IRC log of i18n on 2017-09-07

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:56:45 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
14:56:45 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:56:49 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #i18n
14:56:54 [addison]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
14:56:57 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:57:00 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
14:57:00 [trackbot]
Date: 07 September 2017
14:57:40 [addison]
14:57:45 [addison]
Chair: Addison Phillips
14:57:48 [addison]
ScribeNick: addison
14:57:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
14:58:05 [addison]
agenda+ Agenda
14:58:12 [addison]
agenda+ Action Items
14:58:16 [addison]
agenda+ Info Share
14:58:24 [addison]
agenda+ Radar and Active Work Review
14:58:32 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
14:58:40 [addison]
agenda+ Review pending and close items
14:58:55 [addison]
agenda+ Remote Playback API
14:59:18 [addison]
agenda+ String-Meta
14:59:54 [David]
David has joined #I18n
15:01:20 [Steve_Atkin]
Steve_Atkin has joined #i18n
15:02:01 [Bert]
15:02:21 [addison]
present+ addison
15:02:32 [addison]
zakim, who is here?
15:02:32 [Zakim]
Present: Bert, addison
15:02:34 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Steve_Atkin, David, florian, Zakim, RRSAgent, addison, andrewc, tantek, r12a, xfq, koji, bigbluehat, Bert, trackbot, fantasai
15:02:36 [addison]
present+ steve
15:02:40 [addison]
present+ r12a
15:02:45 [addison]
present+ David
15:02:51 [addison]
present+ andrewc
15:03:11 [Klensin]
Klensin has joined #i18n
15:03:11 [addison]
15:04:23 [David_]
David_ has joined #I18n
15:04:24 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 1
15:04:25 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Agenda" taken up [from addison]
15:04:45 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 2
15:04:45 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Action Items" taken up [from addison]
15:04:52 [addison]
15:05:05 [Klensin]
present+ JcK
15:05:17 [addison]
15:05:17 [trackbot]
action-636 -- Addison Phillips to Update floating times q+a to address confusing section at end -- due 2017-07-20 -- OPEN
15:05:17 [trackbot]
15:05:55 [addison]
15:07:04 [addison]
15:07:04 [trackbot]
action-647 -- Richard Ishida to Send list of review items for next week (pendings and close? items) -- due 2017-09-07 -- OPEN
15:07:04 [trackbot]
15:07:08 [addison]
close action-647
15:07:08 [trackbot]
Closed action-647.
15:07:24 [addison]
15:07:24 [trackbot]
action-648 -- Richard Ishida to Ask mongolian ad hoc group to use our list -- due 2017-09-07 -- OPEN
15:07:24 [trackbot]
15:07:48 [David]
Zakim, present+
15:08:43 [addison]
close action-648
15:08:43 [trackbot]
Closed action-648.
15:09:00 [addison]
15:09:00 [trackbot]
action-649 -- Addison Phillips to Reply to whatwg 2945 translatehint issue with wg opinion -- due 2017-09-07 -- OPEN
15:09:00 [trackbot]
15:09:05 [addison]
close action-649
15:09:05 [trackbot]
Closed action-649.
15:09:48 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 3
15:09:48 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Info Share" taken up [from addison]
15:09:58 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
15:10:06 [addison]
david: small piece
15:10:11 [addison]
... looking at jdk9 spec
15:10:21 [addison]
... aiming to do better bidi support
15:10:57 [addison]
addison: maybe making isolation work?
15:11:29 [addison]
richard: tpac is coming!
15:11:36 [addison]
... the goose is getting fat
15:11:40 [addison]
... consider registering
15:11:45 [addison]
... if you wish to attend
15:12:04 [r12a]
15:12:14 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
15:12:43 [David]
15:12:44 [r12a]
15:13:47 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 4
15:13:47 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Radar and Active Work Review" taken up [from addison]
15:13:50 [addison]
15:15:46 [r12a]
zakim, who's here?
