IRC log of personalization on 2017-10-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:47:31 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #personalization
16:47:31 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:47:53 [lisa]
rrsagent, make logs public
16:51:14 [lisa]
agenda+ Additional introductions
16:51:16 [lisa]
agenda+ Updates (wiki up and running, user needs table and proposed time lines (mature draft before December?)
16:51:18 [lisa]
agenda+ How often do we want to meet
16:51:19 [lisa]
agenda+ Meeting at TPAC
16:51:26 [lisa]
agenda+ Reviewing the draft (feedback on what needs to be done by section) (and issues)
16:51:26 [lisa]
Other ideas: Do we want it as a vocabulary? should we trim the specification?
17:01:18 [Thaddeus]
Thaddeus has joined #personalization
17:01:36 [Thaddeus]
+Present Thaddeus
17:01:40 [Thaddeus]
+ Thaddeus
17:01:45 [jasonjgw]
17:02:03 [lisa]
17:03:14 [AndyHeath]
AndyHeath has joined #personalization
17:03:14 [Thaddeus]
can someone post the call in number please
17:03:28 [AndyHeath]
17:03:30 [lisa]
scribe: andyheath
17:03:48 [clapierre]
clapierre has joined #personalization
17:04:09 [clapierre]
17:04:12 [lisa]
thad can you access this page
17:05:05 [lisa]
regrets, jan
17:05:12 [lisa]
regrets: jan
17:05:19 [lisa]
zakim, next item
17:05:19 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Additional introductions" taken up [from lisa]
17:05:52 [lisa]
zakim, next item
17:05:52 [Zakim]
agendum 1 was just opened, lisa
17:05:58 [AndyHeath]
Texthelp will be joining when they get through the process things
17:06:01 [lisa]
zakim, next item
17:06:01 [Zakim]
agendum 1 was just opened, lisa
17:06:09 [lisa]
zakim, close item
17:06:09 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'close item', lisa
17:06:16 [clapierre]
scribe: AndyHeath
17:06:17 [lisa]
zakim, item 2
17:06:17 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'item 2', lisa
17:06:27 [lisa]
zakim, open item 2
17:06:27 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Updates (wiki up and running, user needs table and proposed time lines (mature draft before December?)" taken up
17:06:30 [Zakim]
... [from lisa]
17:08:06 [AndyHeath]
If you want to add more pages/links on the wiki you can
17:08:59 [lisa]
17:09:12 [lisa]
17:09:30 [Thaddeus]
I cant get in to the right now
17:09:30 [Thaddeus]
17:09:37 [AndyHeath]
On the emantics page we are collecting sub-issues
17:09:37 [Thaddeus]
are you allowed to paste in the number
17:09:53 [AndyHeath]
17:10:30 [AndyHeath]
Collect comments when reviewing documents in this place
17:11:24 [lisa]
Thad, i opened a private chat window
17:11:41 [clapierre]
17:12:12 [lisa]
thadd i put the info into a privat chat
17:12:33 [GreggVan]
GreggVan has joined #personalization
17:13:18 [AndyHeath]
The semantics page is stuff for the documents and a todo list
17:13:21 [lisa]
17:13:33 [lisa]
17:13:39 [janina]
17:14:08 [lisa]
17:14:28 [Thaddeus]
17:14:43 [GreggVan]
17:15:26 [MichaelC]
17:15:39 [janina]
q+ to ask for some more about what the wcag 2.1 tie in is
17:16:36 [AndyHeath]
Can we get a straw draft out for early December to be useful for WCAG 2.1
17:17:43 [AndyHeath]
Janina - why are we on a WCAG timeeline at all given that ARIA ia all about tecnniques
17:18:06 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - the more supportive techniques the better and we have some
17:19:01 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - there is already a draft of our techniques
17:19:10 [AndyHeath]
Andy agrees with Janina too
17:19:30 [AndyHeath]
Michael agrees with Janina
17:20:53 [lisa]
17:21:43 [AndyHeath]
Lisa/Gregg - ARIA is limited to markup languages
17:21:56 [AndyHeath]
17:23:14 [AndyHeath]
Debate about whether there are sufficeint techniques
17:23:32 [lisa]
ack j
17:23:32 [Zakim]
janina, you wanted to ask for some more about what the wcag 2.1 tie in is
17:23:36 [AndyHeath]
17:23:39 [lisa]
ack j
17:23:42 [janina]
ack ja
17:24:37 [AndyHeath]
There isn’t agreement on whether we care about the WCAG 2.1 schedule
17:24:42 [AndyHeath]
Gregg - its too late
17:25:39 [lisa]
17:25:53 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - do we want 2pwd for 5th december
17:27:14 [AndyHeath]
Janina - updating the draft by 5th december but focussing on wcag may not be the way to go
17:27:17 [lisa]
zakim, next item
17:27:17 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Additional introductions" taken up [from lisa]
17:28:00 [lisa]
zakim, next item
17:28:00 [Zakim]
agendum 1 was just opened, lisa
17:28:07 [lisa]
zakim, open item 3
17:28:07 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "How often do we want to meet" taken up [from lisa]
17:29:17 [AndyHeath]
Lisa and Charles wants us to meet every week
17:29:59 [AndyHeath]
17:31:02 [MichaelC]
ack a
17:32:05 [AndyHeath]
For now one call per week in the cuyrrent timeslot
17:33:16 [Thaddeus]
I am fine joining a weekly meeting
17:33:54 [AndyHeath]
Gregg - wcag used surveys and the meetings followed to resolve unresolved things
17:36:09 [jasonjgw]
17:37:09 [GreggVan]
17:37:49 [AndyHeath]
Jason - what are the objectives for a specification ?
