08:21:17 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 08:21:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/08/09-dxwgdcat-irc 08:21:29 trackbot has joined #dxwgdcat 08:22:40 meeting: DCAT team 2018-08-09 08:22:58 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.08.09 08:27:54 alejandra has joined #dxwgdcat 08:28:41 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 08:31:35 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat 08:32:38 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 08:33:23 present+ 08:33:45 present+ 08:35:39 present+ 08:35:49 present+ 08:36:13 scribe: alejandra 08:37:17 We'll strart taking turns for chairing 08:37:40 chair: SimonCox 08:37:51 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.08.09 08:37:58 Topic: confirm agenda 08:38:45 agenda confirmed 08:38:49 topic: minutes of the last meeting 08:38:55 https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes 08:39:04 +1 08:39:12 0 (wasn't present) 08:39:15 +1 08:39:17 +1 08:39:19 0 (wasn't present) 08:39:26 resolved: minutes confirmed 08:39:45 Looking at matters arising 08:40:03 Action about dcat:byteSize closed 08:40:03 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 08:40:11 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-comments/2018Aug/0000.html 08:40:12 Simon looked at mails in the comments list 08:40:54 Simon forward message separately to Melanie (in case she isn't subscribed to the comments list) 08:41:09 s/forward/forwarded 08:41:13 Open actions: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 08:42:39 roba has joined #dxwgdcat 08:42:39 q? 08:42:40 There are a few actions due by Andrea and Makx 08:42:44 q+ 08:42:53 ack DaveBrowning 08:43:05 present+ 08:43:08 DaveBrowning: you've got an action about qualified relations 08:43:20 ... we are circling around that topic in the latest calls 08:43:37 q? 08:43:39 ... is that what we are doing? 08:43:39 q+ 08:44:07 SimonCox: I was a little reluctant to develop a generic abstract way 08:44:12 ... until we get a few examples 08:44:27 ... we've been finding cases where a qualified relations pattern would help 08:44:39 ... but my strategy was to let that emerge when we have a set of examples 08:44:53 +q 08:45:00 +1 08:45:30 ... this won't drift 08:46:00 ... trying to get the general evolve from the specifics 08:46:11 q? 08:46:17 ack SimonCox 08:46:20 ack alejandra 08:47:00 alejandra: use of qualified relations in other specs 08:47:20 SimonCox: examples using prov 08:47:45 ... qualified relations from prov - we're pointing forward to a chapter on provenance patterns (currently empty) 08:48:04 ... another example, W3C organization ontology 08:48:19 ... qualified relations between people and organizations 08:48:34 q? 08:48:48 topic: wasGeneratedBy 08:48:48 https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/ 08:49:09 SimonCox: we discussed this briefly last week 08:49:21 ... preview of the recommendation document 08:49:37 https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/dcat-issue71-simon/dcat/index.html#examples-dataset-provenance 08:49:46 +q 08:49:56 ack alejandra 08:51:24 alejandra: as the property prov:wasGeneratedBy can be used to related to any Activity and not only a Project 08:51:38 ... we could clarify this and show examples about other activities 08:51:44 q+ 08:52:07 SimonCox: going through the text that was carefully crafted to try and not to indicate only the project 08:52:39 ... didn't want to make lengthy examples 08:54:33 q+ to say I might have an example that can be added, but not now 08:55:10 ack PWinstanley 08:55:18 alejandra: just thought that the example could be expanded with other activities even if the objective here was to deal with the relationship between dataset and project 08:55:28 PWinstanley: we probably need to include some sort of vocabulary 08:55:36 ... to indicate things that are business as usual 08:55:45 ... lines of business, streams of data 08:55:52 ... looking beyond academic projects 08:56:15 SimonCox: let's make sure another example shows a continuous production process and not just a project 08:56:27 PWinstanley: yes, like IoT 08:56:43 ack DaveBrowning 08:56:43 DaveBrowning, you wanted to say I might have an example that can be added, but not now 08:56:45 q? 08:56:53 Action for PWinstanley to generate another example including a process generating a dataset 08:56:53 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 08:57:14 DaveBrowning: I've got another example that I can provide but not in time for the second PWD 08:57:20 ... but for next year 08:57:37 +q 08:57:53 ack alejandra 08:58:24 q? 08:58:25 SimonCox: if the document goes out of control, it can be refactored 08:58:39 alejandra: +1, the examples could be moved to a primer document or RDF files etc 08:58:45 PROPOSED: Accept PR 312 to resolve #71 and as