21:02:24 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 21:02:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-irc 21:03:11 rrsagent, make logs public 21:03:26 present+ 21:03:46 present+ 21:03:51 present+ 21:04:35 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 21:04:44 present+ 21:05:41 scribenick: DaveBrowning 21:06:48 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:06:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 21:07:59 scribe nick: DaveBrowning_ 21:08:04 scribenick: DaveBrowning_ 21:08:07 regrets: Makx Dekkers 21:08:20 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:08:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 21:09:11 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 21:09:19 present+ AndreaPerego 21:09:28 Today's meeting page: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.01.24 21:10:12 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.01.24 21:10:17 chair: Alejandra 21:10:33 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwgdcat 21:11:31 alejandra: Proposed agenda at the link, but if we need to change it we can 21:11:56 Approval of last week's minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/01/17-dxwgdcat-minutes.htm 21:12:08 s/Approval of last week's minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/01/17-dxwgdcat-minutes.htm// 21:12:12 Approval of last week's minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/01/17-dxwgdcat-minutes.html 21:12:23 +1 21:12:27 +1 21:12:31 +1 21:12:32 +1 21:12:46 +1 21:13:15 resolved 21:13:29 present+ 21:13:33 resolved: last week's minutes approved 21:13:34 resolved: Approval of last weeks minutes 21:14:01 s/resolved: last week's minutes approved// 21:14:04 Github issue tracker: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues 21:14:21 topic: DCAT subgroup operation 21:14:33 alejandra: Has been discussion of routing GitHub issues to email list 21:14:57 ... notifications are already available by watching the repository 21:15:31 DaveBrowning_: I've been seeing the notifications coming through 21:16:22 alejandra: Simon has sent a pull request, and some updates that we can use as an example 21:17:39 PWinstanley: Should be able to demo via webex.... (discussion of detail) 21:18:52 trackbot has joined #dxwgdcat 21:20:53 PWinstanley_ has joined #dxwgdcat 21:20:58 present+ 21:21:54 alejandra: 21:23:20 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat 21:23:35 ... modifications starts by creating branch, and update as needed 21:25:50 ... use of skis:editorialnote for audit purpose 21:25:59 s/skis/skos 21:26:08 s/skis/skos/ 21:27:18 +1 to using pull requests 21:27:19 q+ 21:27:35 ack PWinstanley_ 21:27:37 ack PWinstanley_ 21:27:46 +1 to pull requests 21:30:34 PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat 21:30:34 +1 to use the pull request and to give some degree of freedom to the editors in case of trivial decision ;) 21:30:40 DaveBrowning_: I think that the general approach works 21:30:41 present+ 21:30:53 ... we can work with a degree of freedom 21:30:53 q+ 21:31:01 ... we need to be careful on how to move forward 21:31:20 ... more complicated situation when something touches multiple requirements 21:31:27 ack PWinstanley 21:32:13 PWinstanley: Concern that the project is very spread out , and we need to bring things together (condense/consolidate) 21:32:24 ... rather than letting get too fine graine 21:32:33 s/graine/grained/ 21:32:46 q+ 21:32:54 ack arminhaller 21:33:48 arminhaller: wiki pages have worked well, especially if there was an need for diagrams - used to drive agreement in the weekly meeting 21:34:57 alejandra: Idea/intention was to try to stay within GitHub/small number of channels rather than spread it wider 21:36:04 arminhaller: W3C has previously implied that it desired to have stuff safe stored outside github 21:36:46 alejandra: The idea to forward actions through mailing list will create a copy 21:37:16 q+ to ask about GitHub permissions 21:37:48 ack DaveBrowning_ 21:37:48 DaveBrowning_, you wanted to ask about GitHub permissions 21:39:17 alejandra: Everyone can add issues, fork the repository (make copy into own area) 21:39:53 ... can request merges, but can't do them - they need to be contributors 21:41:33 ... probably need to ask Dave Raggett to add 21:43:18 +1 to PR #94 21:43:59 topic: Revision of tags 21:44:38 alejandra: Important to be able to group the requirements so we can handle them in the appropriate collections 21:45:07 ... need to revise/review the tags that exist, We need to classify the requirements for our purposes 21:45:30 +1 to assigning 21:45:48 q+ 21:45:56 ack AndreaPerego 21:46:56 AndreaPerego: If we want separate people to look at the groups we need to make sure the clusting is right 21:46:58 21:47:08 s/clusting/clustering/ 21:47:21 +1 to AndreaPerego 's comments 21:48:31 alejandra: There already is some form of clustering in the 'section heads' of the requirements list - and start from there 21:50:04 AndreaPerego: There may be some requirements that need more general changes to DCAT that need more co-ordination across the people working 21:51:24 alejandra: If we do some analysis and come back together next week to discussion if this is working, and any changes we can make (if we haven't discussed via GitHub) 21:51:34 +1 21:51:40 +1 21:51:47 +1 21:51:49 +1 21:51:52 +1 21:52:30 I candidate my self for quality 21:53:49 Resolved: Split up requirements across attendees today and review/revise tagging 21:53:57 i can do semantics 21:55:01 DaveBrowning_: I can do distributions and relationships 21:55:05 ale 21:55:20 s/my self/myself 21:55:30 alejandra: I can do identification 21:56:15 please assign versioning 21:56:17 PWinstanley: Happy to do anything left 21:57:02 alejandra: aim is to revise tags, revise comments 21:57:16 identification requirements that I will check: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Arequirement+label%3Adcat+label%3Aidentification+ 21:58:13 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:58:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-minutes.html alejandra 21:58:14 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:58:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning_ 21:58:34 Thanks for chairing and for the discussion... 21:58:54 bye! 21:58:58 Bye! 21:59:01 thanks. bye!! 21:59:11 thanks, and bye! 21:59:13 bye 22:00:04 meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 22:00:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:00:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/24-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:39:09 arminhal_ has joined #dxwgdcat 23:34:56 arminhaller has joined #dxwgdcat