08:26:13 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 08:26:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-irc 08:26:28 Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat 08:26:37 trackbot has joined #dxwgdcat 08:26:52 rrsagent, make logs public 08:27:12 meeting: DCAT team 2018-08-02 08:27:21 Chair: SimonCox 08:27:40 regrets: alejandra 08:27:46 regrets: Riccardo 08:27:53 regrets: Jaro 08:32:20 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 08:32:43 roba has joined #dxwgdcat 08:32:47 present+ 08:35:07 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat 08:35:15 Present+ 08:37:39 present+ 08:39:04 scribe: pw 08:39:08 scribe: PWinstanley 08:39:24 present+ 08:39:27 meeting: DCAT Weekly Meeting 08:39:42 Topic: admin 08:39:55 confirming the agenda 08:40:47 rrsagent, create minutes v2 08:40:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes.html PWinstanley 08:41:45 SimonCox: issue on UoM for byteSize still outstanding 08:42:18 q? 08:42:43 action: SimonCox to contact Alejandra about the UoM 08:42:43 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 08:42:51 Topic: wasGeneratedBy 08:42:57 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/312 08:43:16 see preview https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/dcat-issue71-simon/dcat/index.html#Property:dataset_wasgeneratedby 08:43:26 and https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/dcat-issue71-simon/dcat/index.html#examples-dataset-provenance 08:45:16 SimonCox: wasGeneratedBy was added to the list of properties applicable to Dataset 08:47:15 ... the proposed Project ontology isn't mentioned directly because specification is out of scope 08:47:23 q? 08:47:27 ... Any comments? 08:48:20 ... at 5.8 there is a trimmed down version of the example I used earlier 08:48:49 ... I've also drawn attention to the other starting-point PROV properties and we need to decide if they are going to be included in the normative spec 08:49:11 ... the full example remains to be written 08:50:00 q? 08:50:06 s/full example/full chapter/ 08:50:31 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 08:50:42 present+ AndreaPerego 08:50:59 ... This proposed execution of the resolution from last week's meeting should be reviewed over this week and discussed in full next week 08:51:03 https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/dcat-issue71-simon/dcat/index.html#examples-dataset-provenance 08:51:54 proposed: accept minutes 08:51:57 Topic: accept minutes from last week 08:52:08 https://www.w3.org/2018/07/26-dxwgdcat-minutes 08:52:09 +1 08:52:28 q? 08:52:33 +1 08:52:47 +1 08:52:49 +1 08:53:02 +1 08:53:10 Topic: managing the 2pwd 08:53:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 08:53:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 08:53:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 08:53:27 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/13 08:53:49 q? 08:54:07 SimonCox: DaveBrowning is concerned that we don't have owners for the issues and this is required to push ahead on the second draft 08:55:02 q? 08:55:38 roba: the default position is that the Chair has responsibility for open issues 08:56:39 SimonCox: we are close to closing #1. Closing #2 will allow us to close #3. We will end up with c. 5 that still need effort, and they are large issues 08:57:14 q? 08:57:40 q? 08:57:41 Not me. 08:57:43 ... My view is that the list is aspirational, and we will make a second draft anyway - the strategy we took for the first was we were showing direction. We can do the same for draft 2 so that people have a target to comment on. I'm relaxed that we will get the majority of the items, and any left out will be included in the next sprint 08:57:53 +1 08:57:55 DaveBrowning: I'm OK with that approach 08:58:00 s/Not me.// 08:58:35 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.08.02 08:58:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 08:58:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 08:59:08 Topic: mailing list comments 08:59:29 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-comments/2018Apr/0001.html 09:00:36 SimonCox: we now have an issue based on this comment 09:00:51 ... included in issue #259 09:01:06 ... We should deal with it as part of that issue 09:01:12 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-comments/2018Jul/0000.html 09:02:05 SimonCox: This comes from the Australian Data Commons 09:02:26 ... there are some issues relating to how we are proposing to deal with services 09:03:24 roba: this one comes down to whether or not the client would realise that the endpoint is used in different contexts 09:03:45 ... if the data is a catalogue then it is a data discovery service 09:03:56 Need to clarify that a single URL/endPoint might be both a download + discovery + transformation service 09:04:46 ... but if you characterise the catalogue as a dataset then it will have the same endpoint. The interpretation is a matter of perspective 09:05:20 q+ 09:05:32 SimonCox: the 3rd point is about the general relationships between datasets - something that we need to still fully work through 09:05:42 ack roba 09:06:28 roba: the point about catalogues is that they can be viewed as data sources, but there isn't a distinction of their behaviour as a data source vs as a catalogue 09:06:45 ... it comes down to the profile/s supported 09:07:36 SimonCox: in the overview figure in the doc, one of the