IRC log of wpwg on 2017-08-31
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:00:57 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #wpwg
- 14:00:57 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:00:59 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 14:00:59 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #wpwg
- 14:01:01 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference
- 14:01:01 [trackbot]
- Date: 31 August 2017
- 14:01:11 [Ian]
- Agenda:
- 14:01:20 [Ian]
- Chair: NickTR
- 14:01:31 [Ian]
- present+ alyver
- 14:01:41 [Ian]
- present+ jean_luc_di_manno
- 14:01:51 [Ian]
- present+ Nicktr
- 14:01:56 [Ian]
- present+
- 14:03:20 [nicktr]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 14:03:20 [Zakim]
- Present: alyver, jean_luc_di_manno, Nicktr, Ian
- 14:03:22 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, alyver, cweiss, hober, pea13, canton, adamR, mkwst, schuki, emschwartz, dlongley, manu, JakeA, trackbot, dlehn, slightlyoff, adrianba, Dongwoo, ShaneM,
- 14:03:22 [Zakim]
- ... oyiptong, nicktr, Ian
- 14:04:15 [Ian]
- --> Agenda
- 14:04:22 [Ian]
- present+ zkoch
- 14:04:41 [Ian]
- present+ MattDeGanon
- 14:04:48 [deganon]
- deganon has joined #wpwg
- 14:05:09 [Ian]
- Topic: Payment Apps
- 14:05:34 [zkoch]
- zkoch has joined #wpwg
- 14:06:05 [Ian]
- Proposal: Disband the payment apps task force after PR API goes to CR; move conversations to this meeting
- 14:06:38 [nicktr]
- Strong +1
- 14:06:51 [alyver]
- +1
- 14:06:51 [zkoch]
- +1, though you can have your own editor mtg
- 14:06:57 [zkoch]
- but substantive issues should be discussed here
- 14:07:08 [Ian]
- (IJ clarifies: Editors will still do work; WG will take on the decision-making around big issues)
- 14:07:29 [Ian]
- present+ Molly
- 14:07:37 [Ian]
- present+ AdrianHB
- 14:08:00 [Ian]
- adrianhb: +1
- 14:08:16 [deganon]
- +1
- 14:08:22 [Ian]
- topic: Payment Request API CR update
- 14:08:39 [Ian]
- Chair: Ian
- 14:09:20 [Ian]
- zkoch: We had to postpone Editor meeting until this I will have more after that meeting
- 14:09:47 [Ian]
- present+ dezell
- 14:10:03 [Ian]
- zkoch: Marcos has been raising issues/pull requests as he implements and tests
- 14:10:19 [dezell]
- dezell has joined #wpwg
- 14:10:35 [Ian]
- ...for some scenarios where we were ignoring issues, we have decided to fail more often now
- 14:10:49 [Ian]
- ...these are small issues to adjust the spec regarding detailed behavior around failure cases
- 14:10:57 [Ian]
- ....validating PMIs, avoiding duplicates
- 14:11:13 [Ian]
- ...we finally merged a pull request regarding what to do when the user switches a tab when the PR is open
- 14:11:32 [Ian]
- I look at remaining issues, I believe the two remaining pull requests should close the last of the 2 substantive CR-dependent issues
- 14:11:43 [Ian]
- of them is to match existing browser behavior
- 14:12:06 [Ian]
- ..our plan today at the editor meeting is to try to close the final issues
- 14:12:12 [Ian]
- ...we hope to be done by the end of the week
- 14:12:23 [Ian]
- ...I will follow up with an email to the group after the editor meeting
- 14:12:29 [Ian]
- present+ Ken
- 14:12:51 [nicktr]
- ian: we have a group decision to go to CR
- 14:13:33 [nicktr]
- ...the remaining issues are about very fine details and error handling and so the decision is still valid
- 14:14:16 [nicktr]
- ...checking in with the group to ensure that that view represents consensus - does anyone have concerns about fixes proposed
- 14:14:16 [Ian]
- IJ: Any concerns by anyone about detailed fixes?
- 14:14:19 [Ian]
- [No comments]
- 14:14:20 [Ian]
- q?
- 14:14:40 [nicktr]
- Ian: any other questions for Zach?
