20:43:42 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:43:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2017/11/14-dxwg-irc 20:55:05 Caroline has joined #DXWG 20:57:19 rrsagent, make logs public 20:58:31 Makx has joined #dxwg 20:59:06 present+ 20:59:21 present+ 21:00:26 Present+ 21:01:51 roba has joined #dxwg 21:03:34 annette_g has joined #dxwg 21:03:39 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 21:03:46 present+ 21:04:01 present+ annette_g 21:04:51 alejandra has joined #dxwg 21:05:18 Ixchel has joined #dxwg 21:05:20 present + Ixchel 21:05:36 present+ Ixchel 21:05:59 present+ 21:06:59 scribenick: kcoyle 21:07:37 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.11.14 21:07:47 Topic: approve minutes of November 7 21:07:56 https://www.w3.org/2017/11/07-dxwg-minutes 21:08:05 present+ 21:08:37 +1 21:08:41 +1 21:08:42 +1 21:08:49 looks good 21:08:53 +1 21:08:59 +1 21:08:59 q? 21:09:10 I seem to be missing from the presence3 list in the day one minutes 21:09:37 Makx, we are approving the minutes of November 7th now 21:09:38 sorry that is on 9 Nov minutes, not on 7 Nov 21:09:48 RESOLVED: approve minutes of November 7 21:10:01 yes 21:10:26 TOPIC: f2f review 21:12:06 scribe: Caroline 21:12:26 annette_g: except versioning we got through everything on the agenda 21:12:50 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:13:00 present+ AndreaPerego 21:13:33 ... update through all the requirements 21:13:58 ok - can scribe now.. 21:14:11 scribenick: roba 21:14:13 scribenick: roba 21:14:58 kcoyle: had updated spreadsheet with resolution outcomes.. 21:16:05 I have an action to transcribe back to github doc once groupings and next version ready... eta? 21:16:18 yes 21:16:24 We now need the spreadsheet info moved into the main document 21:16:24 here the link for the minutes of Nov 9th https://www.w3.org/2017/11/09-dxwg-minutes 21:16:36 and that document should be ready for first public working draft 21:17:04 OK - will do tomorrow 21:17:15 roba - must be processed before dec. 13 21:17:20 +q 21:17:26 ack alejandra 21:17:42 q? 21:17:51 q+ 21:17:52 alejandra: what is process for FWD? 21:18:33 Caroline: when we approve we give community opportunity to comment - still a draft however 21:19:14 At least two of us are missing from the present list, me and Makx. 21:19:26 ...we editors assess comments - bring back non-trivial issues to group 21:19:54 ack kcoyle 21:20:00 ...comments first, then we can go on with other improvements 21:20:40 q+ 21:21:13 kcoyle: deadline of Dec 13, but W3C hoops first time doc in system - group internal deadline therefore Nov 28th 21:21:54 ACTION: UCR team to bring draft to group by Nov 28th. 21:21:55 Error finding 'UCR'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:22:19 https://www.w3.org/2006/02/lc-comments-tracker/68239/ 21:22:32 ACTION: roba UCR team to bring draft to group by Nov 28th. 21:22:34 Created ACTION-58 - Ucr team to bring draft to group by nov 28th. [on Rob Atkinson - due 2017-11-21]. 21:23:34 q+ 21:23:42 ack Caroline 21:23:45 ack roba 21:23:52 q+ 21:24:51 ack kcoyle 21:25:23 roba: should not be doing content - so should be just transcribing and cleaning up 21:25:46 kcoyle: may need to excise requirements for profiles at this stage 21:25:50 q+ 21:26:10 ack roba 21:27:05 q+ 21:27:14 ack kcoyle 21:27:19 +1 to roba. Profile reqs can be marked as drafts / to be revised (maybe also adding a note in the UCR document). 21:27:50 roba: profiles tie the different deliverables together - taking it out may leave overall picture incomplete and incoherent 21:27:52 just to clarify, I misspoke earlier when I said it was versioning that we didn't finish. 21:28:18 kcoyle: has a draft rewrite - may be able to put these in with caveats highlighted 21:28:37 thank you for clarifying annette_g 21:30:24 annette_g: are requirements 'rejected' to go in doc? 21:30:40 s/annette_g/ixchel 21:31:19 * can someone put link to google docs in here (changed computer - havent found bookmark yet :-( ) 21:31:34 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/55 21:31:40 q+ 21:31:49 ack annette_g 21:31:53 here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16JmtNCz_aCWtTCSntriDWLvyPY2x-Y9dZFhAHFl55r0/edit#gid=0 21:32:05 * ta 21:32:22 s/* ta/ 21:34:45 kcoyle: what diod we decide on UC to do with qualified forms (q to andrea) 21:35:29 s/diod/did 21:37:12 * AndreaPerego - sorry cant hear this clearly enough to summarise - can you fill in please... 