things we realised from Genoa is that a catalogue is a special case of a dataset - in Fig1 it is a subclass 09:08:25 ... but I've not fully thought through the inheritance of all the properties. We should supress some - esp those inherited from Resource 09:08:42 some housekeeping required to acknowledge inheritance of properties from Resource 09:09:50 SimonCox: going back to the original question, we need to complete the documentation about the Resource and DataService where the narrative is not yet completed 09:10:05 zero to many resources? https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/81 09:10:13 ... Finally, on the cardinality , it is related to #81 09:11:12 ... we still need to complete this 09:11:12 ... in the 'bag of files' work we included hasPart initially, but removed it for clarity and to avoid clash with the prov:derivedFrom 09:11:15 q? 09:11:38 roba: there is more than one way to do this, but we need to provide guidance on the 'best' way 09:11:53 SimonCox: in the pull request I've made 3 changes 09:13:00 roba: examples will strengthen the guidance - we need to help people with recursive patterns 09:13:02 +1 to providing strong steer in guidance.. 09:13:39 q? 09:13:53 SimonCox: all the issues covered in this last comment in the public list are now in the issue tracker 09:14:20 Topic: held over topics 09:14:26 - finer-grained semantics 09:14:48 roba: One of the challenges with finer grained semantics is the bottomless pit aspect, and someone will feel that it doesn't cover exactly what they want 09:15:03 q? 09:15:12 ... a lot of it comes down to compliance with the requirements of the particular project. 09:15:24 q+ 09:15:41 ack SimonCox 09:16:05 ... use of dct:conformsTo is a useful extension point, but anything further is a point of pain 09:16:05 SimonCox: are you roba suggesting that this is in the profile? 09:16:21 q+ 09:17:07 roba: we need to be clearer about the role of application profiles to give a recommendation about using this route to declare interoperability settings. We will find it difficult to make any other recommendation 09:17:13 ack DaveBrowning 09:17:50 q+ to ask if we can provide any guidance about specializing dcat:theme? 09:18:33 DaveBrowning: i agree with roba . in the other issues we have needs for describing finer-grained semantics, but I'm worried that discussion on subsetting might go the same way (bottomless pit) 09:19:40 ... I agree with the basic direction, but we need to watch that if we say only a little about finer grained semantics, we might not be able to say much about other things 09:20:08 ... it is not yet obvious that we have done enough to decouple subsetting, versioning and finer-grained semantics 09:20:28 ... I am happy with the approach , but we need to pay attention to the consequentials 09:21:44 ack SimonCox 09:21:46 SimonCox, you wanted to ask if we can provide any guidance about specializing dcat:theme? 09:21:53 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/wiki/Data-aspects---semantics 09:21:54 roba: where we have first-class concerns they will capture info on semantics. we need to point to the key semantics captured in some of these issues (subsetting, etc) and we need to make a list of recommendations but make it clear where people are "off piste" 09:23:34 SimonCox: I put together a wiki page early on - data cube, observation level, etc. there is a diagram (application profile) which is cute, and makes sense, but it needs to follow the general approach for profiles that we are developing 09:24:03 ... Do we have/Should we include something like this diagram? 09:24:57 roba: because we are discussing the profiles of the dataset rather than dcat, so the dataset profile should cover this, not the profile of dcat 09:25:47 SimonCox: the properties added to Dataset are the ones people use to search, but in dcat there is only Theme or Keyword 09:26:42 roba: describing your dataset and identifying those elements that are brought up into the catalogue is something that it would be worth developing coherent guidance on 09:27:07 SimonCox: makx has always said 'more documentation', and this diagram is an illustration 09:28:11 roba: i think it is a good idea to write up as an example of how to use DCAT, and also to point out that it is also a way of describing the dataset itself in the profile doc, and we need to ensure that the profile doc uses the same illustration 09:29:06 roba: there should be consistency between the discovery part and the data description part w.r.t. canonical vocabulary etc. 09:31:04 roba: from an alternative perspective, the RDF cube vocab operates at a different level of abstraction - it is a reflection mechanism, talking about the properties in the dataset 09:31:20 SimonCox: the sosa properties might never be mentioned in the data 09:32:11 roba: in the cube the dataset description gives the dimensions and controlled vocabularies used, and might be the only one in the W3C canon that allows description of the dataset structure 09:33:13 q? 09:34:59 +1 to the requirement for consistency and the focus on end user re: vocabulary etc 09:35:58 rrsagent, create minutes v2 09:35:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes.html PWinstanley 09:36:18 bye!! 09:36:42 regrets+ Alejandra 09:36:47 rrsagent, create minutes v2 09:36:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/02-dxwgdcat-minutes.html PWinstanley 11:55:39 Zakim has left #dxwgdcat