04:08:34 RRSAgent has joined #fx 04:08:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/07/03-fx-irc 04:08:36 RRSAgent, make logs world 04:08:36 Zakim has joined #fx 04:08:38 Meeting: CSS-SVG Task Force Teleconference 04:08:38 Date: 03 July 2018 04:13:44 present+ 04:13:47 present+ 04:13:58 present+ 04:13:58 present+ 04:14:00 present+ 04:14:01 present+ 04:14:03 ericwilligers_ has joined #fx 04:14:06 present+ 04:14:24 present+ 04:14:52 Scribenick: ericwilligers 04:15:26 Topic: [css-transforms] Smarter interpolation of truncated transform lists 04:15:46 github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/927 04:16:20 present+ 04:16:56 Brian: (summarizing) There was a proposal for when we have mismatched transform lists to do something smarter than matrix interpolation 04:17:42 Brian: We resolved on some behavior (April 2017) but when implementing, spec text did not match what was discussed in WG. 04:18:26 Brian: We implemented what is in spec text but we want to do something smarter: interpolate common denominator and use matrix interpolation for the remainder 04:19:01 s/denominator/prefix/ 04:19:25 dirk: do other implementers also want to change? 04:19:48 dino: we should do this: go as far as you can, smoosh the rest 04:20:43 ian: will have to check with Waterloo team 04:21:19 rossen: no objection 04:22:39 pad the shorter one with identity functions, find the common prefix. 04:23:02 interpolate common prefix pairwise, interpolate the rest matrix-wise 04:23:37 dirk: proposal from fantasai to do the same from the right if they have a common suffix. 04:24:15 tab: don't like it - common to have ambiguous situations 04:24:32 dirk: agree 04:24:56 tab: prefer prefix over suffix, prefer not to try to do both 04:25:03 I agree 04:27:27 RESOLVED: pad the shorter one with identity functions, find the common prefix, interpolate common prefix pairwise, interpolate the rest matrix-wise. 04:28:30 Topic: Explicitly specify that a transform is a containing block for all descendants 04:28:38 github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/913 04:29:21 dirk: because of the compositing model of many browsers, much the same reason as for filter effects 04:29:46 rossen: this means it will also be a containing block for fixed? 04:31:20 rossen: is there interop? 04:31:59 dbaron has a test for some of these cases https://dbaron.org/css/test/2018/stacking-context-z-order 04:33:15 ericwilligers: motion path and individual transform properties explicitly create a containing block and stacking context. 04:34:22 rossen: seems like transform in Edge and Chrome and Firefox is considered a containing block. 04:37:28 brian: transform-style flat creates a stacking context in the spec but not implementations. 04:38:40 dirk: some developers don't like the behavior - some want fixed-pos to not create a containing block even if there is a transform. 04:38:56 dbaron: it is a little late to change that. 04:39:53 dbaron: I tried this on 4 engines. Notes at the bottom of test linked above. 04:40:42 dbaron: This is testing many different things. Green means it does the thing, red means it does not. Sometimes does not correspond to pass/fail. 04:41:14 crossed out means the engine does not implement property. 04:42:32 dirk: confirm WebKit behaves same as Edge and Chrome and Firefox in creating a containing block. 04:45:39 dirk: will we resolve for filter too? 04:46:43 RESOLVED: transform establishes a containing block for all elements. 04:47:55 ericwilligers_: Didn't we resolve to add a few options for transform-box? 04:48:02 ericwilligers_: it's already in the spec 04:48:35 ericwilligers_: i'm just noting that there have been differences since the most recent publication 04:48:58 Topic: CSS Transforms Last Call 04:49:19 dbaron: Last call doesn't exist any more. Do you mean CR? 04:49:34 krit: I don't know what it is called. But I meant Last Call. 04:49:56 ericwilligers_: the concern is that there is no interop for transform-box 04:50:02 dbaron: that's fine for entering CR 04:50:14 Rossen: we should definitely go to CR 04:50:20 once the changes are in 04:50:33 Rossen: Dirk, are you going to do the work preparing for CR? 04:50:35 krit: yes 04:50:42 krit: i'll work with Chris Lilley 04:50:54 Rossen: any objections to taking transforms level 1 to CR 04:51:08 RESOLVED: Publish CSS Transforms Level 1 as a CR 04:51:43 Topic: Updating Editors for Web Animations 04:51:55 birtles: supposedly we need WG approval to change editors 04:52:10 birtles: shane and doug are currently editors but can no longer continue 04:53:00 birtles: i propose adding Robert Flack (Google), Stephen McGruer (Google), Antoine Quint (Apple). The latter two need to join the WG. 04:53:18 Rossen: we can't add them while they are not members. Add Flack now. 04:53:43 Rossen: objections to adding Flack? 04:53:50 none 04:54:07 Rossen: any objections to adding McGruer and Quint when they become CSS members? 04:54:09 none 04:54:26 RESOLVED: Add these new editors 04:54:41 s/editors/editors of Web Animations/ 04:55:08 Topic: Any more animations or transitions issues 04:55:19 birtles: not many that are worth discussing 04:55:48 birtles: i'm blocked on moving definitions into values and units. Tab and fantasai offered to help. They can't continue to live in transitions. 04:56:18 birtles: the other issue is i need to redo a lot of WPT because they are not very reliable. We've disabled a bunch in gecko due to flakiness. 04:56:29 birtles: this makes it hard to edit the spec and make more tests 04:56:36 birtles: i need to get those fixed 04:57:41 krit: maybe eric wants to discuss filter on root? 04:57:54 Rossen: we might need simon for this. what is it about? 04:59:32 Rossen: i think we discussed this 2 weeks ago, and we need a lot more investigation. It will happen on github. 05:00:18 Rossen: we are adjourned 05:12:50 trackbot, end meeting 05:12:50 Zakim, list attendees 05:12:50 As of this point the attendees have been krit, leaverou, Rossen, birtles, philipwalton, iank_, TabAtkins, ericwilligers_, jihye 05:12:58 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 05:12:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/07/03-fx-minutes.html trackbot 05:12:59 RRSAgent, bye 05:12:59 I see no action items