14:01:17 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 14:01:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/07-wpwg-irc 14:01:18 mweksler has joined #wpwg 14:01:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:01:19 Zakim has joined #wpwg 14:01:21 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference 14:01:21 Date: 07 September 2017 14:01:50 rouslan has joined #wpwg 14:01:57 Chair: NickTR 14:02:00 Scribe: Ian 14:02:02 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170907 14:02:02 present+ Rouslan 14:02:22 present+ 14:02:26 present+ ChrisMarconi 14:02:33 present+ ChristianWeiss 14:02:40 present+ mweksler 14:02:44 deganon has joined #wpwg 14:02:46 present+ jean_luc 14:03:22 alyver has joined #wpwg 14:03:33 present? 14:03:42 zakim, who's here? 14:03:43 Present: Rouslan, Ian, ChrisMarconi, ChristianWeiss, mweksler, jean_luc 14:03:44 On IRC I see alyver, deganon, rouslan, Zakim, mweksler, RRSAgent, Max, cweiss, adamR, pea13, canton, dlongley, manu, hober, mkwst, natasha, emschwartz, JakeA, trackbot, dlehn, 14:03:44 ... slightlyoff, adrianba, Dongwoo, ShaneM, oyiptong, nicktr, Ian 14:03:55 present+ 14:04:01 present+ MattDeGanon 14:04:38 present+ Molly 14:04:43 present+ NickTR 14:05:19 present+ Ken 14:05:24 Ken has joined #wpwg 14:05:31 lte has joined #wpwg 14:05:36 zakim, who is here 14:05:36 nicktr, you need to end that query with '?' 14:05:58 present+ Mweksler 14:06:07 topic: Checking PMI and PR API to CR 14:06:44 present+ Laura 14:08:31 zakim, who is here? 14:08:31 Present: Rouslan, Ian, ChrisMarconi, ChristianWeiss, mweksler, jean_luc, alyver, MattDeGanon, Molly, NickTR, Ken, Laura 14:08:32 IJ: I hope to do the transition request tomorrow. Awaiting editor final signal 14:08:33 On IRC I see lte, Ken, alyver, deganon, rouslan, Zakim, mweksler, RRSAgent, Max, cweiss, adamR, pea13, canton, dlongley, manu, hober, mkwst, natasha, emschwartz, JakeA, trackbot, 14:08:33 ... dlehn, slightlyoff, adrianba, Dongwoo, ShaneM, oyiptong, nicktr, Ian 14:08:43 ....stay tuned for email re: change in CR exit criteria 14:08:52 topic: Rechartering the WPWG 14:09:05 Our current charter => http://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/charter-201510.html 14:09:10 nicktr: the charter establishes our scope 14:09:15 ...it's our "license to operate" 14:09:25 ...our charter expires 31 December 14:09:43 ....we first met in Nov 2015 ... so TPAC 2017 will represent the 2-year mark, and when we need to recharter 14:10:04 ...it would be cool to go into TPAC with a draft 14:10:12 q+ 14:10:37 ...the Members review the charter and we will want to socialize to get their support 14:11:12 ian: there are some strategic options 14:11:29 ...we could be underway with our review before the end of October 14:11:49 ...alternatively we use TPAC to hammer out issues within the group 14:12:02 ...so I sugegst we keep both optiuons open 14:12:21 s/sugegst/suggest/ 14:12:32 s/optiuons/options/ 14:12:53 Nick: Any questions on the recharter process? 14:12:58 [No replies] 14:13:03 Nick: Some things to think about for recharter are in the agenda 14:13:13 agenda->https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170907 14:13:43 Things to do: 14:13:48 * Continue work with revised milestones 14:14:07 * PR API, PMI, Payment method manifest, Payment Handler, payment method specs 14:14:20 New things (potentially): 14:14:25 * New payment method specs (e.g., ILP) 14:14:39 * Curation and governance of network name list, etc. 14:14:48 * Version 2 features for PR API 14:15:18 Question: Should we revisit non-interactive (out-of-browser) payments? 