15:15:46 [Zakim]
Present: Bert, addison, steve, r12a, David, andrewc, JcK
15:15:48 [Zakim]
On IRC I see David, Klensin, Steve_Atkin, Zakim, RRSAgent, addison, andrewc, r12a, xfq, koji, bigbluehat, Bert, trackbot, fantasai
15:16:50 [addison]
15:17:48 [addison]
richard: talked to shervin and he'll try to produce something for arabic (gap review)
15:17:58 [addison]
bert: looking at dutch, not finished yet
15:18:02 [addison]
... will send
15:18:30 [addison]
richard: when you get to paged media stuff
15:18:42 [David]
David has joined #I18n
15:18:42 [addison]
... are there i18n features that are not supported. lots of features not supported
15:18:51 [addison]
... but we're only considering the i18n ones
15:19:07 [addison]
... things such as making page turn direction in arabic
15:19:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
15:20:39 [addison]
15:20:59 [addison]
richard: the ij thing might be one, it's unicode related
15:21:07 [addison]
... maybe important to consider
15:21:51 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 5
15:21:51 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Review pending and close items" taken up [from addison]
15:22:36 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 6
15:22:36 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Remote Playback API" taken up [from addison]
15:22:59 [addison]
15:24:43 [addison]
action: addison: write to remote playback and indicate that we are satisfied and our review is in fact complete
15:24:44 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-650 - Write to remote playback and indicate that we are satisfied and our review is in fact complete [on Addison Phillips - due 2017-09-14].
15:24:58 [addison]
zakim, take up agendum 5
15:24:58 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Review pending and close items" taken up [from addison]
15:25:11 [addison]
15:27:06 [addison]
15:27:46 [addison]
richard: maybe too late
15:27:52 [addison]
... but don't like the word justify here
15:28:02 [addison]
... this is about aligning or arranging
15:28:11 [addison]
... I wish to tilt at this windmill please?
15:28:36 [addison]
addison: agree
15:28:45 [addison]
david: use of justify is unjustifiable
15:29:01 [addison]
bert: problem css knows about, but hasn't come to satifying conclusion
15:29:13 [addison]
... words are internally consistent, but words overloaded
15:29:28 [addison]
... haven't found anything better, variations of 'align' are equally obscure
15:29:41 [addison]
richard: suggesting 'arrange', notice that powerpoint uses the word
15:30:15 [addison]
... question is whether CSS Grid went out and use justify?
15:30:21 [addison]
bert: not sure if all of them
15:30:47 [addison]
15:31:34 [addison]
richard: asking for a brief summary of what happens in simple cases
15:31:48 [addison]
addison: is that really an i18n comment?
15:32:01 [addison]
richard: well, has to do with which baseline
15:32:10 [addison]
bert: thought there use to be illustrations?
15:32:21 [addison]
richard: still exist in another spec
15:32:31 [addison]
... didn't manage to make that connect to what they say here
15:32:43 [addison]
(possibly line module??)
15:33:02 [addison]
(no objections)
15:33:09 [addison]
15:33:20 [David]
David has joined #I18n
15:33:37 [addison]
richard: matches items to a list
15:33:46 [addison]
... matches capital and lowercase in list
15:33:52 [addison]
... should we do normalization too?
15:36:02 [addison]
15:36:35 [addison]
addison: turkish for example
15:36:49 [addison]
andrew: vietnamese input methods may require normalization
15:37:10 [addison]
... user may not be inputting the same string
15:37:19 [addison]
... for the same word
15:38:37 [addison]
richard: really useful feature though
15:39:05 [addison]
... use in uniview
15:39:28 [addison]
jck: gray area between identifier case and free text case
15:40:56 [addison]
addison: if we don't say anything, the default implementation will be ascii friendly and break down from there
15:41:23 [addison]
15:42:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
15:42:14 [addison]
jck: "don't charge naively ahead"
15:42:31 [addison]
david: a rider on that is to say "before you try anything, try normalizing"
15:42:43 [addison]
jck: agree
15:43:15 [addison]
addison: wouldn't apply a K because it damages too much
15:43:39 [addison]
david: should say bahave "as if" NFC
15:43:49 [addison]
... use as-if to avoid requiring the actual normalization
15:44:27 [addison]
addison: case fold still a thing
15:44:32 [addison]
... written things like this
15:44:40 [addison]
... fold wide/narrow? fold kana?