initial contribution to #76 08:59:01 ... modulo the need for more examples to show breadth 08:59:11 +1 08:59:16 +1 08:59:22 +1 08:59:41 +1 08:59:43 +1 08:59:47 +1 08:59:59 resolved: Accept PR 312 to resolve #71 and as initial contribution to #76 09:00:18 Action: dave to also provide wasGeneratedBy examples 09:00:18 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 09:00:37 q? 09:01:16 Action: PWinstanley to generate another example including a process generating a dataset 09:01:16 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 09:01:36 q+ 09:01:46 ack roba 09:02:08 roba: how profiles are referenced within DCAT 09:02:32 ... my reading of the dcterms:conformsTo predicate 09:02:41 q? 09:02:44 ... is that the concept of a standard is fairly vague 09:02:52 ... and we don't have a reason not to use it 09:03:00 ... so we can use it for distributions 09:03:10 ... to indicate what profiles it conforms to 09:03:27 ... a couple of other things: e.g. whether the cardinality is unbounded 09:03:36 ... and if you conform to all the profiles 09:03:39 topic: refering to APs 09:03:46 q? 09:04:52 SimonCox: assumptions you're making are reasonable 09:05:10 ... dct:conformsTo can refer to standards/vocabularies and it can be repeated 09:05:29 roba: the implication of this is that we need an example 09:05:46 q+ 09:05:54 SimonCox: even in the normative part of the recommendation, you'll find that it says in text that the property is used in the context of the class 09:05:59 ... but it is not axiomatized 09:06:08 ... no cardinality constraints or existential constraints 09:06:11 +q 09:06:43 ack pw 09:07:20 PWinstanley: we were discussing in the plenary is the business about consistency and appropriate location of things in the 3 deliverables 09:07:36 ... one of the things we might want to cover in our F2F is the three pieces 09:07:45 ... how they are shaping up, what should go where 09:07:56 ... cross-linking 09:08:20 q+ 09:08:22 SimonCox: coordination is important, particularly between profiles and DCAT 09:08:33 ack alejandra 09:08:39 PWinstanley: over the next month / month and a half we will need to take more attention 09:09:21 alejandra: all agree that dct:conformsTo is suitable - use for now? or use at all? 09:09:26 ack roba 09:09:43 roba: separation of concerns between profile guidelines and dcat 09:09:52 ... is that dcat will have specific guidelines for dcat profiles 09:10:04 ... dct:conformsTo to point to finer grain semantics 09:10:06 q? 09:10:09 ... is a concern of dcat 09:10:23 ... profile is a subclass of dct:standards 09:10:53 ... the question is how strong will the guidance be in this document about if one should use dct:conformsTo to point to a profile that define finer grain semantics 09:11:02 ... how much guidance is appropriate? 09:11:19 ... is it a statement that we don't need to make? 09:11:22 rrsagent: generate minutes 09:11:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/09-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox 09:11:37 SimonCox: do you have in mind what the examples might look like? 09:12:08 rrsagent: make logs public 09:12:41 rrsagent: generate minutes v2 09:12:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/09-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 09:12:48 roba: fair enough, what is a good real world example 09:13:36 SimonCox: I've been relying on CSIRO examples 09:13:47 ... even if the live system doesn't rely on dcat 09:14:03 action for SimonCox and Nick to generate some EUDM examples 09:14:03 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 09:14:24 action for SimonCox and Nick to generate some EUDM examples to illustrate the use of profiles for fine grain semantics 09:14:24 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 09:14:50 q? 09:15:34 topic: Dataset size https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/161 09:16:36 +q 09:16:46 is void:Dataset always RDF? 09:16:49 SimonCox: void for rdf datasets 09:16:53 ack alejandra 09:17:39 roba: we used void for describing services 09:17:46 roba: we did a profile of void 09:18:17 q? 09:18:19 alejandra: while some of the void properties are generic, others (related to triples statistics) are definitely for RDF datasets 09:18:39 SimonCox: this is to revive the issue 09:18:54 ... so that we can go over it again next week 09:18:58 topic: AOB 09:19:00 q? 09:20:16 action: simon to create actions 09:20:16 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 09:20:41 bye! 09:21:21 rrsagent generate minutes v2 09:21:33 rrsagent: generate minutes v2 09:21:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/09-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox 09:33:24 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 10:44:36 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 12:09:58 Zakim has left #dxwgdcat