16:54:21 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 16:54:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/01/30-pbg-irc 16:54:22 rrsagent, set log public 16:54:22 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 16:54:22 Chair: liisa 16:54:22 Date: 2018-01-30 16:54:22 Regrets+ jkamata 16:54:22 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Jan/0032.html 16:54:22 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-01-30: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2018Jan/0032.html 16:56:10 Avneesh has joined #pbg 16:57:12 laudrain has joined #pbg 16:57:19 George has joined #pbg 16:58:20 present+ George 16:58:44 present+ Luc 16:59:02 rkwright has joined #pbg 16:59:12 present+ wolfgang 16:59:43 present+ 17:00:01 mateus has joined #pbg 17:00:02 liisamk has joined #pbg 17:00:12 present+ 17:00:53 present+ 17:01:18 present+ 17:01:36 present+ dauwhe 17:02:01 present+ 17:02:05 One can only have one GTM running at a time. Laurent was using EDRLab's license for a planning meeting. 17:02:11 present+ 17:02:29 present+ Karen 17:03:07 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 17:03:10 present+ 17:03:20 present+ Garth 17:03:23 Juli_Calderazi has joined #pbg 17:03:23 garth has joined #pbg 17:03:25 liisamk_ has joined #pbg 17:03:30 present+ Garth 17:03:34 present+ 17:04:32 scribenick: Karen 17:04:41 I was about to volunteer but took to long... :-) 17:04:46 Liisa: let's get started 17:04:49 Next time... 17:04:52 ...by talking about the new business group task forces 17:05:00 ...Link here 17:05:06 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jpw0KA9StAnWZAaIMqnITmdSOchIZeQIvphX5AmAulg/edit 17:05:26 ...it was suggested last week that we edit this document to put these TFs in a different order 17:05:35 ...order by what we are going to do; how we are going to do it 17:05:45 ...we made space in this document for members to start signing up 17:05:56 ...our suggestion that we continue to have people email the entire BG with the TF work 17:06:02 ...but actually use the email tag on these emails 17:06:08 ...how do people feel about that? 17:06:13 q+ 17:06:14 q+ 17:06:19 ack Wolfgang 17:06:27 Wolfgang: sounds good to have these emails 17:06:34 ...to all of us so we are informed what is going on 17:06:36 +1 to the email plan 17:06:40 ...and to quickly fill out what is interesting to us 17:06:49 ack Karen 17:06:57 s/fill/filter/ 17:07:03 Cristina: we can volunteer and put our name in the list? 17:07:09 Liisa: yes, please; put your name on the list 17:07:20 cristina has joined #pbg 17:07:32 present+ 17:08:38 Karen: you may also want to consider a conference call or short webinar about onboarding folks into what BG and the task forces are doing and how to particpate/engage 17:08:56 Liisa: thanks for that feedback; I'll take that back to the co-chairs 17:09:05 ...please put your last names in; will do that with the group leads as well 17:09:25 ...Let's talk about proposal for the new PBG Steering Committee 17:09:45 ...we talked about the PBG SC becoming an oversight body for the various groups 17:09:51 ...some of these may not be long-lived 17:10:00 ...or others working on the work somewhere else, or within W3C generally 17:10:07 q+ 17:10:08 ...did not want people to feel that they had to join the SC 17:10:18 ...proposal was on the invite you received for this meeting 17:10:27 ...has everyone had a chance to review this? 17:10:39 ...is this an acceptable process and good to get people off the ground? 17:10:42 ack BillM 17:10:51 BillM: may I offer a procedural comment? 17:10:59 ...We are not proposing to change the charter of the BG 17:11:10 ...even though we are changing the SC to be a slate this group elects 17:11:18 ...we want to leave charter as is; this is part experiment 17:11:39 ...and part of IDPF and W3C agreement and in the TPI period to keep things within that 17:11:47 ...it's electing a SC but co-chairs have put forth a slate 17:11:56 ...but it does not rule out someone else who wants to run 17:12:11 ...maybe next we change the committee so that the SC becomes a coordination group and not elected 17:12:15 ...but we are not proposing that right now 17:12:22 ...wanted to cover and make it clear it's an election 17:12:28 ...because we are not changing the charter 17:12:33 Liisa: thank you, Bill 17:12:39 ...no one is on the queue; any thoughts here? 17:12:39 Brian has joined #pbg 17:12:44 BillK: I can move to elect the slate 17:12:51 Liisa: anyone want to second that? 17:13:02 Garth: BillK made the motion and I am happy to second 17:13:14 BillM: I think that people on the slate should not make the motions 17:13:19 q+ 17:13:29 Liisa: Anyone not on the slate want to make a motion? 