15:45:10 [addison]
... "opened a nest of snakes"
15:45:33 [addison]
bert: found in an editor that suggests options, really annoying
15:45:52 [addison]
... what does the author mean by this, are these specific options?
15:45:58 [addison]
... up to browser to be smart about it
15:46:24 [addison]
addison: spec could allow implementations to compete on this
15:48:34 [addison]
richard: sounds really useful but opened a nest of snakes
15:48:40 [addison]
david: take into account user's locale
15:48:44 [addison]
addison: or page language content
15:48:56 [David]
David has left #i18n
15:48:57 [addison]
richard: and give examples
15:48:59 [David]
David has joined #I18n
15:49:28 [addison]
richard: will draft comment and submit it
15:49:52 [addison]
15:50:01 [addison]
15:51:49 [addison]
richard: they say no modifiers but examples are all uppercase letters
15:52:12 [addison]
(discussion of various things such as numbers on some keyboards, some syllabaries, etc.)
15:52:57 [addison]
richard: so what does "modifier" mean?
15:53:04 [addison]
andrew: technically includes shift
15:54:01 [addison]
jck: needs to be very clear what they are talking about
15:54:19 [addison]
andrew: defined as single unicode code point
15:54:25 [addison]
... but keyboards aren't limited that way
15:55:13 [addison]
addison: didn't we have this issue?
15:55:24 [addison]
richard: yes, steve raised this before
15:55:34 [addison]
steve: can't remember which spec, but yes
15:55:37 [addison]
... have to look
15:55:46 [addison]
richard: chaals involved in discuss?
15:56:13 [addison]
okay to send
15:56:53 [addison]
richard: owl-time all need to be closed?
15:57:14 [addison]
addison: will look at and close
15:58:02 [addison]
richard: will issue a new list for next week
15:58:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate addison
15:58:21 [addison]
Topic: AOB?
15:58:35 [r12a]
Action: Richard to shorten the list of pending/closed items and reissue for next telecon discussion
15:58:35 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-651 - Shorten the list of pending/closed items and reissue for next telecon discussion [on Richard Ishida - due 2017-09-14].
15:59:11 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
15:59:15 [Klensin]
Klensin has left #i18n
16:00:06 [r12a]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:00:06 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate r12a
16:20:02 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
16:27:57 [r12a]
Bert, i should send you a template to fill in for your dutch gap analysis and explain how it works
16:28:09 [r12a]
(very simple)
16:28:50 [r12a]
it may be useful to have a v quick voice call for that, if you have some spare time
16:29:04 [Bert]
I was writing a simple e-mail, but a form might be handy, indeed.
16:29:52 [Bert]
If it is short, why not right now? It's still rush hour, so I'm not leaving for another half hour...
16:30:19 [r12a]
ok, skype ?
16:30:39 [r12a]
16:32:13 [r12a]
Bert ^^
16:32:58 [Bert]
Whichever. or bert.bos or +33 4 92 38 76 92
16:34:04 [r12a]
joining your webex room
16:34:32 [r12a]
16:34:53 [r12a]
17:20:55 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
17:21:17 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
17:31:42 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n
17:41:47 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
18:42:42 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
19:03:34 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
19:35:05 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n
19:43:11 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n
19:51:35 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n
20:04:31 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
20:12:03 [behnam__]
behnam__ has joined #i18n
20:24:56 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
20:42:32 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n
21:26:22 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
21:46:43 [florian]
florian has joined #i18n
22:18:22 [r12a]
r12a has joined #i18n
23:55:43 [behnam]
behnam has joined #i18n