15:45:52 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:45:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/07/13-json-ld-irc 15:45:57 zakim, this is json-ld 15:45:58 got it, azaroth 15:46:40 rrsagent start 15:46:48 rrsagent listen 15:47:33 present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:49:03 azaroth has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Jul/0010.html 15:51:32 workergnome has joined #json-ld 15:57:35 simonstey has joined #json-ld 15:57:40 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:00:33 present+ Benjamin_Young 16:00:34 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 16:00:50 present+ 16:00:54 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 16:02:12 present+ Tim_Cole 16:02:20 present+ David_Newbury 16:02:29 rrsagent, set log public 16:02:30 ScribeNick: timCole 16:02:37 jeff_mixter has joined #json-ld 16:03:12 Topic: Minutes from 6 July 16:03:13 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 16:03:13 Chair: bigbluehat, azaroth 16:03:13 Date: 2018-07-13 16:03:13 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Jul/0010.html 16:03:33 regrets+ Ivan 16:04:03 Proposed: Approve minutes: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Jul/0010.html 16:04:03 +1 16:04:06 +1 16:04:07 +1 16:04:07 present +Jeff 16:04:10 +1 16:04:12 +1 16:04:28 present + Jeff 16:04:40 hsolbrig has joined #json-ld 16:04:41 present+ Jeff 16:04:45 present+ hsolbrig 16:04:50 present+ ajs6f 16:05:00 RESOLVED: Approve minutes: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2018Jul/0010.html 16:05:16 Topic: Announcements/Reminders? 16:05:44 bigbluehat: Any announcements or reminders 16:06:00 ... TPAC discount ends at the end of July for registration 16:06:23 ... hotel discounted rates are first come first serve 16:06:52 Adam: what was tpac rate? 16:07:14 azaroth: rate is 110 Euros per day (including VAT) 16:07:37 Jeff: I was on last call but not listed in minutes 16:07:47 bigbluehat: will fix 16:08:32 bigbluehat: if you are on the nickname list, it is sufficient to just do present+ 16:08:52 ... if not in nickname list, then need to present+ full_name 16:08:53 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/master/assets/nicknames.json 16:09:18 azaroth: either do pull request or ping Rob, Ben, or Ivan to add you, if not already in the nickname list 16:09:57 azaroth: no need for introductions this week 16:10:07 Topic: Discussion of Guiding Principles 16:10:18 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/pull/6 16:10:28 azaroth: not absolute rules but things we think are useful / important 16:11:09 ... we will keep walking our way down the document today, hopefully getting through the remaining issues today. 16:11:11 rendered: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md 16:11:52 ... starting with first item starting 'Proposed:... 16:12:10 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md#proposed-simplicity-is-determined-by-end-users-not-library-implementers 16:12:15 present+ David_Lehn 16:12:21 q+ 16:12:31 q+ 16:12:34 ... related to previous, but also focused on helping developers generally 16:13:04 q? 16:13:07 ack gkellogg 16:13:18 ... so if you are a Webmaster you determine what simpler more than the spec writers 16:13:33 gkellogg: this is how we did it for json-ld 1.0 16:13:49 ack ajs6f 16:14:02 ... we have gotten feedback on the complexity of the algos, but this is result of making it easier for end-users 16:14:18 q+ 16:14:21 Adam: 'usability' may be a little more on point than simplicity 16:14:37 ack azaroth 16:14:40 q+ 16:14:41 ... could we go to usability or ease of use to make principle more pointed. Agree with main point. 16:14:59 azaroth: should we replace simple with useable above as well? 16:15:33 Adam: I would not suggest doing that now, because this current principle focuses on the audience at hand 16:15:42 +1 to adam 16:15:44 ack workergnome 16:16:05 s/Adam:/ajs6f: 16:16:13 workergnome: going back to question last week - are data producers different than data consumers? 16:16:17 q? 16:16:52 azaroth: I think there is an additional distinction between audience using data as JSON and audience using data as RDF 16:16:57 q+ 16:17:08 ... given target audience is software developers generally 16:17:28 ... could be explicity that we mean both Web developers and developers that work more broadly 16:18:04 ... is it easy for developers who have RDF to use vs. an IIIF developer who thinks of it as JSON (RDF is a side-effect) 16:18:51 workergnome: In IIIF we've worked on issues like do we allow arrays or just an object 16:19:04 q+ 16:19:07 ... do we make it simple to make appropriate documents, even if difficult consume 16:19:16 ack bigbluehat 16:19:25 https://www.w3.org/TR/html-design-principles/#priority-of-constituencies 16:19:28 ... or do we make it easier to consume and harder to produce 16:19:49 q+ to assert a lack of opinion about JSON specific design (e.g. always arrays if ever an array is a context designer's choice) 16:19:50 bigbluehat: what to connect to HTML design principles 16:20:10 ... this prioritize groups in a fashion similar to what Rob mentioned 16:20:14 ACTION: Add priority of constituencies to guiding principles doc 16:20:14 ack ajs6f 16:20:43 ACTION: add Jeff Mixter (jeff_mixter) to last weeks present