17:13:32 q+ 17:13:33 ack Tzviya 17:13:34 Tzviya: I'm on the slate 17:13:53 ...not to be pickey; but I think that votes are a call for consensus at W3C 17:13:58 ...that's how things work 17:14:05 Garth: is that required for BG 17:14:07 q+ 17:14:09 q+ 17:14:14 ack dau 17:14:17 ack Karen 17:15:07 ack BillM 17:15:17 Karen: this is different from usual W3C process 17:15:23 ...I defer to Bill 17:15:33 BillM: I checked about this 17:15:48 q+ 17:15:54 ...we can do irc to accept the whole slate 17:16:04 ...or if co-chairs want to extend this beyond this meeting by email 17:16:10 ...and you have 72 hours 17:16:11 q- 17:16:13 ...to respond 17:16:18 q+ 17:16:28 ...and ask for +1's and 0's but not really counting 17:16:35 ..BG can hold the election any way it wants to 17:16:35 election should not be confined to only this call 17:16:37 ack dau 17:16:39 ack dauwhe 17:16:50 Dave: I would strongly encourage us not to decide this during the meeting 17:17:01 ...if someone who was busy today, they should have their say 17:17:06 +1 17:17:10 +1 to dauwhe 17:17:14 ...I don't want to disenfranchise the Far East due to time of day 17:17:15 +1 to Dave's proposal for 72h email call for consensus on slate as our election process 17:17:18 +1 to dauwhe 17:17:19 +1 17:17:23 +1 17:17:23 Agree with Dave 17:17:28 Liisa: so proposal is to put this slate out via email today 17:17:29 +1 to Dave's proposal 17:17:34 ...give people 72 hours to put slate out 17:17:37 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 17:17:43 ...and respond with a +1 or -1 to the slate 17:17:44 present+ 17:17:51 BillM: or 0 17:17:54 Liisa: true 17:18:15 ...to respond as they see fit to gather consensus 17:18:24 Liisa: Ivan! 17:18:26 +1 17:18:27 +1 17:18:30 +1 17:18:33 +1 17:18:33 +1 17:18:33 ...everyone agreed to move forward in that manner 17:18:38 ...that is what we will do 17:18:50 ...Bill, do you want to talk about announcement about Digital Publishing Summit Europe 17:19:01 BillM: is Laurent on the call? Prefer he does it 17:19:06 ...I failed to coordinate 17:19:07 https://www.edrlab.org/dpub-summit-2018/ 17:19:19 ...Here is the link to an event that has just been posted for registration that W3C is supporting 17:19:25 ...May 16-17 in Berlin 17:19:30 ...just after the AC meeting in Berlin 17:19:52 ...W3C has two annual meetings, TPAC in Fall and AC meeting, including TPI representatives, in the spring 17:19:57 ...includes BG members here 17:20:10 ...EDRLab is organizing a follow-on to last year's Summit this spring 17:20:13 ...you can buy a ticket now 17:20:18 ...you can inquire if you want to sponsor 17:20:26 ...W3C will have an active role with sessions and speakers 17:20:33 ...Ivan, you have been involved in program development 17:20:38 Ivan: Not too much more to add 17:20:51 ...we just had a telco and hour ago with Bill, Cristina and I and Laurent 17:20:57 BillM: the other Bill 17:20:58 Ivan: yes 17:21:08 ...there is a session that we do plan which would have direct W3C 17:21:20 ...in the sense of talking about what we do in Publishing@W3C 17:21:36 ...still talking about if we present the specific work or the activity as a whole 17:21:44 ...I think the latter will prevail 17:21:47 ...session is 90 minutes 17:21:56 ...we are also considering session from the archival community 17:22:02 ...and a separate presentation on scholarly publishing 17:22:14 ...the rest is still shaping up; still too early to go public with the program 17:22:22 ...you should all be there! 