20:55:47 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 20:55:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/02/28-dxwgdcat-irc 20:55:58 Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat 20:56:26 meeting: DCAT vocabulary team 2018-02-28 20:56:39 chair: SimonCox 20:56:56 regrets: Riccardo 20:59:18 present+ 20:59:21 NicholasCar has joined #dxwgdcat 20:59:54 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 21:00:04 alejandra has joined #dxwgdcat 21:01:15 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat 21:01:38 present+ 21:01:58 present+ 21:03:55 present+ 21:03:57 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwgdcat 21:05:00 scribenick: PWinstanley 21:05:28 Stijn_Goedertier_AIV has joined #dxwgdcat 21:05:37 present+ 21:06:29 present+ 21:06:50 present+ 21:06:53 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 21:06:55 topic: confirm agenda 21:07:00 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.02.28 21:07:04 topic: Admin 21:07:06 present+ 21:07:30 SimonCox: review of the agenda 21:07:52 topic: approve minutes of last meeting 21:08:02 https://www.w3.org/2018/02/21-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:08:16 +1 21:08:21 +1 21:08:23 +1 21:08:29 0 (absent) 21:08:30 +1 21:08:32 +1 21:08:54 resolved: minutes approved 21:08:58 topic: current draft 21:09:03 +1 21:09:10 https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/dcat/#issue-summary 21:10:15 SimonCox: the main thing is having a doc which when released gives people an idea of the areas where change is proposed 21:10:43 q+ to ask what we need to do for FPWD 21:11:06 ... It doesn't reflect all the issues in the tracker, so please consider including into the draft any change proposals that are not already mentioned in the draft 21:11:30 topic: github etiquette 21:12:10 ... A reminder (from Nic) about github etiquette - merges only done by the nominated editors please 21:12:12 +q to propose that we put as reviewers all the editors in the tracker (explore github groups) 21:12:38 ... Note that editors don't merge their own proposals 21:13:13 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 21:13:22 q? 21:13:30 ack DaveBrowning 21:13:30 DaveBrowning, you wanted to ask what we need to do for FPWD 21:13:38 present+ AndreaPerego 21:14:00 DaveBrowning: How do we know when we're ready for producing the FPWD? 21:14:45 SimonCox: my understanding is that there is a time box. This team doesn't vote, that's for the plenary to decide on release schedule 21:15:08 ack alejandra 21:15:08 alejandra, you wanted to propose that we put as reviewers all the editors in the tracker (explore github groups) 21:16:29 q? 21:16:33 alejandra: going back to etiquette - I want to propose that pull requests are not one of the editors but using github groups (there is a problem in that it might not notify) . This would allow any one of us to review and merge 21:16:38 SimonCox: sounds reasonable 21:17:31 alejandra: if we assign the group we (the editors group) all get a notification, and that could distribute the load easier 21:19:34 topic: RDF files 21:19:49 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/134 21:20:29 SimonCox: issue 134 attempts to simplify the SDOW approach of modularising the RDF 21:20:46 s/SDOW/SDWWG/ 21:21:05 ...the underlying goal is to permit clean documents and discussions 21:22:12 q? 21:22:17 ... To establish the proposition that more than one RDF file can be involved, I want to suggest that modularisation is the approach we use 21:22:30 I agree 21:22:32 q+ 21:22:42 ack PWinstanley 21:23:10 +q 21:23:19 ack alejandra 21:23:32 PWinstanley: are there any heuristics do help determine when it becomes too complex 21:24:45 alejandra: The issue initially is regarding PROV, but addressing the complexity I think we can use the PROV discussion to see how the modularisation approach simplifies / facilitates the discussion 21:25:15 ... I think it is a good to solution to help the discussion 21:25:37 q? 21:25:39 ... It also seems a good practice (from the sensor networks vocab example) 21:25:45 +1 from me, to allow us work in parallel on possible DCAT extensions, leaving at a later moment the decision on how they should be integrated. 