IRC log of apa on 2017-09-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:45:42 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #apa
15:45:42 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:45:44 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:45:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #apa
15:45:46 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
15:45:46 [trackbot]
Date: 27 September 2017
15:45:58 [janina]
15:46:02 [janina]
agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes
15:46:02 [janina]
agenda+ TPAC 2017 Planning
15:46:02 [janina]
agenda+ Push/Notification Special Call Scheduled
15:46:02 [janina]
agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs)
15:46:03 [janina]
agenda+ new on TR
15:46:04 [janina]
agenda+ Other Business
15:46:07 [janina]
agenda+ next and future meetings
15:46:09 [janina]
agenda+ be done
15:58:33 [tink]
tink has joined #apa
15:59:41 [janina]
/me Coming up ...
16:01:02 [joanie]
present+ Joanmarie_Diggs
16:07:19 [tink]
present+ Léonie
16:08:27 [MichaelC]
16:08:40 [janina]
16:09:25 [tink]
scribe: Léonie
16:09:45 [tink]
zakim, take up item 1
16:09:45 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina]
16:10:24 [tink]
JS: Any additions to the agenda?
16:10:36 [tink]
... Hearing none. Any news?
16:10:53 [tink]
zakim, close item 1
16:10:53 [Zakim]
agendum 1, preview agenda with items from two minutes, closed
16:10:54 [Zakim]
I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
16:10:54 [Zakim]
2. TPAC 2017 Planning [from janina]
16:10:57 [tink]
zakim, take up item 2
16:10:57 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "TPAC 2017 Planning" taken up [from janina]
16:11:05 [MichaelC]
16:11:15 [tink]
MC: Please register.
16:11:25 [tink]
... You must register if you attend in person.
16:11:36 [tink]
... Early registration rate closes next week.
16:11:47 [tink]
... Hotel reservations are already difficult to come by.
16:12:35 [tink]
JS: Going over the notes on our TPAC page.
16:13:21 [tink]
... I presume CSS will look kindly on our request to meet.
16:13:43 [tink]
... Also presume we'll need to prep ahead of that meeting.
16:14:15 [tink]
... Want to make sure anything we present is done efficiently.
16:14:32 [tink]
... Terse summaries to maximise our time with the CSS WG.
16:15:10 [tink]
... Co-ordination with ARIA and WebPlat on Input Events.
16:16:23 [tink]
... Also the discussion about AOM.
16:16:31 [tink]
JMD: Suggest different topics.
16:18:27 [tink]
LW: The Editing TF meets on Tuesday, and Web Components on Friday.
16:19:07 [tink]
... Meeting planned with ARIA for 11am on Friday already.
16:19:47 [tink]
16:20:11 [tink]
LW: Please post a comment to request time on that agenda.
16:20:48 [tink]
... Our three agendas are found on the WebPlat repo as #93, #94, and #95.
16:20:57 [tink]
JS: Tuesday is ok for Input Events for APA.
16:21:25 [tink]
... The RQTF has been working away.
16:21:39 [tink]
... We sent questions to Web Auth. We haven't received answers though.
16:21:51 [tink]
... We hope to meet with them at TPAC to discuss.
16:22:35 [tink]
... If ARIA has items to discuss with Web Auth we could join up.
16:22:51 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:22:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
16:24:21 [janina]
16:25:33 [tink]
JMD: We're looking for a joint meting slot?
16:25:44 [tink]
JS: Yes, at a time that suits people dialling in from Western Australia.
16:25:53 [tink]
JMD: Need to give this some thought.
16:27:38 [tink]
... We also have the joint TFs to consider.
16:28:17 [tink]
... When you know the time of the RQTF/Web Auth meeting, let me know and we'll attend if we can.
16:28:19 [tink]
JS: Ok.
16:28:26 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:28:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
16:29:40 [tink]
... Will be looking at version 2 of the Turing paper.
16:29:53 [tink]
... The RQTF has been looking at this.
16:36:59 [tink]
... RQTF is also looking at WebVR.
16:37:12 [tink]
... The WebVR WG will not meet at TPAC though.
16:37:24 [tink]
... The RQTF is putting together some questions.
16:37:54 [tink]
... We will invite any WebVR people at TPAC to attend our meeting if they wish.
16:38:53 [tink]
... WebVR meets in December in Brussels.
16:39:21 [tink]
... Would be good to send someone from APA/RQTF if possible.
16:39:26 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:39:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
16:39:45 [tink]
... We should have a Coga TF check in.
16:40:09 [tink]
... Is there too much happening in AG WG to make a joint meeting possible?
16:40:22 [tink]
MC: We might as well try.
16:41:38 [tink]
... There will be discussion about new SCs, so representation from the various AG WG TFs seems likely.
16:42:46 [tink]
JS: Web Payments.
16:42:57 [tink]
... Not sure what to do with this, but think we need to do something.
16:43:06 [tink]
... Will continue to try and get hold of Katie.
16:43:30 [tink]
MC: Katie is active on some things now.
16:43:57 [tink]
... One of their specs went to CR last week.
16:44:08 [tink]
... There is clearly work happening, and happening without us.
16:44:50 [tink]
LW: Has Shane been active in Web Payments?
16:45:09 [tink]
JMD: I know Shane is very busy ATM.