17:22:28 BillM: I encourage everyone to sign up 17:22:42 ...you can suggest yourself or others as speaker and help to shape the program 17:22:49 Topic: EPUB Check Funding 17:23:00 Liisa: We want to talk about funding approach for EPUB Check 17:23:07 ...Tzviya, can you say more about this? 17:23:24 Tzviya: Sure. You probably heard me talk about lack of developers working on EPUB Check 17:23:29 ...there have been some volunteers 17:23:38 ...Tobias @ and Roman 17:23:47 ...Roman working more on accessibility checking tool 17:23:49 ...yeah 17:23:54 ...but we are out of developers 17:23:57 s/Roman/Romain/ 17:24:09 ...We've been thinking about how to engage more developers 17:24:13 ...not a lot of people out there 17:24:29 ...even if we found that, we need someone who could act as technical leader, like the CTO of EPUB Check 17:24:29 s/Tobias @/Tobias Fischer/ 17:24:32 q+ 17:24:33 ...and we would need to pay 17:24:39 ...and we are now looking for funds 17:24:46 ...and we would look at spec and overall the site 17:24:59 ...and it's a challenging process of under documented code 17:25:02 ack BillK 17:25:16 BillK: we are talking about an immediate but limited engagement for this CTO 17:25:29 ...or are we envisioning that this person continues to be in charge of the development of EPUB Check 17:25:38 ...is it a one-time activity or an on-going need? 17:25:47 Tzviya: not a one-time, it's a short-term commitment 17:25:56 ...and we would need to figure out how long that commitment would be 17:26:24 ...Liisa suggested we talk about raising funds for the initial development to support EPUB Check; and then a second phase longer commitment to support code 17:26:32 Liisa: Co-chairs of three groups met Friday 17:26:35 ...there is immediate need 17:26:40 ...once we have EPUB Roadmap 17:26:45 ...need to determine current version 17:26:56 ...and then we need to have EPUB Check work with that version 17:27:05 ...then there is the longer-term need to rethink how the tools work 17:27:11 ...and make it easier to maintain the tools over time 17:27:20 ...the cost approximately is about $50K for the first phase 17:27:22 q+ 17:27:28 ...and possibly $100-150K for the whole thing 17:27:31 ...those are very rough numbers 17:27:39 ...back of the envelope math that Bill gave us on Friday 17:27:40 q+ 17:27:53 ...if we are asking for money, let's give people some idea of what we need to raise 17:27:55 ack BillK 17:28:02 BillK: no 17:28:03 ack Bill_Kasdorf 17:28:05 ack George 17:28:18 George: I think this community needs to oversee that development 17:28:26 ...people, organizations who committed long-term in the game 17:28:31 ...Romain is great and understands the need 17:28:43 ...if we could have a couple like him oversee the activity like him 17:28:54 ...and bring in a nose-down coder to work under his/their guidance 17:29:14 ...so once that nose-down coder goes away, we still have people who have enough knowledge of system to keep it moving forever 17:29:15 +1 to George 17:29:19 Liisa: Bill McCoy 17:29:24 ack BillM: 17:29:29 BillM: I agree with Geroge 17:29:49 s/Geroge/George/ 17:29:57 ...in the past, there was a rotating group of organizations that supported the development and management of EPUB Checker 17:29:58 q+ 17:30:03 [Bill names the companies] 17:30:11 ...four different custodians of EPUB Check along the years 17:30:19 ...would be ideal if we solve this for the oversight and funding 17:30:27 ...if we de-couple these which we did not do before 17:30:30 ack BillM 17:30:30 ack BillM 17:30:42 ...and TF in BG helps to provide the oversight and guidance 17:30:45 q+ 17:30:49 ...Don't worry about who is collecting the funds 17:30:57 q+ 17:31:04 ...whether W3C, or Readium, or DAISY, we will work that out 17:31:10 ...we are concerned with finding the funds 17:31:16 ...and then we can figure out how to take the money 17:31:20 ack Tzviya 17:31:27 Tzviya: I agree with what Bill just said 17:31:47 ...managing a project this size, a revolving door of project managers and coders causes problems 17:31:55 ...we really need someone who can make decisions 17:32:05 ack dauwhe 17:32:11 Dave: the community depends upon EPUB Check 17:32:28 ...very large companies...some have very large amounts [names dollars] in the bank 17:32:39 ...those are the organizations that should be funding this, so how do we make that happen? 