IRC log of personalization on 2017-10-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:41:04 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #personalization
- 14:41:04 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:41:11 [lisa]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 16:33:39 [lisa]
- agenda: this
- 16:33:40 [lisa]
- agenda+ updates: TPAC,
- 16:33:42 [lisa]
- agenda+ what to downgrade in the speck (survey:
- 16:33:43 [lisa]
- agenda+ Specification as a vocablory -
- 16:51:42 [Roy]
- Roy has joined #personalization
- 16:59:12 [lisa]
- present+
- 17:00:27 [janina]
- janina has joined #personalization
- 17:00:41 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 17:00:41 [Zakim]
- Present: lisa
- 17:00:42 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see janina, Roy, RRSAgent, Zakim, lisa, MichaelC, jasonjgw
- 17:00:46 [clapierre]
- clapierre has joined #personalization
- 17:00:54 [janina]
- present+
- 17:01:00 [clapierre]
- present+
- 17:01:07 [jasonjgw]
- present+
- 17:01:22 [Roy]
- present+
- 17:01:49 [AndyHeath]
- AndyHeath has joined #personalization
- 17:01:54 [Thaddeus]
- Thaddeus has joined #Personalization
- 17:02:29 [Thaddeus]
- + present thaddeus
- 17:04:50 [janina]
- scribe: janina
- 17:04:51 [lisa]
- scribe: janina
- 17:05:07 [lisa]
- present+
- 17:05:26 [lisa]
- zakim, next item
- 17:05:26 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "updates: TPAC," taken up [from lisa]
- 17:05:33 [AndyHeath]
- present_
- 17:05:40 [AndyHeath]
- present+
- 17:06:34 [janina]
- chair: clapierre
- 17:08:53 [clapierre]
- Tuesday 11-noon (css)
- 17:08:53 [clapierre]
- web platform 2-3 editing
- 17:09:28 [janina]
- cl: Asking informal Wednesday after hours mtg?
- 17:09:35 [janina]
- ls: As available
- 17:09:58 [janina]
- cl: Benetech expecting to host an event
- 17:10:11 [janina]
- cl: Probably Thursday evening
- 17:12:39 [janina]
- js: Noting the wcag excursion to meet with Bay Area Accessibility
- 17:12:51 [janina]
- cl: May need a different evening, then!
- 17:13:20 [janina]
- cl: Also need to coordinate with Joanie for ARIA joint mtg time
- 17:14:06 [thaddeus]
- thaddeus has joined #personalization
- 17:14:37 [janina]
- Thaddeus intro ...
- 17:14:52 [clapierre]
- zakim, agenda?
- 17:14:52 [Zakim]
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda:
- 17:14:53 [Zakim]
- 1. updates: TPAC, [from lisa]
- 17:14:53 [Zakim]
- 2. what to downgrade in the speck (survey: [from lisa]
- 17:14:53 [Zakim]
- 3. Specification as a vocablory - [from lisa]
- 17:14:59 [thaddeus]
- +present
- 17:15:12 [clapierre]
- q?
- 17:16:31 [lisa]
- zakim, next item
- 17:16:31 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "what to downgrade in the speck (survey:" taken up [from lisa]
- 17:16:59 [lisa]
- q+
- 17:17:48 [janina]
- cl: Notes first time I created a wbs -- have 30 questions ...
- 17:18:19 [AndyHeath]
- q+
- 17:19:00 [janina]
- [discussion about extending the survey]
- 17:19:53 [janina]
- ls: We agreed on basic "low priority" language last week
- 17:20:06 [janina]
- ls: Q on what that might apply to
- 17:20:19 [janina]
- ls: Also looking for info on implementations
- 17:21:06 [janina]
- ls: Important would mean that we would push for implementations
- 17:21:40 [janina]
- ls: Asking the call whether anyone is confused?
- 17:21:41 [lisa]
- ack l
- 17:22:00 [janina]
- ah: Was daunted by the size
- 17:22:28 [janina]
- ah: Do these map to WCAG SC eventually?
- 17:22:52 [janina]
- ah: e.g. simplification
- 17:23:15 [lisa]
- q+
- 17:23:22 [janina]
- ah: Recalling my experience with Drupal trying to establish this
- 17:23:41 [janina]
- ls: That's an important question we need to clarify
- 17:23:49 [clapierre]
- ack Andy
- 17:23:54 [janina]
- ls: I won't say it doesn't matter, but it is independent of this spec
- 17:24:35 [janina]
- ls: Most does map, imo
- 17:24:38 [AndyHeath]
- q+
- 17:25:28 [janina]
- ls: How they map is an AGWG issue
- 17:25:48 [janina]
- s/issue/concern/
- 17:27:23 [janina]
- ah: Believe there's lots for WCAG
- 17:27:35 [janina]
- ah: multiple implementation scenarios in multiple techs
- 17:28:19 [janina]
- ls: But we don't need to concern with that here, in this group
- 17:28:22 [lisa]
- ack l
- 17:28:23 [AndyHeath]
- ack
- 17:28:38 [AndyHeath]
- q-
- 17:29:22 [janina]
- cl: Are you thinking it would all go AAA in WCAG?
- 17:29:26 [janina]
- ls: NO. Some AA
- 17:29:58 [jasonjgw]
- q+
- 17:30:03 [janina]
- ls: Common controls might be AA
- 17:30:24 [janina]
- cl: Is this stated in the doc?
- 17:30:32 [janina]
- ls: In the wiki, but doesn't belong in the spec
- 17:30:36 [clapierre]
- q?
- 17:31:04 [clapierre]
- ack jas
- 17:31:32 [janina]
- jw: Whatever we take to TR needs to be carefully and well defined
- 17:31:54 [janina]
- jw: e.g. misusing metadata can be harmful
- 17:32:59 [janina]
- jw: Believe there's considerable opportunity here for misuse
- 17:34:01 [janina]
- jw: In favor of rigorously chosen small set of implementable metadata properties
- 17:34:02 [lisa]
- q+
- 17:34:21 [janina]
- cl: Note we have 15 proposed items
- 17:34:36 [janina]
- cl: Believe we need examples of how this looks in the real world
- 17:34:56 [janina]
- cl: Concerned that we're taking on too much
- 17:35:10 [janina]
- cl: Saying yes to everything means we won't get it done
- 17:35:31 [janina]
- cl: We need to choose what will get done. Remainder can come in later rev
- 17:36:10 [AndyHeath]
- q+
- 17:36:24 [janina]
- ls: We're not at the stage where we need to toss something that's not clear. That can come later.
- 17:37:19 [clapierre]
- ack lisa
- 17:37:29 [janina]
- ls: Prefer to see what people will implement first
- 17:37:43 [MichaelC]
- q+ to say need to set and keep to a timeline and useful spec - make decisions that support that
- 17:37:53 [AndyHeath]
- q-
- 17:38:07 [clapierre]
- ack MichaelC
- 17:38:07 [Zakim]
- MichaelC, you wanted to say need to set and keep to a timeline and useful spec - make decisions that support that
- 17:38:20 [janina]
- mc: I'm OK with keeping things for now, but we also need to set and meet a timeline
- 17:38:45 [janina]
- mc: Simple and useful would be an important goal
- 17:40:02 [lisa]
- 17:40:29 [janina]
- ls: Reason I want to maintain a table on wiki is for the reason that we could more readily update
- 17:40:39 [thaddeus]
- +1 for the table idea
- 17:41:47 [janina]
- cl: Believe lists are easier for most
- 17:41:54 [janina]
- js: List easier for mwa
- 17:42:32 [AndyHeath]
- +1 for list
- 17:42:50 [thaddeus]
- anything that is actionable and updateable
- 17:42:58 [thaddeus]
- +1 list is fine
- 17:43:32 [janina]
- cl: Meanwhile, we still have the survey ...
- 17:44:21 [janina]
- cl: Myself, I deprioritized logs only, because of the taxonomic complexity
- 17:44:42 [janina]
- ls: Well, I drafted, so it's there because i thought it was important
- 17:44:49 [janina]
- q+ To ask Lisa about logs
- 17:45:27 [janina]
- ls: Anyone can answer the WBS?
- 17:45:33 [janina]
- cl: No, internal only
- 17:45:50 [janina]
- ls: In favor of open
- 17:46:12 [janina]
- ls: To get implementers to +1
- 17:47:30 [janina]
- mc: If we have reason to make a public survey, OK, but not as a general rule
- 17:49:35 [janina]
- ls: It's about gathering information
- 17:49:57 [clapierre]
- q?
- 17:50:15 [clapierre]
- ack janina
- 17:50:15 [Zakim]
- janina, you wanted to ask Lisa about logs
- 17:53:18 [janina]
- js: Asks about logs
- 17:53:27 [janina]
- ls: Bread crumbs, different representations
- 17:56:17 [AndyHeath]
- q+
- 17:56:51 [janina]
- ls: Have it only if you want it
- 17:57:38 [janina]
- ack ja
- 17:58:09 [janina]
- cl: Maybe "logs" not the best handle
- 17:58:17 [clapierre]
- ack andy
- 17:58:26 [janina]
- ah: Bread crumbs is an implementation technique
- 17:58:49 [janina]
- ah: We're missing a user model of needs
- 17:58:56 [lisa]
- q+
- 17:59:30 [lisa]
- 18:01:31 [lisa]
- i need a concret example of what is missing andy so I know what you think is missing
- 18:01:53 [janina]
- ls: Need concrete example of what's missing
- 18:02:00 [janina]
- ah; There's lots. Will do off line
- 18:02:08 [janina]
- cl: next call, next Monday!
- 18:02:17 [janina]
- cl: Please respond on survey
- 18:02:49 [janina]
- zakim, bye
- 18:02:49 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been lisa, janina, clapierre, jasonjgw, Roy, AndyHeath, present
- 18:02:49 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #personalization
- 18:02:58 [janina]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:02:58 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate janina
- 18:03:08 [janina]
- rrsagent, bye
- 18:03:08 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items