16:46:08 [tink]
LW: If he's active there it means we have accessibility knowledge at source.
16:46:35 [tink]
JS: The rest of my topics for TPAC focus on procedural areas.
16:47:00 [tink]
... It'll be six months since we released the self-assessment tool.
16:47:13 [tink]
... Don't think anyone has completed it yet.
16:47:24 [tink]
... Should we make it mandatory?
16:47:30 [tink]
MC: Don't think it's ready for that.
16:47:54 [tink]
... We could make it easier for people to complete.
16:48:17 [tink]
... Presented it to team to get input.
16:48:26 [tink]
... Had some limited input.
16:49:07 [tink]
... We could also use it ourselves when we spec review.
16:49:52 [tink]
LW: Could I suggest asking people to complete it when they request wide review?
16:50:09 [tink]
... APA is also good at starting reviews before a direct request comes through.
16:50:18 [tink]
... So visibility of the form may not be good across chairs.
16:50:32 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:50:32 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
16:51:13 [tink]
JS: Accessibility impact statements in specs.
16:51:29 [tink]
... We've received push back, feeling like second class citizens compared to security and privacy.
16:51:55 [tink]
MC: We would do a walkthrough of specs that might benefit from it.
16:52:29 [tink]
... It seems that now even when there are no security/privacy concerns, those sections are still present in the specs.
16:52:53 [tink]
... Pushback has often been that the sections should not just point to another spec like WCAG.
16:53:05 [tink]
... So if that isn't what's included, what should be?
16:53:21 [tink]
... If we can figure that out it might help.
16:53:30 [tink]
JS: Maybe point to specific SCs?
16:53:47 [tink]
MC: Problem is that specs are not often/always related to web content.
16:54:47 [tink]
LW: Is it worth drawing a sample of security/privacy sections in specs, in case we can learn something from the kind of information they include?
16:54:52 [tink]
JS: I can do that.
16:55:15 [tink]
ACTION: Janina to review a sample of specifications to analyse their security and privacy sections.
16:55:16 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2150 - Review a sample of specifications to analyse their security and privacy sections. [on Janina Sajka - due 2017-10-04].
16:55:58 [tink]
... There is APIs with no descriptions.
16:56:08 [tink]
... Also Notes that go out without time for comments.
16:56:31 [tink]
MC: We've discussed this within the team.
16:56:51 [tink]
... I'm not sure what APA can do in relation to either of these items though.
16:57:25 [tink]
LW: Is there anything that could be done within the Process about the Notes?
16:57:42 [tink]
MC: My analysis is that the Process allows Notes to go out without drafts.
16:57:53 [tink]
... Suspect it'd be unlikely we'd be able to change the Process.
16:58:02 [tink]
... Maybe best practices instead.
16:58:07 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:58:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
16:58:29 [tink]
JS: Perhaps someting to discuss with Judy, or the AB?
16:58:46 [tink]
MC: Or the TPAC Wednesday break out sessions?
16:59:27 [tink]
LW: Worth reaching out to the other horizontal review WGs?
16:59:34 [tink]
MC: Not sure.
17:00:05 [MichaelC]
17:00:12 [tink]
zakim, close item 2
17:00:12 [Zakim]
agendum 2, TPAC 2017 Planning, closed
17:00:13 [Zakim]
I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:00:13 [Zakim]
3. Push/Notification Special Call Scheduled [from janina]
17:00:17 [tink]
zakim, take up item 3
17:00:17 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Push/Notification Special Call Scheduled" taken up [from janina]
17:00:41 [tink]
JS: Anne and someone else from WWG will attend a telecon.
17:01:49 [tink]
LW: I might have a conflict for that meeting now. Will check.
17:02:14 [tink]
zakim, close item 3
17:02:14 [Zakim]
agendum 3, Push/Notification Special Call Scheduled, closed
17:02:15 [Zakim]
I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:02:15 [Zakim]
4. Actions Checkin (Specs) [from janina]
17:02:18 [tink]
zakim, take up item 4
17:02:18 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Actions Checkin (Specs)" taken up [from janina]
17:02:26 [tink]
zakim, close item 4
17:02:26 [Zakim]
agendum 4, Actions Checkin (Specs), closed
17:02:28 [Zakim]
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:02:28 [Zakim]
5. new on TR [from janina]
17:02:32 [tink]
zakim, take up item 5
17:02:32 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "new on TR" taken up [from janina]
17:02:48 [tink]
MC: Permissions is a new security spec.
17:02:58 [tink]
JS: Want to look at that, but can think about it next week.
17:03:10 [tink]
MC: Nothing that can't ait a week.
17:03:30 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:03:30 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
17:04:06 [tink]
chair: Janina
17:04:19 [tink]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:04:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tink
17:05:12 [tink]
tink has left #apa
17:18:24 [MichaelC]
MichaelC has joined #apa
17:29:17 [MichaelC_]
MichaelC_ has joined #apa
17:34:59 [MichaelC]
MichaelC has joined #apa
19:13:18 [MichaelC_]
MichaelC_ has joined #apa
19:57:01 [florian]
florian has joined #apa
20:59:16 [florian]
florian has joined #apa
22:00:01 [florian]
florian has joined #apa
23:00:50 [florian]
florian has joined #apa