15:42:35 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:42:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-pbg-irc 15:42:36 rrsagent, set log public 15:42:36 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telco 15:42:36 Chair: rick 15:42:36 Date: 2017-10-24 15:42:36 Regrets+ pbelfanti, virginie 15:42:36 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2017Oct/0005.html 15:42:37 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2017-09-24: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2017Oct/0005.html 15:48:16 unfortunately, didn't get the link yet and the password I know doesn't work either. 15:48:38 could you send a mail to @pons.de? 15:49:00 Sorry for keeping you occupied ;) 15:49:09 Avneesh has joined #pbg 15:50:16 mikebaker has joined #pbg 15:50:35 mikebaker has joined #pbg 15:54:32 the meeting number on webex is rejected 15:54:48 this applies to both links 15:54:53 w.t.f. 15:55:06 Jens_Bookwire has joined #pbg 15:55:15 I am on the call right now (albeit alone...) 15:57:11 RickJ has joined #pbg 15:57:33 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 15:58:25 present+ 15:58:30 present+ 15:58:42 present+ 15:58:45 Cristina has joined #pbg 15:59:09 Julian_Calderazi has joined #pbg 15:59:18 Hello everybody. 15:59:32 present+ wolfgang 15:59:44 hi, julian! 16:00:00 Graham has joined #pbg 16:00:33 present+ 16:01:03 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:01:10 present+ 16:01:20 laudrain has joined #pbg 16:01:25 Aargh. I clicked on the Webex link and it says "Meeting Cancelled. 16:01:27 rkwright has joined #pbg 16:01:41 JKamata has joined #pbg 16:01:55 liisamk has joined #pbg 16:02:02 Liisa and I are having the same issue as Bill 16:02:06 present+ 16:02:08 MURATA has joined #pbg 16:02:46 present+ george 16:02:55 rachel has joined #pbg 16:03:30 present + liisa mccloy-kelley 16:04:00 present+ Jens_Klingelhöfer 16:04:03 Jens_Bookwire_ has joined #pbg 16:04:13 present+ Julian_Calderazi 16:04:33 I'm in now 16:04:36 present+ Junko_Kamata 16:04:40 tzviya has joined #pbg 16:04:45 laurentlemeur has joined #pbg 16:04:48 present+ Karen 16:04:55 present+ laudrain 16:05:00 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:05:21 present+ Tzviya 16:05:51 present+ RickJ 16:05:57 scribe: Karen 16:06:09 Rick: Two items on the agenda today 16:06:17 Could somebody send me a webex password to eb2mmrt@gmail.com? 16:06:17 ...first is any questions around TPAC and surrounding meetings 16:06:25 ...second is to go over Google doc shared around the task forces 16:06:29 Brian has joined #pbg 16:06:30 ...We have a question from Murata 16:06:34 Ivan: I will do that 16:06:38 Rick: thank you 16:06:43 ...Bill M, I had nominated you 16:06:52 present+ 16:06:53 ...to go through any open communications about TPAC 16:07:01 present+ 16:07:04 BillM: there are three different things going on there 16:07:10 ...the Publishing WG meetings M/Tues 16:07:15 mateus has joined #pbg 16:07:18 ...Publishing Summit Thursday/Friday 16:07:23 ...and Publishing BG Friday afternoon 16:07:26 present + 16:07:31 ...BG agenda is for this group 16:07:32 present+ 16:07:39 ...My main focus has been on the Publishing Summit 16:07:46 ...If you have not yet registered, please do so 16:08:01 ...Will be great event around intersection of Web platform and publishing as a buiness 16:08:05 Hi Ivan, could you please send me the password also, at laurent.lemeur@edrlab.org? 16:08:06 ...also a solutions showcase with demos 16:08:10 ...receptions, AC meetings 16:08:11 garth has joined #pbg 16:08:16 Regrets+ Michaela 16:08:23 ...TPI members who are former IDFP members are entitled to attend the AC Rep meetings 16:08:24 Present+ Garth 16:08:35 ...while the TPI members don't have full AC Rep voting rights, they do have participation rights 16:08:39 ...that is all I had 16:08:40 s/buiness/business/ 16:08:48 ...or if anyone else wants to join in 16:08:51 present+ garth 16:09:00 ...And also there will be late night games of Werewolf 16:09:22 Rich: Wanted to make sure everyone had an opportunity to ask any questions about what Bill just went through? 16:09:27 q+ 16:09:27 q? 16:09:31 ack Ivan 16:09:34 BillM has joined #pbg 16:09:36 When will the PBG meeting end on Friday? 16:09:39 Ivan: I did get a question from the person from a writer 16:09:45 ...who plans to come to the F2F meeting at TPAC 16:09:50 Exact time of PBG group on Friday afternoon? 16:09:53 ...he was asking if there is or will be an agenda 16:09:54 present+ BillM 16:10:01 Rick: for the Business Group meeting? 16:10:02 Ivan: yes 16:10:09 Rick: At this time there are two things on the agenda 16:10:20 ...first is continuation of discussion we are having today on task forces 16:10:20 q+ 16:10:25 q+ 16:10:33 ...second is discussion on process around the steering committee elections that will happen after TPAC 16:10:40 ...at this point, those are the two main agenda items 16:10:45 Ivan: Ok, I am the go-between 16:10:47 ack BillK 16:11:00 BillK: just checking if remote access will be available for the remote BG meeting? 16:11:06 ...not everyone can make it in person 16:11:14 Ivan: problem is I don't know if Bill did that 16:11:21 ...we had to fill in the AV requests, including telco 16:11:28 ...a while ago; not sure if that has been done 16:11:32 BillM: I will check that out 16:11:42 ...the Friday BG is piggy backing the Summit 16:11:50 ...and there is not remote access for the Summit 16:11:56 TPAC 2017 schedule says 15:00–18:00 for groups on Friday afternoon 16:12:01 ...and another reason why we are not doing elections in real time there 16:12:16 ...Expect smaller number of people to stay for the BG meeting; we may be able to arrange something 16:12:26 ...Ivan, whom did you mean about a writer? A journalist? 16:12:35 Ivan: No, Thomson Reuters 16:12:47 s/a writer/ representative from Thomson Reuters 16:12:53 Ivan: I will edit the minutes 16:12:54 q? 16:12:58 ack Bill 16:13:03 Rick: anyone else in the queue? 16:13:15 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:13:30 Rick: Last call for any other questions for TPAC-related things 16:13:35 ...then we will move to the Google doc 16:13:36 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jpw0KA9StAnWZAaIMqnITmdSOchIZeQIvphX5AmAulg/edit?usp=sharing 16:13:47 ...I have changed permissions for everyone to edit it 16:13:54 ...general idea here as we discussed last time 16:14:07 ...is to formulate, discover and identify the specific task forces that we want to form 16:14:09 +present 16:14:14 ...to address specific needs together 16:14:17 present+ mikebaker 16:14:19 ...and solicit specific involvement 16:14:33 ...get together on regular basis, provide input to those task forces 16:14:36 George has joined #pbg 16:14:45 ...Steering Committee members have each identified those they want to champion 16:14:47 present+ makoto 16:14:54 ...thought is to take a few minutes and go through each row 16:14:54 present+ George 16:14:55 present+ tzviya 16:15:09 ...have each champion for that task force talk about what they want to solve and how to move it forward 16:15:19 ...first one is welcoming new members to this Business Group 16:15:26 ...Cristina, can you give us an overview? 16:15:38 Cristina: Because W3C is a complex organization 16:15:57 ...we would like to offer some advice on how W3C works 16:16:12 ...to welcome and be available to for questions; or maybe prepare some short presentation 16:16:22 ...an easy FAQ coming in as newbies 16:16:36 Rick: if this is something you are interested in, please add yourself into the Google doc 16:16:42 ...if you have a question, then q+ on irc channel 16:16:53 ...we don't have anyone up yet who has signed up to recruit new members 16:16:57 ...we need to continue to grow 16:17:07 ...if you are interested to do along with other people, add your name there 16:17:13 ...and we will start coordinating with you 16:17:20 ...next one is Cristina, is to survey new members 16:17:38 Cristina: yes, to better understand publisher participation; what they are doing; what issues to address 16:17:53 ...as we are a BG, important to have a business knowledge about what the participants want, not only the technical ones 16:17:58 Rick: all right 16:18:00 wolfgang has joined #pbg 16:18:06 ...Best practices; four SC members 16:18:11 ...BillK, Rachel, Mike and Liisa 16:18:19 BillK: I will chime in to defer to the other three 16:18:38 ...I was first to put my name in here, but I also have my name on another one I would like to lead; I will still participate 16:18:48 Rick: Rachel, Mike or Liisa, do you want to talk about this? 16:18:59 I'm on the IRC but not the call. I have begun documenting this in the PUBL-CG space 16:19:10 Liisa: Rachel has a conflict now; as people find best practices for use cases, we want to disseminate so people can use it 16:19:20 BillK: Rachel is doing a lot of that work in the context of the Community Group 16:19:24 q+ 16:19:27 Mike: I am happy to participate in this 16:19:37 ...if it needs somebody to lead, I am also happy to lead as well 16:19:45 we are working with BISG to identify the markets that best practices address 16:19:50 ...If Rachel has done work already, I am happy to let her continue 16:19:55 and gathering existing documentation 16:20:00 BillK: We can take practice of person who is not here... 16:20:05 ...should be the same thing 16:20:11 Mike: yes, agree should be the same thing 16:20:19 Rick: Working with other parts of the W3C 16:20:26 ...Ivan, Mike and Tzviya 16:20:29 ack Tzviya 16:20:40 Tzviya: A lot of work overlaps with other groups in W3C 16:20:46 ...important to keep an eye on what they are doing 16:20:59 ...For example, Charles LaPierre is working on ARIA personalization 16:21:08 q- 16:21:15 ...so on font adjustment, we would participate here to bring our knowledge to them, and their knowledge to us 16:21:18 Ivan: Another fact 16:21:23 ...there may be during other work 16:21:31 ...other technical requirements 16:21:43 ...that may be covered by some WGs or are relevant as requirements for another WG 16:21:51 ...so we should play role between groups 16:21:56 ...CSS related issues are the typical ones 16:21:57 q? 16:22:00 ...but there might be others 16:22:05 Rick: Ok 16:22:12 ...next one, Garth has your name with Murata 16:22:16 ...3.1 version issues 16:22:24 Garth: yes, that is a research project that I have not yet done 16:22:32 ...my plan is to in some copious spare time coming up 16:22:44 ...spend some time on the changes document on the 3.0 and 3.1 changes document 16:23:09 ...and see if reasonable to re-version 3.0 as 3.1 to see if it addresses concerns from the Far East 16:23:21 Murata: my plan was to propose for next year 16:23:30 ...at this stage of the game, I think this is a research project 16:23:40 Garth: yes, that was my plan; get a look at it this year 16:23:44 ...and flow into next year 16:23:51 ...and see what level we need for a 3.02 16:23:58 ...I agree with your take, Murata 16:24:03 Rick: Thank you 16:24:07 ...Tzviya, EPUB Check 16:24:19 Tzviya: We are working on a @ for EPUB Check 16:24:23 ...over next few weeks 16:24:30 ...if you want to help out, please let us know 16:24:37 ...we have our next task force meeting tomorrow 16:24:42 Rick: Is this a TF in motion? 16:24:53 Tzviya: yes, already in motion, but we desperately need your help 16:24:58 Rick: yes, we all need this done 16:25:15 ...George, I have you down for EPUB Test, with Accessibility focus 16:25:20 q+ 16:25:21 George: Accessibility group is meeting regularly 16:25:28 ...next meeting is 1st of November 16:25:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:25:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-pbg-minutes.html ivan 16:25:42 ...if anyone wants to participate, send me an email, and I will get you signed up to help with that testing 16:25:47 ...we do have to figure out the home for this site 16:26:07 ...we have had meetings with BISG Content Structure group about what we need to do to maintain this long term 16:26:15 Rick: This is Rick Wright 16:26:19 ...I am happy to participate 16:26:19 leslie has joined #pbg 16:26:24 Rick: I don't think I have write permission 16:26:31 RickJ: refrech 16:26:41 ...George and BillK, there are two roads here 16:26:47 ...George on the Accessibility side 16:26:49 s/refrech/refresh/ 16:26:56 ...do you want to address your row on EPUB Test maintenance 16:27:09 BillK: I think that ought to be the same thing; we don't want two separate task forces 16:27:19 ...After the Content Structure committee meeting last week 16:27:29 ...I think you added that I would be the champion of organizing and keeping this in motion 16:27:33 ...I have already, but it's been slow 16:27:39 present+ rkwright 16:27:45 ...Because of the complexity of the arrangements among the various organizations 16:28:01 ...it was a BISG thing, DAISY did the programming; hosting really belongs in W3C now 16:28:09 ...we are in a bit of a paralysis now 16:28:18 ...no one org can seem to take over and do it 16:28:22 present+ leslie 16:28:24 ...so there needs to be some active work on this 16:28:40 ...Suggest that this TF have members from each of those constituent orgs and we actually schedule regular calls to work this out 16:28:44 ...I have specific people 16:28:54 ...that I would draft to be on that task force to be in that conversation 16:29:02 ...You, Rick, Geoge, Avneesh 16:29:07 zakim, who is here? 16:29:07 Present: Avneesh, Dan_Sanicola, ivan, wolfgang, Cristina, Bill_Kasdorf, Graham, george, Jens_Klingelhöfer, Julian_Calderazi, Junko_Kamata, Karen, laudrain, Tzviya, RickJ, 16:29:11 ... rkwright, Brian, mateus, Garth, BillM, present, mikebaker, makoto, leslie 16:29:11 On IRC I see leslie, wolfgang, George, BillM, garth, mateus, Brian, laurentlemeur, tzviya, Jens_Bookwire_, rachel, MURATA, liisamk, JKamata, rkwright, laudrain, Bill_Kasdorf, 16:29:11 ... Graham, Julian_Calderazi, Cristina, Dan_Sanicola, RickJ, mikebaker, Avneesh, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, Karen, bigbluehat 16:29:12 George: Under the Publishing BG, this TF would be convening 16:29:19 s/Geoge/George/ 16:29:19 ...and we can get together on frequency and agendas 16:29:29 ...and it would be independent from my group doing the Accessibility Testing 16:29:39 BillK: you would prefer two separate task forces? 16:29:44 George: not necessarilty 16:29:52 ...we talk about specific areas of testing we have done 16:30:00 ...but this BG seems to be at a higher level 16:30:08 ...Accessibility may have an additional meeting 16:30:09 s/necessarilty/necessarily/ 16:30:21 BillK: the TF should not undermine what you are doing on Accessibility testing 16:30:27 ...that is working and producing sound results 16:30:35 ...but we have existential questions on mainstream testing 16:30:48 ...for use by developers; we need more people at the table 16:30:58 RickJ: coming out of BISG meeting last week, and to entice you 16:31:08 ...one of the things is revisiting some of the fundamental assumptions 16:31:13 ...and to continue Accessibility as is 16:31:22 present+ JKamata 16:31:25 ...and maybe other part of TF is a set of files for developers to access from GitHub 16:31:56 BillK: that was an excellent conversation but we need input from this group; fundamentally there are W3C issues 16:32:04 RickJ: I have combined those into one 16:32:09 ...Ivan, MathML and STEM 16:32:17 Ivan: I have put down my name, as it is painful 16:32:25 ...we know we have a problem with MathML and with STEM 16:32:33 ...I have difficulty to figure out what we should do about it 16:32:46 ...there is a Community Group led by Peter Krauztberger 16:32:50 ...not sure how far the CG has gone 16:33:08 s/Krauztberger/Krautzberger/ 16:33:13 ..what I was hoping is that there would be some kind of implementation strategy for MathML to make it much more usable and much faster than what we have today 16:33:19 ...and what can be done there 16:33:24 present+ 16:33:26 ...the whole thing is a bit in a dead end 16:33:44 ...and yet this community is in the best position to make noise and to make resources to solve this problem 16:33:58 ...Web at large does not seem to care so much about MathML; whereas publishing community does care 16:34:11 ...If there are people in group to have clearer ideas on how to move forward 16:34:21 ...I am happy to shepherd and help 16:34:29 ...but I am not the one to solve this problem by myself 16:34:38 RickJ: media overlays does not have a person associated with this 16:34:48 ...Ivan or Garth, do you want to address ww2? 16:34:56 ...EPUB uses SMIL, a small percentage 16:35:00 ...but a problem in the WG 16:35:00 @ivan I can help with MathML 16:35:10 ...that SMIL is practically not implemented by any of the browsers 16:35:24 ...so it's not clear on web publishing what we would have and use in place of that 16:35:42 ...in the Accessibility TF there has been some discussion; and we will discuss at TPAC 16:35:51 ...one poss outcome is separate spec work 16:35:56 ...that could create a minimal layer 16:36:01 ...that is enough for publishing world 16:36:01 q+ 16:36:08 ...and implementable through some tricky JS 16:36:13 ...and polyfill or whatever 16:36:17 ...and where it comes back to BG 16:36:24 ...is that this may lead to a separate WG 16:36:36 ...not clear to me that this work should be done in the Publishing WG 16:36:47 ...what comes out would be useful not only for Publishing but for the Web at large 16:37:02 ...Would need help in chartering, going through the whole process with experts to get this rolling 16:37:09 ...fine for my name to be a coordinator for this 16:37:20 ...Marissa is working on this; as is Daniel 16:37:24 RickJ: good summary 16:37:35 ...next row is a general Accessibility row 16:37:43 ...Luc, Graham and Cristina 16:37:53 Cristina: when I put in the grid first, it did not have Accessibility 16:38:13 ...but it would be good to communicate what we are doing generally, not only technically on Accessibility 16:38:17 ...something we have already done 16:38:31 ...we were involved in the ISO discussion for the European Accessibility Act 16:38:46 Luc: yes, we are involved in making Accessibility known to publishers, suppliers and other orgs in Europe 16:38:53 ...which is why I subscribed to this line 16:39:07 RickJ: Cristina, you have next line as well about communications to outside world 16:39:20 Cristina: yes, we make a lot of information available to technical staff 16:39:39 ...for example, Publishing Summit is known by tech community 16:39:47 ...but we need to be more known more broadly 16:39:57 q? 16:40:03 ...for example Publishers Weekly, the Italian Publishers communications 16:40:25 ...I think this is on-going; work with W3C Comms on articles 16:40:42 ...for things that may be related on EDRLab on reading solutions; Readium 16:40:44 present+ Brian 16:40:47 RickJ: Lax in my queue 16:40:55 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:40:58 BillK: we covered me 16:41:02 ack garth 16:41:02 ack George 16:41:09 George: This relates to multimedia 16:41:18 q+ 16:41:24 ...Janina asked why TTML and WebVTT not sufficient for multimedia needs? 16:41:38 ...We will discuss this with Janina with the architecture 16:41:50 Ivan: The question on effort on anything we do 16:42:00 ...if existing techs are relevant or now 16:42:05 ...we need to take into account 16:42:10 ...TTML and WebVTT are clearly there 16:42:14 ...a new API on Web Animation 16:42:21 ...that has a bunch of notions that are relevant here 16:42:32 ...we may be lucky and have everything at our disposal and I would be happy about that 16:42:37 RickJ: excellent 16:42:53 [scratching noises] 16:43:07 LOUD scratching noises 16:43:07 Rick: next is the ISO standardization 16:43:15 ...Luc, you are up 16:43:21 Luc: Happy to see that Murata is here also 16:43:33 ...we have this reflection, discussions on ISO standardization for Accessibility 16:43:39 ...to go to Accessibility as a standard in ISO 16:43:42 ...we need several steps 16:43:46 ...with different versions of EPUB 16:43:50 ...and we are working on this already 16:43:54 ...something that is going on 16:44:03 ...My part is to make the European Commission aware of this 16:44:17 ...the EU Act may lead to a standard; want this to be well standardizaed 16:44:26 Murata: to submit for int'l standard 16:44:32 ...we await ok from W3C management 16:44:36 ...Bill McCoy? 16:44:47 ...Are we waiting for permission from W3C management? 16:45:01 BillM: yes, it is being discussed; but there were some questions 16:45:06 q+ 16:45:15 ...Francis is going to research those questions before we ask for W3M blessing to the recommendation 16:45:25 q- 16:45:29 ...when we first had this discussion, it was before Francis took over @34 16:45:42 ...Am I wrong that we are waiting for answers from Francis? 16:45:47 BillK: yes, that is correct 16:45:52 ...and he has worked with Murata on this 16:45:56 Luc: I have an issue on this 16:46:05 ...in France there is no SC34 commission 16:46:18 Murata: I think France is a member, but I have not seen active participants from France 16:46:40 Luc: I don't think so; the French National Body for standards said there is no SC34 commission in France 16:46:43 ...there is an SC35 16:46:53 ...would be good to have dialogue between the two 16:47:01 ...there are interfaces with accessibility issues 16:47:11 ...that is where WCAG2.0 is an ISO standard 16:47:33 Murato: I thought WCAG was PASS submitter 16:47:43 Luc: I can confirm we cannot vote on your new work item 16:47:55 Bill: SC34 v 35 is one of questions Francis is exploring 16:48:07 Murato: i checked and @ is not in SC35 16:48:12 Luc: I will continue to discuss 16:48:20 ...spoke with Francis at Frankfurt Book Fiar 16:48:25 S/Fiar/Fair 16:48:33 Murata: i can send you details on this 16:48:42 Rick: Sounds like this task force is moving ahead 16:48:46 ...and we applaud you for doing this 16:48:51 Luc: it's a strange world 16:48:54 Rick: Two more to go here 16:49:03 ...EPUB and Metadata; Graham, Luc and Brian 16:49:16 Graham: I added it so we must not forget it 16:49:19 ...as a BG 16:49:34 ...we want to sell books, journals, etc. and we need to properly present it in the supply chain 16:49:59 ...Not aware of specific issues at the moment, but I am happy to deal with issues referred to me and us, both W3C and within EDItEUR 16:50:06 Rick: requirements across sectors; Liisa 16:50:10 q+ 16:50:15 ...I added Robbie Robson from Eduworks 16:50:21 q- 16:50:25 Liisa: there are a lot of things we talked about when this group formed 16:50:39 q+ 16:50:43 ...look at what the marketplace needs; readers, publishers, etc. and gather those requirements and feed to the appropriate teams 16:50:46 RickJ: excellent 16:50:51 ...also received from Robbie 16:51:07 q+ 16:51:13 ...he is looking for interested participants to work on IEEE tech committee that he is involved with 16:51:14 ack Cristina 16:51:15 ack Cristina 16:51:22 Cristina: A general question 16:51:39 ...do we need to be only on our @ or may we encharge someone from our organization to be part of the discussion? 