IRC log of dxwgdcat on 2018-04-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 19:50:21 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat
- 19:50:21 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 19:50:35 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat
- 19:50:47 [SimonCox]
- rrsagent make logs public
- 19:51:00 [SimonCox]
- rrsagent: make logs public
- 19:51:22 [SimonCox]
- meeting: DCAT team 2014-04-04
- 19:52:02 [SimonCox]
- agenda:
- 19:52:10 [SimonCox]
- present+
- 19:52:17 [SimonCox]
- chair: SimonCox
- 19:52:31 [SimonCox]
- regrets: ArminHaller
- 19:52:48 [SimonCox]
- present?
- 19:53:04 [SimonCox]
- zakim: who is present?
- 19:53:12 [SimonCox]
- rrsagent: who is present?
- 19:53:12 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'who is present'
- 19:53:21 [SimonCox]
- rrsagent: present?
- 19:53:21 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'present'
- 19:53:40 [SimonCox]
- zakim, who is present?
- 19:53:40 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, SimonCox.
- 19:53:49 [SimonCox]
- zakim, present?
- 19:53:49 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, SimonCox.
- 19:57:14 [roba]
- roba has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:01:08 [Jaroslav_Pullmann]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:01:30 [NicholasCar]
- NicholasCar has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:01:33 [NicholasCar]
- present+
- 20:01:34 [Jaroslav_Pullmann]
- present+
- 20:01:38 [roba]
- present+
- 20:02:28 [alejandra]
- alejandra has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:02:34 [alejandra]
- present+
- 20:02:49 [DaveBrowning]
- DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:05:20 [SimonCox]
- scribenick: NicholasCar
- 20:05:29 [NicholasCar]
- scribe NicholasCar
- 20:05:51 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: confirm agenda
- 20:06:01 [SimonCox]
- 20:06:14 [DaveBrowning]
- present+
- 20:06:58 [alejandra]
- could we maybe discuss the pending pull request: ?
- 20:08:38 [alejandra]
- ok, thanks
- 20:08:55 [alejandra]
- SimonCox: we can slot that topic in after we heard from Rob
- 20:09:05 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: confirm minutes for last week
- 20:09:08 [SimonCox]
- topic: confirm minutes
- 20:09:08 [SimonCox]
- 20:09:24 [AndreaPerego]
- AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:09:30 [alejandra]
- 0 (wasn't present)
- 20:09:33 [SimonCox]
- +1
- 20:09:34 [Jaroslav_Pullmann]
- +1
- 20:09:37 [DaveBrowning]
- +1
- 20:09:38 [AndreaPerego]
- present+ AndreaPerego
- 20:09:39 [AndreaPerego]
- +1
- 20:09:51 [NicholasCar]
- +1
- 20:09:54 [roba]
- +0
- 20:10:11 [NicholasCar]
- RESOLVED: confirm munutes for last week
- 20:10:20 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: new chair required next week
- 20:10:49 [alejandra]
- I'm on leave and not sure if I will be able to join (depending on wifi availability)
- 20:11:07 [NicholasCar]
- I have nothing particular on
- 20:11:13 [roba]
- maybe skip next week?
- 20:11:17 [NicholasCar]
- no!
- 20:11:23 [NicholasCar]
- no!
- 20:11:38 [NicholasCar]
- ACTION: Simon to contact Peter to chair next week
- 20:11:38 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 20:12:01 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: reminder about working spaces
- 20:12:34 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: please draft material in wiki spaces
- 20:12:54 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: collaboration process will be explained better soon (today)
- 20:13:04 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: RobA will report on profiles work
- 20:13:06 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:13:12 [NicholasCar]
- q+
- 20:13:42 [SimonCox]
- Please use
- 20:13:58 [NicholasCar]
- RobA: only a mall group, Reuben, Lars and him, mostly about HTTP headers
- 20:14:11 [roba]
- 20:14:40 [NicholasCar]
- RobA: has introduced a profile.ttl and profile_examples.ttl ontology and examples of profiling
- 20:15:25 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 20:15:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 20:15:48 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: suggests use of wiki to introduce profiles work not in RDF (accessible)
- 20:15:57 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 20:16:00 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 20:16:00 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 20:16:57 [NicholasCar]
- q?
