IRC log of silver on 2017-10-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:33:23 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #silver
- 13:33:23 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:33:25 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 13:33:28 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference
- 13:33:28 [trackbot]
- Date: 20 October 2017
- 13:34:10 [jeanne]
- agenda+ Starting interviews
- 13:34:10 [jeanne]
- agenda+ Silver Presentation for TPAC
- 13:34:10 [jeanne]
- agenda+ research update
- 13:34:16 [jeanne]
- clear agenda
- 13:34:19 [jeanne]
- agenda+ Starting interviews
- 13:34:19 [jeanne]
- agenda+ Silver Presentation for TPAC
- 13:34:19 [jeanne]
- agenda+ research update
- 13:34:47 [jeanne]
- present+ Shawn, Josie, Jeanne
- 13:34:56 [jeanne]
- regrets+ Jennison, Jan
- 13:35:28 [jeanne]
- zakim, take up item 2
- 13:35:28 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Silver Presentation for TPAC" taken up [from jeanne]
- 13:35:36 [jeanne]
- 13:36:11 [jemma]
- jemma has joined #silver
- 13:37:52 [jeanne]
- scribe: jeanne
- 13:38:21 [jeanne]
- Shawn: This is a draft our of TPAC presentation to the Aaccessibility G uidelines Working Group
- 13:38:46 [jeanne]
- ... we are also doing a presentation for the Meetup, but that is not this presentation
- 13:39:21 [jeanne]
- ... this is a recap to the WG, who may not have read our updates or forgotten them in the rush to work on 2.1
- 13:40:03 [jeanne]
- ... last year at TPAC, the AGWG decided which proposal for developing SIlver that we should follow.
- 13:41:47 [jeanne]
- Shawn: I think the Stakeholder slide is too detailed
- 13:42:05 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: Showing that we have broad input is important in W3C process
- 13:47:06 [jemma]
- I put sub topics for literature review slide.
- 13:47:49 [jemma]
- basic idea for literature review slide is why, how, what
- 13:48:52 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: I want a slide on presentations and public outreach
- 13:49:15 [jeanne]
- Shawn: We haven't done that many, but lets think about what could be on the slide and decide later
- 13:50:15 [jeanne]
- Shawn: The research project was originally scheduled to take 6 months and we are already past that. We need to speak to that.
- 13:51:04 [jeanne]
- Shawn: I'm making a slide with a visual timeline to replace the WCAG timeline, which the AGWG is already known.
- 13:51:37 [jeanne]
- ... since some of the phases are quite short, we want to show that visually, so people don't think this is a 5-year project.
- 13:52:04 [jeanne]
- ... also some of the phases are overlapped, so a diagram would show that better.
- 13:52:46 [jeanne]
- Jemma: INterpretation date should include Q1
- 13:54:56 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: We want to show the AGWG that we are doing a lot to involve research
- 13:55:49 [jeanne]
- Shawn: When we presented to the AGWG at TPAC 2016, they wanted to see research-driven decisions. It will be important to them to see that there is progress
- 13:56:12 [jeanne]
- ... Discovery and Interpretation will be an on-going process
- 13:56:28 [jeanne]
- ... we want to emphasize the change in structure
- 13:57:13 [jeanne]
- Shawn: This is important to communicate to the AGWG that success criteria that can't make it into 2.1 will not be punted to Silver as a magic bullet.
- 13:57:43 [jeanne]
- Shawn: We want to emphasize to the AGWG that we need their expertise in the future
- 13:58:28 [jeanne]
- ... we also want to be clear that we are aware of 2.1 and that we are focused on Silver.
- 14:03:23 [jeanne]
- Jemma: Just one slide for Stakeholder Map
- 14:03:38 [jeanne]
- Shawn: Maybe just use the snippet of the spreadsheet
- 14:04:02 [jeanne]
- ... 40+ roles and cross reference to different maps
- 14:07:13 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: I'm good with that, the AGWG is sophisticated and would be more interested in the details. I have had outside interest in the Stakeholder Map. We should consider polishing it up and publishing it as a Note.
- 14:07:30 [jeanne]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 14:07:30 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Starting interviews" taken up [from jeanne]
- 14:18:58 [jemma]
- jemma has joined #silver
- 14:23:36 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: I have an action item to create the document to send to the Interviewees that includes the Consent section and the interview questions. I didn't do it because of some file corruption problems.
- 14:23:42 [jeanne]
- [fixing files]
- 14:24:48 [jeanne]
- Shawn: I will send the email with the Consent and questions
- 14:25:19 [jeanne]
- s/[fixing files]//
- 14:26:05 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:26:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne
- 14:30:58 [jeanne]
- Topic: Regrets for next week
- 14:31:12 [jeanne]
- Jemma: I will miss both days next week
- 14:31:51 [jeanne]
- Shawn: I am traveling next week. I may attend Tuesday, but I will not attend on Friday.
- 14:35:04 [jeanne]
- Jemma: What will I miss next week?
- 14:35:40 [jeanne]
- Jeanne: I think we should start working on our analysis of Pete's raw research results, so we can report on them for TPAC.
- 14:35:50 [jeanne]
- agenda?
- 14:36:05 [jeanne]
- zakim, close item 1
- 14:36:05 [Zakim]
- agendum 1, Starting interviews, closed
- 14:36:06 [Zakim]
- I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:36:06 [Zakim]
- 2. Silver Presentation for TPAC [from jeanne]
- 14:36:19 [jeanne]
- zakim, close item 2
- 14:36:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 2, Silver Presentation for TPAC, closed
- 14:36:20 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 14:36:20 [Zakim]
- 3. research update [from jeanne]
- 14:36:32 [jeanne]
- zakim, drop item 3
- 14:36:32 [Zakim]
- agendum 3, research update, dropped
- 14:36:47 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:36:47 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne
- 14:37:41 [jeanne]
- present+ jemma
- 14:37:57 [jeanne]
- chair: Shawn, Jeanne
- 14:38:47 [jeanne]
- s/Aaccessibility G uidelines/Accessibility Guidelines/
- 14:38:56 [jeanne]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:38:56 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jeanne
- 19:35:09 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #silver