16:51:52 RickJ: technically, I don't think there is a reason they cannot take place 16:52:08 Cristina: For some topics, like metadata, we have people who are more knowledgeable than me 16:52:10 ...just to know 16:52:17 Rickj: let me touch on next steps 16:52:25 present+ rachel 16:52:27 ...Rachel, you are here and volunteering you! 16:52:35 Rachel: I was on irc and on another meeting 16:52:40 ack rachel 16:52:43 ...I am happy to be volunteered for the best practices work 16:52:48 ...for CG, that is where I am right now 16:53:00 ...I did want to say to Liisa, it sounds like there may be some overlap 16:53:09 ...with Best Practices and needs you are looking at 16:53:23 ...want to make sure we look at needs and not force a BP onto another area 16:53:30 ...for example on a journal publisher 16:53:39 +1 to Rachel 16:53:45 +1 16:53:49 ...would be good to coordinate on the various verticals so we can do recommentations for both requirements and bp 16:53:56 +1 to Rachel 16:53:56 Liisa: Absolutely agree we should coordinate 16:54:00 ack Avneesh 16:54:16 Avneesh: there is a lot of overlap in these Task Forces in BG and the WG 16:54:21 +1 to Avneesh 16:54:23 ...what is the role of the various TFes 16:54:23 s/recommentations/recommendations/ 16:54:29 ...good to have strategic outcomes document 16:54:39 ...so people can know the objectives among the various task forces 16:54:46 ...second thing is maybe we should look beyond the BG 16:55:22 scribenick: ivan 16:55:39 Avneesh: in some cases some separate community groups could take over the task forces' work 16:56:01 ... and bring people into the BG 16:56:01 RickJ: I wanted to to talk about the next steps 16:56:07 ... this list is not what the BG will do by itself 16:56:08 q+ 16:56:16 ... we identified waht we are interested in 16:56:30 ... and then we will have to find out with whom to work, find those groups, etc 16:56:33 s /waht/what/ 16:56:54 ... my proposal is that on the TPAC F2F we discuss this, to see where we need to create something, etc 16:57:00 scribenick: Karen 16:57:01 ... if you are at the tpac meeting, join us 16:57:06 RickJ: If you are at TPAC 16:57:16 ...please help us create where we need to create and move forward with that 16:57:20 ...Let me check queue one more time 16:57:24 q? 16:57:34 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:57:34 ack bill 16:57:44 BillK: how public is this list of task force happenings? 16:57:52 ...is this something to keep internally or to be shared? 16:57:58 ...it's a pretty impressive list of things 16:58:03 RickJ: I would say this is a working draft 16:58:09 ...about where we want to get people involved 16:58:22 ...where we come out after that meeting, we would want to share 16:58:30 BillK: ok, so promote what we are doing post TPAC 16:58:31 +1 16:58:39 ...speak up if contrary opinions 16:58:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:58:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-pbg-minutes.html ivan 16:58:51 ...or represent different expectations or outcomes 16:58:55 RickJ: that sounds great 16:59:00 Ivan: I will clean up the minutes tomorrow 16:59:06 ...and make clear which task forces are there 16:59:11 ...and there will be a link to this document 16:59:14 RickJ: perfect 16:59:19 +1 Ivan clean up minutes 16:59:25 Ivan: I will do it tomorrow 16:59:36 RickJ: Thank you everyone for participating in this launch of the TF efforts 16:59:45 ...Look forward to seeing many of you 16:59:55 Ivan: Where we have some sort of a dinner there? 17:00:04 RickJ: Let's address that at SC call on Tuesday 17:00:07 ...Talk later 17:00:10 bye! 17:00:12 meeting adjourns 17:00:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-pbg-minutes.html Karen 17:00:36 *Wolfgang waves back @Karen 17:00:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-pbg-minutes.html ivan 17:00:45 laurentlemeur has left #pbg 17:00:48 zakim, bye 17:00:48 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Avneesh, Dan_Sanicola, ivan, wolfgang, Cristina, Bill_Kasdorf, Graham, george, Jens_Klingelhöfer, Julian_Calderazi, 17:00:48 Zakim has left #pbg 17:00:51 ... Junko_Kamata, Karen, laudrain, Tzviya, RickJ, rkwright, Brian, mateus, Garth, BillM, present, mikebaker, makoto, leslie, JKamata, rachel 17:00:54 rrsagent, bye 17:00:54 I see no action items