17:02:35 RRSAgent has joined #eo 17:02:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/20-eo-irc 17:02:37 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:02:40 Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference 17:02:40 Date: 20 September 2017 17:02:58 Present+ Brent 17:03:05 Scribe: Brent 17:07:47 present+ Alicia, Shawn, Brent, Charlotte, James, Laura, Sharron, Eric 17:08:01 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:08:01 Present: Laura, Sharron, Brent, Eric, Shawn, Charlotte, Howard, Alicia, James 17:08:17 present: Alicia, Shawn, Brent, Charlotte, James, Laura, Sharron, Eric 17:10:14 Laura has joined #eo 17:10:27 present+ Laura 17:11:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-site/2017Sep/0022.html 17:11:30 Topic: Home Page Issues logged. 17:11:40 Issue #93 17:12:15 Home Page Issue 93: https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/93 17:14:17 Alicia: In general stock photos will be very generic. 17:14:51 I think we should not be trying to convey information or content via the image used. 17:15:25 Alica: Agree with comments. I think I understand the issue and comments and will work at pullilng together images that can be used. 17:16:31 Eric: It should have something to do with accessibility. But should change. Time is running out for my subscription. 17:17:26 Shawn: Eric has 8 for free and we should use those. 17:17:33 Alicia: okay. 17:18:21 Home Page Issue 96: https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/96 17:18:46 s/Issue #93/Topic: Issue #93 17:19:15 Topic: Home Page - New prominance 17:19:29 Issue 96: https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/96 17:20:28 Eric: I don't believe people come to the home page to read the news. I think the location and prominance is okay for now. 17:20:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:20:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/20-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:20:46 Shawn: The issue is that we want people to pay attention to the news. 17:21:24 Sharron: In the past they don't come for the news, we want to change that and have people pay attention to the news in the new site design. 17:22:48 Topic: Middle Buckets 17:22:51 related issue: What are the middle boxes? Are they mostly more featured resources? 17:23:05 GitHub Issue 82: https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/82 17:23:37 Alicia: The intent of the design is to give people another way to navigate to the different parts of the site. 17:24:05 Shawn: Are you thinking that they would be "plan & manage, advocate, etc" 17:24:26 Alicia: Wasn't thinking they would be links directly to specific resources. 17:24:41 ... More like main categories for content on the site. 17:25:47 q+ 17:26:00 q- Laura 17:26:15 Brent: Are people going to be able to click on top level page of nav and get overall pages 17:26:29 SLH: yes 17:27:04 q+ to say not duplicating main navigation links! 17:27:44 q+ to anser brent 17:27:49 q- later 17:27:56 ack sha 17:27:56 shawn, you wanted to anser brent 17:28:02 ack shawn 17:28:09 Alicia: We could mirror the top navigation or may be benefit to linking to specific resources. 17:28:12 breadcrumb will have link to overview page 17:28:48 acl y 17:28:54 ack y 17:28:54 yatil, you wanted to say not duplicating main navigation links! 17:29:36 Eric: Would give a direct link to resources that we wanted people to see. 17:29:59 ... Links that would go deeper than the WAI site nav may go into. 17:30:44 ... Having more features in those boxes gives a better overview. Could even add another set underneath the news to focus on even more topics/resources. 17:31:55 Shawn: What if they are featured resources, and then people get use to the links to them there, then when we rotate out old and put in new, people cannot find what they were use to seeing in these middle buckets. 17:32:26 ... Or people might just focus on those only and not get used to search out the other resources in the navigation. 17:33:10 A primary goal with the new redesign is to help people know abou tthe range of WAI resources 17:33:20 s/New prominance/News prominence/ 17:33:44 Charlotte: If we do a good job with the IA and the nav, it should not be a problem when these featured things change. They will be able to find it in the nav. Also believe people will bookmark the resources they go back to often. 17:34:33 q+ 17:34:48 ack b 17:35:45 brent: long ago we talked about role. if we use boxes as featured resources. James, do you feel nav is good eough for role 17:35:49 james: yes 17:36:35 s/eough/enough 17:37:48 Shawn: If these become featured resources or hot topics, will it be confusing to have one Featured Resource at the top and four others lower on the page? 17:37:56 Charlotte: See that all the time. 17:38:29 James: We are trying to make the site "sticky" and draw people in with many different ideas and things to view. 17:40:24 Shawn: Back to the news topics. Should we make this area two columns. Left: news and announcements - Right: Featured Content. 17:40:28 q+ 17:40:35 [ Shawn Don’t we have three news on the front page and all others on the news page?] 17:41:00 James: Those that are coming in looking for news and announcements will be fine searching for them and they will find them. 17:41:56 Laura: If you really want to move news up, is it possible to just have a link or button to News under "what is the W3C WAI. 17:42:32 Eric: Could have both. Top three news topics on this page and then also a news page that has everything. 17:43:36 Shawn: We have that now. Won't restrict it to three, could be more. 17:44:36 Eric: There are a lot of technical solutions that we could implement to show the news topics. These can be decided later. 17:44:43 ack laura 17:44:48 [ in reply to [ Shawn Don’t we have three news on the front page and all others on the news page?] -- no, often need more than 3 17:45:18 Eric: We can have as many news pieces featured as we want, even have news items featured that are older than the x newest news items. 17:45:34 Topic: Middle Featured Resources 17:45:36 https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/82 17:46:03 Chair: James 17:46:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:46:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/20-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:47:39 Shawn: There is a couple of solutions. 17:47:59 ... 1) Title of resource, description, whole box is clickable. 17:48:41 ... 2) Topic (category of the resource), description, link to the resource. 17:49:33 Getting Started Featured Resource 17:49:33 If you need to urgently address accessibility in an existing web project, see Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs. 17:51:01 Alicia: I am not sure that having the categories will help me understand the resource. 17:51:49 ... Would use the title of the resource as the link instead of using "learn more" 17:52:35 [ notes strongly + READ MORE in the teaser which is completely linked ] 17:56:26 shawn has left #eo 17:56:33 shawn has joined #eo 17:56:59 brent and shawn provide specifics to alicia 17:57:33 https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/87 17:57:56 Topic: issues 87 17:58:16 Brent: link to the Tip itself, and not to more design tips. 17:59:11 q+ 17:59:15 ack l 17:59:35 Laura: Agree with Brent. Tip of the week is that you are looking at one tip. 17:59:42 James: +1 too 18:01:37 Eric: When you link into a page, people will be missing the heading and overview paragraph, they may be lost or be confused. 18:02:14 Topic: Perspectives Videos Text 18:02:18 https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/89 18:03:21 Shawn: When looking at the specific wording for the video text, do we want to try and incorporate the perspectives tag line into the text. 18:04:08 Sharron: Yes, we do want to include the tagline. 18:04:29 ... Not in the heading. Makes it too long. 18:05:15 Eric: I want to keep the button and not link the text, 18:05:20 +1 to Eric 18:05:35 Laura: Like the example, with the button. 18:06:24 Shawn: All other items in the email were for others to address specifically. Just calling attention to them. 18:07:33 Topic: Usability Questoins 18:08:24 Charlotte: Any questions that you have on the questions provided in the email, please send them to me by the end of this week if possible. 18:08:45 James: No other topics. Meeting adjourned. 18:11:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:11:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/20-eo-minutes.html yatil-away