15:48:27 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:48:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/06/05-pbg-irc 15:48:42 rrsagent, set log public 15:49:09 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 15:49:36 Date: 2018-06-05 15:54:34 Avneesh has joined #pbg 15:58:52 Chair: Liisa 15:59:27 laudrain has joined #pbg 15:59:53 present+ Liisa, Luc, Ivan, Dauwhe 15:59:57 Chair: Luc 16:00:08 rkwright has joined #pbg 16:00:14 liisamk has joined #pbg 16:00:24 w3cteamirc has joined #pbg 16:00:27 present+ wolfgang 16:00:34 present+ 16:00:43 present+ 16:00:45 present+ 16:00:46 present+ 16:00:48 present+ rkwright, jyoshii, laurent 16:00:50 present+ 16:01:11 present+ billm 16:01:22 guest+ E_Siegman 16:03:04 present+ garth 16:03:21 RickJ has joined #pbg 16:03:28 present+ RickJ 16:03:44 present+ Bernadette_Shade 16:03:53 welcome Bernadette! 16:04:21 present+ RickJ 16:04:38 present+ paulb 16:04:48 present+ Avneesh 16:04:54 present+ rachel 16:05:01 Next time i will but today using thumbs on phone 16:05:10 garth has joined #pbg 16:05:15 w3cteamirc has joined #pbg 16:05:31 present+ Garth 16:05:34 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 16:05:35 pbelfanti has joined #pbg 16:05:39 present+ 16:05:42 present+ 16:05:47 scribejs, set w3cteamirc Bill McCoy 16:05:49 present+ BillM 16:06:02 Brian has joined #pbg 16:06:06 scribenick: Brian 16:06:09 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:06:15 present+ 16:06:21 present+ Dan_Sanicola 16:06:23 present+ Brian 16:06:33 Luc asks for someone to give a summary of the recent WG meeting 16:06:38 w3cteamirc has joined #pbg 16:07:08 Ivan starts. Good meeting; thanks to Kobo for hosting 16:07:47 Ivan: right path; have to define a manifest; decision that manifest in JSON LD 16:07:54 Brian: and continued lines from the same person starting with … 16:08:19 Jens has joined #pbg 16:08:59 ... schema.org plays a critical role; alignment with it makes sense 16:09:44 ...have to do more work with schema.org; add sections on affordances 16:10:04 hello at E!!! 16:10:23 ...long discussion on WP, PWP, EPUB4 16:10:40 ...WP timeline not clear 16:10:54 ...PWP will remain conceptual entity for a while 16:11:11 s/WP timeline/Web Packaging timeline/ 16:11:21 ...for EPUB4, may use the same packaging format as EPUB; not decided 16:12:01 q? 16:12:29 Garth: also closed a number of issues at the end, good meeting, 20+ people, feels like progress 16:12:59 Tzviya: Ivan and Garth summary is a good one 16:13:08 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:13:21 Some discussion of baby-cam 16:13:41 present+ Jens_Klingenlhöfer 16:13:50 present+ leslie 16:13:56 Bill K: notes Tzviya is writing a blog post on the meeting 16:14:23 +1 Congrats, Tzviya! 16:14:46 Topic: Workshop in Tokyo 16:14:52 Luc: introduces topic, Tokyo workshop 16:15:17 zakim, who is here? 16:15:17 Present: Liisa, Luc, Ivan, Dauwhe, wolfgang, rkwright, liisamk, w3cteamirc, Avneesh, jyoshii, laurent, tzviya, billm, garth, RickJ, Bernadette_Shade, paulb, rachel, Dan_Sanicola, 16:15:22 ... pbelfanti, Bill_Kasdorf, Brian, Jens_Klingenlhöfer, leslie 16:15:22 On IRC I see Jens, w3cteamirc, Bill_Kasdorf, Brian, pbelfanti, Dan_Sanicola, garth, RickJ, liisamk, rkwright, laudrain, Avneesh, RRSAgent, Zakim, wolfgang, jyoshii, Rachel, tzviya, 16:15:22 ... ivan, dauwhe, bigbluehat 16:15:34 ...Building program, 18-19 September in Tokyo, complex layout focus. 16:15:39 present+ dauwhe 16:16:00 ...still under construction, consensus on content (included, excluded) 16:16:21 ... cochair include Luc, Florian, Makoto 16:16:56 ...take care to ensure diverse program committee. Need more women; solicited Laurent's input 16:17:12 ... working on better representation 16:17:39 q? 16:17:40 ...next steps are to push the draft, validation from w3c management, then release to the BG 16:18:05 BillM: ask for expressions of interest, topics; program committee will review and choose 16:18:26 ...program not set, hoping to release in the next month or so 16:18:38 ...request for proposals in the next few days 16:18:47 q? 16:19:01 Topic: Epubcheck 16:19:10 Luc: EPUBCHECK update. Working on an RFP now 16:19:23 ...finalize the RFP soon 16:19:40 q+ 16:19:58 q+ 16:20:28 Laurent: need the conditions for selection; when payment will take place, procedure for getting funding to contractor 16:20:44 ack laudrain 16:20:51 Luc: not precise answers to these questions raised by Laurent yet 16:21:00 ack tzviya 16:21:23 q+ 16:21:27 Tzviya: full RFP has not been disseminated, as some reviewers might also bid, creating a conflict of interest 16:21:46 ...adds that fundraising is not part of the RFP; will proceed in parallel 16:22:14 Laurent: timeline; will there be a delay between start of work, fundraising, payment schedules 16:22:28 ack liisamk 16:22:37 q? 16:22:49 q+ 16:22:52 Liisa: not sure what delays of payment means. RFP goes out mid-June, likely, with 30 days to respond. 16:23:08 ...Request that respondents fill in anything missing in the RFP 16:23:20 ...not trying to create a perfect RFP 16:23:37 ...once the RFP goes out, funding will be pursued in parallel 16:23:56 ...need to know the budget first, before we can finish fund riasing 16:24:05 q+ 16:24:11 Laurent: adds several items that he had raised earlier 16:24:15 ack garth 16:24:23 s/riasing/raising/ 16:24:49 Garth: question is, if we pick a winner next month, will we have enough money on hand to start? 16:24:57 ...hopefully, yes 16:25:00 ack tzviya 16:25:23 Tzviya: valid concern, typically in SOW, not an RFP. Not a contract 16:25:45 Luc: almost finished; people will be able to react. 16:26:02 Tzviya: RFP almost ready to go, next few weeks (mid June) 16:26:08 q? 16:26:17 Luc: any other concerns? [none] 16:26:35 ...Next topic: thread about promoting EPUB3 adoption 16:26:58 ...asks Liisa for guidance 16:27:01 laurentlemeur has joined #pbg 16:27:05 Topic: promotion for EPUB3 adoption 16:27:09 present+ 16:27:27 Liisa: after the WG meeting, discussion of regional uptake of EPUB3 16:27:34 q+ 16:27:51 ...does the regional variation help us think about how to get EPUB adopted? 16:28:01 ...does it tell us where to focus 16:28:07 q+ 16:28:51 BillK: mention the work of the external coordination TF, lagging with other events, but this could be addressed there. Valid? 16:28:56 +1 to BillK 16:29:06 ack BillK 16:29:11 Liisamk: great to take on 16:29:15 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:29:24 BillK: BISG is doing this kind of work in the U.S. market 16:29:44 ...try to do something more systematic. Surveys, etc. 16:30:10 ack laudrain 16:30:10 ...defers to co-chairs, not on the call. 16:30:21 q+ 16:30:42 Laudrain: with respect to survey: some sort of geographical adoption figures? 16:31:07 ...notes some data available in France. Ben Dugas (Kobo) previously presented EPUB2/3 update 16:31:50 Bill_Kasdorf: start with informal sounding out of other organizations, followed by surveys or other data-gathering efforts 16:32:01 ...likely that other orgs may not have data 16:32:19 ...conversations to get some data, not wait for survey results 16:32:23 ack tzviya 16:32:43 Tzviya: in Brazil, little acceptance of EPUB 3 16:33:12 Laudrain: should we measure production, acceptance, or delivery of a format 16:33:48 ...basis for a white paper? 16:34:27 Rick (Readium): explains interest in white paper 16:34:44 s/Rick/Ric 16:34:49 Laudrain: willing to support/contribute to white paper. How to promote, where to promote 16:35:40 Ric: no quick answer. Used to have some promotion options within IDPF. New options like EPUB3, 4- do we make choices on what to promote? 16:35:49 Laudain: any ideas from the group? 16:35:59 q+ 16:35:59 q+ 16:36:00 ...could it be on the W3C blog? 16:36:16 ack Bill_k 16:36:38 Bill_Kasdorf: timing of promotion vs. development of EPUB 3.2 - what do we talk about? 