- 20:17:05 [Makx]
- Makx has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:17:06 [SimonCox]
- ack NicholasCar
- 20:17:33 [Makx]
- preent+ Makx
- 20:17:36 [alejandra]
- NicholasCar: first to say that the profiling work is important for W3C in general to address it
- 20:17:52 [alejandra]
- ... I propose to separate out from the DCAT work in its own module
- 20:18:05 [Makx]
- present+ Makx
- 20:18:07 [alejandra]
- ... I've written out a summary
- 20:18:27 [alejandra]
- ... I've sent it to kcoyle and she has sent me comments
- 20:18:52 [alejandra]
- ... I haven't read it in detail but she suggests that separating out could be done in the F2F
- 20:19:19 [alejandra]
- ... we've proposed a few profiles (e.g. DCAT 2014 as a profile of the revised DCAT)
- 20:19:38 [alejandra]
- ... three different implementations happening anyway
- 20:19:39 [roba]
- q+
- 20:19:52 [alejandra]
- ... RobA's ontology
- 20:20:08 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:20:11 [alejandra]
- ... I started to write up what is a profile and how to use it
- 20:20:14 [SimonCox]
- ack roba
- 20:20:38 [NicholasCar]
- (thanks for scribing Alejandra!)
- 20:20:56 [NicholasCar]
- RobA: profiling is metadata about profiling, not a methodology
- 20:21:10 [alejandra]
- is there a link to that ontology?
- 20:21:21 [NicholasCar]
- RobA: doesn't intend to replace a constraints language
- 20:21:24 [alejandra]
- is it in the branch you pointed out?
- 20:21:30 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:21:33 [NicholasCar]
- 20:21:44 [NicholasCar]
- link to obt above
- 20:21:50 [NicholasCar]
- s/obt/ont/
- 20:22:06 [NicholasCar]
- q+
- 20:22:11 [roba]
- i will put up a wiki page too
- 20:22:22 [NicholasCar]
- q-
- 20:22:36 [NicholasCar]
- I was going to suggest work on a wiki page as next step regardless
- 20:23:10 [NicholasCar]
- ACTION: RobA to extablish a profiles wiki page
- 20:23:10 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 20:24:22 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 20:24:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 20:24:30 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: address outstanding pull request for ED
- 20:24:46 [SimonCox]
- 20:25:32 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: the pull adds in red boxes to the draft
- 20:25:35 [SimonCox]
- 20:26:43 [alejandra]
- +q
- 20:26:52 [SimonCox]
- ack alejandra
- 20:26:54 [Jaroslav_Pullmann]
- +q
- 20:27:28 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: inclusions in document after issue, are these ok?
- 20:27:39 [SimonCox]
- ack Jaroslav_Pullmann
- 20:27:49 [NicholasCar]
- alejandra: changes to text only and they are useful so should be ok
- 20:28:18 [AndreaPerego]
- I think that, formally, we need a resolution from the DCAT group, and after ask a vote (via mail) from the WG
- 20:28:23 [NicholasCar]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann: scope extension is significat, should be included
- 20:28:29 [SimonCox]
- Proposed: accept PR 183 for FPWD
- 20:28:40 [alejandra]
- +1
- 20:28:44 [DaveBrowning]
- +1
- 20:28:46 [NicholasCar]
- 0
- 20:28:49 [AndreaPerego]
- 0
- 20:28:50 [roba]
- 0
- 20:28:54 [SimonCox]
- +1
- 20:29:03 [Jaroslav_Pullmann]
- +1
- 20:29:06 [Makx]
- Makx has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:29:23 [roba]
- * nick pass scribe baton to me when you wish...
