13:47:47 RRSAgent has joined #coga 13:47:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/24-coga-irc 13:47:59 zakim, this will be 13:47:59 I don't understand 'this will be', lisa 13:48:01 WAI_CogTF 13:48:10 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 13:48:10 ok, lisa 13:48:27 regrets: Mike Pluke 13:49:00 agenda: this 13:49:01 agenda+ updates - final SC for status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, 13:49:03 agenda+ updates on personlization TF, other updates 13:49:05 issues: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA 13:49:11 agenda+ wording for understanding sections https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2017AprJun/0499.html , https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hmoaVU563kTio1EZD5mbNxcc0k924qVdZZwWckcbu0/edit# and https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/ 13:49:11 agenda+ the supplement, moving forward 13:49:11 agenda+ new issue papers!! updates on bots and navigation 13:49:13 agenda+ be done 13:59:11 meeting info is at https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_coga 14:00:33 JohnRochford has joined #coga 14:03:28 AndyHeath has joined #coga 14:03:30 NeilMilliken has joined #COGA 14:03:38 test 14:03:43 present+ 14:05:12 scribe: kirkwood 14:05:26 zakim, next item 14:05:26 agendum 1. "updates - final SC for status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html," taken up [from lisa] 14:05:54 LS: satus document and will give a quick rundown 14:06:20 LS: went through interuptions, authiteciation, controls and metat data and timed evenst 14:06:22 EA has joined #coga 14:06:36 LS: unso and timed events downt to AAA to get through 14:06:37 Andy Heath is also here with EA 14:06:51 LS: we got in 6 which is better than none 14:07:13 LS: didn’t get add symbols but with puropse ccontol should enable it 14:07:32 LS: should be able to add symbols automtically 14:07:39 LS: its not everything we wnated 14:08:03 LS: going to publissh in a week and a half 14:08:15 LS: means we havfe until tuesday 14:08:32 LS: we are going to wrk first in google docs and port togithub later 14:08:43 LS: we’ll publish as part of roadmap 14:08:59 LS: shoul d move to a CSC so formally publishing as a roadmap 14:09:42 LS: we are not going to get anything new into draft but shcnages will happpen in draft, the level could change 14:09:50 LS: things can be removed 14:10:16 LS: purpose of controls and meta data are at riisk 14:11:17 LS: we can lose them, now is the time, not completely impossible that people will put in something that didnt get in if there is significant public objection 14:11:48 LS: there are maybe one or two its not imposible that will get pushed if enough of public feedback 14:12:04 LS: it will be really really important that there is feedback 14:12:17 zakim, next item 14:12:17 agendum 2. "updates on personlization TF, other updates" taken up [from lisa] 14:12:19 q? 14:12:34 zakim, take up item 3 14:12:34 agendum 3. "wording for understanding sections https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2017AprJun/0499.html , 14:12:36 ... https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hmoaVU563kTio1EZD5mbNxcc0k924qVdZZwWckcbu0/edit# and https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/" taken up [from lisa] 14:13:00 LS: we have a google document that deals with the understanding section 14:13:14 LS: we have until tuesday until it gets ported to github 14:13:44 MichaelC has joined #coga 14:14:00 LS: wondering if we have time to review. Maybe until Sunday we could take a section and take up an issue and add comments 14:14:07 it's a holiday weekend in England 14:14:21 LS: we have 2 and wondering if we could each take a section and fill it in 14:14:55 LS: we know we are going to get pushback from comapanies that want less in for perrcieived expense 14:15:39 LS: having a goood understanding section that comes with draft will hopefully persuade them 14:16:10 this is the meta data one 14:16:33 LS: i do meta dat thats AAA 14:16:46 LS: adding contextual infromation needs more work 14:17:09 LS: problem with interruption and timed events I put issue next to each one 14:17:32 Is: issue 14 its called timeouts 14:17:52 LS: ther’s undo, did it get in? 14:18:07 LS: i think andrew said it got in 14:18:28 LS: he’s saying it went through 14:18:40 LS: lets wait on undo 14:19:16 LS: autheticcation, purpose controls, meta data, interruptions, timeouts 14:19:35 LS: copying over issue into documnent and improving on it 14:19:36 q? 14:20:08 LS: earliest I can work on it is Sunday, 14:21:00 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XShLFX8fxHYYLn8A6avDwu37w9JfnZCGWvAKBpK9Xo4/edit#gid=264773938 14:21:02 ET; looked at all summaries, have been putting in document, confused issues to loook at 14:21:35 EA: has some accepted and some not , trying to work out which to address 14:21:43 LS: only the one thats accepted 14:22:03 EA: the ones that are accepted are which ones 14:22:35 LSEA: weve got controls interrupions contectual timeouts, undo is pending 14:22:49 LAEA/EA 14:22:58 LSEA/EA 14:23:20 EA: that five wanted to double check if thats all want indocument 14:23:32 LS: yes that sll we wanted for Tuesday 14:24:06 LS: we can work on things helping them get through, specifically controls 14:24:13 LS: we need techniques 14:24:23 LS: people unhappy with amount of attributes 14:24:45 LS: might be a way of getting list as is accepted 14:25:38 LS: we are going to work on differnet docuemnt. This gis going in working draft. We hav3e understanding sections think we’ll have less comments. if we tell people how to do it the more we put in understanding the better 14:26:15 LS: im going to try and copy over the content of the issues so people can add and add to it 14:26:38 action: lisa to copy info fro the issue https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hmoaVU563kTio1EZD5mbNxcc0k924qVdZZwWckcbu0/edit# 14:26:38 Created ACTION-228 - Copy info fro the issue https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hmoavu563ktio1ezd5mbnxcc0k924qvdzzwwckcbu0/edit# [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-08-31]. 14:26:54 LS: if copy it over so that eveyone can add to it before tuesday 14:27:45 LS: do people think they can add to it, only want to di it if more can go over it imporve it. Such as add use cases, strengthen the argument 14:28:04 LS: id like to people to put hand up to do it before tueaday 14:28:48 EA: lets take interuptions we are trying to marry the two for instance you get WCAG working you can actully use soem of the ISO stuff 14:29:03 q? 14:29:17 sorry 14:29:20 q+ 14:30:27 Andy: what we started to do is try and do a crosswalk between whats in tables, EA has been cleverly using her knowledge to deal with multiple documents. we spend ad day doing half a dozen took all day 14:30:53 Andy: just trying to identify coomonalities andits absolutel a large number 14:31:25 EA: undersatnding interruptions is the onw we are looking at 14:31:56 EA: need by tuesday we have bbank holiday monday so its going to be tight on time 14:32:16 LS: do you wnat ot copy ofver issue? I’ll try and do it after meeting 14:32:30 q+ 14:32:33 EA: we are trying to do more user neeeds 14:32:57 Andy: there are som many commonalities ain ISO so much overlap 14:33:51 Andy: copy over to COGA . ISO is becoming more formal. EA has a collection of points. We have reahced a point we are doing same stuff but using different words 14:34:13 LS: absolutel in the understandin section these relate to ISO needs. that would be very useful 14:35:01 Andy: technically cant reference and ISO standard until its a standard, its going to take a long time to do . we’ve done half a dozen can see how long it will take. 14:35:15 Andy: tchnicall ISO havent freleased for comment yet 14:35:28 freleased/relesaded 14:36:02 relesaded/released 14:36:58 Andy: can do we need as many comments as we can get and exposure 14:37:40 LS: ileve it to you to cross reference, maybe as a note. work out with ISO trying to have cross reference 14:40:16 Andy: it would be good if we can work together, hoping that EA and i can work on it. from tuesday can be a public document. regarding the COga Sc understnding document 14:41:12 EA: I understand copying issue 46 into document, copy and paste benefits into it as starting point 14:41:47 EA: we will copy benefits document, and see if we can add in ISO topics 14:41:48 zakim, take up item 