21:39:59 AndreaPerego: is a general issue, UC were specific examples 21:41:49 ...relationships between datasets and related resources .. will try to come up with clearer examples for a more general extension mechanism 21:42:45 https://www.w3.org/2017/11/09-dxwg-minutes 21:42:48 ACTION: AndreaPerego to write up a general case for requirements 6.27 and 6.28 21:42:49 Created ACTION-59 - Write up a general case for requirements 6.27 and 6.28 [on Andrea Perego - due 2017-11-21]. 21:43:07 +0 21:43:17 can we vote to approve conditional on adding me and Makx as present? 21:43:23 I am not on the presence list 21:43:49 PROPOSED: approve minutes of 9 November 21:43:49 I'm missing both days 21:44:16 rest is ok 21:44:43 RESOLVED: approve minutes of nov 9, noting need to update presence list 21:45:08 q+ 21:45:14 ack kcoyle 21:46:42 karen, you scribed some 21:46:46 I did a tiny bit 21:47:19 +1 21:47:39 +1 updating the scribes and presence list 21:47:50 +1 with those updates 21:47:53 +1 21:47:55 +1 21:48:06 RESOLVED: approve minutes of nov 9, noting need to update presence list 21:48:07 +0 21:48:27 PROSED: approve minutes of 10 november https://www.w3.org/2017/11/10-dxwg-minutes 21:48:47 s/PROSED/PROPOSED 21:48:52 +1 21:48:55 +1 21:49:01 +1 updating the scribes and presence 21:49:02 +1 21:49:05 +1 21:49:33 RESOLVED: approve minutes of nov 10, noting need to update presence list 21:50:28 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/49 21:50:47 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/54 21:51:43 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:52:04 s/* AndreaPerego - sorry cant hear this clearly enough to summarise - can you fill in please.../AndreaPerego: The issue was on whether the reqs were about new terms to be defined in DCAT, or rather providing BPs on the use of existing vocabularies. It was the latter, and the action on me was to revise the reqs to make this explicit./ 21:54:27 kcoyle: close action-55 and create more specific one 21:54:35 Makx has joined #dxwg 21:55:21 Q+ 21:55:28 ack kcoyle 21:56:22 kcoyle: requirements for DCAT now largely available - need to formulate DCAT group 21:56:44 q? 21:56:44 q+ 21:56:48 ack roba 21:57:38 q+ 21:58:05 ack DaveBrowning 21:58:10 roba: do we go back to original volunteer group or formulate from current active participants? 21:58:27 dsr: ask question again 21:58:29 q+ 21:58:46 s/dsr/DaveBrowning 21:58:55 ... do via email list 21:59:05 ack Makx 21:59:07 +1 to DaveBrowning 21:59:35 * sorry Dave! 21:59:47 s/* sorry Dave! 22:00:15 Dave is not a unique I’d.... 22:00:25 +1 22:00:28 +1 22:00:29 +1 22:00:31 +1 to putting out to list 22:00:36 +1 22:00:42 +1 22:01:03 Thanks, and bye! 22:01:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:01:24 rrsagent, please create minutes 22:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/14-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 22:01:25 ACTION: kcoyle put call out for DCAT group to email list 22:01:27 Created ACTION-60 - Put call out for dcat group to email list [on Karen Coyle - due 2017-11-21]. 22:01:34 bye! 22:01:43 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:01:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:03:29 meetin: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 22:03:50 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.11.14#Admin 22:03:54 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.11.14 22:04:15 regrets+ Ruben, Lars, Jaroslav 22:04:25 chair: Caroline 22:05:07 s/meetin: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference/meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference/ 22:05:12 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:05:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:07:40 scribe: Rob 22:07:40 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:07:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/14-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego