IRC log of wcag-act on 2017-10-09
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:59:03 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act
- 13:59:03 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:59:05 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 13:59:05 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #wcag-act
- 13:59:07 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference
- 13:59:07 [trackbot]
- Date: 09 October 2017
- 13:59:19 [Wilco]
- agenda+ How to represent manual test steps
- 13:59:27 [Wilco]
- agenda+ Should we have fewer input types
- 13:59:35 [Wilco]
- agenda+ Do we need cannot-tell results
- 14:04:13 [shadi]
- chair: shadi
- 14:05:01 [shadi]
- chair: Wilco
- 14:05:04 [shadi]
- scribe: shadi
- 14:06:35 [shadi]
- zakim, take up next
- 14:06:35 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "How to represent manual test steps" taken up [from Wilco]
- 14:16:20 [shadi]
- saz: issue is how to specify tools that support a procedure without hard-coding specific tools into the procedures
- 14:17:50 [shadi]
- anne: tools list?
- 14:18:06 [shadi]
- saz: doesn't currently provide this level of granularity
- 14:20:39 [shadi]
- ...years ago we were thinking of mapping tools to WCAG SCs but now we have the rules as well
- 14:21:39 [anne_thyme]
- anne_thyme has joined #wcag-act
- 14:21:46 [anne_thyme]
- present+
- 14:22:08 [shadi]
- wilco: is this part of the spec?
- 14:22:38 [shadi]
- saz: not sure
- 14:22:41 [shadi]
- anne: +1
- 14:22:59 [shadi]
- wilco: think maybe not - more process than format
- 14:23:38 [shadi]
- action: saz to respond to commenter about "tools support" section in test rules
- 14:23:39 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'saz'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 14:25:21 [shadi]
- present+
- 14:25:24 [shadi]
- present+ wilco
- 14:25:35 [Wilco]
- 14:28:04 [shadi]
- wilco: should this be part of the format?
- 14:28:42 [shadi]
- anne: specifies implementation while we agreed the need for more flexibility
- 14:29:03 [shadi]
- ...maybe specific more independently
- 14:35:58 [shadi]
- saz: seems like the "user profile" and "context" are the essential attributes for a check
- 14:36:29 [shadi]
- ...default assumption is checks are syntax-based and require no context knowledge
- 14:37:08 [shadi]
- ...if a check requires semantic verification or context knowledge, then it may require particular input
- 14:37:28 [shadi]
- ...not necessarily user input, could also be AI or so
- 14:37:47 [shadi]
- anne: sounds like requirements or properties for the checks
- 14:40:21 [Wilco]
- 14:40:41 [shadi]
- wilco: if we add properties to checks, would that be a pre-defined list?
- 14:44:03 [shadi]
- saz: rather than "requires sight" and "requires hearing", something more independent like "requires visual verification" or such
- 14:44:13 [shadi]
- anne: could become a long list
- 14:44:58 [shadi]
- wilco: binary?
- 14:45:26 [shadi]
- saz: could be multiple properties
- 14:45:40 [shadi]
- wilco: but each binary or can there be more?
- 14:47:12 [Wilco]
- 14:47:19 [Wilco]
- | User profile | Requires <sight / hearing / fine motor control / HTML Knowledge / Accessibility knowledge / ...> | context | yes | Optional | Interaction | yes | Optional
- 14:52:42 [shadi]
- saz: interaction includes form submissions?
- 14:52:49 [shadi]
- wilco: type of interaction
- 14:53:26 [shadi]
- anne: would be good to be able to distinguish between tests that require scripting vs not
- 14:54:10 [shadi]
- zakim, take up next
- 14:54:10 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Should we have fewer input types" taken up [from Wilco]
- 14:54:52 [shadi]
- anne: maybe we can write-up something for group discussion
- 14:55:32 [shadi]
- ...within next two weeks
- 14:56:15 [shadi]
- wilco: 19th october?
- 14:56:20 [shadi]
- anne: sounds good
- 14:56:32 [shadi]
- zakim, take up next
- 14:56:32 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Do we need cannot-tell results" taken up [from Wilco]
- 15:00:09 [shadi]
- saz: have not applicable already in EARL
- 15:00:29 [shadi]
- ...but not supported by WCAG, so need to be careful
- 15:00:40 [shadi]
- ...also think need to keep cannot tell
- 15:00:53 [shadi]
- wilco: yes, comes up fairly frequently
- 15:01:10 [shadi]
- ...maybe able to ditch, but do we want to?
- 15:01:16 [shadi]
- anne: to be continued
- 15:01:40 [shadi]
- trackbot, end meeting
- 15:01:40 [trackbot]
- Zakim, list attendees
- 15:01:40 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been anne_thyme, shadi, wilco
- 15:01:48 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 15:01:48 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate trackbot
- 15:01:49 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 15:01:49 [RRSAgent]
- I see 1 open action item saved in :
- 15:01:49 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: saz to respond to commenter about "tools support" section in test rules [1]
- 15:01:49 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in