list in the minutes 16:20:48 ajs6f: almost no one wants to do RDF , or even JSON 16:21:07 ... they want to focus on their business. JSON (or RDF) is a means to an end 16:21:18 +1 to ajs6f's conjecture that devs don't "want" formats, they want things to work / be done (etc) 16:21:20 q? 16:21:20 q? 16:21:24 ack azaroth 16:21:24 azaroth, you wanted to assert a lack of opinion about JSON specific design (e.g. always arrays if ever an array is a context designer's choice) 16:21:28 ... so if we distinguish between consumers and producers we should prioritize consumers 16:21:45 +q 16:21:53 azaroth: I want to assert that we should not be opiniated about JSON patterns 16:22:33 ... so for example in IIIF if there can ever be multiple values it's always an array. But this is not the only pattern. 16:23:14 ... So, for example schema.org does not do it this way - allows strings and arrays as object for a given property 16:23:18 +1 to JSON pattern agnosticism 16:23:20 q? 16:23:25 ack workergnome 16:23:33 ... this puts the oneous back on the context designer for a particular community 16:24:00 workergnome: The HTML design principles expresses exactly what I want to get at 16:24:14 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md#proposed-provide-on-ramps 16:24:40 azaroth: next principle is to provide on-ramps (important in LA) 16:25:04 ... allows features to be incrementally 16:25:18 +1 16:25:18 ... not sure how often it comes up, but it does help with managing complexity 16:25:22 q+ 16:25:24 ack workergnome 16:25:26 +1 16:25:57 workergnome: Where this tends to come is up is in sense that complicated patterns build on simple ones 16:25:59 And +1 to workergnome 16:26:18 ... this can make the complex patterns a little more complex (essentially for backward compatibility) 16:26:22 q? 16:26:29 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md#proposed-define-success-not-failure 16:26:51 azaroth: next - define success, not failure 16:27:04 q+ 16:27:09 ... means specify conformance rather than non conformance 16:27:42 ... the few NOT constraints the easier our lives will be in the future and the easier to add extensions 16:28:34 q+ 16:28:36 ack gkellogg 16:28:55 gkellogg: this overlaps with 1.0 decisions that came back to bite us 16:29:28 ... for example we decided to be more perscriptive in the context, but we weren't perscriptive enough about @ signs etc. 16:29:33 q+ to note @type being fixed by the 1.0 spec as another affected issue in the other direction 16:30:01 ... when we later wanted to add type containers, because we had not identified the list of possible containers 16:30:12 ... we had to add the @id 16:30:15 ack simonstey 16:30:47 ... if we had avoided saying that containers had to be one of those listed, it would have been easier 16:31:10 q? 16:31:14 simonstey: not entire clear what we're trying to do. Is it like closed vs. open world? or what is the difference? 16:31:15 ack azaroth 16:31:15 azaroth, you wanted to note @type being fixed by the 1.0 spec as another affected issue in the other direction 16:31:20 q+ 16:31:32 azaroth: yes, the open vs. closed world is exactly on point 16:31:52 ... if we are silent then you are not out of conformance if you add that feature on your own 16:32:09 ... it remains undefined, but it is avoids non-conformance 16:32:30 ... like being rigorous with what you send, not what you get 16:33:15 ... but on the flip side of being overly perscriptive on 1.0, @type does constrain 16:33:33 ack gkellogg 16:34:16 gkellogg: when looking schema.org examples, I came across an example that used @Url where @id was clearly meant 16:34:24 Also there's a proposal for @label as thinking the @ is magical 16:34:57 q? 16:35:04 ... 1.0 processor is okay with this, although would have been nice if we had been more prescriptive in this case 16:35:13 @type as @container:@set issue: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/34 16:35:35 @label for rdfs:label issue: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/6 16:36:29 azaroth: next, follow existing standards and best practices where possible 16:36:42 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md#proposed-follow-existing-standards-and-best-practices-where-possible-and-where-they-do-not-conflict-with-other-principles 16:36:50 ... allows us to ignore a standard that has gone bad, but we should not reinvent 16:37:02 +1 16:37:05 +1 16:37:12 +1 16:37:15 ... between new and reuse, pick reuse unless reuse creates a problem 16:37:25 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-wg/blob/e07e37d59b1df9d04d8ca389b31d118cd85832ea/WorkMode/guiding_principles.md#proposed-the-underlying-data-model-is-rdf 16:37:47 ... last, the underlying data model is RDF - this may be controversial and we may decide to leave off 16:37:54 q+ 16:38:31 ... Manu has already objected, noting that 1.0 used generic graph set data model (rather than including RDF constraints on graph model) 16:38:37 q+ 16:38:43 ... so this also has to do with round-tripping discussion 16:39:11 ... if we stay with RDF, we then would defer non-RDF compatible features to future 16:39:49 q+ 16:40:01 ... for example, assuming RDF, would mean not allowing blanknodes as predicate, direction of strings 16:40:03 ack gkellogg 16:40:44 gkellogg: Manu is on record that json-ld data model does is not same as RDF 16:41:26 ... allowing blanknodes as predicates allows creating new identifiers (ala CURIE). 