Steering Committee Ad-Hoc meeting — 2017-12-01

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Steering Committee Ad-Hoc meeting — Minutes

Date: 2017-12-01

See also the Agenda and the IRC Log


Present: Cristina Mussinelli, Rick Johnson, Avneesh Singh, Bill Kasdorf, Luc Audrain, Ivan Herman, Tzviya Siegman, Paul Belfanti, Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Graham Bell, Michael Baker, Garth Conboy, Jun-ichi Yoshii, Leslie Hulse, Dave Cramer



Chair: Cristina Mussinelli

Scribe(s): Luc Audrain


Paul Belfanti:

Cristina Mussinelli: google doc completed with Avneesh and George proposal of activities
… looking at the doc

Avneesh Singh: briefing
… describe the activities in the google doc
… 6 main activity goals
… for starting points to compare with charter

Paul Belfanti: Proposed Agenda for BGSC Call on 12/1: - Discuss the role of the SC vs. the roles of Group Chairs - Determine whether we should continue with the SC for another year and what size of group makes sense - Discuss whether we can bring our “focus” to the key areas that were identified in the last call (or whether these aren’t “right” or complete): o Communicating the needs of the industry to the W3C o Communication[CUT]

Bill Kasdorf: I didn’t get the agenda

Cristina Mussinelli: Tzviya agenda for all groups

Cristina Mussinelli: discussion on the document for the goal we want to achieve

Bill Kasdorf: +1 to Liisa

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: role of the SC, for another year? first

Ivan Herman: concerned going down into the activities, because confused on the role of this group
… we need some order around us

Tzviya Siegman: +1000 to Ivan

Bill Kasdorf: how do we function is first

Paul Belfanti: defining the role of this group, the list of activities has to be guided

Garth Conboy: consider the SC as the IDPF board, and the BG as the IDPF members
… real W3C supports, chairs of the SC working more closely with Bill
… key to get Bill back to the kind of job he did for IDPF
… executive director type person to be Bill, soon

Rick Johnson: sorry to have been gone
… Do we have reasons for this group working differently from other W3C groups?

Ivan Herman: +1 RickJ

Rick Johnson: if yes, why? Looking at having a BG with tasks and responsible parties for these tasks to coordinate

Bill Kasdorf: +1 to Rick

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: only reason came to trying to build a good community in the W3C for people without skill and money to contribute as usually in W3C
… give people interested in the BG value

Tzviya Siegman: agree with both. The BG more involved in the W3C
… what is missing is who is in charge
… who chairs and make the decision to where to go forward
… today make decision about that goal and forward

Bill Kasdorf: also agree with both, but connect to the election of the SC
… maybe a role(?) base more than an election based
… natural creation of leadership, BillM as leader, prioritization of activities
… organize the leadership

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: current chairs of the different group in a call to share concerns
… and another community to balance
… on top the chairs plus some more

Ivan Herman: we do need a very small group 2 or 3 co-chairs plus BillM for practical things and high level drive
… as it works for the WG

Bill Kasdorf: +1 to what Ivan just said

Ivan Herman: we should add that core to lead this

Cristina Mussinelli: looking as the IDPF and other org, easy way without real structure
… coordination inside a small group
… today to many call and we don’t the goal
… agree with Ivan, but what is the role of other member of the SC?
… what about the agreement signed with W3C?

Bill Kasdorf: I think the size of the steering committee should be dependent on who leads various activities

Garth Conboy: now SC elected

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: +1 to putting together a slate of proposed

Garth Conboy: agree with Liisa proposal

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: +1001 to Bill and staff support to drive

Ivan Herman: +1 to Avneesh

Avneesh Singh: TF structure as structure of the SC?

Ivan Herman: +1, strong management, leader of the TF, others co-chairs
… what election would bring?

Bill Kasdorf: +1 to Ivan: leadership should be based on people who want to be active, not election

Ivan Herman: with regular calls
… and the group would have their calls scheduled on their own

Garth Conboy: election is established by the merger

Ivan Herman: for life?

Garth Conboy: for 2 years, need BillM input on that

Cristina Mussinelli: right, but how can we choose those people?

Ivan Herman: for the TF?

Bill Kasdorf: BG growing but work to be done in TF, with report to the whole group

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: For Garth, BillM agreement for election, but until February
… some time before volunteer for TF leadership model

Ivan Herman: volunteer for SC should volunteer for a TF

BiilK: people should take some particular activity

Cristina Mussinelli: Elections, how many people
… how to choose the chairs?

Garth Conboy: SC with people doing active things

Ivan Herman: we’ve absolute freedom for the size of the SC

Cristina Mussinelli: do we agree SC will remain with fewer number, with people managing TF, and ask BillM for any detail
… do we agree with that?

Ivan Herman: back to the list, should be disclose to the group and the election mechanism
… asking for volunteers of certain posts
… that list should be the guiding
… some people volunteer to co-chair

Tzviya Siegman: one thing: a decision on who chairs this group?

Cristina Mussinelli: check the agreements and speak to BillM about new elections

Garth Conboy: q

Dave Cramer: having a smaller SC to make progress with fewer calls

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: I volunteer to take a bigger role, but wait for BillM back

Bill Kasdorf: I second the nomination of Liisa to be our fearless leader

Luc Audrain: +1

Ivan Herman: in this period it means chairing both SC and BG

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: +1 to Tzviya’s comment- I can’t do it alone

Paul Belfanti: ok to continue to support plans but with more clarity on all roles

Garth Conboy: BillM back next week, Paul, Cristina, Liisa, better understanding with him

Cristina Mussinelli: +1 garth

Garth Conboy: that group talk together

Ivan Herman: first is who will contact BillM?

Garth Conboy: Liisa?

Liisa McCloy-Kelley: next week

Cristina Mussinelli: I can do it

Garth Conboy: with help from Paul and Cristina

Ivan Herman: happy to be around if needed

Garth Conboy: EPUB 3.0.2:

Garth Conboy: Work for an EPUB3.0.2 proposal

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