17:32:42 ack Luc 17:32:48 Luc: Just following Dave 17:33:02 ...I have ask explicitly to Microsoft for funding EPUB Check 17:33:06 q- 17:33:08 ...I met them in San Francisco 17:33:16 ack laudrain 17:33:25 q+ 17:33:30 ...I explained first thing they consider is to look after EPUB Check needs and resources 17:33:34 ...I have not gotten any answer yet 17:33:38 Brian has joined #pbg 17:33:42 ack Rachel 17:34:03 Rachel: It would be easier to approach team if they could contribute funds if I had a proposal to give to them 17:34:16 ...lays out what we plan to do, why we are asking 17:34:21 ...does something like that exist? 17:34:24 Liisa: not yet 17:34:29 ...anyone else feel that would be helpful? 17:34:30 +1 to rachel's suggestion 17:34:34 Dave: absolutely 17:34:35 +1 17:34:36 q+ 17:34:41 +1 17:34:43 ...we need some kind of prospectus to say way 17:34:46 +1 17:34:54 ...and what type of sponsorship credit for doing so 17:34:57 ack BIllM 17:35:14 BillM: when Readium was developing DRM, we went around to stakeholders for interest 17:35:15 q+ 17:35:32 ...and we essentially told them we will invoice you and earmark funds for developing the spec 17:35:38 ...and give you a seat at the table 17:35:44 ...that SC did not turn out to be very effective 17:35:48 ...worked pretty well 17:35:55 ...got 8-10 companies sufficient to fund 17:36:00 ...a pattern we used at Readium Foundation 17:36:13 ...could be used here; supports what Tviya is saying 17:36:18 ...a minimum of X dollars 17:37:09 scribnick: dauwhe 17:37:25 liisamk_: do we have data on who uses epubcheck? 17:37:34 scribnick: rachel_ 17:37:56 liisamk_: Is there anyway to know how many people have downloaded it or how often it's used? 17:37:57 q+ 17:38:19 https://www.w3.org/International/sponsorship/ 17:38:22 q+ 17:38:25 ack Karen 17:38:31 tzviya: it might be possible to know who's using the website but we should ask Romain if there are any other analytics availabel 17:38:32 scribenick: Karen 17:38:46 Liisa; If we start a Google doc, could we make a list of people who might be willing to contribute 17:39:13 liisamk__ has joined #pbg 17:39:25 q? 17:39:29 Karen: I just dropped in i18n sponsor program; BillM, you may want to talk with Alan Bird. Could be a prototype 17:39:32 ack rkwright 17:39:52 rkwright: no real tracking of EPUB Checker 17:40:00 ...would have to be planned along with management tracks 17:40:11 ...and depends if people want to be tracked or avoid being tracked 17:40:15 ack laudrain 17:40:24 Luc: I think it would be good to have a Google doc where we can declare 17:40:29 ...where we can track the issues 17:40:36 ...for users, distributors using EPUB 17:40:49 q+ 17:40:53 ...as publishers I have to say we never send any EPUB that was not checked by EPUB Check, starting in 2009 17:40:55 ...we still do it now 17:41:09 ...any EPUB we receive from our suppliers or production dept. is checked through EPUB Check 17:41:21 ...we have used EPUB Check in all its versions as soon as new versions were available 17:41:24 ...that is the use we have 17:41:31 ...several ten thousand 17:41:47 ...more than 50K EPUBs for our group that we are distributing 17:41:51 ...that's an idea of the size 17:41:56 Liisa: BillK 17:41:59 ack BillK 17:42:06 ack Bill_Kasdorf 17:42:20 BillK: many publishers won't proceed without running EPUB 17:42:34 s/publishers/aggregators 17:42:38 I totally agree with Bill K. 17:42:40 ...Ingram, GooglePlay, could give aggregate numbers that cross multiple publishers 17:42:54 Liisa: I think first step is effort to collect names of people we know 17:42:55 s/EPUB/EPUB Check/ 17:43:03 BillK: people who are receiving EPUBs 17:43:20 ...we receive x million per year that have EPUB Check, from hundreds of thousands of publishers 17:43:25 ...rather than a few publishers who use it 17:43:28 https://validator.w3.org 17:43:30 ...don't disagree that that is ok 17:43:38 ...but people receiving EPUB is the place to look 17:43:44 Liisa: I agree; make lists of everybody 17:43:51 ...retailers, distributors, publishres 17:44:00 ... helps to prioritize where we go 17:44:06 ...anything else to say on the EPUB Check funding? 