21:25:58 +1 from me, too 21:26:13 +q 21:26:21 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 21:27:08 s/... It also seems a good practice (from the sensor networks vocab example)/... It is also good modularization practice in vocabularies (and demonstrated in the sensor networks vocabulary)/ 21:27:10 Jaroslav_Pullmann: Idenitification of the normative and the optional parts of DCAT isn't the easiest task 21:27:29 s/Idenitification /Identification / 21:28:01 SimonCox: as alejandra mentiones, anything that isn't underpinned by requirements is probably not normative 21:28:18 s/mentiones/mentions/ 21:29:22 q? 21:29:26 Jaroslav_Pullmann: most of the requirements are looking at extensions, so they are perhaps additional to the 'core' 21:29:54 motivations should be driven by data! - see https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/137 21:30:03 ... We could use e.g. the European Open Data portal to review how DCAT is currently being used to determine the 'core' 21:30:30 SimonCox: The new issue 137 anticipated this need for test data sets 21:30:52 ... It will help us build the evidence base for our recommendations 21:31:03 Proposed: Additional RDF files can be created alongside dcat.ttl to test proposals around modularization and alignment with other RDF vocabularies. Note: These may or may not be merged into fewer or one RDF files prior to publication. 21:31:16 q? 21:31:23 +1 21:31:26 +1 21:31:28 +1 21:31:29 +1 21:31:30 +1 21:31:31 +1 21:31:35 +1 21:31:45 +1 21:31:46 +1 21:32:01 RESOLVED: Additional RDF files can be created alongside dcat.ttl to test proposals around modularization and alignment with other RDF vocabularies. Note: These may or may not be merged into fewer or one RDF files prior to publication. 21:32:16 I can now merge https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/94 21:32:18 topic: profiles 21:32:28 q? 21:32:51 +q 21:33:06 q- 21:33:06 topic: license and rights 21:33:44 alejandra: When was the profiles meeting? 21:34:12 PWinstanley: 09:00 UTC on 28th Feb 21:34:20 ca. 12 hours ago - no one here 21:34:27 topic: license and rights 21:34:28 Makx has joined #dxwgdcat 21:34:35 present+ Makx 21:34:40 it would be good that these meetings are announced in the mailing list (and notes distributed) 21:34:51 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/104 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/114 21:35:03 SimonCox: let's consider issues 104 and 114 21:35:15 ... the main proponents are NicholasCar and Makx 21:36:04 NicholasCar: The intention is to enable us to indicate sophisticated/machine-readable licensing in a form other than free text 21:36:52 ... URIs might link to RDF objects that would allow reasoning 21:36:53 ... and aisaac involved in license-document discussion as well 21:37:20 q+ 21:37:47 ... the recently published ODRL might provide a class or two that describes the intention that I'm looking for that, unlike dct:license, doesn't have a document as the rance 21:37:48 we are talking about #114 first 21:37:59 s/rance/range/ 21:38:05 ODRL link: https://www.w3.org/TR/odrl-model/ 21:38:59 Definition of dct:LicenseDocument ```dcterms:LicenseDocument dcterms:hasVersion ; dcterms:issued "2008-01-14"^^ ; a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "A legal document giving official permission to do something with a Resource."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label "License Document"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf[CUT] 21:39:18 http://dublincore.org/2012/06/14/dcterms#LicenseDocument 21:39:21 Makx: you cannot redefine dct:license . Antoine mentioned that the current usage of putting a URL to a license there is not in line with the model, but it is common practice 21:39:25 ack SimonCox 21:40:06 q+ 21:40:50 q+ 21:40:52 q? 21:40:58 ack NicholasCar 21:40:59 SimonCox: Is the restriction from the range of dct:license as onerous as is being implied. The RDF definition of a license document is a shell, it doesn't being any other entailments along. Is there any problem? the entailment implied is that the range would also be classified as a dct:license doc 21:41:24 what is the harm from the target of dct:license being a dct:LicenseDocument? 21:41:27 q+ 21:41:34 There are no strong entailments ... 21:41:38 NicholasCar: technically there might not be, but there is an ongoing issue - we would need to let people know that it might be more than a document 21:41:51 ... we would need to put that into notes 21:41:54 q+ 21:42:25 q+ to note that 'document' is a rather general concept on the web 21:42:33 ... Technically we might not be constrained, but we would do ourselves a disservice if we didn't indicate that other more sophisticated objects might be used as the range 21:42:35 ack Makx 21:43:26 Definition of dct:LicenseDocument: "A legal document giving official permission to do something with a Resource." 