- 20:29:31 [NicholasCar]
- RESOLUTION: accept PR 183 for FPWD
- 20:29:41 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 20:29:41 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 20:29:47 [NicholasCar]
- (fine rob, unless you really want to do this!)
- 20:29:54 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: license and rights
- 20:30:03 [roba]
- * not really :-) thanks
- 20:30:07 [SimonCox]
- domain - MakxDekkers
- 20:30:11 [alejandra]
- +q
- 20:30:47 [alejandra]
- q-
- 20:31:27 [NicholasCar]
- ACTION: SimonCox to report pull req decision to Karen
- 20:31:27 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 20:31:38 [SimonCox]
- Makx not on audio?
- 20:32:15 [SimonCox]
- do this first then: range - NicholasCar
- 20:33:05 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 20:33:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 20:33:11 [alejandra]
- NicholasCar: I had promised to present to the group more thoughts and the outcome of having a relaxed range would be
- 20:33:34 [alejandra]
- ... I've looked at ODRL v2
- 20:33:58 [alejandra]
- ... no mention of licenses in ODRL v2 but my understanding is that would fall into Agreement
- 20:34:15 [alejandra]
- ... I've looked into common licenses and started to break them down into their parts
- 20:34:50 [alejandra]
- ... it makes sense to express licenses in ODRL v2 way
- 20:35:04 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:35:20 [AndreaPerego]
- q+
- 20:35:59 [alejandra]
- NicholasCar: I did a small extension of ODRL 2 to add License
- 20:36:13 [AndreaPerego]
- q+ to note POE WG publish BPs which include a section on how to represent standard licences -
- 20:36:26 [SimonCox]
- ack AndreaPerego
- 20:36:26 [Zakim]
- AndreaPerego, you wanted to note POE WG publish BPs which include a section on how to represent standard licences -
- 20:37:27 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann_ has joined #dxwgdcat
- 20:37:31 [alejandra]
- NicholasCar: I was thinkin on contacting ODRL people
- 20:37:39 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- q+
- 20:37:40 [alejandra]
- s/thinkin/thinking
- 20:38:14 [SimonCox]
- (Renato Iannella is in Brisbane!)
- 20:38:24 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- Andrea, do you have a link to the mentioned work of the ODRL group?
- 20:38:32 [AndreaPerego]
- 20:38:48 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- thanks!
- 20:38:49 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:38:54 [SimonCox]
- ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_
- 20:38:59 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: this is a test of the completed ODRL2 work
- 20:39:31 [alejandra]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann_: what is the objective?
- 20:39:41 [alejandra]
- NicholasCar: allow a machine express a license
- 20:39:57 [alejandra]
- ... automatically surface certain message that people might need to agree to
- 20:40:02 [alejandra]
- ... restrict access to data
- 20:40:13 [Makx]
- q+
- 20:40:25 [AndreaPerego]
- q+
- 20:41:16 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:41:21 [SimonCox]
- q+
- 20:41:54 [NicholasCar]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann: will be meeting ODRL@ colleagues next week in Vienna
- 20:42:24 [SimonCox]
- ack Makx
- 20:42:25 [AndreaPerego]
- 20:43:27 [SimonCox]
- ack AndreaPerego
- 20:43:29 [NicholasCar]
- q+
- 20:44:04 [SimonCox]
- ack SimonCox
- 20:44:43 [AndreaPerego]
- q+
- 20:45:21 [SimonCox]
- ack NicholasCar
- 20:45:39 [SimonCox]
- NicholasCar: will be setting up register of common licenses
- 20:45:57 [SimonCox]
- ... will allow us to have confidence that there will be something for DCAT predicates to point to
- 20:46:38 [SimonCox]
- SimonCox: so we can develop the predicates (use, access, obligations) in DCAT
- 20:46:49 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:47:27 [SimonCox]
- makx: development of license details is outside scope of DCAT
- 20:47:32 [SimonCox]
- ack AndreaPerego
- 20:47:33 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- q+
- 20:48:21 [NicholasCar]
- AndreaPerego: we should make ODRL2 group aware of our interests since they are preparing a Dest Practice document
- 20:48:28 [NicholasCar]
- s/Dest/Best/
- 20:49:14 [NicholasCar]
- AndreaPerego: we can delegate relevant work to us to ODRL2 group
- 20:49:16 [SimonCox]
- ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_
- 20:49:33 [NicholasCar]
- AndreaPerego: we have or can do a similar delegation for data quality to DQV
- 20:49:37 [SimonCox]
- AndreaPerego: delegate like we also do for data quality
- 20:49:45 [NicholasCar]
- q?