17:38:27 [AndyHeath]
Jason - do we want it tight and small or larger and take longer to progress
17:39:14 [lisa]
17:39:20 [lisa]
ack q
17:39:25 [lisa]
ack j
17:39:25 [clapierre]
ack jason
17:40:19 [clapierre]
+1 to weekly meetings unless cancelled
17:40:35 [lisa]
+1 to weekly meetings unless cancelled
17:41:13 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - “I would like a weekly call supplemented by surveys where useful”
17:42:06 [clapierre]
+1 to using surveys
17:42:18 [Thaddeus]
+1 to using surveys
17:42:27 [GreggVan]
17:42:38 [AndyHeath]
+1 for weekly call + surveys
17:42:42 [lisa]
ack g
17:43:11 [lisa]
zakim, open item 4
17:43:11 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Meeting at TPAC" taken up [from lisa]
17:43:23 [AndyHeath]
Gregg - “surveys - make sure that links always open up on a new page"
17:45:11 [janina]
17:45:15 [lisa]
17:45:45 [AndyHeath]
Charles “TPAC - I’ll be there for the week. Digital Publishing Monday and Tuesday,Thurs and Fri = publisjing summit”
17:46:00 [clapierre]
ack Jan
17:46:25 [Thaddeus]
I will be
17:46:48 [AndyHeath]
Discussion - how/whether to have a meeting at TPAC on personalisation
17:48:06 [lisa]
ack l
17:48:09 [AndyHeath]
Janina - propose talk some personalisation in joint meeting for ARIA and CSS Media Queries sometime on Minday or Tues.
17:49:02 [AndyHeath]
Lisa +1 for pesonalisation in joint meeting + should meet with dig pub
17:50:20 [AndyHeath]
Charles - will propose jont meeting to dig pub
17:50:54 [AndyHeath]
Janina - meet with CSS best Mon or Tues
17:52:29 [AndyHeath]
Lisa, Charles, Janina take this offline
17:52:37 [lisa]
action: charles sort out tpac
17:52:53 [lisa]
zakim, open item 5
17:52:54 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Reviewing the draft (feedback on what needs to be done by section)
17:52:56 [Zakim]
... (and issues)" taken up [from lisa]
17:54:09 [AndyHeath]
Lisa = “its a long spec and people more familiar with the metadata side
17:55:34 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - |lets try to focus effort on things people are implementing while not throwing stuff out"
17:55:55 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - “want more use cases but for a narrower scope”
17:56:29 [AndyHeath]
Lisa/Charles - don’t throw anything out
17:57:17 [jasonjgw]
17:58:12 [clapierre]
ack jas
17:58:16 [AndyHeath]
First agenda # for next week - discussion of potential restructuring of spec
17:58:42 [AndyHeath]
17:59:13 [AndyHeath]
Jason - “conventional way to think about it is start with preferences”
18:00:33 [janina]
18:00:59 [AndyHeath]
Jason - “but its not clear how all the pieces of this can fit together”
18:01:59 [AndyHeath]
18:02:22 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - “architecture coming second"
18:02:38 [Thaddeus]
18:02:58 [Thaddeus]
thank you
18:03:02 [AndyHeath]
Lisa - “we can make a wiki page where we discuss the architectural issues"
18:03:20 [lisa]
action: lisa to make page on actectures
18:03:51 [AndyHeath]
Everyone please look at the specirication
18:04:16 [AndyHeath]
should some things be considered “at risk"
18:04:49 [AndyHeath]
Please add to the wiki pages
18:05:34 [lisa]
rrsagent, create minutes
18:05:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate lisa
18:06:01 [lisa]
zakim, please part
18:06:01 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Thaddeus, jasonjgw, lisa, AndyHeath, clapierre, janina, GreggVan, MichaelC
18:06:01 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #personalization
18:06:18 [lisa]
rrsagent, please part
18:06:18 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
18:06:18 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: charles sort out tpac [1]
18:06:18 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:06:18 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: lisa to make page on actectures [2]
18:06:18 [RRSAgent]
recorded in