trackbot]
Closed action-3.
14:08:28 [AxelPollleres]
close action 3
14:08:33 [simonstey]
14:08:33 [trackbot]
action-6 -- Michael Markevich to Draft something about Opera use case(s) -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
14:08:33 [trackbot]
14:08:38 [simonstey]
14:08:38 [trackbot]
action-7 -- Bert Bos to Add some overview of SPECIAL use case(s) -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
14:08:38 [trackbot]
14:09:09 [simonstey]
14:09:09 [trackbot]
action-8 -- Axel Polleres to Add some more starting point vocabulary stubs -- due 2018-08-13 -- OPEN
14:09:09 [trackbot]
14:10:12 [simonstey]
close action-8
14:10:12 [trackbot]
Closed action-8.
14:10:15 [AxelPollleres]
close action-8
14:10:15 [trackbot]
Closed action-8.
14:11:18 [Bert]
14:11:18 [trackbot]
action-9 -- Axel Polleres to Include links to irc and minutes into the agenda next time -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:11:18 [trackbot]
14:11:25 [Bert]
14:11:25 [trackbot]
action-10 -- Axel Polleres to Organize a call later on 30th after the mydata session or on friday morning to sync with people jooining through the conference.... will contact organizers. -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:11:25 [trackbot]
14:11:53 [AxelPollleres]
on 29th a dinner table for dinner table for "Semantic Interoparability" at Manala restaurant
14:12:01 [AxelPollleres]
14:12:11 [simonstey]
trackbot, comment action-10 we'll have a dinner in the evening before the f2f meeting at mydata; on 29th a dinner table for dinner table for "Semantic Interoparability" at Manala restaurant (
14:12:11 [trackbot]
Notes added to action-10 Organize a call later on 30th after the mydata session or on friday morning to sync with people jooining through the conference.... will contact organizers..
14:12:24 [AxelPollleres]
our session is on 30th in the morning:
14:12:46 [AxelPollleres]
14:13:28 [AxelPollleres]
on 30th afternoon
14:13:54 [simonstey]
AxelPollleres: organizing an openspace session too
14:15:00 [simonstey]
... openspace session is after lunch, don't know which session it will be exactly though
14:15:04 [AxelPollleres]
enough bandwidth given we will try to dial in the group for the open space session,
14:15:13 [AxelPollleres]
14:15:57 [AxelPollleres]
there are 4 open space sessions yet, not yet surewhat slot we get.
14:16:26 [AxelPollleres]
ACTION: axel to talk to Joss about Mydata open space session and maybe try to pre-fix a slot.
14:16:26 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-16 - Talk to joss about mydata open space session and maybe try to pre-fix a slot. [on Axel Polleres - due 2018-08-28].
14:16:39 [simonstey]
14:16:40 [trackbot]
action-11 -- Axel Polleres to Reach out to industrial data spaces project (germany) and another austrian big data project (dma). -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:16:40 [trackbot]
14:17:05 [simonstey]
14:17:05 [trackbot]
action-12 -- Simon Steyskal to Look over requirements template -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:17:05 [trackbot]
14:17:54 [simonstey]
14:17:54 [AxelPollleres]
14:20:10 [AxelPollleres]
Simon: the template allows to vote on requirements in between calls.
14:20:35 [AxelPollleres]
14:21:15 [AxelPollleres]
14:25:44 [AxelPollleres]
ACTION: Axel to try to modify the rquirements teamplate and instantiate it for some of the items on,_Requirements,_Vocabularies
14:25:44 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-17 - Try to modify the rquirements teamplate and instantiate it for some of the items on,_requirements,_vocabularies [on Axel Polleres - due 2018-08-28].
14:26:09 [simonstey]
14:26:09 [trackbot]
action-13 -- Stefano Bocconi to Propose use case(s) for the decode project -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:26:09 [trackbot]
14:26:13 [Eva__ULD_]
Eva__ULD_ has joined #DPVCG
14:26:38 [simonstey]
14:26:38 [trackbot]
action-14 -- Axel Polleres to Ask hendrik for edition ieee 7012 -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:26:38 [trackbot]
14:26:58 [simonstey]
14:27:24 [simonstey]
14:27:25 [trackbot]
action-15 -- Eva Schlehahn to look over use cases template -- due 2018-08-14 -- OPEN
14:27:25 [trackbot]
14:28:04 [Bert]
-> Eva's e-mail on use case template
14:29:28 [simonstey]
AxelPollleres: Ben and I will talk about our efforts
14:30:29 [Eva__ULD_]
I sent my suggestions on the use case and on the requirements templates per email - so action done ;)
14:30:56 [AxelPollleres]
ACTION: Javier to update the use case template wrt. Eva's version
14:30:57 [trackbot]
Error finding 'Javier'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
14:31:13 [Bert]
14:32:12 [AxelPollleres]
Javier: we probably need first the use cases to discuss more about requirements
14:32:29 [AxelPollleres]
Axel: we should take the list from the workshop as starting points, see action above.
14:32:52 [AxelPollleres]
topic: how to combine vocabularies
14:32:56 [AxelPollleres]
14:33:06 [Bert]
ack axel
14:33:13 [Eva__ULD_]
I think it might depend heavily on the use cases which kind of taxonomies and vocabularies we need
14:34:31 [harsh]
14:35:14 [Bert]
ack hars
14:35:38 [harsh]
Seems audio isn't working :(
14:35:50 [harsh]
But I agree with Axel
14:35:52 [AxelPollleres]
maybe try typing? :-)
14:36:23 [harsh]
My question was: in light of what we discussed, should we start listing concepts and properties from listed vocabularies we might find interesting
14:36:28 [simonstey]
14:37:10 [Bert]
ack sim
14:37:35 [AxelPollleres]
Can we agree that our goal is to work within one namespace and connect to it, instead of creating a coglomerate of voabularies?
14:38:00 [AxelPollleres]
14:39:07 [AxelPollleres]
simon: I don't think we should invent an own use case, if we have one vocab that covers all.
14:39:25 [AxelPollleres]
... we maybe only need a "best practices" document.
14:39:57 [AxelPollleres]
... in ORDL you can specify consent, but not it's components.
14:41:01 [Bert]
ack ax
14:44:22 [AxelPollleres]
Axel: I think we could have a JSON-LD profile that describes the whole policies.
14:44:32 [AxelPollleres]
... and collect our core terms.
14:45:16 [AxelPollleres]
... single namespace we mape to or JSON-LD profile combining different namespaces, is not so relevant in the end, but coherend presentation of the terms we support and need.
14:45:43 [AxelPollleres]
Javier: Are we closing the use cases or are we calling for external use cases?
14:46:10 [AxelPollleres]
... so far they seem close to a couple of European projects.
14:46:17 [harsh]
Perhaps we could have a cut-off line for use-cases, after which we turn those collected use-cases into requirements?
14:47:04 [AxelPollleres]
Axel: we need more use cases and should spread the word as far as we can.
14:48:31 [harsh]
Issue would be a good idea
14:48:52 [AxelPollleres]
ISSUE: timeline/schedule, when should we stop collecting additional use cases?
14:48:53 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-1 - Timeline/schedule, when should we stop collecting additional use cases?. Please complete additional details at <>.
14:49:14 [AxelPollleres]
ISSUE-1: postponed until after Mydata
14:49:14 [trackbot]
Notes added to ISSUE-1 Timeline/schedule, when should we stop collecting additional use cases?.
14:50:12 [AxelPollleres]
PROPOSED: next call 4 september, same time
14:50:18 [AxelPollleres]
+1 :-)
14:50:30 [simonstey]
14:50:33 [Ramisa]
14:51:27 [AxelPollleres]
RESOLVED: next call 4 september, same time.
14:52:03 [AxelPollleres]
14:52:53 [Bert]
RRSAgent, make minutes v2
14:52:53 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Bert
15:50:55 [Bert]
i/any topics missing/Topic: Roll call, select scribe, agenda
15:52:43 [Bert]
s/surewhat/sure what/
16:17:20 [rjlpinto]
rjlpinto has joined #dpvcg
17:02:18 [Bert]
RRSAgent, make minutes v2
17:02:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Bert
19:12:44 [AxelPollleres]
AxelPollleres has joined #dpvcg
19:25:50 [AxelPollleres]
AxelPollleres has joined #dpvcg
20:06:45 [AxelPollleres]
AxelPollleres has joined #dpvcg
20:19:48 [AxelPollleres]
AxelPollleres has joined #dpvcg