- 14:14:40 [dezell]
- present+ dezell
- 14:14:46 [Ian]
- zkoch: In response to IJ's comment, the things that Marcos is clarifying are really edge-cases
- 14:15:35 [Ian]
- Topic: Test suite status
- 14:15:47 [Ian]
- 14:16:18 [Ian]
- 14:16:46 [nicktr]
- Ian: this is a neat dashboard that shows you reports that can be generated from test suite
- 14:16:56 [nicktr]
- ...right now it's mostly red
- 14:17:04 [nicktr]
- ...many features are behind flags
- 14:17:21 [nicktr]
- ...Marcos believes manual testing is behind automated testing
- 14:17:40 [nicktr]
- ...we need to be able to show "green" to the director to exit CR
- 14:17:59 [nicktr]
- Ian: It's my understanding that the browser engines all slurp up these tests and reports
- 14:18:08 [nicktr]
- this activity is very valuable
- 14:18:35 [nicktr]
- Ian: zkoch - any more on testing?
- 14:18:39 [nicktr]
- zkoch: nope
- 14:19:03 [Ian]
- -> Draft transition request
- 14:19:14 [nicktr]
- Ian: we will need stable URLs
- 14:19:29 [nicktr]
- ...then we send to the director. Hopefully he approves then we can publish
- 14:20:04 [nicktr]
- Ian: Perhaps at TPAC we could look at interoperability issues - implementations side by side.
- 14:20:11 [nicktr]
- ...a "test fest"
- 14:20:21 [Ian]
- Topic: Payment Method Manifest
- 14:20:40 [Ian]
- IJ: What are the steps to FPWD?
- 14:20:57 [Ian]
- zkoch: let's do that after CR of PR API
- 14:21:35 [Ian]
- ...we have submitted that spec to the TAG who has 2 questions
- 14:21:58 [nicktr]
- Ian: I have raised a couple of issues and we need to put some issue markers in
- 14:21:59 [Ian]
- ...let's turn our attention to that after CR
- 14:22:11 [Ian]
- topic: Rechartering
- 14:22:32 [Ian]
- 14:22:55 [nicktr]
- Ian: It would be good to have a charter proposal ahead of TPAC
- 14:23:16 [nicktr]
- ...AC should be already reviewing by then
- 14:24:05 [nicktr]
- Ian: Now we are a chartered group, we propose our own charter (it doesn't come from WPIG)
- 14:24:11 [nicktr]
- q+
- 14:24:20 [Ian]
- a) What’s left to do in v1 of PR API and PMI?
- 14:24:20 [Ian]
- b) Should we start work right away on v2 features?
- 14:24:20 [Ian]
- c) I assume we will continue to work on Payment Handler API.
- 14:24:20 [Ian]
- d) What payment method specifications do we anticipate developing? (I am aware of three ideas
- 14:24:21 [Ian]
- beyond Basic Card.)
- 14:24:21 [Ian]
- e) What about out-of-browser payments? Do we want to return to those?
- 14:25:10 [nicktr]
- q+ to talk about dates but also ongoing role around short names etc
- 14:25:36 [Ian]
- ack nicktr
- 14:25:36 [Zakim]
- nicktr, you wanted to talk about dates but also ongoing role around short names etc
- 14:26:05 [Ian]
- nicktr: Let's talk about dates if we want to have our charter in review by TPAC
- 14:26:15 [Ian]
- ..then we need a solid charter by the end of September
- 14:26:27 [Ian]
- that only gives us about 4 weeks to work through what we want to see in the first draft.
- 14:26:44 [Ian]
- ..I am happy to take the lead on this (with Adrian and Ian)
- 14:27:03 [Ian]
- terms of ongoing activity, something we need to consider is our light governance role of short name
- 14:27:08 [Ian]
- ...need to take that into account re: charter
- 14:27:35 [nicktr]
- Ian: I think we should take this start on 7th September
- 14:27:41 [nicktr]
- ...please bring priorities to the call
- 14:27:52 [nicktr]
- ...what would you like us to stop/start/continue
- 14:27:59 [Ian]
- q?
- 14:28:07 [Ian]
- Topic: next meeting
- 14:28:09 [Ian]
- 7 september
- 14:28:36 [zkoch]
- cooool
- 14:28:40 [nicktr]
- Ian: I may bring payment handler issues. Please as ever let us know about other issues
- 14:28:46 [nicktr]
- Thanks all
- 14:28:47 [Ian]
- RRSAGENT, make minutes
- 14:28:47 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ian
- 14:28:49 [zkoch]
- zkoch has left #wpwg
- 14:28:50 [Ian]
- RRSAGENT, set logs public
- 16:32:32 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #wpwg
- 18:04:00 [cweiss]
- cweiss has joined #wpwg
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- cweiss has joined #wpwg
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- cweiss has joined #wpwg
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- cweiss_ has joined #wpwg