13:35:17 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:35:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/25-silver-irc 13:35:19 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:35:22 Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference 13:35:22 Date: 25 August 2017 13:35:33 present+ 13:35:33 Jan has joined #silver 13:35:50 present+ Jan 13:36:05 agenda? 13:36:17 present+ Jeanne, Dave, Shawn, Jan 13:36:44 I'd like to propose we talk about a plan for surveying other stakeholders 13:37:05 scribe: Sarah 13:37:13 present+ 13:38:34 Jeanne: follow-up on diary participants, heard from Andrew Arch who expects to have a participant 13:38:51 Jeanne: Jemma is reaching out to someone in Korea 13:39:04 Chair: Shawn 13:39:16 Jeanne: Has not heard back from contact in Japan 13:39:45 action: Jeanne to contact more people in Japan to recruit people for diary study 13:39:45 Created ACTION-116 - Contact more people in japan to recruit people for diary study [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-09-01]. 13:39:56 present+ Jennison 13:40:13 Jennison: Do we have an update on compensation 13:40:35 Jeanne: No guarantee, will reach out to contact 13:41:12 action: Jeanne to contact Amazon for gift card compensation for diary study 13:41:13 Created ACTION-117 - Contact amazon for gift card compensation for diary study [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-09-01]. 13:42:07 Jeanne: Reminder that Dave Swallow would like to start study Sept 1 13:42:27 Jennison: Assuming he will start the following week 13:43:06 Jeanne: Has drafted proposal for three interview projects, on Google Drive 13:44:11 Dave: Has put thoughts into Google Drive in surveys subfolder 13:45:09 Dave: Have survey of UX professionals 13:45:26 Dave: Have standard demographic questions 13:45:38 Dave: Have other questions about usability of SCs 13:45:47 Dave: We have translation support 13:46:15 Dave: We have a big list of names of stakeholders 13:46:40 Dave: Used that list as basis for determining stakeholder groups 13:47:55 Dave: Reads out list of stakeholder groups, could become list of people we could survey 13:48:47 Dave: Also listed research questions that could be explored using surveys 13:51:30 Dave: Reviewed next steps 13:52:21 Dave: 1 Prioritise stakeholder groups to survey 13:52:32 Dave: 2 Populate the question bank with questions that could be asked of more than one stakeholder group 13:52:44 Dave: 3 Write stakeholder-specific questions 13:52:58 Dave: 4 Identify distribution plan 13:53:12 Dave: 5 QA survey 13:53:24 Dave: 6 Create Translated version 13:53:37 Dave: 7 Launch survey 13:53:47 Dave: 8 Analysis 13:54:01 Dave: Finally, log survey design and progress 13:54:27 Dave: Purpose was to gather thoughts and start a conversation within group about approach 13:54:50 Shawn: Within next steps, add step 0 and have that be to prioritize and group questions 13:55:31 Shawn: Some stakeholder groups will be better suited to answering specific questions 13:56:17 Shawn: Provides context for prioritizing stakeholder groups 13:56:50 Jennison: Other groups that guidelines aren't reaching, like mobile app developers and designers 13:57:15 Jennison: All the other stuff that's future thinking for all the people who don't access web guidelines 13:58:01 Jennison: Accessibility professionals, broad group that includes designers and developers that do accessibility? 13:58:22 Dave: Overlap, will have people who fall into multiple groups 13:59:02 Dave: Do we survey people who do development and don't mention accessibility until you're into survey or 13:59:20 Dave: Do we reach out to people who do accessibility, not sure 13:59:55 Jennison: What about reaching out to people the guidelines aren't currently reaching 14:00:23 Shawn: When we created stakeholder map we made sure it included people who weren't web focused 14:00:57 Shawn: Tried to make it generic to cover technologies and people who are left out because of narrow focus on web content 14:01:25 Jennison: Do you feel we have that representation? Or do we need to recruit more people from non-web 14:01:42 Shawn: We have a few indentified but more outreach would be beneficial 14:02:09 MichaelC_ has joined #silver 14:02:16 Jennison: Make sure we have at least one activity that is directed to non-web development/design 14:03:05 Shawn: Yes, developer could be mobile, VR, native application 14:04:44 Shawn: Talk through prioritization of research questions? 14:04:53 Dave: Will edit doc as we discuss 14:10:22 Group reviews questions in list and sets priority levels 14:24:29 Dave: Based in ranking exercise, can identify stakeholder groups to target for priority questions 14:24:47 Stakeholder map: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/preview 14:25:50 Shawn: Brainstormed roles related to accessibility 14:26:22 Shawn: Tried to keep it granular to be helpful but not too many roles 14:26:41 Shawn: Identified interactions with accessibility guidelines for each role 14:27:16 Shawn: E.g., making policy has lots of roles with partial applicability 14:27:54 Shawn: Thinking for map was that we are getting ready for research, use to identify stakeholder groups for research 14:28:52 Shawn: Names on stakeholder list mapped to stakeholder map roles 14:29:17 Shawn: One column, action, indicates which roles need expanded representation 14:29:34 Shawn: E.g., disability organization coverage 14:30:34 Dave: Will be useful for drawing up distribution plan for surveys 14:31:16 Jan: Reminder that Scott Hollier has volunteered to help distribute surveys 14:34:32 Jennison: What about WCAG survey work, still needs to review survey 14:34:42 Sarah: Would like to list A and AA only on survey 14:34:55 Jennison: AAA not as widely known 14:36:32 Dave: Could AAAs come as a bonus part at the end? 14:37:28 Shawn: Agree 14:37:52 s/Agree/Agree about removing AAAs 14:38:13 Sarah: Will remove and then Jennison can review the survey 14:39:37 Group reviews stakeholder map roles and priority research questions 14:53:18 Dave: Exercise raises question of how to pursue research questions 14:53:31 Dave: Can ask anyone who has something to say on a topic to reply 14:53:53 Dave: Can ask survey questions designed to a specific stakeholder group 14:54:31 Dave: Will get people who might not have be interested/aware about a research question 14:54:43 Dave: Could do both 14:55:39 Shawn: As we progress through steps we will see patterns and structure surveys accordingly 14:56:44 Dave: Can do same exercise for other high-priority research questions and reconvene next week 14:57:13 Dave: Will aim to have ready for Tuesday call 14:58:25 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/25-silver-minutes.html SarahHorton 14:58:35 rrsagent, make logs public 15:02:51 zakim, clear agenda 15:02:51 agenda cleared 15:03:05 rrsagent, bye 15:03:05 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2017/08/25-silver-actions.rdf : 15:03:05 ACTION: Jeanne to contact more people in Japan to recruit people for diary study [1] 15:03:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/08/25-silver-irc#T13-39-45 15:03:05 ACTION: Jeanne to contact Amazon for gift card compensation for diary study [2] 15:03:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/08/25-silver-irc#T13-41-12