17:44:10 q+ 17:44:13 ...before moving on to frequency and timing of meetings 17:44:20 Cristina: I was thinking about the people 17:44:22 s/hundreds of thousands/hundreds or thousands 17:44:25 ...more than the funding 17:44:32 ...Brunelli 17:44:34 q? 17:44:39 ...has possible knowledge, no idea if he has interest 17:44:55 ...I could pass along his info to Tzviya if you think that would be useful 17:44:56 q+ 17:45:01 ack Tzviya 17:45:08 Tzviya: Rachel's idea is good 17:45:11 To clarify, I was suggesting getting those large aggregate numbers not to recruit specific sponsors but to make the case in the sponsorship document for how important it is. 17:45:11 ...for a prospectus 17:45:15 ...is it too soon? 17:45:25 Liisa: good idea, but should also be linked to the roadmap 17:45:35 Tzviya: ok, I'm happy to help with that when we are ready 17:45:38 ack Brian 17:45:50 Brian: I was going to suggest with respect to list you want to compile 17:45:58 ...we are doing an effort on ONYX 3 17:46:04 q+ 17:46:12 s/ONYX/ONIX/ 17:46:13 ...we have created a map of users; I can share that list if you think it would be of value 17:46:24 ack dauwhe 17:46:37 Dave: why doesn't W3C take over EPUB Check the way it does the validator 17:46:42 BillM: I can respond 17:46:45 ...that is not out of the question 17:46:56 ...but at the moment there is a chicken and the egg problem 17:47:03 Cristina has joined #pbg 17:47:05 ...the TPI and full member numbers are lower 17:47:13 ...so there is a lack of funding 17:47:25 ...before DAISY did the heavy lifting, thank you, George 17:47:33 ...the HTML validator was provided by donated development 17:47:44 ...the checker uses the HTML5 validator; a more complicated problem 17:47:56 ...not completely out of question, but we would need kick-start funding 17:48:07 ...and maybe split the baby to have W3C actively manage it 17:48:13 ...but W3C does not have the funds 17:48:24 Dave: or have someone sponsor someone as a W3C Fellow 17:48:30 +1 to what BillM said: W3C could manage it but not develop it... 17:48:32 BillM: yes, that is in scope 17:48:46 ...there is a W3C program for Fellow; requires 50% of someone's time 17:49:02 ...W3C is not averse to doing projects in the ecosystem it is serving and that falls into this bucket 17:49:05 ...that is another option 17:49:38 Liisa: there is question of time frame for this call 17:49:45 ...how do people feel about this? 17:49:48 q+ 17:49:49 +1 17:49:50 +1 17:49:51 ...continue bi-weekly on this time slot? 17:49:54 +1 17:49:58 +1 17:50:04 George: is this the whole Publishing BG or the Steering Committee? 17:50:09 +1 on PBG time slot 17:50:15 Liisa: this is the Publishing BG time slot 17:50:16 ack Garth 17:50:24 +1 on biweekly meeting 17:50:24 Garth: as a standing meeting, that makes sense 17:50:31 ...but we should have an agenda out beforehand 17:50:39 ...and if it's empty day beforehand, we cancel 17:50:41 +1 Garth 17:50:42 q+ 17:50:42 +1 to garth 17:50:59 ack Karen 17:51:01 karen: this doesn't work for asia and australia 17:51:02 q+ 17:51:13 ... unless there are task forces 17:51:24 Karen: this time is a barrier for Asia 17:51:32 ack dauwhe 17:51:37 Dave: CSS has this problem 17:51:48 ...first call is done at Australia friendly time 17:51:52 ...and that has worked fairly well 17:51:58 ...it gives everyone to get in 17:52:06 ...and we adjust agendas based on who is likely to be on the call 17:52:11 EPUB WG used to do this as well 17:52:21 +1 17:52:23 +1 17:52:24 +1 17:52:24 +1 17:52:25 +1 17:52:26 -1 17:52:26 +1, let us try it 17:52:27 +1 17:52:28 +1 17:52:28 Liisa: how do people feel about first call of month is at noon ET and second call of month is 7:00pm ET 17:52:33 ...can people +1 in irc 17:52:37 +1 17:52:43 Luc: that is very late for Europe 17:52:45 maybe we should ask feedback from all members in email, not just those who were here at this time today (ipso facto those for whom this time was bad aren't likely to be on this call) 17:52:53 Liisa: so why don't we try that 17:53:00 ...and we will get invites updated 17:53:19 ...Ivan and Luc get a vacation; we'll try to schedule the agendas accordingly 17:53:24 ...anybody have anything else for today? 17:53:30 good meeting 17:53:37 ...ok, giving you back 7 minutes of your day 17:53:43 ...thank you everyone for participating 17:53:58 ok! 17:53:59 ...we will get the SC slate out by email 17:53:59 bye! 17:54:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:54:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/30-pbg-minutes.html Karen 17:54:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:54:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/30-pbg-minutes.html ivan