IRC log of fx on 2017-11-07
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 19:59:46 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #fx
- 19:59:46 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 20:00:07 [dbaron]
- [note there's a bit of backlog prior to the RRSAgent-recorded log that's on ]
- 20:00:09 [chrishtr]
- topic:
- 20:00:20 [chrishtr]
- topic:
- 20:00:25 [chrishtr]
- github:
- 20:01:12 [chrishtr]
- trchen:showing example of isolation:isolate parent with two 3d children with different z coordiante
- 20:01:15 [chrishtr]
- coordinate
- 20:03:02 [chrishtr]
- smfr: ED spec says that if the parent has content in its plane, then:
- 20:03:25 [chrishtr]
- smfr: in the same way that negative z-index children paint in front of the stacking context's background, but behind its foreground
- 20:04:40 [chrishtr]
- smfr: a natural extension to 3D is that the background of the parent is painted, then the "Foreground" content is a plane which is intersected with 3D child planes before flattening
- 20:05:39 [chrishtr]
- smfr: all content with any z-index is drawn together into the same plane
- 20:05:52 [chrishtr]
- smfr: all content without any 3D, that is
- 20:06:13 [chrishtr]
- trchen: then an element with preserve-3d will extend the 3d context to the parent
- 20:06:53 [chrishtr]
- smfr: it's common for sites to have a "card flip animation" effect in their UX. it looks wrong if that card intersects the background of the container, and maybe also the foreground
- 20:07:05 [chrishtr]
- smfr: so the proposal here might have compat problems
- 20:07:55 [chrishtr]
- smfr: alternate possibility is that the depth component is simply dropped and transforms become a "paint effect" that changes the output of its content
- 20:08:43 [chrishtr]
- trchen: chromium currently does the paint effect thing
- 20:09:03 [chrishtr]
- marakow: not sure about edge behavior with an example. card-flip cases had compat issue in the path
- 20:09:04 [chrishtr]
- past
- 20:09:41 [chrishtr]
- smfr: we need to do testing and choose based on compat concerns
- 20:10:12 [chrishtr]
- smfr: if you really want sorting of any kind with 3D transforms, use preserve-3d, otherwise we need to do something reasonable for compat
- 20:11:03 [chrishtr]
- trchen: flattening is really very related to stacking context, so it's hard to define things
- 20:12:13 [chrishtr]
- trchen: all elements have a screen transform matrix of some kind
- 20:12:52 [florian]
- florian has joined #fx
- 20:14:22 [chrishtr]
- smfr: isolation implies flattening, so 3D children should be flattened into its plane
- 20:14:53 [chrishtr]
- trchen: but then how is the rendering matrix for those 3D children defined, since the containing block is above the isolation element?
- 20:16:01 [chrishtr]
- smfr: doesn't seem necessary to compute the root-relative matrix. can compute relative to its 3d context root only
- 20:17:52 [chrishtr]
- chrishtr: can we make the isolation element a containing block for 3d children?
- 20:18:06 [chrishtr]
- various: what about filters, opacity, etc?
- 20:18:18 [chrishtr]
- chrishtr: filter is already a containing block for all children in Mozilla
- 20:19:12 [dbaron]
- mozilla filter containing block changes were in and
- 20:20:31 [chrishtr]
- smfr: should be able to compute the geometry one way or another
- 20:20:51 [chrishtr]
- gregwitworth: what are we trying to solve here?
- 20:20:59 [chrishtr]
- chrishr: ED spec is ill-defined, need to define somehow
- 20:21:34 [chrishtr]
- dbaron: spec should be clear. should keep things aligned with compat and developer expectations as much as possible
- 20:22:14 [chrishtr]
- smfr: web compat in this area may be bad enough that we can make what decision seems best
- 20:23:27 [chrishtr]
- ericwilligers: is it too late to make containing block and stacking context agree?
- 20:23:34 [chrishtr]
- trchen: too late to fix this
- 20:23:46 [chrishtr]
- smfr: containing block is for geometry, stacking context is for rendering
- 20:24:46 [chrishtr]
- marakow: these things may be corner cases, but web developers may be depending on them accidentally
- 20:25:20 [chrishtr]
- trchen: but they will get divergent behavior across browsers if they don't agree on compat
- 20:25:23 [smfr]
- i filed
- 20:25:24 [smfr]
- 20:25:40 [chrishtr]
- github:
- 20:26:08 [chrishtr]
- marakow:testcases are critical
- 20:28:24 [chrishtr]
- trchen: back to discussion about how to do overflow clip flattening without stacking context
- 20:28:47 [chrishtr]
- trchen: how should flattened result of 3d children sort against other children?
- 20:31:57 [mwoodrow]
- q+
- 20:33:06 [chrishtr]
- mwoodrow: in Mozilla in these cases, the overflow hidden element does not have preserve-3d on it
- 20:33:13 [chrishtr]
- mwoodrow: so it does not sort anything
- 20:34:54 [chrishtr]
- mwoodrow: in mozilla, the 3d child flattens itself
- 20:35:28 [chrishtr]
- mwoodrow: mozilla looks at the DOM parent to determine whether to avoid flattening
- 20:35:50 [Rossen]
- Rossen has joined #fx
- 20:37:01 [smfr]
- i filed on the no-op div issue
- 20:37:21 [leaverou]
- leaverou has joined #fx
- 20:37:21 [chrishtr]
- trchen: chromium flattens if the parent has positioning, is a stacking context or has clips, but not otherwise. this is a consequence of the implementation more than anything else
- 20:37:51 [plinss]
- plinss has joined #fx
- 20:37:59 [chrishtr]
- smfr: making no-op parents flatten seems to be a breaking change
- 20:38:12 [chrishtr]
- mwoodrow: maybe not? Not aware of issues against Mozilla due to this behavior
- 20:39:06 [chrishtr]
- trchen: perhaps we can change transform-style to apply only if it's a stacking contet
- 20:39:09 [chrishtr]
- context
- 20:39:09 [bradk]
- bradk has joined #fx
- 20:40:30 [chrishtr]
- trchen: fourth topic: coplanar planes is a computationally intractable issue
- 20:40:40 [chrishtr]
- trchen: because of floating-point accuracy issues
- 20:41:20 [smfr]
- filed on coplanar elements
- 20:41:23 [chrishtr]
- ericwilligers: found the animation example here compelling: don't want one frame of an animation where "coplanar" returns true
- 20:41:30 [chrishtr]
- github:
- 20:41:59 [chrishtr]
- trchen: doesn't make sense to specify the epsilon for coplanarity, because of implementation difficulty
- 20:42:01 [dbaron]
- drawing #4 on the flipchart is
- 20:42:24 [chrishtr]
- marakow: is the recommendation to say the behavior is undefined?
- 20:42:28 [chrishtr]
- trchen: yes
- 20:42:56 [chrishtr]
- marakow: should be able to define an epsilon
- 20:43:42 [chrishtr]
- trchen: two planes that are extremely close to the epsilon threshold may result in floating-point accuracy issues
- 20:44:08 [chrishtr]
- marakow: unspecified behavior does not achieve compat
- 20:44:28 [chrishtr]
- trchen: the ED spec has a TODO item to define subtree planes
- 20:44:54 [chrishtr]
- trchen: webkit and blink create a plane if there is any 3D transform.
- 20:45:08 [chrishtr]
- trchen: mozilla looks at the final matrix to see if there is 3D
- 20:45:45 [bradk_]
- bradk_ has joined #fx
- 20:46:14 [chrishtr]
- dbaron: thought the spec already said this?
- 20:46:30 [chrishtr]
- dbaron: seems good to match webkit/blink behavior for defining planes
- 20:47:41 [chrishtr]
- smfr: on coplanar: a good example of making things coplanar on purpose is a flipping card
- 20:47:56 [chrishtr]
- smfr: one way to implement is two elements, one of which flips relative to the other
- 20:48:07 [chrishtr]
- smfr: this will result in coplanarity numerical issues
- 20:48:20 [chrishtr]
- smfr: another way to do it is to put the transform on the container instead and flip it
- 20:49:25 [chrishtr]
- marakow: hit bugs where authors failed to specify backface-visibility:hidden and ended up with fighting/coplanar problems
- 20:49:51 [chrishtr]
- trchen: coplanar is not even what developers would want because it results in one thing always being on top
- 20:50:14 [chrishtr]
- trchen: I think we should make it undefined, and advise developers to not draw plans within these epsilons
- 20:51:15 [chrishtr]
- gregwhitworth: need to make things as specified as possible
- 20:51:44 [chrishtr]
- marakow: still think this should be specified, but ok to have a note in the spec that it's not a good idea to depend on exact behavior
- 20:52:53 [chrishtr]
- marakow: all of the items in the explainer are real and good to fix. but we need to do a lot more discussion based on testing and additional research to resolve them
- 20:53:45 [chrishtr]
- github-bot:end topic
- 20:55:07 [AmeliaBR]
- AmeliaBR has joined #fx
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- 14:27:48 [Rossen]
- Rossen has joined #fx
- 14:29:19 [leaverou]
- leaverou has joined #fx
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- plinss has joined #fx
- 16:26:34 [florian]
- florian has joined #fx