08:23:57 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 08:23:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-irc 08:24:08 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 08:24:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 08:26:18 roba has joined #dxwgdcat 08:29:21 SimonCox has joined #dxwgdcat 08:29:43 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 08:30:05 Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat 08:31:50 Meeting: DCAT team 2018-08-16 08:32:05 present+ 08:32:08 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat 08:32:10 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 08:32:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 08:32:10 present+ 08:32:27 present+ 08:32:36 rrsagent: make logs public 08:32:48 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 08:32:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 08:33:34 present+ 08:33:48 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.08.16#Main_agenda 08:33:50 present+ 08:34:49 topic: review agenda 08:35:00 scribe+ arminhaller 08:35:22 scribe: arminhaller 08:35:29 scribenick: arminhaller 08:35:37 topic: Profile description 08:37:24 q? 08:37:35 agenda approved 08:37:39 topic: approve minutes https://www.w3.org/2018/08/09-dxwgdcat-minutes 08:37:47 +1 08:37:51 +1 08:37:57 +1 08:37:59 missed some regrets: 08:38:16 +1 08:38:23 andrea for last time 08:38:45 regrets: Alasdair Gray (ongoing), Erik Mannens (ongoing), Thomas D'Haenens (ongoing), Lars Svensson (ongoing), Andrea, Peter, Riccardo Albertoni 08:38:56 +1 08:39:19 approved minutes 08:39:25 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 08:39:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 08:39:26 Topic: Outstanding actions https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 08:40:15 ? 08:40:40 q? 08:41:30 yes close #84 08:41:58 Topic: Revision of milestone https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22DCAT+Second+Public+Working+Draft%22 08:42:31 s/topic: Profile description/ 08:42:48 ?q 08:42:55 q? 08:43:34 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/6 08:44:27 +q 08:44:31 DaveBrowning: Issues around milestones that are marked as 0% complete, but are closed 08:44:38 q+ 08:45:04 ... suggestion to link the wiki page to each milestone, where the justification is for why the milestone was closed 08:45:34 link to wiki, else to a issue query like https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+label%3Aversion+ 08:45:34 ack alejandra 08:45:35 ... wanted to hear opinions on that 08:46:03 s/query/group/ 08:46:35 I closed all the topic-oriented milestones. Perhaps I got the git flow wrong ... 08:46:45 s/git/github/ 08:46:46 alejandra: two criteria for creating a milestone. one per topic, grouping issues, for example, for versioning. We changed recently, milestones now point to products, i.e. the next public working draft. 08:46:51 q? 08:46:56 ack SimonCox 08:47:21 SimonCox: Agree with alejandra, milestones were being used for different purposes initially. 08:47:42 ... I closed them, but I should have probably emptied them first. So that they don't have open issues. 08:48:17 DaveBrowning: I am quite happy to add those wiki page links 08:48:46 ... please hold off your tiding 08:49:29 s/tiding/tidying 08:49:35 action SimonCox to clean up the milestons on github after Dave is done with the editing changes 08:49:35 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 08:49:56 Topic: Public comments list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-comments/ 08:50:28 alejandra: There were more comments on the public mailing list. Simon responded to Melanie. 08:50:53 SimonCox: Not sure if I properly addressed the concerns she had. 08:50:53 Topic: Profile description 08:51:29 sub-topic: Revisit discussion about profile description being broader and independent of DCAT 08:51:38 roba: In the plenary there was a discussion around the requirements for the profile description ontology 08:52:33 ... when we brought this to this group the discussion was that the profiles should have their own document, as they apply not only to DCAT but more generally 08:52:56 ... but I can't find the documentation on this decision. I wanted to get the group to confirm this decision 08:53:25 ... since this discussion we have also generalised a dataset to be a sublcass of dcat:resource 08:53:35 s/sublcass/subclass 08:53:36 q? 08:54:07 Can you make a concrete proposal roba ? 08:54:10 alejandra: I have a vague recollection of this discussion 08:54:25 arminhaller: I can recall that conversation too. 08:54:48 alejandra: a profile could be catalogued 08:55:00 q? 08:55:08 ... a profile could be a resource 08:55:32 arminhaller: +1 on profile becoming a dcat:resource 08:59:06 PROPOSED: DCAT determines that the description of profiles is relevant to meeting some requirements for DCAT but since is broader conceptually than the DCAT scope should be addressed in the profile guidance deliverables 08:59:15 +1 08:59:33 s/since is/since it is 08:59:35 +1 08:59:40 +1 08:59:42 +1 08:59:44 s/DCAT determines/The DCAT sub-group/ 08:59:47 +1 08:59:57 +1 09:00:17 s/sub-group/sub-group agrees/ 09:00:29 sub-topic: Discussion on whether DCAT should include a module for cataloguing profile descriptions, as per the DCAT-AP use case https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/238 09:00:34 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/blob/gh-pages/profiledesc/profiledesc_dcat_alignment.ttl 09:00:55 s/since is broader/since it is broader/ 09:01:30 arminhaller: @base misses the slash at the end 09:01:34 is cataloguine profiles in scope? 09:01:44 s/cataloguine/cataloguing 09:01:58 arminhaller: or actually # and a 'c' at the end 09:02:43 q? 09:03:12 arminhaller: +1 on first module 09:03:31 is 'Profile rdfs:subClassOf dct:Standard` ? (I'm thinking about whether/how to include it in the Figure 1 diagram ...) 09:03:45 alejandra: other modules align dcat with something else 09:04:00 roba: yes, agree with SimonCox 09:04:26 Making profile a subclass of dct:Standard makes sense 09:04:59 SimonCox: The current summary in Figure 1 is incomplete 09:05:50 roba: Should be up to this group and then bring it back to the plenary 09:06:25 ... if the proposal is to explore to further develop the concept of a profile as a catalogue resource, we can do it here 09:07:01 q+ 09:07:11 ack SimonCox 09:07:23 SimonCox: not sure if I am happy to make the decision now 09:07:56 ... the scope of DCAT could be a second diagram, that is informative. But I am not sure yet. 09:09:12 roba: if there is a home for the action, I am happy to do it. Maybe assign an action to me. 09:09:58 alejandra: I am in favour of having the ontology, I am not sure it should be in the spec 09:10:07 q+ 09:10:21 ... same as with services, we say that we can catalogue them, but we don't make recommendations 09:10:25 ack roba 09:10:32 roba: happy to do the same for profiles as for services 09:10:59 q? 09:11:06 bundling all of it together makes the spec harder to use. 09:11:07 ... the way you catalogue services can be used for profiles 09:11:31 SimonCox: services are already in there, so what you propose for profiles makes sense 09:12:40 q? 09:13:55 resolved: DCAT determines that the description of profiles is relevant to meeting some requirements for DCAT but since is broader conceptually than the DCAT scope should be addressed in the profile guidance deliverables 09:13:57 PROPOSED: treat profiles at the same level of detail and using the same mechanism as services in the DCAT specification 09:14:08 +1 09:14:10 +1 09:14:13 +1 09:14:13 +1 09:14:16 +1 09:14:30 +1 09:14:43 resolved: treat profiles at the same level of detail and using the same mechanism as services in the DCAT specification 09:14:44 RESOLVED: treat profiles at the same level of detail and using the same mechanism as services in the DCAT specification 09:15:08 topic: Data citation 09:15:21 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/61 09:15:37 wiki page: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/Data-Citation 09:16:56 alejandra: I included a pull request that included a creator and identifier for a dataset 09:17:14 s/included/am preparing 09:17:39 q? 09:17:47 q+ 09:17:52 ack SimonCox 09:18:14 alejandra, there is already identifier for dataset in DCAT 2014: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/#Property:dataset_identifier 09:18:22 SimonCox: identifier is present. creator is not present. title is, publisher is, resourcetype is, publicationYear is 09:18:30 thanks Makx 09:18:33 ... the point here is to make all of the properties mandatory 09:19:05 Making properties mandatory sounds like a profile 09:19:15 alejandra: yes, the proposal is to make them part of the profile description 09:19:25 +1 agree with Makx 09:19:31 +1 to Makx 09:19:33 e.g. the DataCite profile would make identifier, title, publisher, type, creator, issued all mandatory 09:19:46 correct 09:19:53 q+ 09:20:05 ack roba 09:20:48 roba: It is perfectly reasonable that we say that this requirement can be met by a profile 09:20:52 q+ 09:21:06 ack SimonCox 09:21:26 SimonCox: we are not publishing profiles 09:21:41 ... anything in this regard needs to be non-normative 09:22:08 +1 to Simon: not publishing profiles 09:22:29 q+ 09:22:37 ack DaveBrowning 09:22:39 roba: Yes, we make the recommendation and potentially an example, but informative 09:23:03 DaveBrowning: Agree with the summary. There are quite a few requirements where we can say that they are met with a profile 09:23:16 +q 09:23:25 q+ 09:23:44 ... it may become a bit tedious in the document, if we say all the time that this is not met by DCAT, and you have to use a profiel 09:23:53 q+ to propose maybe a series of annexes in the DCAT rec? 09:23:54 s/profiel/profile 09:24:17 ack alejandra 09:24:22 alejandra: agree 09:24:46 Currently we have this placeholder section: https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/dcat/#alignments 09:24:53 ... it should not be part of the spec, but this is a nice example (i.e. the DataCite one) that we could use 09:25:08 ack SimonCox 09:25:08 SimonCox, you wanted to propose maybe a series of annexes in the DCAT rec? 09:25:25 q+ 09:26:14 SimonCox: datacite alignment is a combination of mapping and profile 09:26:36 ... wondering whether they are normative 09:26:47 ... maybe have some annexes 09:27:06 alejandra: normative can be anything that is in the charter 09:27:14 ? 09:27:29 ack arminhaller 09:27:31 q+ 09:27:31 I would be reluctant to have lots of annexes. the DCAT spec should be a short as possible. 09:27:40 arminhaller: I can answer that question partly 09:27:53 ... a section can be normative even if it is not in the charter 09:28:08 examples of profiles could be in a separate profile document 09:28:12 ... we made some arbitrary decision about what we included as non-normative 09:28:16 +1 to armin's suggestion that we can decide what is normative ... 09:28:21 ... the process of whoever was willing to do the alignment 09:28:36 ... this is a really good example as profile 09:28:46 ... we can make a decision on how to include it 09:28:49 q? 09:28:53 ack roba 09:29:07 roba: the normative part is in the solution space 09:29:19 ... it is the decision of the group what you make normative 09:29:33 ... a decision how you meet you requirements 09:29:56 alejandra: i can take an action to continue on the DataCite example 09:30:05 FYI potential taxonomy of dcat:Resources: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/blob/gh-pages/dcat/UML/Resources.png 09:30:06 ... DaveBrowning will chair next week 09:30:11 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 09:30:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/16-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 09:30:13 thanks all 10:16:06 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 12:15:31 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 12:15:34 Zakim has left #dxwgdcat