16:41:36 here's our current "Relationship to RDF" section https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#relationship-to-rdf 16:41:50 ... this does not seem a very useful use case, so the WG could decide that this is an obsolete pattern 16:42:43 ... the other use case is data indexing, e.g., data value as key - when json-ld is compacted value becomes subject... 16:43:00 ... this is an area of json-ld where it is difficult to create a round trip 16:43:39 ... went back and looked at list of list issue history, we abandoned because we didn't have a use case and at time looked not to be worth it 16:43:53 ... but perhaps we should revisit if we have a use case now 16:44:17 ... so the main issue right now seems to be the @data issue 16:44:25 q+ 16:44:44 ... regarding where RDF might go, we probably do not want to get ahead of RDF 16:44:50 ... so that we could defer to future. 16:44:53 ack jeff_mixter 16:45:37 jeff_mixter: from a practical standpoint when we do ingest linked data, we tend to normalize to triples to facilitate ingest into triple store or process 16:46:05 ... so if json-ld didn't align with RDF might cause problems 16:46:31 ack workergnome 16:46:44 ... in library community there is a growing interest in RDF (BibFrame, etc.) so not being able to stay consistent would be a problem 16:47:21 workergnome: agree with Jeff, if we really were doing a json serialization of graph would look significantly different 16:47:38 ack hsolbrig 16:47:39 +1 16:47:43 ... since we are already 95% with RDF, we really should go whole hog and be 100% 16:47:44 q+ to ask about warning on non-RDF data model, both in spec and in libraries 16:47:44 +1 16:48:02 hsolbrig: this proposal is slightly confusing, seem to be two possible understandings 16:48:28 ... one is RDF needs to be able to represent everything we say with json-ld 16:48:51 ... the other interpretation is json-ld needs to be able say everything you can say in RDF. 16:48:55 q+ to ask about current implementations / use cases for JSON-LD which reach "beyond" RDF 16:48:56 ack azaroth 16:48:56 azaroth, you wanted to ask about warning on non-RDF data model, both in spec and in libraries 16:49:04 ... the second interpretation may not be all that useful for our users 16:49:52 azaroth: I agree previous speakers, so as a way forward, can we call out when there's a 1.0 non-RDF feature 16:50:13 q+ 16:50:23 ... we have to stay backward compatible, but we can make it very obvious why not to use that feature 16:50:41 ... and for any new features we don't add anything to 1.1 that would be non-RDF 16:51:02 ack bigbluehat 16:51:02 bigbluehat, you wanted to ask about current implementations / use cases for JSON-LD which reach "beyond" RDF 16:51:04 ... so the principle becomes a gating one rather than normative. What features should we not add 16:51:19 +1 to understanding costs of adding / not adding 16:51:28 bigbluehat: may also want to consider the cost of adding / not adding 16:51:51 ... we also want to understand who's using parts of 1.0 that are not expressable in RDF 16:52:20 ... we also want to be aware how json developers are using json-ld without caring about RDF 16:52:39 ... want avoid letting RDF data model become our albatross 16:53:32 q? 16:53:34 ack jeff_mixter 16:53:37 ... practically we'll have to weigh the trade-offs and do the best we can 16:53:49 +1 as well 16:54:13 q+ 16:54:23 azaroth: Are there changes to text that would make this last principle clearer? 16:54:27 q+ 16:54:47 ack gkellogg 16:54:48 ... something that would sound less like we want to stop the trains 16:55:38 gkellogg: to drive this (it will be contentious) should we create a proposal for the WG to adopt as a way of making clear what we're doing 16:55:41 +1 to being clear about rdf 1.1 16:55:59 +1 for rdf 1.1 16:55:59 ... e.g., make clear features from 1.0 that we might deprecate 16:56:22 ... alternatively we could propose that the underlying data model is not RDF as a way to provoke feedback 16:56:32 ack hsolbrig 16:56:36 ... we need to put stakes in the ground and promote them to get healthy feedback 16:56:53 +1! 16:57:10 hsolbrig: following-up it rolls back to a fundemental issue that we need to be able to speak to. We used to say its 16:57:32 ... a RDF serialization format. But we need a better answer to what is json-ld? 16:58:00 azaroth: defer process items on agenda to next week 16:58:25 ... Rob will revise PR and tag all of us as reviewer 16:58:44 ... if discussion and changes are okay with you, then ignore, otherwise comment 16:59:14 ... we need to find happy medium between it's just a graph and it's rdf 16:59:36 +1 to merging with review on github 16:59:51 ... do we need a resolution or will we make do with gitHub review 17:00:06 bigbluehat: will be in touch about upcoming calls 17:00:13 adjourn 17:00:20 ACTION: Rob to merge changes from the discussion into guiding principles doc 17:00:22 Aye 17:39:34 rrsagent, make log public 17:40:18 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:40:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/07/13-json-ld-minutes.html timCole 19:10:12 Zakim has left #json-ld 22:49:14 gkellogg has joined #json-ld