21:43:45 Makx: looking in detail, it relates to a legal document 21:44:10 ... an ODRL resource would be outwith the specification provided by DCMI 21:44:32 ack AndreaPerego 21:44:42 NOTE: Makx's audio dropped at this point 21:45:19 AndreaPerego: we should focus on usage rather than the DCMI spec 21:46:33 Makx: There could be people who have problems with the DCMI definition limiting the way that dct:license is used 21:46:45 q+ also to note 'legal' may be seen differently in statutory vs common-law traditions ... 21:46:56 ... If we don't want to put ODRL into dct:license then this is wider that just DCAT 21:47:21 ack AndreaPerego 21:47:22 ... Maybe we need to talk to ODRL and see how they envisage pointing to a rights object 21:48:32 AndreaPerego: dct:license is only about _use_ conditions 21:48:56 q? 21:49:20 AndreaPerego: there is a distinction between access and usage rights 21:49:36 dct:license and dct:rights 21:49:59 ... it is important to keep these two separate 21:50:45 ... I don't have a problem in using ODRL for license, but this should be for usage and not for access 21:50:45 ODRL is only about use conditions, not access 21:50:52 q? 21:51:00 ack SimonCox 21:51:00 SimonCox, you wanted to note that 'document' is a rather general concept on the web and to note 'legal' may be seen differently in statutory vs common-law traditions ... 21:51:02 q+ 21:51:23 SimonCox: 2 technical points: document used in a web context refers to a serialisation 21:51:58 s/dct:rights/dct:accessRights, both subproperties of dct:rights/ 21:52:27 .... #2, responding to Makx who focused on 'legal' - there are issues with common law jurisdictions in relation to contract. There may be culturally specific issues to consider here 21:53:09 SimonCox: re: ODRL, Makx is suggesting that we reach out to the ODRL group to get their input 21:54:11 SimonCox: Makx , please can you get a clarification from the ODRL group 21:55:07 ... this discussion relates to issue #114 . Can some of this discussion be added to that / alert Antoine to this conversation 21:55:15 q+ 21:55:27 ack Makx 21:55:46 ack AndreaPerego 21:55:51 Makx: I am ok with using dct:license with ODRL 21:56:32 AndreaPerego: is concerned that we also clarify distinction between access and use rights 21:56:35 AndreaPerego: we should also ask the ODRL about use / access. A permission relates to an action over an asset. This could be access 21:57:13 SimonCox: in the current documentation do you AndreaPerego see opportunity for improving the wording? 21:57:40 should dcat also refer to dct:accessRights ? 21:58:06 q+ 21:58:13 SimonCox: potentially you are proposing that dct:accessRights be mentioned in the DCAT doc 21:58:18 q- 21:58:21 ack Makx 21:59:30 will do this in the next couple of days 21:59:46 must go, bye! 21:59:48 hope to have an answer by next week 21:59:56 bye, NicholasCar ! 22:00:13 ACTION: Makx to clarify the expections of ODRL about the use of ODRL in the contect of dct:license 22:00:13 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 22:00:21 Is IRC already linked to the action tracker? 22:00:36 Nope. 22:00:51 q+ 22:01:10 ok thanks see ou next time 22:01:28 bye bye 22:01:28 bye & thanks! 22:01:33 present- 22:01:43 thanks, and bye 22:01:57 Action: AndreaPerego to verify if changes to documentation of use of dct:license and dct:rights are needed 22:01:57 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 22:02:03 q- 22:02:22 Action: AndreaPerego to consider if dct:accessRights should be inlcuded in DCAT 22:02:22 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 22:02:53 Action: SimonCox to add some notes to #114 pointing to this discussion, so aisaac can get caught up on the discussion 22:02:53 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 22:03:13 rrsagent draft minutes 22:03:23 rrsagent: draft minutes 22:03:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/02/28-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox 22:03:50 rrsagent, make logs public 22:04:20 rrsagent: draft minutes 22:04:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/02/28-dxwgdcat-minutes.html SimonCox 22:04:56 bye 22:05:32 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.02.28 22:05:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:05:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/02/28-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:07:47 s/rrsagent draft minutes// 22:08:04 s/rrsagent: draft minutes// 22:08:05 s/rrsagent: draft minutes// 22:08:07 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:08:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/02/28-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:15:53 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 22:30:59 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 22:37:30 arminhal_ has joined #dxwgdcat 22:58:31 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat