18:05:52 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:05:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/01/08-aria-apg-irc 18:06:07 rrsagent, make log world 18:06:15 Meeting: ARIA APG TF 18:06:41 present+ matt_king 18:06:45 present+ 18:06:48 present+ AnnAbbott 18:06:49 present+ 18:06:51 agenda link https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/January-8%2C-2018-Meeting 18:07:07 present+ Bryan Garaventa 18:07:24 rrsagent, make minutes 18:07:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/08-aria-apg-minutes.html mck 18:08:17 present+ JaeunJemmaku 18:08:34 scribe: AnnAbbott 18:09:08 rrsagent, make minutes 18:09:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/01/08-aria-apg-minutes.html jemma 18:10:30 present+ JobVanAchterberg 18:11:13 sirib has joined #aria-apg 18:11:28 present+ ShirishaBalusani 18:12:45 TOPIC: 2018 Priorities and planning 18:13:34 mck: any input on use of GitHub? Send to Matt... 18:13:49 mck: any ideas on doing things differently? 18:14:16 mck: please share if anything comes up 18:14:44 mck: high level priorities as task force 18:15:06 mck: change discussed at TPAC 18:15:37 mck: ARIA WG changes - we'll be developing in tandem 18:16:12 mck; our role = help authors and help ATs be on same page 18:16:43 mck: will have affect on way we do things as spec contains more than APG 18:17:12 mck: more than one branch under development at a time plus probably more 18:17:27 mck: plus support development of ARIA 1.2 18:18:08 mck: last 2 years devoted to getting first APG 1.1 release 18:19:03 mck: need to work with ATs to get high quality support 18:19:29 mck: how well different patterns are supported by browsers/ATs 18:20:32 mck: APG examples are canonical examples so changes need to be orchestrated with browsers and ATs 18:20:53 mck: maybe regression test suite going forward 18:21:23 mck: also massive backlog for roles missing 18:23:28 bg: totally agrees 18:24:03 bg: especially difference between grid handling 18:24:23 mck: yes, differences between ARIA versions 18:26:52 mck: combo box is one where difference is addressed 18:27:29 bg: just make sure to call out differences if they exist and why they exist 18:29:16 aa: do we have list of contacts for ATs and browsers? 18:31:30 mck: yes, have for all major ATs and browsers 18:32:07 aa: where does this list live? 18:32:12 can people hear me or not? 18:32:25 mck: all are members of ARIA WG 18:35:18 aa: could leverage my past experience with ATs and browsers to get things fixed 18:36:24 mck: mobile needs more focus 18:36:33 both iOS and Andriod 18:36:53 aa: maybe involve Paul Adam? 18:37:18 bg: scripting may be cause 18:38:08 mck: focus on ARIA implementation for mobile 18:40:27 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Member/List#xP 18:41:05 http://pauljadam.com/demos.html 18:42:05 mck: working on getting contractors to work with APG 18:43:07 aa: risky to leave mobile out because of vast adoption 18:43:47 bg: does lots of mobile web testing due to extensive usage ARIA usage 18:44:40 bg: also hybrid (mobile+web) 18:45:32 bg: some areas not widely supported by mobile 18:47:34 mck: should be handled by 'accessibility object model' (AOM) 18:48:26 mck: need to create scope going forward - will add and look for feedback from group 18:49:01 aa: need a date picker! 18:51:11 jn: not trivial due to background dependencies 18:52:35 mck: starting next week will promote agenda items 18:52:50 jg: will help code date picker