14:15:23 ...e.g., for IOT 14:15:44 q? 14:15:50 ack me 14:15:51 ack Ian 14:16:03 q+ 14:16:07 ack Ken 14:17:07 Ken: How would you see us articulating the relationship between the WG and IG? 14:17:30 q+ 14:18:06 Ken: Regarding continuing work, should we be specific or generally say "we will continue" 14:18:29 NickTR: I think the more specific we can be the easier it will be to get the charter through the membership review 14:18:52 ...open charters raise issues for some members (e.g., due to patent concerns) 14:19:16 ...in terms of the IG and the WG, good question! 14:19:46 ..the relationship between IG and WG was strong initially but is no longer as strong 14:20:00 ack me 14:20:00 ack Ian 14:20:26 Ian: there have been staff discussions recently 14:20:41 ...IG is an industry monitoring grou 14:21:00 ...IG could do analysis of needs and produce whitepaper explaining state of the world 14:21:25 ...over time IG continues to monitor and the working group 14:21:47 ...IG could review specs and critique WG's response to needs/market 14:22:21 ...in short IG becomes more like a "steering committee" which is distinct from the WG's implementation and technology focus 14:22:31 q? 14:22:57 q? 14:23:39 nicktr: I welcome more suggestions from the wider group on what we should do 14:23:47 ...I encourage you to add your suggestions and thoughts 14:23:48 q? 14:24:11 michel_cc has joined #wpwg 14:24:42 present+ Max 14:25:34 ACTION: Ian to create a GitHub thingy for the charter and people can make comments with issues and pull requests 14:25:34 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs, ijmad). 14:25:58 current charter-> https://www.w3.org/2015/10/payments-wg-charter.html 14:26:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/07-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:26:27 Topic: Polyfill from Digital Bazaar 14:26:39 Just Released: W3C Web Payments Polyfill and Demo (video) 14:26:43 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2017Sep/0007.html 14:26:45 dezell has joined #wpwg 14:27:40 Nick: This is really exciting and, I hope, bring the work to a broader audience 14:27:43 Topic: TPAC 14:28:12 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/FTF-Nov2017 14:28:16 Please register if you have not done so 14:29:10 present+ dezell 14:29:25 ian: we might want to meet with the web authentication group 14:29:31 ...at TPAC 14:29:50 ...Manash has said he'd like to talk about 3DS 2.0 14:29:57 +1 14:29:58 ...if there are other groups then please let us know 14:30:02 +1 on the joint meeting with webauth 14:30:30 Topic: Next meeting 14:30:51 Proposed: 21 September 14:31:05 q+ - who owns producing a draft of WG charter? 14:31:13 ack ken 14:31:13 ack Ken 14:31:27 q+ 14:31:28 ACTION: Nick to work with Adrian and Ian to draft a WG Charter 14:31:29 Created ACTION-65 - Work with adrian and ian to draft a wg charter [on Nick Telford-Reed - due 2017-09-14]. 14:31:39 IJ: Should that be available before 21 Sep? 14:31:40 ack Ken 14:31:57 Nicktr: Yes...so let's have the draft charter by 21 Sep 14:32:30 +1 14:32:39 q? 14:33:29 Topic: Implementation 14:33:37 Ian: I see Webkit now in development 14:33:41 ...that means all browsers are implementing 14:33:43 ...congratulations 14:34:01 RRSAGENT, make minutes 14:34:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/07-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:34:04 RRSAGENT, set logs public 16:43:44 Zakim has left #wpwg 17:27:48 zkoch has joined #wpwg 17:31:47 zkoch has joined #wpwg 18:08:26 zkoch has joined #wpwg 18:47:18 zkoch has joined #wpwg 19:12:29 zkoch has joined #wpwg 19:22:46 adamR has joined #wpwg 19:27:02 cweiss has joined #wpwg 19:56:21 dlehn has joined #wpwg 19:57:10 cweiss has joined #wpwg 20:28:13 zkoch has joined #wpwg 20:38:11 zkoch has joined #wpwg 20:47:36 zkoch has joined #wpwg 21:05:01 zkoch has joined #wpwg 21:58:03 adamR has joined #wpwg 22:22:16 cweiss has joined #wpwg 23:16:24 zkoch has joined #wpwg