- 20:50:28 [roba]
- q+\
- 20:50:44 [roba]
- q-\
- 20:50:47 [roba]
- q+
- 20:50:56 [NicholasCar]
- Jaroslav_Pullmann: we need to better cater for different clients (automated clients)
- 20:50:58 [SimonCox]
- ack roba
- 20:51:35 [Makx]
- q+
- 20:51:40 [SimonCox]
- ack Makx
- 20:51:52 [NicholasCar]
- roba: the concern seems to be the attachement point of dataset -> license, not license details
- 20:52:52 [NicholasCar]
- Makx: licenses & rights out of scope for this group, agrees we need to know how to link to them, has laready stated you can use dct:LicenseDocument or odrl:Policy
- 20:53:12 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:53:30 [alejandra]
- +1 to Makx's comment
- 20:53:44 [NicholasCar]
- q+
- 20:54:00 [SimonCox]
- ack NicholasCar
- 20:54:49 [SimonCox]
- odrl:hasPolicy is the appropriate super-property, DCAT may need a taxonomy underneath that
- 20:55:07 [SimonCox]
- 20:55:22 [NicholasCar]
- TOPIC: license domain
- 20:55:58 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: we appear to have reached concensus
- 20:56:53 [SimonCox]
- q?
- 20:57:00 [NicholasCar]
- Makx: (summarising) one SHOULD put it on Distribution, one MAY put it on Datasets but SHOULD NOT put it on Dataset and not Distribution and if there are multiple, there may be a conflict
- 20:57:41 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: can close the issue when resulting changes have been made in doc & RDF
- 20:57:48 [AndreaPerego]
- q+
- 20:58:03 [NicholasCar]
- ACTION: Makx will try to do these changes via Pull Request
- 20:58:03 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 20:58:23 [NicholasCar]
- SimonCox: we (editors) will provides notes for this
- 20:58:40 [NicholasCar]
- q?
- 20:59:50 [NicholasCar]
- AndreaPerego: we will need to wait until after the FPWD to accept this PR - SimonCox agrees
- 21:00:05 [SimonCox]
- proposed: close issue 104, when makx has completed action
- 21:00:07 [SimonCox]
- +1
- 21:00:09 [AndreaPerego]
- +1
- 21:00:10 [DaveBrowning]
- +1
- 21:00:11 [NicholasCar]
- +1
- 21:00:14 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- +1
- 21:00:21 [Makx]
- +1
- 21:00:26 [NicholasCar]
- RESOLVED: close issue 104, when makx has completed action
- 21:00:28 [alejandra]
- +1
- 21:00:31 [SimonCox]
- ack AndreaPerego
- 21:01:07 [NicholasCar]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 21:01:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate NicholasCar
- 21:01:10 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- bye!
- 21:01:13 [Jaroslav_Pullmann_]
- present-
- 21:01:32 [NicholasCar]
- thanks Andrea!
- 21:01:35 [NicholasCar]
- present-
- 21:01:48 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 21:01:48 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 21:01:53 [alejandra]
- thanks, and bye!
- 21:02:03 [AndreaPerego]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
- 21:02:03 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
- 23:03:50 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #dxwgdcat