16:36:58 ...should we do that promotion while educating about EPUB 3.2 16:37:02 ack ivan 16:37:22 Ivan: W3C blog not the idea channel. Readership is different 16:37:35 s/idea/ideal/ 16:37:36 q+ 16:37:38 ... do not expect that those people are the right targets 16:37:41 q+ 16:38:05 ... may want to seek out partner blogs or other syndication channels 16:38:27 q+ 16:38:33 ...does not feel the W3C blog alone is enough 16:38:42 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:39:07 Bill_Kasdorf could add this as an article in Publishers Weekly 16:39:14 ack laudrain 16:39:41 IMO this can be re-phrased differently: 16:39:41 Laudrain: agree with Ivan that W3C blog is not the right place; seek out publishing industry channels 16:39:41 - from EPUB2 to EPUB3.2 (that's our target right now) 16:39:42 - from resources on the Web to Web Publications (2020) 16:39:43 - from EPUB3.2 to EPUB4 (>2020) 16:39:44 I don't think such a timeline is sending any mixed message. 16:40:37 ... goal is EPUB 3.2 adoption; work toward that 16:41:20 ...have resources on the web to support web publications, then move to EPUB 4 16:41:21 q? 16:41:29 ack Jens 16:41:36 Garth: seems right to me 16:42:15 jens: outside world has not heard a lot about EPUB lately; good idea to stage communicatioons 16:42:17 q+ 16:42:41 Laudrain: timing around release of EPUB 3.2 16:43:07 ...use other channels, outside of just w3c 16:43:15 ack dauwhe 16:43:20 q+ 16:43:48 q+ 16:43:56 +1 to "it's about EPUB 3" 16:43:57 scribenick: dauwhe 16:44:04 dauhwe: EPUB 3.2 not solving 'urgent' problems. Keep message around EPUB not EPPUB3.2 16:44:12 ack Brian 16:44:20 q? 16:44:25 ack garth 16:44:32 garth: adding happy pills to what dave said 16:44:33 s/EPPUB3.2/EPUB 3.2/ 16:44:36 ... the focus should be on epub 3 16:44:49 ... I do think 3.2 solves urgent problems 16:44:59 ... and our current spec, 3.1, has zero adoption 16:45:16 q? 16:45:19 ... it may not solve tech problems ,but it solves perception/standards problems 16:45:47 laudrain: BillK, you proposed that a coordination task force would look at geography 16:45:56 ... the road map task force should work on these messages 16:46:09 ... and hopefully epubcheck would be in better shape for 3.2 16:46:19 I agree with Luc re roadmap TF doing the messaging 16:46:19 ... this roadmap should take this into account and propose communication 16:46:27 ... that's why it's in the BG 16:46:34 ... and we could work on preparing the messages 16:46:57 ... we could also prepare a list of newsletters and communication channels we have in publishing around the world 16:47:01 ... what do you think? 16:47:05 +1 16:47:07 +1 16:47:11 +1 16:47:12 +1 16:47:13 Bill_Kasdorf: that's a good idea 16:47:15 +1 16:47:27 ... in our coordination task force, we've identified lots of organizations 16:47:35 Julian_Calderazi has joined #pbg 16:47:46 laudrain: I agree for the road map task force to take this action 16:48:04 Sorry for being so late. 16:48:04 ... during the time of 3.2 work and epubcheck, during the next month, until the end of the year, I'll work on white paper 16:48:14 ... and a list of news channels 16:48:25 ... with your help, Bill_Kasdorf 16:48:38 ... Ric, could you contribute? 16:48:46 rkwright: I'd be happy to 16:49:10 laudrain: the easiest way to contribute is to participate within the road map task force 16:49:29 ... in June, I will prepare a task force call 16:49:51 ... any more comment on that subject of EPUB3 adoption 16:50:07 ... Bill_Kasdorf, do you identify a specific deliverable about geographic adoption? 16:50:26 Bill_Kasdorf: I need to consult my co-chairs and have a june meeting for that task force, before we can identifiy deliverables 16:51:05 laudrain: it doesn't have to be in June, but we need to start to gather information 16:51:22 ... liisamk, does this discussion help? 16:51:26 liisamk: yes, thanks! 16:51:38 laudrain: any other business? 16:52:00 ... so let's end the meeting. Thanks! 16:52:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:52:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/06/05-pbg-minutes.html ivan 16:52:21 zakim, bye 16:52:21 rrsagent, bye 16:52:21 I see no action items 16:52:21 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Liisa, Luc, Ivan, Dauwhe, wolfgang, rkwright, liisamk, w3cteamirc, Avneesh, jyoshii, laurent, tzviya, billm, garth, RickJ, 16:52:21 Zakim has left #pbg 16:52:24 ... Bernadette_Shade, paulb, rachel, Dan_Sanicola, pbelfanti, Bill_Kasdorf, Brian, Jens_Klingenlhöfer, leslie, laurentlemeur