2 14:41:48 agendum 2. "updates on personlization TF, other updates" taken up [from lisa] 14:42:12 LS: everyone else start reviewing 14:42:21 LS: any use caseds want to add put in 14:42:39 LS; we wont write over each others work don’t worry about tit 14:42:43 tit/it 14:43:11 LS: I know Jan and Andy wanted to hjoin and now you can 14:43:23 zakim, next item 14:43:23 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, lisa 14:43:29 LS: semantics will be an excellent place for user needs as well 14:43:31 q? 14:43:35 ack a 14:43:41 zakim, next item 14:43:41 agendum 3. "wording for understanding sections https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2017AprJun/0499.html , 14:43:43 ... https://docs.google.com/document/d/13hmoaVU563kTio1EZD5mbNxcc0k924qVdZZwWckcbu0/edit# and https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/" taken up [from lisa] 14:43:53 zakim, take up item 4 14:43:53 agendum 4. "the supplement, moving forward" taken up [from lisa] 14:43:56 ANdy: wil carry on working on it in background 14:44:38 Andy: if anyone wnats a draft let hinm know and he willsend it to you 14:44:50 Andy: can share documents its ok 14:45:07 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit# 14:45:24 next item 14:46:27 LS: we’’ve got six things that might get in to WCAG 2.1 we’ve proposed 39 14:46:56 LS: we’ve got great information that we don’t want to get lost 14:48:02 LS: we want to put together a document, but politically need to figure out how. What we are putting togther is a roadmap section. inclueding user testing, user agent issue, user needs and all kinds of things 14:49:04 LS: it will be a useful resourc3e ddocument, for supplement, or silver, or any other things like smart cities. Trying to ;put it all in one place. The way we’re going to di it is in roadmap 14:49:06 q? 14:49:15 LS: does everyone understand 14:49:24 Q+ 14:49:54 Andy: the aim of having everthing in one place is a good idea 14:50:36 Andy: worrd of caution not to overlapping too strongly with others, its difficult 14:51:01 LS; we should putlish after so people can review 14:51:27 putlish/publish 14:51:38 JohnRochford_ has joined #coga 14:51:44 q? 14:51:47 LS: we get in a bit of a mess with puclishing we should sort it out 14:51:49 ack n 14:51:53 present+ JohnRochford 14:52:18 Gotta get to the Low Vision Task Force meeting now. Ciao. 14:52:37 Neil: had a brief loook with roadmp, issue not with keeping all in one place. To me roacmap doesn’t shout out of list of everything we need to know 14:52:59 Neil: why do we use that name 14:53:18 LS: we have a roadmap 14:54:59 roadmap to accessiblity could be the way to characterize it 14:55:46 q+ 14:56:08 “Roadmap to Cognitve Accessiblity” could be used by large corporations and all entities 14:56:46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit# 14:57:10 LS: if we are looking at it as a roadmap could look at it as cognitive accesiblity roadmap 14:57:45 LS: ii’m changing it to building your own roadmap 14:58:04 q+ 14:58:08 LS: we can change it and play around how this one looks 14:58:18 q- 14:58:23 LS: we want a bit more that maybe is missing from WCAG 14:58:46 LS: issues such as user testing, research, intnternatinliazation, author burden 14:58:59 LS: and then how can you build policy with this information 14:59:23 https://www.w3.org/2017/11/TPAC/ 14:59:46 q+ 14:59:48 LS: wanted to mention TPAC, because of new task froce on personlization I’m going to have to make it htere. Can other people come? if they can I’ll see if I can get ameeting rooom for at least one day 15:00:33 Ack ea 15:00:39 ack and 15:00:59 I think I will be going to TPAC 15:02:31 LS: what efforst to keep what we have in 2.1. going to need some work there, if anyone can help with perosnlization or simething like that. things that might make it happen such as people using things 15:05:58 rrsagent, make logs public 15:06:07 rrsagent, create minutes 15:06:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/24-coga-minutes.html lisa 15:06:44 zakim, please part 15:06:44 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been AndyHeath, JohnRochford 15:06:44 Zakim has left #coga 15:06:59 rssagent, please part 17:30:24 kirkwood has joined #COGA