<clapierre> See https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content
<clapierre> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/4
<clapierre> scribenick: Thaddeus
<janina> scribe: janina
<clapierre> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/4
NOTE: We're skipping the "how to use vocabularies" conversation until we have the relevant folks on the call--which isn't the case today
thaddeus: Suggest keeping a running doc on privacy implications, because situation will determine approach
<Thaddeus> Privacy review is dependent on multiple factors including intended functionality, user data provided input (where applicable) and implementation. Messages and reminders would most likely require post authentication implementation. Although this may satisfy the need to protect data in transit there may be additional controls for data at rest. There may also be the need for non-technical controls in some cases. For example, opt-in language may be[CUT]
thaddeus: Notes privacy feature invoked post authentication
jf: Authenticating with who?
thaddeus: User logging in with
... need https but also authentication and a methodology for
jf: Wondering about GPII for
... Noting that proxy server can serve for authentication
... Perhaps a service, perhaps a benetech server by way of
thaddeus: Probably too much detail for us
jf: Think it important to say something about whose doing the authenticating
thaddeus: Lots of details in security. Don't think we're in position to define all that, just the high level
bg: Should we be noting this term by term? Privacy concern
Thaddeus: exactly -- a running working doc based on what develops for us
bg: So I'm hearing JF's concern that we need strategies for people
janina: Agree that we don't speak on authenticating mechanisms, but perhaps on what situations
jf: A concrete example would help me
thaddeus: So, in messaging, it's
like who's my ceo, my babysitter, etc., that's
... if that's cross referenced, that's another concern too
cp: so these might depend on message importance, emergency?
janina: Noting similar issues in my community IoT RFI to broadband providers just issued
jf: Makes sense. Maybe we're figuring out white listing -- concerned about it all depends
cp: Perhaps a wiki?
thaddeus: can do
cp: Reminding folks of publishing doc, need feedback desperately!
<clapierre> 2. Digital Publishing WG's (Web Publication) https://github.com/w3c/wpub/issues/138. Here is the https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WSnpy_RSEi74SdhN64EZLSruio0GdqgYsQWNlP3pOow/edit?usp=sharing which will end up being part of that affordances section of their specification for web publications.
cp: Please read and comment
... Noting this is fairly short doc
... Will likely expand the hrefs
bg: No problem, but wondering about some listed items, but not others. Is it comprehensive? How to decide?
cp: Looking for easy examples. Could add more.
janina: Noting possible need for
personalization of different content types
... Also ETS has come to aPA for SSML based TTS in content,
especially interactive content
... Will discuss on APA Wednesday 18 July
bg: Noting that tracking multiple page numbers, print, large print, braille, is a major calculation hit in javascript by way of e.g.
cp: Agree to adding example
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